Seeds of Suicide

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Seeds of Suicide

The Ecological and Human Costs of

Globalisation of Agriculture

Dr Vandana Shiva,
Afsar H. Jafri,
Ashok Emani
Manish Pande

Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (RFSTE)

A- 60, Hauz Khas, New Delhi – 110 016, INDIA
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The Changing Nature of Seed*

From Public Resource to Private Property

‘We aim to transform Indian agriculture from a passive, conservative,

traditional form, to a vibrant, progressive, scientific and enterprising one.
[This] process can be described as a revolution initiated by the farmer,
for the farmer, through the farmer’.
Mahyco corporate literature

‘We don’t sell seed; we sell profit’

Bioseed Genetics corporate literature

1. Diverse Seeds for Diversity

Farmers have for millennia studied, identified, modified, cultivated and
exchanged seeds freely in order that they may provide for themselves the best
for their utilisation. In this capacity the farmer has always been a scientific plant
breeder. Farmers have traditionally conserved and developed this diversity in
their fields through on-going cultivation of the varieties. As the farmer produced
mainly for the family, the village, and then the rest of the world, with the main
vision being sustainability of both lifestyle, and nature (including land and water
resources), it was in his interest to conserve the plant varieties developed by
Genetic diversity is essential in agriculture for developing plants with
characteristics to suit the ecological conditions, nutritional needs and other uses
by farmers and for conferring at least partial resistance to diseases. Therefore,
it is important to understand biodiversity in its totality and not just in terms
of food crops alone. There exists a symbiotic relationship in the ecological niche
in which the crops grow. Diversity plays an important role in nutrient cycling,
controlling insect population and plant disease. Thus, on-field conservation of
all diverse plant wealth is imperative for sustainable agriculture.
Seeds of agricultural crops have been developed over centuries by farming
communities across the world. These seeds have been freely exchanged with
other communities again across the world and have led to the development

* This Chapter is based on an article by Dr. Vandana Shiva and Tom crompton, published
in the Economic & Political Weekly, 1998.

of new varieties. Today, with the entry of the multina-
To increase soil fertility, we can take 10 kilos tional sector in seed production and supply as well as
of cow dung and add 250gm of Ghee, stir for new technologies for producing seed, seed varieties
4 hrs, to it add 500 gm of honey and 1 kg of have been given a variety of names depending on who
jaggery then again stir for 4 hours. After that it evolved it, how it was evolved and its potential for
becomes very good food for soil micro-organ-
making profits.
isms. To it add 200 liters of water. We call it
Farmers’ varieties are those varieties which have
Amrit pani/Sanjivini pani. Apply it to one acre of
been developed by farmers over the years to suit their
land. Then mulch it. Fourteen hundred farmers
ecological, nutritional, taste, medicinal, fodder, fuel,
of Maharashtra, Goa are using this method to
increase their wealth of earthworms in the soil. and other needs. These have sometimes been called
These earthworms guide other microorganism landraces to distance them from the contributions that
for supplying nutrient to the plants. A farmer farmers have made towards their evolution through
Pandharpur in Maharashtra has a 23-acre selection. They have also derogatorily been called
vineyard, where he is using this method. His primitive cultivars in contrast to elite cultivars as those
farm yielded grapes to a tune of 1 tonnes per evolved by scientists. Farmers’ varieties like any other
acre, which is a record. seed variety, are an embodiment of intellectual contri-
- Kunwarji Bhai Zadav, bution. Farmers’ varieties are perennial and sustainable.
All India Kisan Sabha Farmers’ varieties are also referred to as indigenous
seeds, native seeds, organic seeds, heirloom seeds and
heritage seeds, jwaari, nate, desi etc.
High yield varieties (HYVs), or green revolution seeds are misnamed
because the term implies that the seeds are high yielding in and of themselves.
The distinguishing feature of these seeds, however, is that they are highly
responsive to certain key inputs such as fertiliser and irrigation. They are
actually, high response varieties. Though these seeds can be saved by farmers,
they are non-sustainable due to vulnerability to diseases and pests and therefore
need to be replaced after one or two crops.
Hybrid seeds are the first generation seeds (F1) produced from crossing two
genetically dissimilar parent species. The progeny of these seeds cannot
economically be saved or replanted, as the next generations will give much
lower yields.
Hybridisation is only one of the breeding techniques. It does provide high-
yielding varieties, but so do other breeding techniques. It is thus like biological
patenting the seed. No one else, neither the farmer nor a rival company, can
produce exactly similar seeds unless they know the parent lines, which are the
company’s secrets. This characteristic of the hybrid seed has been fundamental
to the rapid growth of the American Seed Industry. The corporate seed sector
in India is also involved mainly in the development of hybrid seeds including
seeds of maize, sorghum, vegetables, and foodgrains.
The hybrid seeds are also called “Sarkari” seeds as these seeds have initially
been developed and distributed by the public sector in India.
Today there are three kinds of producers of seed:

a.) Farmer Seeds: the farmer has historically been the producer of perennial
varieties, which could reproduce themselves eternally.

b.) Public Sector Seeds: Public sector research institutions have bred short term
varieties for “high yield”. These seeds could for some time be saved and
used by the farmer, but their yield reduces after a few years.

c.) Private Sector Seeds: Private companies and
Transnational corporations produce non-renew- The main concern is that organic farming is
able and therefore non-sustainable seeds through being hijacked by corporations. The large multi-
national are growing crops that may be techni-
hybrids and tissue culture, where the farmer has to
cally organic but ignore organic soil practices,
return to the company for fresh seed, each time he
farm labour justice, wild life management. The
has to sow.
organic farmers had to put up a tough fight with
The last is called biological patenting of seed. Patents multinational such as Monsanto who were
give the owner of the seed the exclusive right to planning to water down the efforts of organic
multiply, save, develop further varieties and sell seeds. farmers. The USDA considered a National
Organic Legislation that would include geneti-
Biological patenting effectively prevents the farmer from
cally modified food, irradiated foods, and use of
multiplying, saving and selling the seed.
toxic sludge and that would be considered as
bio-fertilisers. In protest, 300,000 farmers wrote
2. The Decline of the Public Sector letters to the agencies about it. We have to now
The shift from indigenous varieties of seeds to the Green a days go two ways; one is to defend ourselves
Revolution (high yielding and hybrid) varieties also and the other to take the movement forward.
involved a shift from a farming system controlled by - Dave Henson, organic farmer for 25 years
peasants to one controlled by agri-chemical and seed and presently with Occidental Arts and
corporations, and international agricultural research Ecology Center, USA
centers. The shift also implied that from being a free
resource reproduced on the farm, seeds were trans-
formed into a costly input to be purchased. Countries had to take international
loans to diffuse the new seeds, and farmers had to take credit from banks to
use them. International agricultural centers supplied seeds, which were then
reproduced, crossed and multiplied at the national level.

The National Seed Policy

The Royal Commission of Agriculture (est. in 1928) was the first body to
recognise the necessity of the high quality seed. In seeking to promote the
agriculture, Royal Commission placed emphasis on the production and
distribution of the quality seed. The National Seed Corporation Ltd. (NSC) was
founded in 1963 and was charged with the systematic production and
distribution of seed. This action was followed by the passage of Central Seed
Act, which provided the statutory support for quality control. The National Seed
Review Team was constituted in 1967 to make recommendations to the
National Commission on Agriculture. Among the recommendations were
strengthing the power of NSC and to foster the creation of additional
government organisations to produce and distribute seed, including the State
Farm Corporation of India (SFCI), 13 State Seed Corporations (SSC’s), 19 seed
certification agencies and 26 seed testing laboratories. The passage of Central
Seed Act, 1996 laid the legal foundation for present day seed industry. During
the 1960s and the 1970s the participation of the private seed industry was
minimal. The situation changed dramatically in mid 1980s, when the private
seed industry experienced a sudden expansion; primarily by the appearance
of the attractive market of hybrid sorghum and pearl millet. The specific policy
reforms introduced in the 1987 further encouraged the growth of private seed
industry. There was a subtle take over of the government control of the seed
by the private companies. Firstly, many public breeding institutes began making

germplasm (e.g. inbred lines) more readily available to private companies.
Secondly, industry licensing policy was modified to attract greater participation
of Indian companies as well as companies with minority foreign ownership.
The so-called reform process further threw open in 1988 with the passing
of the New Policy for Seed Development. This landmark legislation was the
process of handing over the seed sovereignty of the country to the foreign
participation. The New Policy for Seed Development permitted private
companies to import seed of vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants,
although the imported material was subjected to prior approval by the Indian
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). Imports of the seed of coarse cereals,
pulses and oilseeds were also permitted following the approval from ICAR. In
the seed production and distribution the private companies are reluctant to
deposit the seed to the government agencies on the pretext that these might
fall in the hands of their competitors.
Policy reforms introduced in the 1980s and 1990s led to lowering of many
legal barriers, which was characterised by the rapid growth in the number of
companies. The MNCs by arriving with lucrative job offers and better working
conditions have infact marginalised the public R&D centers of the country. The
Public Sector Units (PSU) have very little of the talent as most of the
professionals have gone to the other side. Although the research component
still persists, but this drain has lead to the deterioration of the public breeding
programme of the government.
Whilst the Green Revolution of the 1960s and ’70s was orchestrated by the
public sector, the so-called ‘Second Green Revolution”, based upon new hybrid
and genetic technologies, will be driven by the private sector. Accompanying
this shift is a change in motivation from one based upon the common interest
(however misguided this may have proven to be in practice) to one based upon
corporate profit. Who, under this new regime, will pursue research in the public
interest where this does not concur precisely with corporate interest? In this
section, the decline of the public sector seed industry will be charted. The next
section will examine the rise of the private sector.

The Privatisation of the Public Sector

There are as yet no cases of transnational taking over public sector companies
in the Indian seed industry (though there has been at least one attempt-see
below). Under Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs), investment in the
public sector, and therefore the competitiveness of this, has fallen. Its role has
now diminished to:

• Provision of open pollinated seed. The majority of seed distributed by State

Seed Corporations is open pollinated. The market for open pollinated seed
is expected to decline as pressure to use hybrid seed increase. But at
present, SSC sales of Open Pollinated Varieties (OPVs) do little to compete
directly with private sector sales (predominantly of hybrid seed). Successful
public sector pearl millet hybrids represent an exception, to this
generation. However, the area planted under pearl millet (denigrated as
a ‘coarse cereal’) is falling nationally (Ram, 1996).
• Sale of hybrid seed in crops for which there is little private sector interest.

Public sector bajra (pearl millet) hybrids are extolled as demonstrating the
continued competitiveness of public sector research and development.
However, the area of land planted under pearl millet is actually falling
annually, as farmers turn to other, more commercial, crops.
• Erosion of the public sector market share. It is a professed aim of State Seed
Corporations and Agriculture Departments to encourage the shift to
increased use of hybrid seed; a market increasingly dominated by
transnational companies (or national companies with tie-ups with foreign
• Production of parental lines. Increasingly, the role of public sector research
institutions is viewed as the production of parental lines to be given to
private companies for further development.

• Sale of private sector seed. Seed from private sector companies, particularly
maize and sunflower seed from transnational, comprises an important
proportion of total seed distributed through some State Seed Corporations.
This attracts Central and State Government subsidies, amounting to direct
though unacknowledged, governmental support for the private sector.

The Structure of the Public Sector

The National Seeds Corporation
The National Seeds Corporation (NSC) was established in 1963, with the
massive importation of new high yielding varieties. The NSC became the
distribution arm of the public sector, responsible for the production and
marketing of varieties bred at ICAR funded institutes and agricultural
universities. Its role has since been largely superseded by the State Seed
Corporations. However, it still grows seed, under contract to 7000 farmers, to
compensate for shortfalls in seed production by the SSCs. The NSC is an
important producer of vegetable seed, particularly open pollinated varieties of
around 100 products, and about nine are hybrids. The director, Deepika Padda,
claims that the NSC produces vegetable seed over an area of 900,000 hectares,
by comparison to a total private sector production area of 1,500,000 hectares.
Despite being (or perhaps because it is) such an important producer of vegetable
seed, attempts were made by World Bank representatives to persuade the
director of the NSC to cut back vegetable seed production. Whether or not
the private sector can be entrusted with the pricing of vegetable seed in the
absence of public sector competition is equivocal. Cabbage seed imported from
Japan and sold by the National Seeds Corporations for Rs. 6000 per kilogram
is sold by a private company for Rs. 12-15,000 per kilogram. Meanwhile, the
NSC has maintained a workforce of around 600 (comparable to its strength
in the 1960s), the private seed company is paying recent graduates Rs. 2,500
(or US $ 70) per month.

State Seed Corporations

Thirteen State Seed Corporations were established in 1975, under World Bank
funding. These largely took over public sector seed production from the NSC.
They still comprise a highly important sector of the Indian seed industry,

particularly with respect to open pollinated cereal varieties. The managing
director of Andhra Pradesh SSC, for example, estimates that this provides some
75% of the seed requirements of the state; 40% of this seed is hybrid, much
of it provided by the private sector.
The remainder of the seed supplied by the State Seed Corporation, in the
case of Andhra Pradesh (AP), is produced by some 6000 share-holding
“cultivating farmers”. Nuclear seed, developed in the public sector-by ICRISAT,
ICAR, and the Universities-is used in the production of breeder, foundation,
and certified seed. This is then processed at one of eighteen processing units
in the State, and supplied to farmers.
Some SSCs are financially profitable. The AP-SSC, for example returned an
8% dividend to shareholders last year. It seems however, that profitability is
set to increase the threat from the private sector. This is not merely manifest
as an encroachment upon the market share of SSCs. For example, John
Hamilton, then managing director of Cargill, tried (with the support of World
Bank representatives) to buy Karnataka SSC.

Research and Development

All private sector representatives concur that the competitiveness of public
sector varieties and hybrids is falling. The managing director of IML Seeds
estimates that 90% of maize, and virtually all sunflower seed now sold, are
private sector hybrids (or varieties). Even State Seed Corporations are
increasingly supplying private sector hybrids. Several contributory reasons are
suggested for this:

1. The success of private-sector advertising campaigns.

2. Funding problems, both nationally, with higher education funding in crisis,
and internationally (for example, withdrawal of international funding for
ICRISAT in Hyderabad), leading to under investment in public sector
research programs.
3. Public sector bureaucracy.
4. The failure of poorly trained SSC staff to properly maintain public sector
lines, which are given to SSCs for perpetuation.

