Play LYT Autumn 09

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for 5-7year olds

Play LYT is the Lyceum Youth Theatre’s group for 5-7 year olds

drama games, art activities, exciting characters and stories

Play combines games and lively activities, exploring drama

through play. Sessions are run by drama tutors who have
specific professional experience working with this age range.

Block 1: 25 Sept and 2, 9 and 16 Oct ‘09

In the night time
What magical creatures live in the night time?
Where do our dreams go?
Is there really a man in the moon?
Come and explore with us!

Block 2: 6, 13, 20 and 27 Nov ‘09

Once upon a time...
What are your favourite stories?
Come and share stories and characters with us
and make up your own fantastical fairy tales.

Fridays 2 – 3.30pm.
These sessions run in 4 week blocks.
Places are £25 per block.
To book call the box office:
0131 248 48 48

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