Sport Psychology - Lesson 1

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School N/A Topic Introduction to Sport Psychology

Year Group Year 10

Day N/A

Date N/A VELS: Strands, Domain, Foci and Standards. LEVEL 10 Working in teams: At Level 10, students work collaboratively, negotiate roles and delegate tasks to complete complex tasks in teams. Working with the strengths of a team they achieve agreed goals within set timeframes. Students describe how they respect and build on the ideas and opinions of team members and clearly articulate or record their reflections on the effectiveness of learning in a team. They develop and implement strategies for improving their contributions to achieving the team goals. Classroom management strategy Writing students names on the board as negative behaviour warrants and giving house points when good behaviour warrants.

Aims Learning Focus: To explore the idea of Sport Psychology. Success Criteria: We can produce a presentation outlining what Sport Psychology is using an ICT application.

Location / Setting Computer lab

Organisation / Student Groups Students grouped into groups of 3-4 depending on numbers on the given day.

Key Vocabulary Sport Psychology Study Athletes Professional

Materials, Resources and Equipment Inquiry books Computers

References/Sources See references page

INTRODUCTION (10 mins) Connecting, Engaging and Modelling Inquiry ENGAGE: Explain the learning intention and ask the students what they Sport Psychology may be. Students to write down their own definition of sport psychology, they have 5 minutes to complete this. Engage the class in a discussion around the notion of sport psychology and how it is applied. Give students a base understanding of what sport psychology may be, giving them a platform for further questioning and investigation.

MAIN BODY (60 mins) Guiding Inquiry and Practise EXPLORE: Students to find their own definition of sport psychology online. Ask students what the definition they found online was. EXPLAIN: Go over a PowerPoint presentation on sport psychology. Answer any questions students may have and explain in depth what was previously touched on in the introductory stage of the lesson. ELABORATE: Group students into groups of 3 or 4 based on number of students in class. Students are to research sport psychology using the criteria sheets (see references) in their groups to answer the questions. Students can present their findings on the following mediums. PowerPoint Weebly Prezi Tumblr Use this time to conduct formative assessment in the way of having chats with students and groups about their level of understanding of both the criteria and the ICT application they are using.

CONCLUSION (15-20 mins) Sharing, Explaining and Reviewing Inquiry EVALUATE: With students names in a hat to determine the order of which they present students are to come to front in their groups and present their findings and how they used their ICT application on the data projector. All students are to write down 2 pieces of feedback for each group. Something they did well and something they could improve on. Choose 2 students after each presentation to give a form of feedback to the group that presented.

Higher order thinking The cognitive domain of Blooms taxonomy is applied throughout this lesson. This application is in the sense that the students gather the information and comprehend this information in order to put it into their presentation. The latter stages of the cognitive domain do not come into play however, as the students only learn about the basic aspects of sport psychology and do not begin to make their own synthesis and evaluations at this stage. Early aspects of the affective domain are applied in this lessons as students begin to receive, respond and value the information they are receiving from online sources. Sustainability Investigating the relationship between body systems and their components in this case the brain and how they adapt to change. (Sustainability in Science) Introducing the idea of sport psychology as a means of modifying a bodily system and observing its changes. Students research the positive manipulations Sport Psychologists make to the minds of athletes in order to change their thought processes and consequently improve their sporting performance and well-being.

E5 Instructional Model The e5 Instructional Model derived from PoLT is embedded throughout the lesson in a sequential order as referred to in the lesson plans. Engage and Explore are the main aspects coming into play in this lesson. Students are initially engaged by having their choice of medium to present their ICT final product in, they then work on exploring not only the content but ways in which they can implement that content into their ICT application. Multi Literacies Text is provided in both physical form and online in the form of the document being uploaded to the Eduplex page. Students have a choice of mediums to present their final product in. ICT

Students have the opportunity to choose an application from a list to present their final product on. The lesson is in the computer lab where students are thoroughly encouraged to make use of the ICT facilities available.

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