This has lead to a shift in the role of the public sector. Increasingly, public
sector research establishments are seen as the providers of lines for further
development and refinement by the private sector. These are made freely
available to private sector breeders.
Paddy and wheat seed sales are still dominated by the public sector,
although with increasing private sector interest in hybrid paddy, the public
sector of sales of this seems set to diminish. Sales of public sector hybrids of
pearl millet are also good, though (as mentioned above) there is comparatively
little private sector competition for the market for hybrids of so-called ‘coarse
cereals’, for which the area cropped nationally is falling annually.
Many smaller seed companies rely upon sales of public sector hybrids and
varieties. Other new companies have used sales of these to maintain viability
whilst developing their own hybrids. Examples are provided by J.K. Agri
Genetics and IML Seeds, both of which entered the seed market in 1989, in

the wake of the New Seed Policy (1988). Initially, both companies relied upon
sales of public-sector varieties and hybrids, before launching their own research
and development programs. However, it is generally recognised that relying
exclusively upon sales of public bred hybrids is difficult. Such hybrids are
available to all small companies, and competition is stiff. Subsidies for public-
sector suppliers of this same seed makes private sector involvement less
attractive. Furthermore, and in response to the intensive advertising campaigns
of large seed companies, farmers are moving increasingly toward use of
proprietary hybrids. Many smaller seed companies will be hard-hit by the dual
effects of the diminishing competitiveness of public-sector varieties and hybrids,
and heavy investment in the expansion of the private sector market for
proprietary hybrids.

World Bank Funding of the Public Sector

World Bank-funded National Seed Projects (NSP) were initiated in the mid-
seventies, to make the Indian seed industry ‘more viable and result-orientated’.
That is, ‘to create necessary infrastructural facilities for seed production,
conditioning, storage and distribution of high quality seeds’ (Chopra et al,
1995). Three such Projects (NSP I, NSP II, and NSP III) were undertaken
(beginning in 1975, 1981 and 1988, respectively). The last of these three ran
up until 1996. The proportion of funding for each Project offered to the private
sector follows an trend representative of the shift in emphasis from public to
private sector investment under Structural Adjustment Programs (Table 1.1).
In particular, World Bank policy
changed in 1993, when it was con- Proportion of World Bank funding for each successive
cluded that investment in the public National Seed Project earmarked for the private sector
sector seed industry was unproductive.
National Seed Beginning (Year) Apportioned to Private
Subsequently, support was concen- Project Sector (Approximate)
trated in the private sector. In the case
NSP I 1975 -
of NSP III US $ 30 million credit was
made available to private companies NSP II 1981 20-25%
through the National Bank for Agricul- NSP III 1988 60%
(ran until 1996)
tural and Rural Development
(NABARD) under favorable loan agree- Source: Personal communication by Tom Crompton with K.R. Chopra, World
ments. Specifically, these were made Bank Consultant, 1997
available for infrastructural improve-
ments, germplasm import, agricultural education and seed testing (they did not
cover working capital or land purchase). Recently, an FAO team recommended
against a Fourth Project, concluding that the growth of the seed industry will
continue without further intervention. (However, individual state governments
are invited to submit applications for financial support for the private sector
to the World Bank. Uttar Pradesh, where the private sector is ‘under-developed’,
is thought to be pursuing such sources of funding).

3. The Privatisation of the Seed Sector

The Indian seed industry is undergoing a period of rapid change inaugurated
by the economic liberalisation of the past decade including the New Seed

Policy of 1988. The structural adjustment programmes of the 1990’s and the
coming into force of the W.T.O. agreements on Trade Related Intellectual
Property Rights (TRIPs), the New Seed Policy lifted restrictions on private sector
import of foreign germplasm, enabling larger seed producers, particularly those
with foreign collaborations, to access seeds from international sources.
Increasingly, the public and private sectors are being delineated in terms of the
type of seed they each produce. The public sector focuses on the development
and production of open pollinated varieties (OPVs), which are less commer-
cially exploitable than hybrid seeds. The private sector concentrates upon these
latter and more remunerative crops (such as vegetables). This is a polarisation,
which is set to continue, particularly as pressure on farmers to switch to use
of high yielding hybrids intensifies. Despite this polarisation, both the public
and private sectors are engaged in initiatives to increase hybrid seed usage
amongst those farmers currently using open pollinated varieties.
Predictions suggest that the Indian seed industry will be worth some 20
billion rupees (around US $600 million) annually by the turn of the century.
Indeed, the former managing director of Monsanto, S. D. Khanna estimates that
it will be worth 60 billion rupees (around US $ 2 billion). As the commercial
value of seed sales grows, the proportion of these accounted for by the public
sector is diminishing, with more farmers turning to high yielding hybrid seeds
produced by private seed companies. Simultaneously, there will be a continued
coalescence of the industry around a few key companies, most of which will
either be subsidiaries of transnational companies, or otherwise have entered
joint agreements with such companies. Representatives of large seed companies
(and in some instances the directors of smaller companies) admit that the future
for low-turnover domestic seed enterprises looks grim.
There is uncertainty over the actual current value of the seed industry,
though it is anticipated that this stands at 12,000-16,000 million rupees per
annum. Estimates placed the value of the industry (both public and private)
at 10,000 million rupees back in 1994. According to one such estimate, the
value of seed sales broke down by market sector as detailed in Table 1.2.
This massive and continued growth is attributed to a shift in seed sales away
from the public sector and towards the private sector, commensurate with an
increasing demand for high-yielding hybrid seed. As K.R. Chopra (managing
director of Mahendra Seeds, president of the Seed
Association of India, and consultant of the World Bank)
Estimated Value of Various Sectors of Seed
writes: “The commercial exploitation of hybrid vigor
Industry, as of 1994 Figures
in recent years has been a crucial factor in phenomenal
(in Million Rupees)
increase of private sector contribution to the total
Public Sector 4000 turnover” (Chopra et al, 1995). The managing director
Private Sector 6000
of Mahyco, Mr. R. Barwale, estimates that the distribu-
Organised 3500
Large 2150 tion of the market has shifted since 1994 (see Table
Small 1350 1.2). He suggests that currently some 30% are
Unorganised 2500 attributable to the public sector (state seed companies),
Total 10000 40% to ‘large’ private companies, and 30% to ‘small’
Source: Data complied by Mallick (1995). The
seed companies. If he is correct, this represents a small
operational definitions of ‘large’ and ‘organised’ shift away from the public sector, and a significant shift
are not clear. within the private sector in favor of large companies

over the last three years. However, these figures are essentially speculative, and
Barwale was unclear how he defined a ‘large’ (or ‘small’) company.
Table 1.3 shows one projection for a breakdown of the growth of the seed
industry, by crop type. TABLE 1.3
Estimates of the proportion of the Breakdown of the growth of the seed industry
market accounted for by hybrid seed Crop 1994 1997 2002
sales (in terms of value, rather than
Paddy 200 275 350
volume) also vary, but the suggestion
Wheat 220 325 450
by Mr. S.U. Baig (Director, Nath
Sorghum 75 90 115
Seeds) that this stands at 70-75 %
represents a consensus viewpoint. Maize 65 70 90
Baig also estimates that 25% of the Pearl millet 35 44 60
market is held by 15 or 16 companies Sunflower 10 14 20
(perhaps 10% of all companies na- Mustard 8 12 15
tionally). Indeed S.D. Khanna, the Others 87 170 400
former manager of Monsanto suggests Volume 700 1000 1500
that there are only 15-20 ‘sustainable’ Value (Rs million) 10,000 15,000 30,000
seed companies in the country.
Source: Kapoor and Sindhu, 1995.
Khanna goes further, suggesting that
suppliers within the public-sector have Note: Seed Industry growth projections (thousand tonnes). The bottom row
also shows total projected sales of seed, in both public and private sectors.
‘only survived this long due to igno-
rance of farmers’’.
The reduction in the public sector market share is difficult to document,
for two reasons. Firstly, the seed production of State Seed Corporations, the
main public sector suppliers of seed, continue to grow. What is not clear is
whether this is growing in proportion to the expansion of the overall market.
Secondly, State Seed Corporations themselves buy seed from the private sector
(Andhra Pradesh State Seed Corporation, for example, buys some 25% of its
seed from the private sector). This means that an appreciable proportion of seed
sales by this Corporation are, in actual fact, attributable to the private sector.
Expectations for the expansion of the seed market are derived from two
considerations. The first is based upon estimates that at present a high
proportion of seed is saved by farmers from year to year. This may be seed
saved from commercially bought open pollinated varieties, or even second
generation (F2) hybrid seed. In addition, a significant proportion of this seed
is taken from local ‘landraces’. It is anticipated that farmers will increasingly
buy new seed each year, and where they are using landraces, will turn to
alternative commercial varieties and hybrids. The second consideration is that
farmers are expected to increasingly turn to more expensive hybrid seed in
preference to open pollinated varieties. Each of these factors will be considered

Farmer Saved Seed

Estimates of the ratio of farmers who replant saved seed each year vary. The
managing director of IML Seeds, Mr. J.V. Laxman Rao, estimates that nationally
in 1990 around 10% of farmers bought new seed annually, rising to 25% in
1997. He claims that this is now set to increase 5-6% per annum. Mr. Agrawal,
the general manager of ProAgro-PGS, estimates that overall use of ‘quality seed’

is 9.5% (Agrawal, 1996). The eighth five-year plan (1991-96) set a target of
a 6% seed replacement ratio. The target for the ninth five-year plan (running
to 2001) is 8%. Most farmer saved seed is OP or local landrace. Open pollinated
(OP) seed performs well for four to five generations, with minimal selection
of plants each year. In addition, some hybrid seed is planted in the second or
third generation (F2 and F3). Second generation maize seed for example, is
used in preference to new OP seed, according to the managing director of IML.
Table 1.4 shows the amount of seed supplied by the industry for each of
six crops, in 1994. Also shown is the estimated percentage that this represents
of the total seed planted. This is calculated on the basis of average seed
requirements per unit area of a particular crop. As might be anticipated,
relatively little seed is bought for crops which are predominantly open
pollinated (paddy and wheat). Other crops where hybrid seed is available, show
higher proportions of supplied seed. In fact, the proportion of sunflower seed
that is taken from suppliers is now probably far higher (estimates suggest that
around 95% of sunflower seed planted is hybrid, and most of this will be re-
bought annually).
The Agricultural Commissioner for
TABLE 1.4 Andhra Pradesh estimates that be-
Seed supplied (in tonnes) by the seed industry in 1994, for a
tween 10% and 30% of cereal seed
range of crops, and estimates of the proportion
planted in the state annually is of local
Crop Seed supplied Seed supplied as percentage landrace varieties. In particular, use of
(tonnes) of seed planted (calculated on landraces is concentrated in:
basis of total area under crop)
Paddy 150,000 11.7% • areas of newly-cultivated land,
which tend to be farmed by
Wheat 200,000 8.3%
novice farmers unclear of the
Sorghum 45,000 25.9%
vaunted advantages of use of
Maize 35,000 29.4%
commercial seed
Pearl millet 30,000 71.8%
Sunflower 7,000 43.0% • areas where water shortage makes
investment in commercial seed
Source: Chopra et al, 1995.
less attractive

• areas where credit for purchase of commercial seed, fertilisers and

pesticides is difficult to secure

• areas where local landraces are preferred due local taste preference.

The Shift Towards Hybrids

At the National Conference on Seeds, Agra (in 1993), targets were set for annual
increases in the hybrid seed production (expressed as mass of seed) up until
1997 (see Table 1.5).
K.R. Chopra estimates that total hybrids use has increased from 8% (1994)
to an estimated 25% (1997) of seed annually planted. The director of Nath seeds
estimates current hybrid seed use as shown in Table 1.6.
Factors contributing to this remarkable increase in hybrid seed use will be
considered in some detail. Chopra identifies two such factors; 1) the
development (by the private sector) of short-maturing hybrids; and 2) the hiking

of grain prices, making heavy investment in hybrid TABLE 1.5
seed commercially viable for those farmers who can Yearwise hybrid seed production plan
afford it. Note the maintenance of these grain prices (1992-3 to 1996-7)
is determined in part by seed suppliers (Cargill, for Crop Annual growth rate (%)
example, who are able to manipulate maize prices, Maize 17
also sell hybrid seed for planting). To these two
Sorghum 6
further factors might be added; 3) an intensive
Pearl millet 22
advertising campaign conducted by seed companies,
Sunflower 63
and augmented by government-funded projects to
Castor 14
increase farmer’s acceptance of hybrid seed and; 4)
according to some industry representatives, the Source: Chopra et al (1995)/. ’Annual Growth Rate’
effects of farmer-to-farmer advocacy of hybrid use. refers to annual targeted proportional increase in hybrid
seed sales.
The marketing manager of Cargill, for example
adopts a strategy encouraging farmers themselves to Notes: Yearwise hybrid seed production plan (1992-3 to
1996-7), according to National Conference on. Seeds,
become “Cargill spokespeople”.
Agra 1993.
The hybrid seed market is reputedly, highly fickle;
farmer’s preferences for particular brands of seed TABLE 1.6
change rapidly, reflecting in part the specific market- Current estimates of hybrid seed sown as a
ing success of individual companies, and favoring proportion of the total seed of the
those with a broad product portfolio. This viewpoint corresponding crop planted each year
is corroborated by the manager of one small seed Crop Hybrid Seed Planted as a
retail company, who claims that in his experience it Proportion of the Total
takes just two years for farmers to switch allegiances Cotton 23%
to a new HYV or hybrid. This frequently follows Sorghum (kharif) 95%
heavy promotion of particular brands. He cites, for Pearl millet 50%
example, the case of a Western Agri cotton hybrid
Maize 75%
which was heavily promoted through the distribution
of free 50gm seed packets to selected high-perform- Source: S.U. Baig, Director, Nath Seeds, (1997)
ing farmers, and provision for an attractive profit
margin for seed retailers (see Table 1.10). However, the (possibly fortuitous)
suitability of a particular hybrid to growing conditions one year will boost sales
of this same hybrid the following year, to the detriment of sales of alternative
seed. An example is provided by the public sector cotton hybrid NHH44, which
was particularly successful in 1996 (perhaps as a result of its suitability to good
rains). Future sales of the hybrid are expected to be colossal, although if the
rains are poor, yields may be low, and farmer’s allegiance will switch in the
following year.

