SDR Trobleshooting Doc V1 0 20090105

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CDMA Technical Support Department

Troubleshooting Typical Problems for SDR Deployment

Troubleshooting Typical Problems for SDR Deployment

Version V1.0 Date 2009-01-05 Author Reviewer Remarks Not open to third party

$ 2009 T! Corporation. All ri&ht' re'er(ed. ZTE !"#$DE"T$A%& Thi' document contain' proprietary in"ormation o" T! and i' not to *e di'clo'ed or u'ed +ithout the prior +ritten permi''ion o" T!. Due to update and impro(ement o" T! product' and technolo&ie', in"ormation o" the document i' 'u*-ected to chan&e +ithout notice.

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$ 200% T! Corporation. All ri&ht' re'er(ed.

' (A)S T! *E + (*ET*ER RR, $S P!(ERED !" -----------------------------------------------------' 1.1 M!T./D 1........................................................................................................1 1.2 M!T./D 2........................................................................................................1 1.0 M!T./D 0........................................................................................................2 1.1 M!T./D 1........................................................................................................2 . *E +$"/ STAT,S !# !PT$ A% %$"+---------------------------------------------------------------------------. 0 !1 A%AR1& !PT$ A% 1!D,%E $"D$ AT!R !##2 RTR "!T DETE TED------------------.

0.1 T//2S...............................................................................................................2 0.2 T3/452!S.//T)N6 #3/C!D43!..............................................................0 3 !1 A%AR1& RTR "!T DETE TED 4R%S $"D$ AT!R !# T*E #!RE/R!,"D #S 5!ARD #%AS*ES "!R1A%%) A"D T*ERE $S "! #S A%AR1 $" !1 6 -----------------3 7 55, #A$%S T! START 5E A,SE !# E' PR!5%E1--------------------------------------------------------7 8 55, #A$%S T! P!(ER ,P 5E A,E !# PR!5%E1 !# P1 P!(ER S,PP%)-------------7 7.1 T//2S...............................................................................................................5 7.2 T3/452!S.//T)N6 #3/C!D43!..............................................................7 9 4!" 55,6 #A$%S T! P!(ER ,P (*$%E P1:SA:#A P!(ER ,P "!R1A%%)---------8

; #A,%T !# PA D$SA5%$"/ 4%!( P!(ER A%AR1:A,T! A%$5RAT$!" #A$%,RE:VS(R A%AR16------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 < /PS RE E$VER #A,%T-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 '= A%AR1 !# !PT$ A% 1!D,%E "!T $" P!S$T$!" --------------------------------------------------------;


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%ist of #igures an> Tables

#$/,RE ' RR, !" ATE"AT$!" !PT$ A% P!RT------------------------------------------------------------'

#$/,RE . /PS V!%TA/E 1EAS,RE1E"T ------------------------------------------------------------------------; TA+E T*E A5%E !## A"D 1EAS,RE T*E V!%TA/E----------------------------------------------------; !PPER !RE A"D ------------------------------------------------;

5ET(EE" T*E /PS !""E T!R

T*E E" %!S,RE2 (*$ * S*!,%D 5E APPR!?- 7-0V-----------------------------------------------------;

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$ 200% T! Corporation. All ri&ht' re'er(ed.



( A)S


*E + (*ET*ER


$S P!(ERED !"

8i&ure 1 334 Concatenation /ptical #ort


1etho> '
A"ter the 334 i' connected to po+er, a clear clic9 'ound +ill *e heard i" the de(ice i' po+ered on. Thi' method doe' not apply i" the 334 i' in'talled on the to+er a' the 'ound cannot *e heard in that ca'e.


1etho> .
A"ter the 334 i' connected to po+er, unco(er the 334:' concatenation port and 'ee i" there i' li&ht in'ide the 334 cham*er. )" ye', thi' mean' the de(ice i' po+ered on. )" there i' an optical module, do not loo9 at the optical module directly. The li&ht can *e 'een "rom thi' inter"ace e(en i" the optical module i' there. 5ut the optical module can al'o *e e;tracted i" nece''ary.

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$ 200% T! Corporation. All ri&ht' re'er(ed.



