Archetype Helps People Brand Example Innocent: Retain or Renew Faith Ivory
Archetype Helps People Brand Example Innocent: Retain or Renew Faith Ivory
Archetype Helps People Brand Example Innocent: Retain or Renew Faith Ivory
Archetype Innocent Helps people Retain or renew faith Brand example ivory
OR Archetypes and motivation The motivation for a innocent archetype is independence and fulfillment. The customer fear entrapment, selling out and emptiness. This archetype helps people find happiness.
The Innocent also may be known as Pollyanna, puer or puella, utopian, traditionalist, naive, mystic,saint, romantic, dreamer.
Core desire: to experience paradise Goal: to be happy Fear: doing something wrong or bad that will inconvenience, provoke punishment stratergy: do things right Gift: faith and optimism
The Call: a desire for purity, goodness, and simplicity Level One: childlike simplicity, naive, dependent, obedient, trusting, idyllic Level Two: renewal, positive, reinventing, reframing, cleansing, reentering the Promised Land Level Three: an almost mystical sense of oneness, whereby Innocence comes from values and integrity, not outer experience; being, not doing Shadow: denial, repression
Harley Procter, one of the founders of Procter & Gamble, was sitting in church thinking about how to market a new soap that accidentally oated. When the minister began reading the 45TH psalm. Hence came the name Ivory and the idea that this soap could be associated with purity, goodness, and renewal so pure, [that] it oats. The rst wrappers were white with black writing, updated to white and blue later to convey an image of crisp cleanliness. The slogan, of course, was 99 and 44/100 percent pure.
The rm promoted as the Ivory look. The consistency of this approach, over time, allowed Ivory to take on a meaning that translated its physical purity (as having relatively few defects) into a kind of metaphorical spiritual purity. And in some special way, that purity was associated with America, with family values, and with all that is right with the world.