The Wave Notes
The Wave Notes
The Wave Notes
The Wave
Morton Rhue
Chapter 4: Laurie Saunders tells her parents about the Wave. Her mother doesnt like it. Ben Rosss wife is not happy about the experiment either, but most of the students think the Wave is great. Chapter 5: Laurie decides to write an article about the Wave in the school newspaper. The principal of the school tells Ben Ross to be careful with his experiment. Chapter 6: Laurie receives a letter from a worried student and two boys have a fight over the Wave. Chapter 7: Laurie refuses to give the Wave salute. Chapter 8: Lauries story appears in the school newspaper. Many students do not like it because it says bad things about the Wave. Chapter 9: Ben Ross is unhappy about the Wave. Laurie has an argument with David about it. Chapter 10: Laurie and David go to see Mr Ross to ask him to stop the Wave. Chapter 11: Mr Ross organises a surprising last rally for the students. Chapter 12: The Wave is over.
When Ben Ross, a history teacher at an American high school, shows his students a film about the Nazis and what they did during the Second World War, they are shocked. The students ask him how it was possible for such a party to become so powerful in a civilised country. Mr Ross cannot answer this question himself, but he decides to try an experiment that might answer it. Over the next few days he introduces his class to some new ideas. He tells them that they are going to be part of a team called the Wave. The aim of the team is success, and for success you need discipline. To Mr Rosss amazement, the students like the Wave and the new discipline. They begin to work much harder and do more homework. It is as if this is what they have wanted all along. Very soon, almost everyone in the school wants to join the Wave. But it becomes clear that there is a darker side to such a team, and soon the Wave is out of control. Chapter 1: Ben Ross shows his students a film about Hitler and the Nazis and the students ask him questions about it that he cannot answer. Chapter 2: Ben Ross makes a plan. He introduces the slogan Winners Need Discipline to his class. The students like his lesson about discipline, and Mr Ross is surprised. Chapter 3: Mr Ross continues his experiment and tells the students they are now part of a team called the Wave. He teaches them how to do a special salute.
c Pearson Education Limited 2008
Teachers notes
The Wave
super-state, which was to be the centre and purpose of everyones life. People began to be attracted to the Nazis message that the problems of Germany had identifiable causes, and that by tackling these causes a bright new future was possible. After gaining power in 1933, the Nazis quickly took control of every aspect of German life. They took control of the newspapers and radio, banned all non-Nazi parties, and imprisoned their political opponents. All this was necessary, they said, to protect the future of the country. They used slogans to spread their ideas, such as: Right is what serves the people. They also began their programme of excluding the Jews from more and more aspects of national life. By January 1942, the Nazis had adopted the final solution and the mass extermination of the Jews in Europe began. No one knows how many people knew what was happening. By the end of the war, the Nazis had murdered six million European Jews. They also sent to the gas chambers other people whom they regarded as impure: the mentally ill and handicapped, the physically handicapped, gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals and political opponents. Disturbing: One of the most disturbing aspects of this mass crime was that it was not just the work of a few madmen. It was a complex operation that depended on thousands of individuals each carrying out their own small job so that the overall purpose was achieved. Resistance: Although Hitler was supported by many ordinary Germans, there were also numerous resistance movements in Germany throughout the Nazi period. Between the years 1938 and 1942, several army officers opposed Hitlers plans for war with Britain, France and the Soviet Union. Hitler survived several unsuccessful assassination attempts during his years in power. The German Catholic church was openly critical of the Nazis policy of euthanasia of the mentally ill and physically disabled. Their organised opposition led the regime to alter its policy in this area. German communists were also involved in resisting the regime after the entry of the Soviet Union into the war. Recent atrocities: The kind of psychological and social pressures that led to Nazism are not only to be found at a certain time in Germany or Europe. Even in the last few decades thousands or even millions of innocent people have been murdered in Nazi-style purification programmes or for the sake of revenge. These killings have happened in many different places, such as in Africa, in former Yugoslavia, in Cambodia, in South America and elsewhere. Social science experiments have shown the frightening extent to which people will simply obey authority. In the 1960s, at the time of the trial of the Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichman, a psychologist called Stanley Milgram carried out a series of experiments at Yale University which showed that most participants did not refuse to administer harmful electric shocks to another person for as long as they were instructed to do so by a person in authority. Experiments such as this show how frighteningly easy it is to make people act in a way which is contrary to their moral beliefs. Yet, they have also shown that a minority will oppose the group and disagree with authority when they think it is right to do so.
Discussion activities
Before reading
1 Discuss: Ask the students to note down three things that they know about Nazi Germany. If necessary, help them by asking a few questions such as: When were the Nazis in power? Who was their leader? What did they do during their time in power? After a few minutes put the students into small groups and tell them to share their information.
Teachers notes
The Wave
Chapter 3, pages 911 After reading
4 Pair work: Put the students into pairs. Student A is David and student B is another member of the football team. Tell the students to imagine how the conversation at the end of Chapter 3 will continue. After ten minutes, ask some of the pairs to act out their conversation for the rest of the class. stage play. Then each pair practises the dialogue until they can do it without reading the text. Make sure the students pay careful attention to pronunciation and intonation. Ask some of the pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the whole class.
Vocabulary activities
For the Word List and vocabulary activities, go to
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