1etho> 0
Some time a"ter the 334 i' connected to po+er, touch the 334:' 'hell and no+ i" the 'hell "eel' a little heated, thi' mean' the de(ice i' already po+ered on. .o+e(er, the 'hell may "eel hot *ecau'e o" the 'un'hine.


1etho> 3
4'e a clamp meter to mea'ure either the 1%V or 1%V6ND po+er line. Any mea'ured current indicate' the 334 i' po+ered on 'ucce''"ully. 3emem*er N/T to clamp *oth the 1%V and 1%V6ND po+er line to te't the current. The pro*lem i', ho+e(er, the clamp meter i' o"ten uno*taina*le.

*E +$"/

STAT,S !# !PT$ A% %$"+

4'e a te'ter that can te't the 1010nm and 1550nm optical inten'ity to te't the optical inten'ity o" 554:' and 334:' 3; end. The allo+ed optical po+er ran&e' the "ollo+in&< 10=M optical module< -0d5m > -1%d5m ?3; optical po+er@A 5d5m > -10d5m ?T; optical po+er@. 10=M optical module< -0d5m > -20d5m ?3; optical po+er@A 0d5m > -5d5m ?T; optical po+er@. %0=M optical module< -0d5m > -20d5m ?3; optical po+er@A 2d5m > 0d5m ?T; optical po+er@.

The optical lin9 mu't *e "aulty i" the te'ted optical inten'ity "ail' the allo+ed ran&e.

!1 A %AR1 & ! PT$ RTR "!T DETE TED



1 !D,%E $ "D$




T+o 'el"-loop te't optical "i*er' and at lea't t+o optical module'. /ptical "i*er and optical module "or connectin& 554 +ith 334 ?'pare part' "or commi''ionin&@.

$ 200% T! Corporation. All ri&ht' re'er(ed.

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Troubleshooting Proce>ure
)t 'hould *e noted *e"orehand that the communication *et+een 554 and 334 +or9' in the "ollo+in& mode< 55,4#S6 -@optical port optical mo>ule-@optical fiber-@RR, optical port optical mo>ule-@ RR,A )" durin& 554 B 334 deployment, the "ore&round and *ac9&round are po+ered on 'ucce''"ully and the communication *et+een "ore&round and *ac9&round i' normal, *ut the /MC 'ho+' 'uch alarm' that the optical module indicator i' o"" and 3T3 "ail' to *e detected, +e can locate the "ault +ith the "ollo+in& method'< Chec9 +hether 334 i' po+ered on or not. 3e"er to Chapter 1 Cay' to Chec9 Chether 334 )' #o+ered on. Chec9 +hether the optical lin9 i' normal. 3e"er to Chapter 2 Chec9in& Statu' o" /ptical 2in9. At the "ore&round, e;tract and in'ert the 554 optical port optical module a&ain or the optical "i*er at *oth end', 'o a' to ma9e 'ure the optical module and optical "i*er are +ell in po'ition. Chec9 +hether the 554 optical port optical module i' normal or not< Chec9in& the optical port module< 4'e a prepared optical "i*er to ma9e the 8S optical module 'el" loop and o*'er(e the 'tatu' o" the 32S indicator. )" the 32S indicator "la'he' normally, it mean' the 554 i' normalA other+i'e replace the optical module or 8S *oard. ?Note< The re(er'e lin9 "rom 334 to 554, not nece''arily the "or+ard lin9 "rom 554 to 334, i' normal i" the 32S indicator "la'he' normally a"ter 554 and 334 are connected +ith the optical "i*er@. Chec9in& the optical net+or9< 2oop *ac9 "rom the end o" the optical "i*er on the 334 'ide to the 554. /*'er(e the 'tatu' o" the 32S indicator. The optical lin9 i' normal i" the 32S indicator "la'he' normally. Chec9 +hether any alarm o" the 554:' C.V and 8S *oard e;i't' ?e'pecially the D5DS lin9 "aultE alarm o" C.V, and the D/ptical port optical module not in po'itionE alarm ?to *e determined@, the D/ptical port optical module indicator o""E alarm and the D/ptical port re(er'e "rame unloc9edE alarm o" 8S@. ?name o" the alarm' are to *e determined@. )" no 'uch alarm' e;i't, it mean' the tran'mi''ion +or9' "ine. )" any o" the alarm' e;i't, the tran'mi''ion may ha(e 'ome pro*lem and in thi' ca'e, it i' nece''ary to locate any "ault o" the optical tran'mi''ion net+or9.