Public Sector Campaigns

Subsidised Seed
The State Seed Corporations (SSC) have two stated aims, summarised in the
strategy document produced by Andhra Pradesh SSC. The first is to provide
‘high quality seed to farmers at reasonable prices, the second is to ‘coordinate
with the Department of Agriculture, Government of Andhra Pradesh, in
accelerating the spread of hybrid/high yielding varieties of different crops for
promoting increased agricultural production’. This latter aim is addressed
through both the provision of seed at subsidy, and the supply of private

sector produced seed. In fact, as discussed earlier, 25% of the seed supplied
by AP-SSC is bought from the private sector (mainly maize and sunflower-crops
dominated by multinational companies). This is an evident source of
embarrassment for R.S. Paroda, Director General of the Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR). He points out that the policy of individual SSCs
is beyond the control of Central Government, and claims that instances of these
buying seed from the private sector are exceptional.

Farmer’s Seminars
During the kharif season, 1997, the Government of Andhra Pradesh organised
a series of Statewide Karshaka Sadassus, or farmer’s seminars. These comprised
a two-day exhibition of agricultural technologies, and a programme of seminars
extolling the applications of these. It was anticipated that around 30,000
farmers, representing all neighboring villages, would attend each of the 22
Karshaka Sadassus. In addition, the participation of private seed companies was
invited, to ‘exhibit agri-inputs and other related products’. The seminars, it was
claimed, offered ‘a good opportunity for exposing the latest technology in
agriculture, and inputs available to farmers’.

State Agricultural Training

In Andhra Pradesh, the State Agriculture Commission has set up a network of
Farmer’s Training Centres, with one to each district. These organise training,
both at the Centre, and through two-day training sessions in villages, for groups
of 25 or so farmers. In addition, each district has several development and
agriculture officers.

The Intensive Tribal Development Agency (ITDA)

In Andhra Pradesh, the State Seed Corporation supplies seed to two regional
Intensive Tribal Development Agencies (based at Paderu and Utnoor), for
distribution amongst tribal peoples, at large subsidies. The managing director
of the AP-SSDC predicts that within 2-3 years, all residual use of local landraces
by tribals will be eradicated.
In Utnoor District (350,000 people, around 80,000 families) soya-bean
seed, black, green and red gram, paddy, cotton and sorghum (jowar) seed is
supplied at a subsidy. Some of these represent new commercial crops for tribals
(soya bean, for example). Others (jowar) are already grown as important
landraces. Under a scheme that was initiated in early 90’s, seed was initially
supplied at a 75% subsidy. This has since been cut to a current 50% subsidy
(25% subsidy is provided by the Andhra Pradesh Department of Agriculture,
with the ITDA meeting the remainder). Under the scheme, fertilisers and
pesticides are also provided at a subsidy, with the government providing
subsidies on fertilisers, and the ITDA a 50% subsidy on biopesticides.
Only around 20% of families can be supplied with subsidised seed. These
are selected at a local level by the Village Tribal Development Association.
Although the ITDA hopes to do away with the subsidy in the near future, the
Project Officer admits that amongst those to whom subsidised seed is no longer
made available, very few are continuing to plant hybrid seed. This is attributed
to the difficulty encountered by tribals in securing loans. In the past, tribals

have been forced to default on bank loans following crop failure (HYVs and
hybrids are particularly vulnerable to this as a result of the more stringent
growing conditions).
The Project Officer also concedes that there has been an increase in
patriarchal power following a shift toward planting of commercial crops. This
follows a reduction in the importance of the role of women in harvesting these
crops. In an attempt to redress the balance, grant aid is simultaneously being
given to women’s projects, to encourage alternative enterprises (cattle breeding,
or small market-based projects, for example).

Private Sector Campaigns

The private sector is predominantly concerned with conversion of farmers
currently relying upon open pollinated varieties to use of hybrids. Except in
the case of sunflower, where most seed planted is hybrid (estimates are that
the proportion is as high as 95%), the potential for expansion of the hybrid
market is seen as large. Mr. J.S. Bindra president of Shriram Bioseed Genetics,
for example, summarises the attitudes of many industry representatives when
he comments: “Only after farmers currently dependent upon OPVs switch to
hybrids, can we foresee the development of commercial interest in farmers still
relying upon landraces”.
This emphasis upon market expansion means that many companies profess
to concentrate upon a development of the market per se, rather than pushing
their own particular hybrid brand Multinational seed companies invest most
extravagantly in the development of the hybrid seed market. Cargill, for
example, organise a series of ‘field-days’ and demonstration plots. The company
has a team of ‘field assistants’ which have the sole job of visiting farmers and
‘cold-selling’. Strategies also include mail-shots and newspaper advertisements.
The marketing manager claims that the key to their sales strategy is a ‘farmer
advocacy’ -encouraging farmer themselves to advocate Cargill seed.

Field - Days
Farmers are invited to the field of another farmer exhibiting uncommonly high
yields of branded seed. These exemplary farmers may be singled out before the
growing season, on the basis of their competence in previous seasons, and asked
to grow the relevant branded seed. Alternatively, exemplary crops may be
chosen at the end of each growing season from amongst a company’s customers.
Cargill adopts the latter approach, choosing around ten exemplary fields in
Karnataka alone, and inviting between 200 and 300 farmers to each. Those
farmers invited are not, by and large Cargill customers. ITC Zeneca adopts the
alternative approach: Selected farmers are given ITC Zeneca seed to plant,
alongside local varieties. At harvest time, up to 500 neighboring farmers are
invited to a ‘farm-day’. Here the farmer relates his experience of growing the
seed to other farmers, and Zeneca technical staff are on hand to back him up.
Cargill augment field-days with ‘Intensive Customer Contract Programme’s
(ICCPs), where Cargill staff gather together a group of farmers, and ‘sit under
a tree with a folio chart, to talk to them’. By the end of their first season of
sales, Cargill staff had held perhaps 3000 such sessions, each attended by 20
or 30 farmers.

Sales Men
Although all Cargill seed is distributed through Rallies, the company has an
extensive marketing network of its own. Each member of a seven person
marketing team employs a further 10-15 temporary staff. These temporary staff
are taken from farming communities local to those in which they will work.
Cargill’s marketing manager claims that this means sales staff appear ‘more

ITC Zeneca have a touring cinema which shows a short film dramatising inter-
village competition for the annual trophy for the best crop. The consistent
victory of one village is attributed to its use of Zeneca seed. Following adoption
of the same seed by the neighboring village, both become equally successful,
and the rival villagers are reconciled under the slogan ‘with ITC Zeneca, it’s
a win-win situation’.
Cargill view their Krishi Kaipidi (or ‘Farmer’s Handbook”) as a public-
relations tool. This is published in fortnightly installments in local newspapers
during the growing season, and offers farmers practical advice on maximising
the yields they obtain with their hybrid seed.
In engineering their dramatic (though self-proclaimed) rise to prominence
as suppliers of maize seed in the north, Kanchan Ganga sold seed at a loss for
the last two years, or so in order to establish a market. Cargill also may provide
small packets of free seed to farmers, particularly poor farmers in areas where
use of open pollinated varieties predominates. Cargill’s marketing manager
claims that free seed is not used as a strategy for converting farmers from rival
brands of hybrid seed to Cargill seed.
Free packets of hybrid seed may also be enclosed with larger packs of open
pollinated seed. Arora (1995) claims that ‘there have been instances’ where the
additional yields obtained with the hybrid seed have justified a complete switch
to this the following season.

4. Big Companies Getting Bigger

Tiwari (1996) estimates a total of 147 private sector seed companies, which
can be broadly categorised according to whether they (1) develop, produce
and market their own varieties and hybrids, (2) produce and market public
sector varieties and hybrids, or (3) have no production capacity whatsoever,
concentrating solely upon marketing. Agrawal (1996) estimated that of the
former category, 24 companies have entered collaboration with foreign
companies. In addition several multinational companies have opened
subsidiaries in India.
There are several recent and discrete legislative changes which have
promoted the growth of the private sector, Agrawal (1996) identifies these as:
1986 - Provision of private seed companies with breeder seed for public
sector developed self-pollinated crop varieties
1988 - New Seed Policy, liberalising seed imports and encouraging
foreign investment in the seed sector

1991 - Relaxation of limitations on foreign equity participation, permit-
ting foreign companies to hold controlling stakes in industrial

The Market Niche of MNCs

Multinational companies dominate in crops where access to international
germplasm, places them at an advantage over national companies. In particular,
these are maize, Sudan-grass/sorghum hybrid (SSG), sunflower and soya. Rather
than developing new hybrids specifically for use in India, multinational
companies have tended to focus upon the exhaustive testing of extant hybrids
imported from other countries, for suitability to Indian conditions. For example,
Cargill maize and sunflower hybrids (which are ‘price leader’s, reflecting, it
is claimed, their superior quality) were imported from international sources.
Of the four biggest suppliers of sunflower seed, three (ITC Zeneca, ProAgro and
Cargill) are multinational, reflecting the origin of all sunflower germplasm in
the US.
Now, however, multinational companies are beginning to move into crops
which have been dominated hitherto by domestic companies. Cargill, for
example, are poised to push sales of sorghum hybrids.
Multinational companies have a characteristic sales strategy, typified by
Cargill, preferring to emphasis ‘quality’ and consumer confidence, rather than
competitive pricing. Thus Cargill’s hy-
brid sunflower seeds retails for Rs. 350 TABLE 1.7
Cost of contract seed production, and retail prices,
per kilogram, over three times the price
for three classes of sunflower seed (1997-98)
of hybrid sunflower seed produced by a
local company, Bhavani Seeds (see Table Buys from Contract Retails to
1.7). Cargill justify this price on the basis Grower (Rs/quintal) Customer (Rs/quintal)
of higher yield, consumer confidence, Bhavani Seeds 20 40
and after-sales back up. Besides, it is sunflower variety
claimed, only 3-5% of a farmer’s total Bhavani Seeds 40-45 140
outlay cost is expended on seed. (Cargill sunflower hybrid
claim that a progressive farmer spends Cargill 140 350
perhaps 8% of his cost of production on sunflower hybrid
hybrid seed, but can achieve a 50% Source : Figures quoted by production manager of Bhavani Seeds.
yield advantage). The local seed com-
pany concedes that the yields obtained using Cargill seed exceed those obtained
with its own proprietary hybrid. However, they suggest that the yield gains alone
do not justify the vastly inflated prices. The production manager suggests that
typical yields obtained with Cargill sunflower seed would be 12-13 quintals per
hectare, as compared to 10 quintals per hectare using Bhavani Seed’s own
hybrid. Cargill sales, he suggests, are maintained only through massive
advertising campaigns with which smaller companies cannot hope to compete.

Case-Studies of Specific Markets

The Maize Market
The maize market is growing rapidly, and is expected to continue to grow as
the processed food market expands under liberalisation. Calculated upon the

basis of the total area nationally under maize, the potential seed market is
reckoned to be some 120,000 tonnes. With Cargill (the price leader) selling
maize seed for over US$ per kilogram, the maize market alone is viewed as
being worth a potential US $ 120 million. Note that Cargill, the largest supplier
of maize seed to the Indian market, also has some control over global grain
prices, and hence the relative economic benefits to the farmer of investing in
expensive hybrid seed. Cargill are attempting to force up the price of maize
seed: The marketing manager is rueful that his company sells the seed at three
times the Indian price in Pakistan (US $ 3.50 per kg). He attributes this price
differential to the lower domestic production of maize seed in Pakistan. Of
course, diminishing domestic production of seed by domestic Indian companies
will inevitably follow the consolidation of the multinational market share. The
price of maize seed is, it seems, set to increase.
It is clear that the area planted under maize is
TABLE 1.8 increasing annually, whilst sales of certified seed is
Trends in areas of maize planted, and
falling (Ram, 1996) (see Table 1.8). If we assume that
amount of certified seed distributed, for the
first half of the decade the proportion of farmer’s saved seed is also falling
from year to year, it is evident that an increasing
Year Area of maize Certified seed
fraction of maize seed planted, though bought
plante distributed
(million hectares) (tonnes) commercially, is not certified. This in turn suggests a
shift from public sector (generally certified) to private
1990-1 5.90 14,900
sector (usually uncertified) seed usage.
1991-2 5.86 15,000 The director of Pioneer Dr. G Bhatia, estimates
1992-3 5.96 15,000 that around 90% of the maize market is in the private
1993-4 6.00 12,900 sector. Some estimates suggest that currently, 25% of
1994-5 6.11 13,700 maize seed planted annually is hybrid (25-30,000
Source: Ram, 1996.
tonnes of seed), around 60% of open pollinated
variety, and 15% landrace. However, it is considered
Note that whilst the area of maize planted has in-
creased, on aggregate, over this period, the amount of
difficult to differentiate clearly between the OP and
certified seed supplied has fallen. This suggests a shift landrace share of the market. Landraces are used
away from certified seed, towards private sector seed particularly in the north of India, in the Indo-Gangetic
use. belt. Here cropping patterns demand a short-
maturing maize. Whereas local landrace mature in 60-70 days, the quickest
maturing hybrid requires 85-90 days. Although yields may be lower, maize is
grown principally for domestic (as opposed to commercial) use; maturation
time is prioritised over yield. The marketing manager of Cargill estimates that
over half the country’s maize is grown in the north, with landraces accounting
for perhaps two thirds of this (note an inconsistency here with the estimate that
15% of maize planted nationally is landrace). By comparison, in the south
maize is grown as a commercial crop and hybrids predominate in Karnataka,
for example, it is estimates that 70-80% of maize is hybrid.
Initiatives are being taken by seed companies to develop the market for
hybrid maize in the north. Ultimately, it is believed that the full market potential
will be realised only when short-maturing, high-yielding hybrids become
available. Kanchan Ganga Seeds claim to have developed such a hybrid, which
has seen their maize seed sales leap from 5 tonnes in 1995 to 1,300 tonnes
in the first half alone of 1997. Such examples of the direct targeting of hybrid
seed at farmers who currently rely upon landraces is uncommon, at least at

present. However, in this instance, many of the farmers sowing local landrace
varieties of maize are simultaneously using proprietary hybrid seed in other
The alternative approach is to encourage the planting of maize as a
commercial crop in the north. Cargill have entered an agreement with Anil
Starch, which has a production unit in Ahmedabad requiring large quantities
of maize. Under the agreement, Anil guaranteed to buy Cargill maize from
nearby Rajasthan farmers, dramatically boosting Cargill sales in the State.

