PluralSing Nouns
PluralSing Nouns
PluralSing Nouns
Project LA Activity
Plural Nouns
A plural form of a noun names more than one. It usually ends with s or es.
Write P if the noun below is plural. Write S if the noun below is singular. 1. houses 2. baby 3. church 4. tables . boo!s ". bus
Write P if the noun below is plural. Write S if the noun below is singular. 1. #ouses P 2. baby $ 3. church $ 4. tables P . boo!s P ". bus $
% ta&es
% benches
% dishes
Add ies to make nouns plural that end with a consonant and a y: lady
% ladies
% fries
Some nouns that end in f or fe change to ves when made plural: calf
% calves
% !nives
Some nouns that end in o change to es when made plural. Some change to s:
% !an'aroos
% potatoes
% sheep
% deer
% men
% 'eese