Di'connect po+er and connect the 8S *oard to po+er a&ain throu&h /MC operation' . 3eplace the optical "i*er "or 554F334 communication +ith a prepared or 'pare one. 3eplace the +hole 334 de(ice i" none o" the pre(iou' operation help'.

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$ 200% T! Corporation. All ri&ht' re'er(ed.



A%AR1 &




$"D$ AT!R

!# T*E #!RE/R!,"D A"D T*ERE $S "!


5!ARD #%AS*ES "!R1A%%)

A%AR1 $"

!1 6

Such alarm indicate' that the re(er'e lin9 "rom 334 to 554 i' normal. The "or+ard lin9 may *e "aulty or the 334 ha' 'ome pro*lem. Cay to locate the "ault< 1 Chec9 +hether the "or+ard lin9 i' normal< 1@ At the "ore&round, e;tract and in'ert the 8S optical port optical module a&ain or the optical "i*er at *oth end', 'o a' to ma9e 'ure the optical module and optical "i*er are +ell in po'ition. Sel" loop to ma9e 'ure the optical module and optical net+or9 are normal. Chec9in& the optical port module< 4'e a prepared optical "i*er to ma9e the 8S optical module 'el" loop and o*'er(e the 'tatu' o" the 32S indicator. )" the 32S indicator "la'he' normally, it mean' the 554 i' normalA other+i'e replace the optical module or 8S *oard. ?Note< The re(er'e lin9 "rom 334 to 554, not nece''arily the "or+ard lin9 "rom 554 to 334, i' normal i" the 32S indicator "la'he' normally ?'ee Comment' "or indicator de"inition@ a"ter 554 and 334 are connected +ith the optical "i*er@. Chec9in& the optical net+or9< 2oop *ac9 "rom the end o" the optical "i*er on the 334 'ide to the 554. /*'er(e the 'tatu' o" the 32S indicator. The optical lin9 i' normal i" the 32S indicator "la'he' normally. Chec9 +hether any alarm o" the 554:' C.V and 8S *oard e;i't' ?e'pecially the D5DS lin9 "aultE alarm o" C.V, and the D/ptical port optical module not in po'itionE alarm ?to *e determined@, the D/ptical port optical module indicator o""E alarm and the D/ptical port re(er'e "rame unloc9edE alarm o" 8S@. ?name o" the alarm' are to *e determined@. )" no 'uch alarm' e;i't, it mean' the tran'mi''ion +or9' "ine. )" any o" the alarm' e;i't, the tran'mi''ion may ha(e 'ome pro*lem and in thi' ca'e, it i' nece''ary to locate any "ault o" the optical tran'mi''ion net+or9. Di'connect po+er and connect the 8S *oard to po+er a&ain throu&h /MC operation' 3eplace the optical "i*er "or 554F334 communication +ith a prepared or 'pare one.


0@ 1@ 2

Chec9 the (er'ion o" 3T3 in /MC 1@ 2@ 0@ 1@ )n /MC, initialiGe and Huery the (er'ion o" 3T3. )n /MC, do+nload the correct 3T3 (er'ion. )n "ore&round, do+nload the 3T3 (er'ion. 3eplace the +hole 334 de(ice i" none o" the pre(iou' operation help'.

$ 200% T! Corporation. All ri&ht' re'er(ed.

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#lea'e note that i" 'e(eral 334' are connected on 'ite, it:' ad(i'a*le to '+itch the optical lin9' o" the 334' to cro''-chec9 the optical module' and optical lin9'.