The Sorghum Market

It is estimated that the total area under sorghum is in the region of 12 million
hectares, of which approximately 3.5 million hectares is under (accounting for
annual hybrid seed sales of around 25,000 tones). Most of the remaining 8.5
million hectares is thought to be under landraces, with sales of OP sorghum
low. There are two important sorghum seasons, kharif (autumn) and rabi
(spring). 95% of sorghum seed planted in the kharif season is hybrid. This is
used principally for fodder. The rabi crop is planted for domestic use (human
consumption) and relies upon local landraces, which are tastier, and which are
more resistant to the shoot fly than proprietary plants.
Hitherto, private companies have had difficulty entering the sorghum
market, particularly for the rabi planting. This is for several reasons :

1. The yield benefits of hybrids over open pollinated varieties are low;

2. Sorghum flour is used for making rotis, and farmer’s preferences lie firmly
with the taste of local varieties;

3. Public-sector seed is good and of course, cheaper.

However, there is increasing commercial interest in rain-fed crops, like

sorghum and pearl millet. Hitherto, these have been relatively neglected by
the private sector, because research was easier on irrigated crops, and gains
in yield higher. The business manager of Hindustan Lever foresees imminent
replacement of rained landraces in remote and tribal areas with hybrids, and
Nath Seed has recently introduced a hybrid sorghum, targeting the rabi market.
This has a high grain and fodder quality, resistance to shoot fly, and a claimed
(though seemingly improbable) four-fold advantage in terms of yield. The
hybrid is derived from local landraces, which Nath Seeds found no difficulty
in securing. (Even had this presented problems under farmer’s increasing
awareness of the commercial exploitation of landraces by seed producers,
similar germplasm could have been freely obtained from the ICRISAT
germplasm bank). Mahyco, too, have developed sorghum for the rabi season,
claiming a more modest yield advantage of 25% and Cargill have also launched
sorghum hybrids. Although farmers are known still to prefer the taste of their
own varieties, Cargill hope that they can develop a commercial market in
hybrid seed. They envisage farmers planting two discrete sorghum crops, one
(of the local landrace) for domestic use, and one hybrid crop for sale.
Despite this increasing interest in rain-fed crops, hybrid coarse cereals are
sold mainly in assured rainfall areas. In areas where rainfall cannot be assured,
farmers are reluctant to invest heavily in expensive seed and the additional

inputs required for cultivation of hybrids. Company representatives recognise
the market potential for low-input intensive hybrids in areas where rainfall is
not assured, but cannot foresee the development of this in the near future.

The Vegetable Market

The market in seed of temperate vegetables far pre-dates the green revolution.
However, the first hybrid vegetable seeds were introduced much later than
cereals, with the release by Indo-American (which, despite its name, is wholly
an Indian company) of tomato and capsicum hybrids in the mid 70’s. Hybrids
purportedly extend the possible cropping season, offer improved disease
resistance, uniformity of size, and improved transportability. Table 1.9 lists
estimated proportions of hybrid vegetable in total cropped area for the year
1993-4. These national figures obscure more dramatic adoption of hybrid seed
in some state. Dr. R.S. Arora, the managing director of Century seeds, writes
that “there has been 100% replacement of open-pollinated varieties with
hybrids in major parts of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashstra and West Bengal
(Arora, 1995).
According to Arora, public sector institutions have
been handicapped by poor seed distribution networks,
Estimated proportions of hybrid vegetable
in total cropped area for the year 1993-4
and have tended to focus upon lower value crops like
okra and peas. He claims that ‘their [the public sector’s]
Crop Proportion of hybrids mindset is still not tuned to the high risk involved in
Brinjal 4.03 demand/supply uncertainties and sudden varietal obso-
Cabbage 21.14 lescence. While public bred hybrids, barring a few,
Cauliflower 0.59 have not been able to get into the farmer’s fields, private
Chilies 0.45 hybrids are spreading at a much faster pace’ (Arora,
Gourds 1.18 1995).
Melons 2.10
Opportunities for multinational companies in the
Indian vegetable seed market are different from those
Okra 0.77
in cereals. In the case of the latter, foreign companies
Tomato 24.22
can rely upon selling hybrids developed elsewhere, but
Source: Arora, 1995. found to be appropriate to the Indian market (take
Cargill, for example, which spent two years checking existing hybrids for
suitability to the Indian climate and market). In the case of vegetable seed
production, however, greater adaptation of extant hybrids is needed in order
to tap the Indian market. In practice, this means that multinational companies
(like Peto and SVS Seminis) is then relied upon as the basis for development
of hybrid suited to the Indian market.

Response of National Seed Companies to MNCs

Representatives of large Indian seed companies (for example, Nath, Mahendra,
Mahyco, Indo-American) identify several areas where competition from
multinational companies will not greatly impinge on their own market shares.
Firstly, in the case of cereals, they do not foresee serious competition from MNCs
in the sale of sorghum or pearl millet, for which access to international sources
of germplasm is of little value. (Note, however, that MNCs are poised to move
into the sorghum market-see previous section). Secondly, it is felt that, even
where the hybrids offered by multinational companies are accepted as good

(principally, maize and sunflower) these companies simply do not have the
marketing base, production infrastructure or distribution system to capitalise
upon this. These sanguine expectations may be ill founded, or simply affected.
K.R. Chopra, the managing director of Mahendra seeds reports with a note of
optimism that multinational companies ‘only’ have half the maize market. He
goes on to say ‘the widespread fears of the effects upon domestic companies
of the Seeds Policy of 1988 and the opportunities this has opened up for
multinational companies have proven ill-founded’. But with half of maize seed
sales, according to his own estimates, going to multinational companies, can
he really be so complacent?
Dr. M. Attavar, president of Indo-American Hybrid Seeds is more candid
in his criticism of multinational companies. He has seen the market share of
Indo-American seeds decline since 1988, and is bitter about the aggressive
marketing policies of multinational companies, ‘with the investment potential
to support low pricing’. (Note, however, that this is not an avowed marketing
strategy of most MNCs, which tend to be price leaders). To his chagrin, Indo-
American Seeds has also lost key staff to multinational companies. Attavar’s
response has been to look for tie-ups with foreign companies. Seminis Seed,
for example, is produced and sold by Indo-American, and capsicum seed grown
and exported for Peto. Indo-American has recently completed a huge capsicum
seed production facility at Bangalore. This comprises one hundred greenhouses,
each 40 meters by 10 metres, with a total capacity of 18kg of seed per
greenhouse. In a celebration of a showcase of Indian industry, the site was
opened by then Prime Minister, Deve Gowda, for whose visit, the road up to
the site was tarmaced. There is some irony to the fact that the unit is in fact
used for the contractual production and export of capsicum seed for a large
Indo-American is not the only large Indian private seed company to have
seen its market share eroded following multinational competition. Mahyco, for
example, enjoyed an 85% share of the market for sunflower seed in 1988.
Today, their share (of an albeit expanding market) has fallen to just 10%. This
is attributed by multinational company representatives to poor genetic practice,
and careless seed production.
It seems clear that, at least for the immediate future, the size of the Indian
seed market is set to increase dramatically. Whilst this growth is sustained, direct
competition between seed companies may be averted. Whilst the plateauing
of the market, it is generally accepted that competition between companies will
intensify. K.R. Chopra (who says he has already seen off attempts to buy
Mahendra Seeds by both Cargill and Monsanto) foresees more mergers and
takeovers, particularly in the wake of the increased competition that will
accompany market saturation.

Small companies
The managing directors of several small Indian seed companies are evidently
very concerned to form collaborative links with foreign companies. One,
having solicited a member of Research Team to look for potential UK
collaborators, remarked melodramatically ‘we must join hands with them
[foreign companies] or die’. Whilst this director had tried out fifty or more

varieties of foreign seed, in the hope of interesting companies with successful
hybrids in a joint venture, none took him up. Despite his own difficulty in
finding a foreign collaborator, he foresees increased collaboration between
smaller Indian seed companies and MNCs, ‘after companies like Mahyco and
ProAgro have all been taken’. Smaller companies will, he feels, fulfill a role
in the distribution of new varieties, and possibly in the provision of Indian
germplasm. Furthermore, smaller companies (and certainly Indian companies
generally) are allegedly more aware of the importance of appeasing middlemen
in the distribution chain. In some instances, seed passes through three such
middlemen between producer and customer (a distributor, a dealer, and a
retailer). Whereas multinational of Bejo Sheetal, claims that it is these
middlemen who really establish sales. Consequently, it is important, he claims,
to provide these with appreciable margins. The director of Nath Seeds also
recognises the importance of the role of dealers, claiming ‘farmers blindly
follow dealers’.
In addition, some foresee a continued market for cheaper open-pollinated
seed varieties. Those poorer farmers who cannot afford hybrid seed, or higher
input levels, and are vulnerable to increases in the prices of fertilisers and
pesticides, are seen to present a secure market for small domestic companies.
It is also claimed that these farmers are becoming increasingly aware of the
accumulative and deleterious effects of saving seed from open pollinated
varieties from year-to-year. (Contamination from neighboring crops leads, it is
suggested, to a diminution in yield). Such farmers are therefore increasingly
rebuying open pollinated seed on an annual basis.
Small companies also derive sanguine hope from their conviction that open-
pollinated varieties have a longer projected marketable life expectancy. Hybrid
varieties derived principally from Western germplasm are, it is claimed by
representatives of companies specialising in open pollinated varieties, more
susceptible to pests and disease. Indeed, most company representatives admit
that hybrid seed has a commercial longevity of around just five years.
Hybrid seed use represents a higher risk, which many farmers are not
prepared to take. Note however, that some MNC representatives specifically
identify poorer farmers with smaller holdings as being those who could benefit
most clearly from a switch to hybrid seed. Such a shift would, they claim,
maximise the yields, and therefore profits, of smaller holdings. That many
poorer farmers have not switched to hybrids is attributed, they claim, to a
caution born of ignorance, and to the difficulty experienced by small farmers
in securing bank-loans. In the case of tomato for example, hybrid seed may
be ten times more expensive than open pollinated seed (in terms of price per
seeded acre). So, for example, open pollinated tomato seed sells for perhaps
Rs.300 per kilogram (sowing between 500 grams and one kilogram per acre).
Hybrid seed sells for up to Rs. 50,000 per kilogram (sowing perhaps 40 grams
per acre).
One alternative role for smaller seed companies is the contractual
production of seed for larger companies (Sandoz, for example, contracts out
seed production to smaller domestic companies). Unicorn Agrotech Ltd is one
such seed producer. This company concentrates mainly upon the production
of seed for foreign companies, under contract. The managing director claims

that there are perhaps five other similar companies which focus upon contract
seed production, and there are still others which would like to move into this
area. The vice-president of Bhavani Seeds, for example, is also looking for a
foreign collaborator. He foresaw a dual role in such a collaboration. Firstly
Bhavani Seeds would produce seed for foreign companies, under contract, and
for export. Secondly, he envisaged that foreign companies could sell their own
hybrids through Bhavani Seeds marketing base. However, it is evident that
smaller seed companies are indeed caught between pillar and post. Whilst
Bhavani Seeds looks for opportunities to move toward contract seed production
for foreign companies. Unicorn Agrotech is trying to move away from contract
growing, toward production of its own hybrids. Under relaxation of the
restrictions on investment of foreign companies in India in 1991, two foreign
customers of Unicorn Agrotech Ltd have set up their own subsidiaries for seed
production. Unicorn is feeling that its market is threatened, and has responded
by increasing investment in development of its own hybrid varieties for sale
on the domestic market.
Some small companies allude to difficulties they experience in producing
sufficient seed to meet supply. Bhavani Seeds, based in Bangalore, for example,
contract production of their hybrid sunflower seeds out to local farmers.
Bhavani retail their seed for around Rs.140 per kilogram (by comparison to
Cargill’s retail price of Rs.350). Thus whereas Cargill are able to pay their seed
producers Rs.60 per kilogram, Bhavani Seeds offer only Rs 40-45. Bhavani
allege that this means they have difficulty finding local growers, and have had
to contract their seed production out to farmers in the interior). As a result,
Bhavani Seeds claims that it is unable to meet demand for its hybrid sunflower
Representatives of smaller seed companies recognise that they are squeezed,
increasingly, between a reliance upon a diminishing market amongst poorer
farmers for open-pollinated varieties, and direct competition with multinational
companies. Representatives of multinational companies are well aware of the
effects of their increasing market share upon smaller domestic companies. The
managing director of ITC Zeneca foresees that as farmers increasingly turn to
more expensive seed, ‘a shake out will happen’, with many smaller companies
going to the wall. A former managing director of Cargill is still more categorical:
“small companies have no real role; they have passed on their chips”.

Seed Production
By and large, seed is produced under contract to small farmers. Sandoz, which
attempts to minimise both its infrastructural and staffing investments, ‘contracts’
out to local seed companies. Arrangements for re-buying seed from growers
vary. Sandoz takes the most laissez faire approach, refusing to enter written
contracts with farmers or guarantee a price. The company does however
guarantee that farmers will receive a ‘profit’ (i.e. that seed will be bought for
a price above the market value of the grain). The only incentive for farmers
to resell to Sandoz, rather than on the open market, is the threat of being
dropped as a contractor. Indeed, the managing director is proud of his no-fuss
relationship with his seed producers, quoting them as saying “Gokhale may
skimp on the butter but he guarantees our bread”. This approach contrasts

sharply with that adopted by Cargil. Here, it is claimed, emphasis lies upon
a transparent agreement with growers, (albeit initially produced only in English)
who are guaranteed a fixed price for the seed. There are strict criteria for
accepting a farmer as a ‘Cargill grower’. Farmers are required to follow stringent
land management and fertiliser use guidelines. However, John Hamilton (the
former managing director of Cargill) claims a 95% repeat grower rate.
Bhavani Seeds, a small seed company, is embittered, that the prices paid
for hybrid seed produced under contract for multinational companies are
significantly higher than they themselves can afford to pay (see Table 1.7).
Bhavani pay twice as much for production of their hybrid seed as their open-
pollinated sunflower seed. This is attributed to the increased stringency of
growing conditions for hybrid seed. Farmers are expected to cooperate with
their neighbors, such that if adjoins farms also want to produce sunflower seed,
they too may be provided with Bhavani foundation seed. Bhavani do not
guarantee purchase of the seed, which is first purity test. Failure of this test will
entail farmers having to sell the seed on the open market.

Seed Retail
Profit margins are low, according to retailers. The management of a small retail
outlet in Jalna claims thar ProAgro hybrid maize seed, which is bought
wholesale for Rs 33 per kilogram is retailed for Rs.35-37 per kilogram. Similarly,
chili seed is bought whole-
TABLE 1.10 sale for around Rs.14,000 per
Wholesale and retail prices of a range of seeds (1997) kilogram, and sold for 15-
18,000 per kilogram. Open
Crop Price of seed to retailer Price to farmer
pollinated chili varieties are
ProAgro hybrid maize Rs.33 per kg Rs.35-37 per kg sold at a greater proportional
ProAgro hybrid chili Rs.14,000 per kg Rs.15-18,000 per kg mark up. For example, one
Public sector OPV chili Rs.225 per kg Rs.275-300 per kg public sector variety was
Second generation OP - Rs.150 per kg bought wholesale for Rs.225
RASI hybrid cotton Rs.265 per 450gm Rs.275 per 450gm per kilogram, and sold for
Western Agri hybrid cotton Rs.250 per 450gm Rs.300 per 450gm between Rs.275 and 300 per
OPV cotton, produced Pays growers Rs.30-35 per kg kilogram (see Table 1.10).
by retailer himself Rs.25-27 per kg. The company also sells sec-
Source: R.T. Karwa, Tryambak Krishi Kendra seed retailers, Jalna. ond generation open polli-
nated varieties (a market
which would become illegal under Plant Variety Protection Law). In the case
of chili seed, this retails for Rs.150 per kilogram (approximately half the price
of first generation seed). According to the manager, these only achieve some
50% of the yield of the previous generation. This seed is apparently bought
mainly by farmers with smaller holdings (note that there is general consensus
that there is no correlation between the size of a holding and proportion of
farmers buying hybrid seed).

The Brand-Name Effect

It is typically claimed by multinational companies that the premium prices
charged for their hybrid seed are justified (and indeed only sustainable) on the
basis of the superiority of their products, rather than reflecting heavy investment

in sales strategies. One approach to testing this claim is to consider instances
where several companies sell the same hybrid seed. Here, widespread
disparities in the pricing of the same seed may be attributable to the differing
advertising policies and promotional strategies of specific companies. In
practice, it is difficult to control other factors which may lead farmers to prefer
one brand over another (for example, seed production standards, proximity of
the company to its customer base, or after-sales service and complaints
handling). Such comparisons are necessarily based upon sales of public-sector
developed hybrids and varieties, which tend to be sold by smaller companies.
These may be marked with the same certification code despite packaging by
several different companies. Disparities in pricing can be large. For example,
the managing director of Navalakha Seeds claims that he is able to sell a
university developed cucumber variety (‘Hemangi’) for twice the price of some
other competitor companies. (Mr. P. Navalakha claims
TABLE 1.11
sales at Rs. 140 per 50 grams, as opposed to Wholesale prices of the public-sector
competitor sales at Rs. 70. In fact, the Navalakha listed developed cotton variety NHH44 (1997)
price prove to be Rs. 105 per 50 grams). In another
Supplier Wholesale price of
example, the business manager of Hindustan Lever
Cotton Variety NHH44
makes the more modest claim that they are able to
sell a public-sector hybrid of sorghum (‘Paras’) for Mahendra Rs.280 per 750g
some 15% more than other competitor companies, ProAgro Rs.225
something that is attributed to ‘the reputation of Zuari Rs.255
Hindustan Lever for high quality seed production’. Sandoz Rs.210
Variation in the pricing of the public sector-developed Source: R.T. Karva, Tryambak Kendra seed retailers, Jalna.
cotton variety NHH44 is shown in Table 1.11.
Farmers are apparently becoming increasingly aware of brand name. The
manager of Tryambak Krishi Kendra seed retailers, claims that Mahendra Seeds
were the first to commercially release the NHH44 variety in the market. They
now command a large market share in the variety, despite high pricing.
Another approach to assessing the role of marketing strategy in fixing prices
is to look at regional variation in the price of the same seed, produced by the
same multinational company Pioneer Hybrid, for example, admit to high
pricing of their maize seed in Bihar, where the company profile is high.
Elsewhere the same seed is sold at lower prices. Pioneer staff openly attribute
this to the success of their advertising campaigns in the state, rather than the
particular suitability of Pioneer maize seed to the local climate conditions and
cropping patterns prevalent in Bihar.
Mr. Agrawal, the managing director of ProAgro-PGS, foresees that ‘The
brand-name will become more important. Farmers will ask more and more for
branded seed. The same hybrid or variety (imported from public institutions
and international agricultural centres) sold under various brand names will
compete with each other and a strong brand name is expected to capture a
large market share’(Agrawal, 1996).

5. Legislating For Privatisation

Under the Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) arrangement of the
World Trade Orgaisation (WTO), signatories are required to legally confer

exclusive property rights to seed producers. If these are
The recent experience of the United States conferred through ‘legislation consistent with the
with plant intellectual property laws is especially International Union for the Protection of New Varieties
relevant, as that’s the model that is now being of Plants, 1991 (UPOV91), farmers will be divested of
imposed on India and the rest of the South
their rights to exchange seed, and even to save seed
through the WTO / TRIPs. Over the past 30 years
for their own use. UPOV 91 thus “effectively extends
our experience is every time plant intellectual
the rights of plant breeders to all harvest derived from
property laws have been amended, it expands
the original seeds”. It amounts to legislation for the
the rights of industrial breeders at the expense of
farmers, diversity and communities. It is clearly
further privatisation of the seed industry-a process
in the interest of those with money and power to which has already been described as resulting from
amend any intellectual property system to increased use of hybrids, and a decline in public sector
strengthen their legal monopoly. Today under seed development and production. In the UK, enforce-
US patent law, it is illegal for farmers to save ment of plant breeder’s rights has led to the progressive
patented seed and re-use it. Monsanto requires restriction of seed potato production. To begin with,
farmers - its customers to sign a Gene Licensing holders of new plant variety rights demanded royalties
Agreement before they can buy the company from farmers producing seed potato from their
patented genetically engineered seeds. If the products. Subsequently, permission to produce seed
farmers are caught infringing the patent, potato was restricted to farmers operating under
Monsanto is “vigorously prosecuting” them in
contract to the plant breeder. Gradually, the
court. It is no exaggeration to say that farmers in
acreage allocated to growers was reduced, contracts
North America have been turned into criminals
stipulated tighter specifications for seed potato
and rural communities are becoming corporate
police states. production, and the prices paid diminished. Seed
potato production became concentrated in the hands
- Hope Shand, RAFI, USA of a few companies who colluded to manipulate
prices, and limit supply.

Several company representatives alluded to the need for ‘simplification’ of
mechanisms regulating the development of transgenic crops: “Regulation to
commercialise the transgenic seed/products are quite strict, time consuming
and far from transparent. In many countries in the world, one is not required
to seek permission from the regulatory department to conduct trial with
transgenic seeds, but simply to inform about the intention to conduct such a
trial... India should become more transparent with respect to introduction of
transgenic seeds and regulations should become more simple” (Agrawal, 1996)
In fact, the Department of Biotechnology Guidelines for Safety in
Biotechnology covering recombinant DNA technologies in micro-organisms,
large scale industrial processes, field trials of transgenic plants, and quality
control of biological material obtained by recombinant DNA processes, runs
to just fourteen pages. Whilst these guidelines are mandatory, K. Kumar of the
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology in Hyderabad, notes that there are
as yet no mechanisms for penalising those found to be contravening them.
In practice, however, it seems that the agribiotech industry has precious little
ground for complaint. The former managing director of Monsanto, whose trials
of transgenic cotton have reached large acreage stages, has remarked at the
ease with which permission was granted for each stage of the development of
the crop in India. Department of Biotechnology permission was required, or
will be required, for import of the Bt construct, transfer to Mahyco cotton lines,

outdoor planting, large acreage trials, and commercial release. At no point
during this process was Monsanto’s schedule interrupted by deals in permission
being granted. Indeed, in another context (development of BST for commercial
release in India), approval was obtained by a single part-time employee within
just twelve months.

Extending Hybrid Technology

Compounding one technology superfluity with another, the range of crops
amenable to hybrid development is being extended. This is achieved through
genetic contrivances which introduce male sterility to previously self-fertilising
plants. Examples are provided by ProAgro -PGS’s SeedLink system, which has
been introduced to mustard, or SPIC’s male sterile rice. There is growing private
sector interest in the paddy market, following the development of hybrid rice
(ProAgro, for example, have recently set up Rice Hybrid International).

There are several grounds for expecting that the seed industry will coalesce
under the control of a few large companies, with foreign interests. (1) Hybrid
seed is produced principally by larger seed companies, and its use is set to
increase following the decline of the public sector; public sector efforts to
increase farmer’s acceptance of hybrid seed, and decreased use of farmer-saved
seed; and private sector promotions and advertising strategies. (2) Smaller
companies will experience increased difficulty to compete because; the market
is fickle, smaller companies may find difficulty surviving a swing in favour of
competitors’ seeds; and plant variety protection will scotch a market in second
and subsequent generations of both open pollinated and hybrid seed. (3) There
will be an increased use of transgenic crops, which are produced only by those
companies able to meet the high development costs. Small companies will thus
be excluded from a market sector, which is likely to grow.



Genetically Engineered Seeds

The Case of Transgenic Cotton Trials in India

The Indian seed industry is rapidly moving into a phase of “corporate control
over the seeds” with the introduction of genetically engineered / transgenic
crops. In this corporate control the technology and investments are made by
the transnational / multinational corporations and the Indian counterparts
provide the Indian germplasm and a marketing base.
Farmers’ acceptance and dependence on hybrid seeds in the Green
Revolution era makes the corporate strategists to foresee wide acceptance of
genetically engineered seeds by Indian farmers.
Building of corporate empire in seed sector is thus
Twenty years ago there were thousands of seed relatively a new phenomenon, which started off since
1998, when Monsanto entered into an exclusive
companies, most of which were small and family
owned. Today the top ten global seed companies
agreement with Mahyco (Maharastra Hybrid Seeds
control one third of the 23 billion dollar of the Company) and formed a joint venture, to introduce
commercial seed trade. Twenty years ago there genetically modified (GM) Bt cotton in India. In 1998,
were about 65 agrochemical companies involved Monsanto-Mahyco Biotech (India) Pvt. Ltd. (MMBT).
in the manufacture of crop chemicals. Today the MMBT started the first ever open field trials of
top ten pesticides manufacturers account for over genetically modified crop in India. They introduced
90% of the global market. Twenty years ago the Bt cotton in 40 locations across the country.
top twenty pharmaceuticals corporations con- Ten companies now own 30 per cent of the $23
trolled about 5% of the world pharmaceutical billion annual commercial seed trade, according to
market. Today the top ten account for over the recent estimates, and four of those — Monsanto,
44% of total sales. And today the top ten firms
Syngenta, Aventis and DuPont — control virtually all
hold the 61% of the animal veterinary market. If
GM crops. If the mergers and acquisitions continue as
you look at the dominant companies, all of these
it is going on, by the early part of next century less
different sectors in plant breeding, pesticide,
veterinary medicine and pharmaceuticals, you than a handful of companies will possess control over
find the same companies dominate in all sectors. the entire agricultural foundation for every society. A
And these are the gene giants and they include glimpse of up-to-date mergers and acquisitions that
the world largest agrochemical and pharmaceu- have taken all around the world is presented in Table
tical corporations. In the field of genetic engineer- 2.1.
ing of agriculture, there essentially five corpora- Genetically modified crops have been introduced
tion which dominate globally. These are Syngenta, to Indian seed industry without understanding and
Aventis, Monsanto, Dupont and Dow. assimilating the inherent adverse impacts of such
- Hope Shand, RAFI, USA crops at a time when the science of genetic
modification of plants is in its infancy and lot of

genuine research needs to be TABLE: 2.1
undertaken before it is deemed fit Mergers and Acquisitions of major Biotechnological companies
for commercialisation. involved in agriculture
The sixties revolution of culti- Year Company Specialisation
vating monocrops of hybrids / 2000 Novartis and Astra Zeneca
HYVs has caused tremendous loss merged to form SynGenta Agrichem
to our genetic diversity. This revo- 2000 Monsanto’s pharma business
lution has not only increased the merged with Pharmacia & Upjohn Health care
dependence on chemicals in agri- 2000 BASF AG acquires American
culture but also increased the risks Cyanamid Crop Protection
to farmers in the form of vulner- 2000 Monsanto Chemicals acquires
ability to diseases and pests’ at- Monsanto Technologies &
Monsanto enterprises Crop Protection
Today the stage has been 2000 AgrEvo India & Rhone Poulenc
Agrochemicals merged to form
reached where the looming prices Aventis Cropscience Crop Protection
coupled with unreliable quality of
1999 Aventis CropScience acquired
agri-chemicals is threatening the ProAgro Group Seed Operation
very process of agriculture. The 1999 Panoli Agrochem of Novartis with
cost of cultivation of different Hikal Chemicals Crop Protection
crops has gone far beyond the 1999 Cyanamid Agro with American
average farmers’ affordability. To Cyanamid CropProtection
add to this, genetic engineering in 1999 Pioneer Hi-Bred & Mycogene
crops is being put forward as the acquired by DuPont Seed Operations
solution to farmers. 1999 Holden acquired by Monsanto Seed Operations
Genetic engineering (GE) revo- 1998 Cargill acquired by Monsanto Seed Operations
lution in the seeds and crops is not
1998 Dekalb acquired by Monsanto Seed Operations
the solution to farmers, instead it
1998 Mahyco acquired by Monsanto Seed Operations
is a revolution to deteriorate the
farmers and robe them economi- 1998 Unilever acquired by Monsanto Seed Operation
cally, socially and ecologically. 1998 EID Parry acquired by Monsanto Seed Operation
The present chapter puts in 1997 Holden acquired by Monsanto Seed Operation
place the economic, socio-eco- 1997 Semetes acquired by Monsanto Seed Operation
logical, and legal aspects of the 1997 Millenium acquired by Monsanto Seed Operation
genetic revolution in seeds and 1996 Agracetus acquired by Monsanto Seed Operation
crops in India. Also shows how the
1996 Calgene acquired by Monsanto Seed Operation
corporate empire is trying to
1995 Kelco acquired by Monsanto Crop Protection
commercialise the technology
before it is obsolete and meet the 1996 Roche acquired by Monsanto Women’s health care
same fate as the green revolution Source: Compiled from Monsanto (RFSTE), 1998; the Hindu, 21st December
technology. The genetic techno- 1998; & the Hundu Business Line, 2nd April 2000.
logical revolution is not for the farmers to benefit but for the corporate to reap
the profits.