55, # A$%S




The "ore&round 'ymptom +hen the !1 lin9 *et+een 554 and 5SC ha' a pro*lem i' li9e thi'< A"ter the 554 i' po+ered up and 'ome time a"ter the CC *oard &et' 'tarted, the !S0 indicator on the panel o" CC *oard "la'he', the MSI3!8 indicator i' con'tantly /N, the A2M indicator turn' /88 and "inally the 34N indicator i' con'tantly /N. Se(eral minute' later, the CC *oard 'till ha' no re'pon'e and then it i' re'et ?the A2M and 34N indicator' "la'h@. 1 #er"orm an !1 loop *ac9 te't *e"ore the !1 tran'mi''ion ca*le connect' +ith 554, to ma9e 'ure the !1 tran'mi''ion "rom the 554 'ite to 5SC +or9' "ine +ithout error code ?error code cannot *e detected in the loop *ac9 te't@. /*'er(e +hether the !1 indicator i' normal on the CC *oard:' panel ?!S0 0>0 !1 lin9'A !S1 1>J !1 lin9'@. Connect the !1 lin9 0 and no+ the !S0 indicator 'hould "la'h in normal ca'e'. Chec9 the 'eHuence o" !1 ca*le'. 8rom the D511 inter"ace, the !1 ca*le &oe' in t+o *ranche', ei&ht ca*le' each ?"our "ir't lin9' and "our later lin9'@. The ca*le o" !1 lin9 0 i' o"ten la*eled. Ma9e 'ure the !1 lin9 1 i' not u'ed a' !1 lin9 0 *y mi'ta9e ?i" it i' mi'ta9en, the !S1 indicator on CC panel "la'he'@. !;tract the SA *oard to chec9 +hether the A*i'FMode)D and 5DSF)D -umper' are in correct 'tate ?in the ca'e o" a 'in&le "rame and J5 ohm, the'e !1 -umper' do not need the cap "or 'hort circuit connection@. Chec9 +hether the !1 connector i' in normal 'tate, i" hi&h error code ratio i' "ound to *e cau'ed *y a rea'on other than the tran'mi''ion pro*lem. !;tract and in'ert the panel ca*le' a&ain to the SA *oard, or e;tract and in'ert the CC *oard a&ain. )" none o" the'e operation' help', replace the tran'"er ca*le o" the SA *oard or the SA *oard it'el". 3eplace the +hole 554 de(ice i" none o" the pre(iou' operation help'.

5 7

55, # A$%S T! P!(ER P1 P !(ER S ,PP%)

Tailor-made #M 'erial ca*le.

,P 5E A,E !#

P R!5%E1



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$ 200% T! Corporation. All ri&ht' re'er(ed.


MC4 (er'ion' o" all *oard'.


Troubleshooting Proce>ure
1 !;tract the #M *oard "rom the "rame and po+er it up. /*'er(e the indicator' on it' panel. 1@ 2@ The #M i' normal i" it' 34N indicator "la'he' normally. )" 34N and A2M indicator' "la'h Huic9ly at the 'ame time, the #M may ha(e a (er'ion pro*lem and the te't (er'ion i' u'ed. No+ u'e the #M 'erial ca*le to do+nload the "ormal (er'ion o" #M "rom the "ore&round. The (er'ion cannot *e di'tri*uted "rom the /MC "or the moment *ecau'e the +hole 554 de(ice cannot *e po+ered up yet.

)" the #M can *e po+ered up normally ?a' 'ho+n *y the 34N indicator@ a"ter it i' e;tracted "rom the "rame, *ut the +hole 554 "ail' to *e po+ered up *y the in'erted #M module, the po+er 'upply o" the #M mu't *e "aulty. 3eplace the po+er *oard o" #M.

4 !" 55,6 #A$%S T! P!(ER ,P P1:SA:#A P!(ER ,P "!R1A%%)

1 2 0 1 !;tract and in'ert the CC *oard a&ain. !;tract and in'ert the #M po+er *oard a&ain. 3eplace the CC *oard or #M *oard.


3eplace the +hole 554 de(ice i" none o" the pre(iou' operation help'.

# A,%T

PA D $SA5%$"/ 4 %!( P!(ER A%$5RAT$!" #A$%,RE :VS(R A%AR1 6


A%AR1 : A,T!

#lea'e re"er to the 38 trou*le'hootin&. )n the proce'' o" cuto(er, the connector pro*lem o" antenna "eeder may re'ult in VSC3 alarm +hich in turn lead' to #A di'a*lin&. The #A di'a*lin& u'ually come' +ith the lo+ po+er alarm, carrier lo+ po+er +arnin& and auto cali*ration "ailure. The rea'on "or #A di'a*lin& may "ail to *e "ound in the current alarm record due to the pro*lem o" alarm mechani'm employed at pre'ent. Ce can do the "ollo+in& to locate a "ault o" #A di'a*lin&<

$ 200% T! Corporation. All ri&ht' re'er(ed.