1. Economics of GE Revolution
Genetic engineering in agriculture has been seen, as economically viable
option for hybrid agriculture of green revolution. Theories have been put
forward to advocate the merits of this technology and the benefits which the
farmer will reap through adoption of this technology in their practices.

Developing genetically engineered crops is not an easy task for everyone.
The first and foremost important reason for this is the heavy investment, which
the technology demands in research and development. So far private
companies in the world are able to develop genetically engineered crops.
Secondly, this technology is out of the public domain. If at all developed
by public sector it has to be funded by major agri-corporate. Already in the
North the agri-corporate are controlling major research centers in renowned
Once the products are monopolised by agri-corporate, there will be no price
bargain and the farmers have to be at the mercy of these corporate.
Industry representatives, in calling for Plant Variety Protection (PVP)
legislation in India, identify several “commercially significant” concerns in
monopolisation of agri products :

• the prevalence of the use of lines stolen from one company by another
which may not have its own research and development programme. These
parental lines are then used for the production of hybrid seed. By and large,
such thefts are attributed to ephemeral ‘fly by night’ companies. Some
credence is lent to this viewpoint by small companies themselves. For
example, the managing director of one well-established though small seed
company alluded to a fear of “retrospective royalty claims”. However, the
most notorious example followed the large-scale exodus of staff from
Pioneer. Many employees left for other large companies, reputedly taking
parental lines with them. It is claimed by the former managing director
of Cargill that ‘all’ long-maturity maize currently planted in India is derived
from this dissemination of Pioneer’s parental lines. The manager of Nath
Seeds commented that India is recognised by the International Seed
Trader’s Association staff as “the global capital for securing [other
companies’] parental lines”.

• the interception of seed between contract grower and seed company, by

small seed retailers. Such retailers may offer contract growers a higher price
for hybrid seed than agreed contractually with the owner of the foundation
seed from which this was produced. Presently, the only sanction which
large companies can take in this instance is to drop offending farmers as
contract growers in subsequent seasons.

• the sale by smaller companies of second generation open pollinated seed,

and F2 hybrid seed. This is widespread. One seed retailer in Jalna, for
example, sold second generation open pollinated chili seed at around half
the price of the proprietary seed.

Some companies attach relatively little commercial significance to the lack

of PVP. Absence of protection for open pollinated varieties is of little concern
to many larger companies (which deal mainly, or exclusively, in hybrid seed)
and reuse of hybrid (F2) seed is not perceived as an important issue. The
managing director of Cargill, for example, suggests that PVP is an irrelevance
with respect to two-and three-cross hybrids. He does concede, however, that
introduction of single-cross hybrids will be postponed pending legal protection
of these. Furthermore, one of his predecessors at Cargill claims that the

company would introduce open pollinated varieties of rape seed if legislation
guaranteed protection of this. The director of Pioneer also indicated that his
company would have introduced single-cross hybrid maize seed, were this
protected by PVP legislation. Indeed, he claims that none of the eighteen
companies selling hybrid maize seed in India are selling higher yielding single-
cross hybrids.
However, other representatives of large companies call for immediate
legislation to address these infringements (as they see things) of their intellectual
property rights. The business manager of Hindustan Lever, for example,
sees the lack of PVP legislation as a major restriction upon commercial
hybrid production, and predicts a rapid invigoration of the private sector
market following such legislation. He emphasizes the current risks of
development and production of hybrids due to theft of parent, breeder or
foundation seed.
It seems probable that the widespread replacement of local land-races with
high yielding varieties was at least in part dependent upon farmer’s freedom
to save and reuse seed from season to season, without the obligation to
repurchase from seed suppliers. This practice is particularly prevalent in the
case of open pollinated seed (though F2 hybrid seed may also be saved). Seed
producers, however, profess to be uninterested in legislating against either the
seasonal retention of seed, or the exchange of this non-commercial basis
between farmers. Deepak Mullick, the managing director of ITC Zeneca, speaks
for the Associated Seed Industry (ASI) (a body representing the interests of the
private sector seed industry in India): “What is a farmer’s right? The farmer has
a right to access to the best available seed. Saving seed for his own use, and
exchange with his neighbours is not important to ASI; sale by small seed
companies is”.
It is clear that this attitude may be more pragmatic than magnanimous. Some
estimates put the proportion of saved seed planted at over 90%. Farmer saved
seed can therefore hardly be considered a commercial irrelevance. Rather,
many managers agree that it would be impractical to litigate against farmer’s
use of saved seed, even were this to be made legally possible, given the
prevalence of seed reuse. This amounts to tacit acceptance of the fact that
legislation based upon UPOV 91 is inappropriate in an Indian context. In the
West, most farmers are consumers, on an annual basis, of proprietor seed. In
these countries, the legislation can be enforced - and indeed already has been
enforced in some instances.

Plant Breeder’s Use of Local Landraces

Under UPOV 91 stipulations, the role of farmers as innovators in the
development and constant refinement of local landraces is unrecognised. There
is a fundamental asymmetry in the UPOV 91 recommendations. Industrial
breeders are permitted to incorporate traits from landraces in their lines. These
traits then become subject to plant variety protection, which is extended
retrospectively to landraces exhibiting these same characteristics. This provision
does not take effect reciprocally, however, the use of proprietary varieties in
farmer’s own breeding programs is of course prohibited. This generates a ratchet
effect, by which landraces become subject to variety protection as their traits

are incorporated in proprietary varieties and hybrids. The pool of landraces
free from such restrictions will thus progressively diminish as plant breeders
accumulate control over farmer’s own varieties.
To what extent this scenario will be realised depends in large part upon the
dependency of plant breeders upon local landraces as sources of ‘new’ and
desirable traits. Plant breeders are able to access land-race germplasm either
through public germplasm banks, or directly, by prospecting down on the farm.

Public Sector Germplasm Banks

Plant breeders in India have access to public germplasm banks, subject only
to a small administration charge. The National Bureau for Plant Genetic
Resources (NBPGR) holds a total of 165,000 accessions, of which 104,000 are
landraces. It also holds many varieties and hybrids generated by public sector
research institutions. Problems are encountered in encouraging private
companies to deposit their germplasm with the bank-a scheme has been
suggested whereby companies can use locked boxes, to which they alone will
be granted access for some fixed time period.

Prospecting For Landraces

By and large, multinational companies are not presently dependent upon local
germplasm in the development of their seed. As discussed above, the
multinational market niche is centered upon selection of extant seed, globally,
and production and marketing of this for the Indian farmer. In the case of typical
seed sold by MNCs (sunflower, maize, soya, sorghum sudan grass or cotton,
for example) there are no important resources of Indian germplasm upon which
to draw.
However, producers of seed for crops which have a long history of arable
exploitation in India are more highly dependent upon germplasm from local
landraces for their research and development. In the case of national Indian
companies, which may not have the access to international sources of
germplasm available to multinational companies, use of local landraces is more
prevalent. Century Seeds, for example (an Indian company specialising in
development and production of hybrid vegetable seed) admits to heavy reliance
upon local landraces. These are acquired on an informal basis. Whether or not
farmer’s heightened awareness of intellectual property rights issues has affected
the availability of local landraces to commercial plant breeders is equivocal.
Some company representatives, A. Mangat, Director of Century Seeds for
example, report that demands for payment are increasingly made by local
farmers for access to their germplasm. The director of Century Seeds failed to
see the basis for farmer’s demands for payment, feeling that they should have
no rights to their landraces. Otherwise, he observed, “royalties should be paid
to the Iraqis for wheat, and to the Mediterraneans for cauliflowers”. The basis
for discrimination between farmer-developed landraces (a “national resource”)
and Century Seed’s latest tomato hybrid, based upon such a landrace (and
guarded possessively by Century), is unclear.
Others point to the case with which local landraces can be collected, and
the difficulty of policing their exploitation. Seed can simply be recovered, for

example, from produce bought at local markets. This points to the difficulty
of safeguarding farmer’s rights to their germplasm, even in the event of such
rights becoming recognised by law. Some large seed companies (SPIC, for
example) are investing in biotechnological approaches to identifying their
germplasm (screening at the level of DNA sequence), allowing this to be traced
in the event of suspected use by other companies. Such technology is of course
not available to local farmers who may experience corresponding difficulty in
demonstrating the unacknowledged use of their landraces in proprietary
This dependency upon local landraces does not translate into a concern for
their preservation in the field. Rather, crop researchers allude to the
convenience of public sector germplasm banks, and foresee no reason why free
access to comprehensive banks shouldn’t replace prospecting for germplasm
in the field.

Land Ceilings
On the whole, private sector seed companies produce parent seed and breeder
seed on their own farms. This is principally for reasons of security. Farmers are
then supplied with foundation seed and produce hybrid seed under contract.
Few company representatives identified landceilings as presenting a problem
in seed production. This was partly because circumventing restrictions upon
land ownership (or at least leasing) was considered straightforward. Also
however, all company representatives said that, even in the event of landceilings
being abolished, they still envisaged contracting seed production to farmers.
Large areas of land are required for the production of hybrid seed, and it was
considered uneconomic to attempt this on corporate owned holdings. That
land-ceilings are not considered an issue by many companies is demonstrated
by the ignorance of company representatives of actual land-ceilings. In Andhra
Pradesh, for example, manager’s estimates of the maximum possible land
holding ranged from 45 acres to 550 acres.
But there is a further incentive for companies to continue contracting seed
production to small farmers. B.D. Sharma, Former Commissioner, Commission
on Schedule Cast & Schedule Tribes, Govt. of India, points out that “the
embodiment of labor in agricultural produce has been devalued by treating
family farm labor as of zero value, because it is free” (Shiva, 1996). This attitude
is confirmed by the general manager of ProAgro PGS, “his whole family at
minimal expense, whereas on corporate farms, management staff would need
to be employed at additional expense”. Great care is exercised over cultivation
of small areas of crop by a farmer and his family, not least because their very
livelihood depends directly upon the productivity of their land.
Some managing directors take the opposite view, however, Deepak Mullick,
the managing director of ITC Zeneca, sees it as highly problematic that “seed
production over an area of a thousand acres entails dealing with a thousand
farmers”. Apart from the administrative problems this generates, there are
problems of isolation of the seed production crop. Company land ownership,
he feels, is a priority, particularly for production of breeder seed. The issue of
land-ceilings is also important for the president of Indo-American Hybrid Seeds.

Mr. Attavar, who in addition to his own farms, produces seed through contract
with between seven and eight thousand farmers. He has appealed for an
exception to the Karnataka State landceiling. He expects to secure this, he
claims, setting an important precedent.

2. New Technologies
In addition to the encouragement of foreign capital inflows, liberalisation
overtly courts the transfer of new technologies from industrialised countries.
It is anticipated that imports of new technology will precede the diffusion and
assimilation of these by domestic industries, boosting international competitive-
ness in the global marketplace. However, such transfer cannot be expected to
occur on the basis of deregulation of technology import alone. State
intervention to nurture domestic research and development projects may also
be needed. According to Bhaduri and Nayyur ‘the assumption, strongly
advocated by the government, that direct foreign investment will transfer
technology automatically, is both simplistic and dangerous”. They claim “
is clear that market structures and government policies have not combined to
provide an environment that would encourage the absorption of imported
technology...., or create a milieu that would be conducive to diffusion and
innovation”. The failure of liberalisation to encourage technology transfer of
Monsanto, for example, does not consider technology transfer to be an
important factor in the liberalisation of the Indian economy, and does not
foresee transfer of Monsanto technology to domestic companies. He says that
it was made clear before Monsanto developed its agricultural biotechnology
business in India that this would be controlled solely by the multinational and
that there would be no agreements for licensing the technology to others.
Indeed, Monsanto’s collaboration with Mahyco leaves little room for optimism
that it will lead to increased competition and technology transfer. Monsanto
has signed an exclusive deal with Mahyco, which would require the approval
of the latter if Monsanto’s technology were to be made available to other Indian
seed companies. Although one such company is apparently prepared to pay
Rs.400 million for the incorporation of the Bt construct into their own cotton
hybrids, under contract, it is to be anticipated that Mahyco will veto any such
But if exclusive agreement (such as that forged between Monsanto and
Mahyco) seem to leave few opportunities for broader dissemination of
technology, such opportunities are still less easy to foresee in some other cases.
Nath seeds, for example, has entered in an agreement with Royal Sluis, a Dutch
company owned by SVS Seminis. Biotechnological development of vegetable
hybrids is expected to proceed through a joint venture recently forged between
SVS Seminis and Monsanto. Nath anticipates benefiting from this without
needing to enter direct contracts with Monsanto itself, and quite possibly
without any initial research and development being conducted in India.
According to one possible scenario, parental lines would be sent by Nath to
Monsanto laboratories in the US for incorporation of the Bt construct, and
returned for subsequent field testing in India.
The benefit of joint ventures with foreign companies which is most

frequently extolled by representatives of such enterprises, is the availability of
foreign germplasm. Indeed, one is left with the impression that had the
exchange of germplasm from the West to India been as fluid historically as it
has been in the reciprocal direction, there would be little benefit accruing from
foreign investment in the seed industry.
Other company representatives do not even identify access to international
germplasm as a benefit of foreign collaboration. The business manager of
Hindustan Lever, which is controlled by a 51% stake held by Unilever, was
unable to identify any area of technology transfer from the parent company
to Hindustan-Lever. This latter company has produced some 80-90% of its
product range in-house, independently from Unilever. The managing director
of Kanchan Ganga Seeds is also seeking tie-ups with foreign companies, though
emphatically not for technology transfer (the company claims to be a leader
in hybrid maize technology, with its short-maturing hybrid). Rather, Kanchan
Ganga has experienced difficulty in securing loans (although its current loan
ceiling is 10 million rupees), driving it to the sale of some parental lines, and
seeks foreign collaboration as collateral for further investment.
In another area, multinational companies claim effective technology transfer
to the farmers themselves. This, it is claimed, has been particularly significant
in encouraging better cropping and planting practices. In 1988, for example,
public sector experts were recommending planting of sunflower seeds at a
density of 3 kilograms per acre. Cargill found better yields were obtained by
planting at the far lower density of one kilogram per acre. Yet Cargill can lay
claim to no unique area of expertise qualifying them to make such
recommendations. It would clearly have been equally possible for property
funded public sector research institutions, able to finance research in
commercial hybrid crops, to have reached the same conclusion.

Biotechnology development of new transgenic crop varieties in India relies
heavily upon western technology and investment. Development proceeds
either through branches of transnational companies, or a marriage of
convenience between western biotechnology firms and national seed compa-
nies. Under this latter scenario, the western collaborator provides biotechno-
logical expertise and investment, whilst the national company provides Indian
germplasm and a marketing base. Already, representatives of smaller seed
companies are concerned that, limited as they are to classical breeding
technologies, they will be progressively excluded from the market. Increasingly,
this market will be dominated by a small number of large companies with the
financial resources to invest in biotechnological research.
Projections for the growth of the transgenic seed market vary. Some
company representatives point to the difficulty experienced by the industry in
persuading farmers to switch to hybrid seed, despite the first introduction of
this more than years ago, and are correspondingly pessimistic about the
acceptance of transgenic crops. The marketing manager of Cargill predicts that
Bt-maize seed will sell for perhaps five times the price of hybrid seed, and
foresees that it will be a decade or more before transgenic crops are generally

TABLE 2.2 accepted. Others however ex-
Some releases (in India) of transgenic crops expected within press the opinion that the source
the next few years of the farmer’s inertia to moving
Company Transgenic Crop Timescale for toward use of hybrid seed stems
Introduction from a reluctance to pay for seed
Monsanto/ Bt-cotton Imminent purse. Having developed a high
Mahyco RoundUp Ready soybean Next two years level of acceptance of hybrid
Bt-maize -ditto- seed, corporate strategists fore-
SPIC Male-sterility in paddy Next few years see that acceptance of geneti-
ProAgro-PGS Brinjal-insect resistance -ditto- cally engineered crops will be
Cauliflower-insect resistance -ditto- far easier to effect. Indeed,
Cabbage-insect resistance -ditto-
Mahyco, who have formed a
Tomato-insect resistance -ditto-
Cauliflower-nuclear male sterility -ditto- company jointly with Monsanto,
Mustard-nuclear male sterility -ditto- hope that generically modified
Nath Seeds Nath has entered joint agreement Unknown cotton will account for entire
with Seminis and Peto, who in sales of hybrid cotton seed within
turn have entered agreements with 7-10 years. Sales of RoundUp
Monsanto for the introduction of Ready soybean and Bt modified
Bt technology to vegetables
maize are expected to follow
Bejo Zaden Bt-cotton Next few years within the next two years (see
Cargill Bt-cotton -ditto- Table 2.2).
Sandoz “Genetically modified crop” Unknown In their corporate literature,
Indo-American Leaf-curl resistance in tomato -ditto- ProAgro are buoyant about the
Source: Agrawal, 1996, and personal communications.
possibilities of developing
longterm biotechnological solu-
tions to the problems of insect pests, writing that they are developing “...a
proprietary strategy to prevent or delay the development of resistance in insects
to Bt proteins”. Privately, however ProAgro representatives concede that the
projected commercial life expectancy of their products is just 4-5 years. After
this period, it is expected either that the disease or insect resistance of the crop
will have been superseded by more effective products. This rapid obsolescence
is viewed as being advantageous for several reasons.
Firstly, as pointed out by the former managing director of Monsanto, it will
be difficult for rival companies to acquire the technology, and develop and
release competitive products, whilst there is still demand for these. This is
viewed as an important consideration in the absence of Indian PVP legislation.
Secondly, it will ensure that the biotechnology industry continues to be highly
technology-intensive. Technology transfer to domestic companies will be
delayed as a result of the fast pace of Technology transfer to domestic companies
will be delayed as a result of the fast pace of technological change. This will
effectively reserve the market in transgenic crops for multinational companies
with the financial muscle necessary to remain competitive in the field.

3. Illegal Trials of GE in India

In 1998, private seed company – Mahyco in collaboration with Monsanto
started the first open field trial of Bt cotton with the intention of commercialising
it in India. In the process all the rules and regulations of transgenic trials have
been taken over by this corporate venture. Concerned government departments

were also not serious on the implications. The
department of Biotechnology provided the clearances It is very clear that the state is helping the
and the field trials were given green signal. private seed companies. Dr. Vandana Shiva and
For the field trials Mahyco contacted the individual I met the state agriculture minister and presented
our Bt case, which resulted in setting up of a fact-
farmers based on prior acquaintances. Mahyco has
finding committee. However, not single paisa has
been supplying farmers with new hybrid seeds for
been paid as compensation to the farmers for
initial testing. Based on the performance of these new
their crop loss. Consumer courts were ap-
seeds, farmers patronised Mahyco over the years and proached for the failure of the cotton crop but of
established good rapport. no avail. 17,000 acres of Cargill’s maize failed. In
The genetically engineered Bt cotton seeds were 20,000 acres of cotton crop no cotton bolls
also tested in the similar way. At most of the trial sites, formed, resulting in a major loss of crop and
farmers selected were the exemplary farmers who money. 15 groundnut farmers committed suicide
were singled out on the basis of their past performance in Anantpur in 1998 due to a Rs. 600 crore loss.
in getting good yield of major crops in the previous The government has taken no steps.
cropping season. For instance, Sri Bassanna at S. Malla Reddy,
Sindhanur district in Karnataka, was selected for the Andhra Pradesh Rytu Sangham
trial based on performance for best yield in paddy.
In some of the trial sites, Mahyco’s own seed
dealers were given to test Bt on their fields and for recommendation to other
farmers through these dealers. Mahyco agreed to meet the expenditures
incurred on the cultivation of the Bt crop on their fields.
In order to attract other farmers, Mahyco-Monsanto organised khestra utsav
to show the crop performance to other villagers from neighbouring villages.
This has been the strategy of many companies on market expansion through
concentrating upon development of market per se, rather than pushing their
own particular brand. Farmers are invited to the trial fields for exhibition of
uncommonly high yields of branded seed. However, during shows organised
by the Monsanto-Mahyco, the cost of technology has not been revealed to the
farmers, which is associated with sale of genetically engineered seeds. Thus,
cost of such technology becomes important in the context where farmers had
been exposed for exchange of saved seeds to purchase of hybrid seeds at much
lesser price than the Bt would cost.
As long as the genetic engineering is taking place in labs or in farms that
are totally contained, the Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation (RCGM)
of the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) governs the approval. The moment
trials are conducted on the open environment, as the case is with these trials,
the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) governed by the Ministry
of Environment and Forests (MoEF) become active under the Environment
(Protection) Act (EPA) 1986. In what follows, we present how these trials are
illegal, unscientific and fraudulent.

The Chronology of Illegal Field Trials of Bt Cotton

The sequence of events, which took place in implementing the illegal trials in
India, can be briefly outlined as :
24th April 1998 Mahyco files to Department of Biotechnology for field
May 1998 Joint venture between Mahyco and Monsanto formed

13th July 1998 Letter of Intent issued by DBT without involving Gentic
Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC).
15th July 1998 Mahyco agrees to conditions in letter of intent.
27th July 1998 Impugned permission by DBT for trials at 25 locations
5th August 1998 Permission for second set of trials at 15 locations
6th January 1999 PIL filed by Research Foundation for Science Technol-
ogy and Ecology in the Supreme Court of India
8th February 1999 RCGM expresses satisfaction over the trial results at 40
12th April 1999 RCGM directs Mahyco to submit application for trials
at 10 locations before Monitoring and Evaluation
25th May 1999 Revised proposal to RCGM submitted by Mahyco.
June–Nov 1999 Permission granted for different trial fields
Oct–Nov 1999 Field visits
May 2000 Mahyco’s letter to GEAC seeking approval for “release
for large scale commercial field trials and hybrid seed
production of indigenously developed Bt cotton hy-
July 2000 GEAC clears for large scale field trials on 85 hectares
and seed production on 150 hectares and notifies
through press release.
October 2000 RFSTE filed an application for amendment in the
petition challenging the fresh GEAC clearance.

The stamp of clearances for all the trials of genetically modified cotton came
through the advisor, Review Committee of Genetic Manipulation (RCGM)
through its letter dated 27th July 1998 and 5th August 1998 to Maharashtra
Hybrid Seeds Company (Mahyco) to carry out multicentric trials on transgenic
cotton (Bacillus thuringiensis) initially at 25 locations by permission dated 27th
July 98 and thereafter 15 locations by permission dated 5th August 98 making
40 locations in 9 states. The date of sowing obtained from the individual
farmers’ by the RFSTE team show that the crop has been sown before the trial
permissions were obtained in July 1998.
The field trials of Bt cotton on 40 locations in 9 states are totally unscientific
and illegal. The permission granted to Mahyco-Monsanto for the open field
trials is in category of organisms with potential ecological risks. Environmental
risks under this category need to be assessed and regulated in accordance with
the Rules called the “Rules for the Manufacture, Use, Import, Export and Storage
of hazardous Microorganisms Genetically Engineered Organisms or Cells,
1989” framed under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (hereafter referred
as “Rules”).
The permission has been granted for carrying out multicentric field trials
without assessing ecological impact on biodiversity, protection of environment,
danger to the agriculture and health hazards to the human beings and animals.
The said permission has not only been granted in violation of the provisions

of the above mentioned Rules which clearly stipulate that any such permission
can be granted only by the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee under
the Ministry of Environment and Forests, but even the guidelines of Department
of Biotechnology which have been framed under these Rules go contrary to
these Rules besides being totally inadequate to deal with the present state of
genetic engineering requiring stringent measures and precautions to be taken
in such trials. The permission has been further vitiated by reason of the
concerned nine States not being consulted before granting such permission
when “agriculture” is a state subject and such experimentation has direct impact
on the agriculture of a particular state. In fact, the two committees viz. State
Biotechnology Coordination Committee (SBCC) and the District Level
Committee (DLC) were not informed in advance before the grant of permission
as these Committee are concerned with biosafety of such genetically engineered
trials in the State as well as in a particular district. Therefore the permission
which has, therefore, been granted is violative of Article 14, 19 and 21 of the
Constitution; it is also violative of the provisions of Environment (Protection)
Act, 1986 and the Rules framed under section 6, 8 and 25 of the said Act.

Fresh Clearances by MoEF Despite Supreme Court Case

The GEAC which has been totally absent in the approvals of the field trials of
the last two years has suddenly become active and gave fresh clearances in
July 2000 to undertake trials of Bt cotton on 85 hectares and allowed seed
production on 150 hectares, implying the intention to expand transgenic cotton
cultivation without waiting for social, ecological and economic assessments.
The official note circulated by MoEF states that “M/s. Maharashtra Hybrid
Seed Company (MAHYCO) has been permitted to undertake field trials and
generate environmental safety data on transgenic cotton in various agro-
climatic regions of the country”. This proclaimed objective is totally misleading.
Firstly because, it hides the role of Monsanto which has the Patent on the
transgenic Bollgard Cotton and with whom MAHYCO has a joint venture i.e.
Monsanto MAHYCO Biotech (India) Pvt. Ltd. (MMBT).
In any case corporations promoting Genetic Engineering cannot be the
source for biosafety data. Biosafety data has to be generated by ecologists and
other independent experts. Depending on Monsanto-MAHYCO for environ-
mental safety data is like depending on the chemical industry for data on
chemical pollution and the auto industry for CO2 pollution. Pollution
monitoring and assessment agencies must be independent of the commercial
interests that gain from an activity that generate pollution. In the case of genetic
pollution, which as the note says is a legitimate public concern, similar
independence needs to be maintained for environmental safety data.
Given the public concern related to GE the absence of public participation in
the Monitoring-cum Evaluation Committee is another major cause of concern.
Since over the last two years studies of RFSTE have shown that the claims related
to transgenic cotton in terms of yields or reduction in pesticide use have been
fabricated to speed up commercialisation and have no scientific basis.
This is a democratic imperative and fundamental to the right to know. The
government is silent on the results of the last two years of field trials and is
reluctant to open monitoring and evaluation for public participation.

The MOEF falsely associates GE with increase in food productivity. All data
around the world is showing that yields of transgenic crops are lower than
conventional crops. GE will not promote food security though it can create
new environmental risks through genetic pollution.

Farmers’ Suicides: Opportunity for Gene Giants to Launch

Genetically Engineered Crops
The farmers’ suicides in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab and
other states of India (see chapter 3) as well as the ecological disasters like the
continuous failure of cotton in last few years in Andhra Pradesh and Punjab
are used by industry to sell new “miracles” and new vulnerabilities.
The excessive use of pesticides in Andhra Pradesh and Punjab was related
to the vulnerability of the hybrid seeds. However, the genetically engineered
seeds which have pesticides built into them are now being offered by the
multinational seed industry as the only alternative to the use of pesticides.
Bt-cotton is one of the products of genetic engineering being offered by
Monsanto, the leading US based Agricultural Biotechnology Company as a
‘miracle’ to end the use of hazardous pesticides, to save the cotton crop from
American bollworm and to increase the yield.

4. Monsanto’s Genetically Engineered Bt Cotton :

New Miracle or New Disaster?
What is Bt-Cotton?
Bt. toxins are a family of related molecules produced in nature by a soil
bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt.). Farmers and gardeners have used natural
Bt. as an organic pesticide for more than 50 years. Bt. genes are now being
genetically engineered into crops so that the plant produces toxins throughout
most of its life.
Genetically engineered Bt. crops are being offered as a sustainable pest
control strategy. However, the Bt. crops are neither ecological nor sustainable.
They are not ecological because internalising toxin production in plants is not
a toxic free strategy — it merely makes toxics internal to plants rather than
applied externally. The ecological impacts of this strategy of internalising toxics
have not been looked at, though indications are emerging that genetically
engineered Bt. is harmful to beneficial insects such as bees and ladybirds.
The Bt. crop strategy is not a sustainable method for pest control because
Bt. plants release toxins continuously. Constant long-term exposure of pest
populations to Bt. encourages survival of individual pests that are genetically
resistant to the toxin. As Margaret Mellon and Jane Rissler of the Union of
Concerned Scientists state in their report “Now or Never”:
Over many generations, the proportion of resistant individuals in pest
populations can increase, reducing the efficacy of the Bt. toxin as
pesticide. If resistance evolves, Bt. toxins will cease to be effective both
for the users of the new transgenic plants and those who have relied on
Bt. sprays for decades. Scientists have estimated that widespread use of
Bt. crops could lead to the loss of Bt’s efficacy against certain pest
populations in as far as two to five years (Fred and Bruce, 1998).