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)n the 38 control o" dynamic mana&ement, manually 'top the auto cali*ration 'o a' to a(oid repeated auto cali*ration cau'ed *y VSC3 alarm +hile the 334 i' po+ered up "or the "ir't time. Kuery +hether there i' VSC3 alarm in hi'tory alarm. Dou*le clic9 the alarm o" auto cali*ration "ailure and 'ee +hether there i' rea'on de'cription indicatin& that the auto cali*ration "ailure i' cau'ed *y VSC3 alarm. )n the 38 control o" dynamic mana&ement, manually 'tart the auto cali*ration and 'ee +hether the operation i' 'ucce''"ul. )" the cali*ration "ail', chec9 +hether there i' VSC3 alarm reported in the proce'' o" auto cali*ration. The antenna "eeder inter"ace o" 334 i' la*eled +ith 3LITL ?main antenna@ and 3L ?di(er'ity antenna@. The di""erence 'hould *e noted +hile the antenna "eeder i' *ein& in'talled. )" a VSC3 alarm i' reported, '+itch the antennae and chec9 the alarm. No+ i" the alarm di'appear', it indicate' the ori&inal 3LITL connector o" the main antenna ha' a pro*lem and it 'hould *e made a&ain.

2 0 1




)n /MC, chec9 the in"ormation attached +ith the D6#S recei(er "aultE alarm and 'ee +hether it i' a pro*lem o" open circuit or 'hort circuit o" 6#S antenna "eeder. #ro*lem o" 6#S open circuitI'hort circuit. Note that on the CC panel, the (olta&e *et+een the copper core o" the 6#S connector and the enclo'ure i' a*out 5.0V. Chec9 +hether each 'e&ment o" 6#S connector ca*le and 6#S li&htnin& arre'tor connection are normal. At the "ore&round, do the "ollo+in& chec9'< 1@ 2@ !;tract the CC *oard and chec9 +hether the 38 "eeder "rom the CC panel to the SMA connector in'ide the *oard i' connected +ell. Chec9 +hether the 'o"t "eeder copper core "rom the CC panel to the 6#S li&htnin& arre'tor i' open circuited ?or +hether the copper core i' 'horted circuited +ith the enclo'ure@. Chec9 +hether the copper core o" 6#S li&htnin& arre'tor )I/ i' open circuited ?or +hether the copper core i' 'horted circuited +ith the enclo'ure@. Chec9 +hether the "eeder connector o" the 6#S mu'hroom head i' correctly in'talled and connect it to the CC# *oard to *e po+ered up. Mea'ure the (olta&e *et+een the connector at the mu'hroom head 'ide and the enclo'ure. The (olta&e 'hould *e appro;imately 5.0V. Chec9 +hether the "eeder connector o" the 6#S i' made correctly and ma9e 'ure the "eeder and 6#S li&htnin& arre'tor are connected +ith the CC




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*oard correctly. 3eplace the reception antenna o" the 6#S mu'hroom head i" nece''ary.

8i&ure 2 6#S Volta&e Mea'urement

Ta9e the ca*le o"" and mea'ure the (olta&e *et+een the 6#S connector copper core and the enclo'ure, +hich 'hould *e appro;. 5.0V


A%AR1 !#

! PT$

A% 1!D,%E "!T $" P!S$T$!"

Ma9e 'ure in /MC that the 8#6A and C#4 (er'ion' o" the 8S *oard are correct. Compare the (er'ion' +ith tho'e o" the 'ite' that are +or9in& "ine i" nece''ary. Con"i&ure the optical module to other optical port and 'ee i" no+ the alarm di'appear'. 8or e;ample, '+itch the optical module to optical port' 0>7 o" the 8S *oard. )" the alarm per'i't', it:' recommended to replace the optical module "ir't ?i" no 'pare *oard i' a(aila*le, ta9e the optical module o"" the 334 "or a te't@. 3eplace the optical module and te't the module on all 'i; optical port' on the 8S *oard. 3eplace the 8S *oard i" none o" the a*o(e operation' help'.

0 1

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