The primary justification for the genetic engineering of Bt. into crops is that
this will reduce the use of insecticides. One of the Monsanto brochures had
a picture of a few worms and stated, “You will see these in your cotton and
that’s O.K. Don’t spray”. However, in Texas, Monsanto faces a law suit filed
by 25 farmers over Bt. cotton planted on 18,000 acres which suffered cotton
boll worm damage and on which farmers had to use pesticides in spite of
corporate propaganda that genetic engineering meant an end to the pesticide
era. In 1996, 2 million acres in the US were planted with Monsanto’s Bt.
transgenic cotton called Bollgard, which had genes from the bacteria Bacillus
thuringensis (Bt). The genetically engineered cotton generates a natural toxin
to kill caterpillars of their pest: cotton bollworm, tobacco budworm and pink
However, cotton bollworms were found to have infested thousands of acres
planted with the new breed of cotton in Texas. Not only did the genetically
engineered cotton not survive cotton bollworm attack, there are also fears that
the strategy will create super bugs by inducing Bt - resistance in pests. The
question is not whether super-pests will be created, but when they will become
dominant. The fact that Environment Protection Agency (EPA) of the U.S.
requires refugia of non-engineered crops to be planted near the engineered
crops reflects the reality of the creation of resistant strains of insects.
The widespread use of Bt. containing crops could accelerate the
development of insect pest resistance to Bt., which is used for organic pest
The genetically engineered Bt. crops continuously express the Bt. toxin
throughout its growing season. Long term exposure to Bt. toxins promotes
development of resistance in insect populations.
Due to this risk of pest resistance, the U.S. Environment Protection Agency
offers only conditional and temporary registration of varieties producing Bt. The
EPA requires 4% “refugia” with Bt. cotton i.e. 4% of planted cotton is
conventional and does not express the Bt. toxin. It therefore acts as a refuge
for insects to survive and breed, and hence keeps the overall level of resistance
in the population low. Even at a 4% refugia level, insect resistance will evolve
in as little as 3 - 4 years.
For Bt. corn, the suggested “sacrificial” refugia is as large as 3%. Thus,
farmers have to make a major sacrifice to adopt the new miracle crops of
genetic engineering. The building up of pest-resistance undermines the use of
natural Bt. in organic agriculture. This is the reason that legal action against
the US, EPA was filed in Washington by Greenpeace International, the
International Federation of Organic Movements (world organisation of organic
farmers, certifiers, producers, retailers, 650 members in over 100 countries),
the Sierra Club, the National Family Farm Coalition, California Certified
Organic Farmers, the Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI), the
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and over 20 organic farmers’
organisations. The central demands of the petition was that the EPA cancels
registration of all genetically engineered plants that contain the Bt. pesticide
and that it refrains from taking new registrations. Furthermore, that the EPA
completes an impact statement analysing the registering of genetically
engineered plants that express Bt.

Engineering a toxin into a plant can have its own hazards. Plants engineered
to manufacture their own pesticides can harm organisms other than their
intended targets. Soil inhabiting organisms that degrade the organic matter
containing the insecticidal toxins produced by the soil bacterium Bacillus
Thuringiensis can be harmed by the toxin.
One of the most significant reasons contributing to the pesticide treadmill
has been the death of beneficial insects, and the emergence of resistance. More
than 500 species of insects have become resistant to conventional insecticides
and there is empirical evidence that they can also adapt to Bt. toxins (Fred and
Bruce, 1998).
In Australia, Bt. cotton acreage has been limited to below 20 per cent of
all cotton grown because of the risks of emergence of resistance. The Australian
experience with commercial use of Bt. cotton in the summer of 1996-97
showed that Bt. expression can vary based on the genetic material planted and
on environmental factors. A significant number of Bt. cotton growers
experienced pest damage by H. armigeca (the Australian equivalent of the
cotton bollworm) as high as fields with untreated non-Bt. cotton.
The failure of Monsanto’s Bollgard cotton in large areas in the U.S. shows
the risks of extrapolating from trials on small plots to large scale commercial
planting. A second lesson from the 1996 U.S. planting is that it is not easy to
force farmers to leave refugia at their own costs in order to manage pest
resistance. The extra costs of leaving 20 per cent land to non-Bt. cotton to be
sprayed with conventional insecticides should be internalised in assessment of
the benefits of Bt. cotton.
Scientists have recommended that 50 per cent area be planted by non-Bt.
cotton when farmers plant Bt. cotton (Fred and Bruce, 1998). If farmers should
not plant more than half their acreage with Bt. cotton, why should they plant
it at all?
As the example of the cotton crisis in Warangal in Andhra Pradesh shows,
farmers who have lost control over their seeds, agriculture and knowledge and
have switched to the mentality of technological fixes to ecological problems
through miracle varieties or chemicals will maximise the use of what has been
offered to them as a technological miracle.
The impact of Bt. cotton on Indian farmers and Indian agriculture can be
even more serious than the impact of the hybrid cotton in Warangal or any
other part of India. Besides this, the Bt cotton will have a direct impact on the
practitioners of the Indian system of medicines. The cotton seeds, roots, flowers,
leaves, oil and cotton is used internally as well as externally in different ailments
in the Indian system of medicines.
The cotton seeds are used for increasing milk secretion; the use of Bt cotton
seeds can cause serious health hazards to the mother and the child. Similarly
the roots are used during the labour to enhance the uterine contracts. The ash
of the cotton is taken to check bleeding from wound. The leaves are given as
dyurative. The introduction of Bt cotton will have a dangerous effect on the
traditional medical practices and the use of its seeds, leaves, roots, oil will be
fatal for the patients.
India is the home of cotton diversity. We should use the biodiversity of
cotton to our advantage to create ecological strategies of selecting pest

resistance varieties, using integrated pest management and avoiding the
risks of hazardous pesticides as well as the risks of genetically engineered
crops. The risks are aggravated by the fact that Bt. cotton is patented.
Since Bt. crops destroy alternatives, and are themselves treated as “intellectual
property”, planted Bt. cotton seeds would totally enslave the farmers to a
single company.

The risks of monopoly

Monsanto has the largest stakes in Bt. Cotton, which it sells under the trade
name of Bollgard.
In recent years, Monsanto has acquired Calgene, Agracetus, Dekalb, Delta
& Pineland, Asgrow & Holdens, Mahyco (Indian) which makes it the largest
biotechnology corporation in the seed sector (see Table 2.1).
In India, Monsanto has set up a Joint Venture with MAHYCO, the largest
Indian seed company in the private sector. Monsanto plans to market its
Bollgard cotton through this Joint Venture. It has decided to unveil a limited
launch of Bollgad in India by 1999 and a full scale launch in 2000 (Asian Age,
1998). They have set for themselves a turnover target of about Rs. 500 crore
in the next five to seven years in India.
Monsanto’s promotional literature does not inform farmers about the
risks of Bt. crops. As Hendrik Verfaillie, the President of Monsanto, stated in
an address to the Forum on Nature and Human Society at the National
Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C. October 30, 1997 in describing
Monsanto’s Bt. Potato:

“The bioengineered plant has been given genetic instructions which

allow it to use sunshine, air and soil nutrients to make a
biodegradable protein that affects specific insects and pest, and only
those individual insects that actually take a bite of the plant... It spares
the lives of the beneficial insects which previously would have been
killed by broadcasting a broad spectrum insecticide.”

This description is misleading in many ways. The use of genetic engineering

to make transgene bt-plants has described as “giving genetic instructions to use
sunshine, air and soil nutrients”, a high dose toxin is described as a
“biodegradable protein”, and the impact is artifically restricted to insects “that
take a bite of the plant”, thus excluding the impact on bees that take the pollen,
and organisms that eat the insects which have eaten the toxin. The impact of
Bt. crops can be large because the toxin can travel up the food chain and is
hence not limited to the plant and insects, which feed on it.
Chemical insecticides were pushed in the Third World on grounds that
without them agricultural production is impossible. However, as the experience
of Indonesia shows, a reduction of pesticides by 60 per cent contributed to
an increase of rice yields by 13 per cent.
Like insecticides, insecticide producing plants which have been genetically
engineered to produce Bt.-toxin could be another false miracle which sows
the seeds of massive disasters.

Cost of the Bt Technology
Bt technology is not free of cost to the farmers. The farmers have to pay for
the non-cotton gene inserted into the cotton genome. The fees that are charged
to farmers are related directly to the benefits or saving made in planting the
transgenic cotton varieties. It is generally presumed that Bt cotton if planted
would significantly reduce the need for spraying insecticides and accordingly
the technology fee has been related to the insecticide use.
Each farmer interested to plant Bt variety has to sign an agreement with the
Company. In the case of purchase of Monsanto’s transgenic products, one of
the important conditions of the contract has been that the seeds can neither
be saved for next year nor passed on to other cotton growers. The company
apparently intends to reap technology benefits for years to come by extending
the duration of agreement.
It has been observed that the performance of Bt cotton is not always
profitable. According to a study by Sutton (1998) it was not profitable to grow
Bt cotton in Arkansas (USA) during 1997. The study involved two similar fields
on the same farm at seven locations for comparing cost of production and net
returns from Bt versus non-Bt cotton varieties. The study noted that the
differences between the Bt and non-Bt fields were in the area of technology
fees, cost of insecticides and their application, growth regulators and second
harvest costs. In most Bt fields, the additional cost of seed, the necessity of using
plant growth regulators, the technology fee and the need to make second pick
were responsible for higher cost of production.
It is very clear through studies [like Sutton (1998)] that bollworm pressure
is an important factor for determining the economical suitability for Bt cotton.
Study by Gibson et al (1997) compared the costs and returns associated with
growing Bt cotton and non-Bt in Mississippi for two years. The study reveals
that there was not much difference in the total cost of production. However,
Bt cotton required more expenses in the form of fertilisers, fungicide treatments
and the technology fees. The Table 2.3 provides the performance of Bt to that
of non-Bt cotton in Mississippi (USA) in 1995-97. It is observed from the table
that the amount spent on insect
TABLE 2.3 control together with the tech-
Performance of Bt vs Non-Bt Cotton in Mississippi 1995-1997
nology fee exceeds for Bt cotton
1995 1996 1997 in all the years and made it
Bt Non-Bt Bt Non-Bt Bt Non-Bt more expensive for the farmers.
Lint yield kg/ha 1086 983 1002 950 1103 1009 Thus the total cost for Bt crop
exceeds on an average fifty
Insect Control US$/ha 176 232 157 144 209 204
percent more to that of non-Bt
Bollgard Fee US$/ha 204 61 133
Total Cost US$/ha 380 232 218 144 342 204
For the trials, the company
Total Return US$/ha 1176 1176 1218 1218 1239 1239
has not charged any technology
Source: ICAC, June 1998. fees as such. However, for com-
mercial sale of the seeds the company is certainly going to impose technology
fees. In such situation, there will be tremendous pressure on the farmers and
ultimately the very survival of farmers will be threatened. There is absolutely
no difference in terms of total returns for Bt and non-Bt crops of cotton.

Genetically Engineered Crops Yields More: Myth or Reality?
It is argued that the yield from genetically engineered
crops will be significantly higher than the normal Before you could buy the canola seed from
hybrids and high yielding varieties or the open Monsanto you have to sign a Licence. And in that
pollinated varieties. Licence you gave up many of your rights as a
The failure of GE crops to yield has been reported farmer. You gave your rights up that you could not
from all over the world. The Mississippi Seed Arbitra- use the seed from that crop in the following year,
tion Council has ruled that Monsanto’s Roundup Ready you have to sell all your seed, you have to buy
seed from Monsanto, you have to buy the
Cotton failed to perform as advertised in 1997 and
chemical from Monsanto. Worse than that you
recommended payments of nearly $2 million to three
have to also sign that if you violated your contract
cotton farmers who suffered severe crop losses. The
that they could fine you, you could not say one
University of Arkansas study showed that on average Bt
word, that they can say anything about you. In
cotton yielded fewer pounds and lower income per addition to get seed from Monsanto, you also have
acre (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2000). to pay a technology charge which is $15 an acre.
In his testimony in Bija Panchayat – Seed Tribunal So basically they have complete control over you
at Bangalore in September 2000, Percy Schmeiser a with regard to the seed that you bought. It is just
Canadian farmer, who was sued by Monsanto for like renting the seed. And you have to buy back
cultivating Bt canola, informed that not only the yields next year.
of genetically engineered canola was very low but also Percy Schmieser, Canadian Farmer
the quality was poor.
The rush to expand the area under GE crops in India
is largely related to the failing fortunes of the biotech industries in the US and
Europe. The yields in all the trial plots were found to be low as compared to
what the company promised. A comparison of the local hybrid variety
cultivated and Bt shows that the yield from both the crops was more or less
same. Table 2.4 shows the comparison of Bt and non-Bt yield.
The performance of Bt with respect to other non-Bt cotton in some of the
trial sites shows no good results. It has been observed that in almost all the
sites, farmers reported that except for some protection from bollworm nothing
much has benefited them. The cost
of cultivation has also worked out to TABLE 2.4
be same for all the trial farmers. Actual yield reported by the farmers in the Trial Plots for
Studies undertaken in US during Bt Cotton (1998-99)
1999, where 50% of the soybean Name of the Farmer & Location Bt Yield/acre Non-Bt
crop came from genetically modi- Yield/acre
fied glyphosate-resistant soybeans, 1. Mr Lehri Singh, Hissar, Haryana 745 Kg 880 Kg
farmers reported yield losses and
2. Mr Harpal Singh, Sirsa, Haryana 5 Kg 200 Kg
increased costs. One of the review
3. Mr Surendra Singh Hayer, Punjab Poor yield 250 Kg
of more than 8,200 soybean trials
4. Mr Mahalingappa Shankarikopp,
found the “yield drag” of the top
Haveri, Karnataka 700 Kg 700 Kg
varieties of GM beans compared
5. Mr B V Nunjundappa, HBHalli, Poor yield Not performed
with conventional varieties to be Karnataka well
6.7% (Charles Benbrook, 1999).
6. Mr Karelli Bakka Reddi,
The yield drag and Monsanto’s Ranga Reddy, Andhra Pradesh 50 Kg 150-200 Kg
technology fee practically impose 7. Mr Bansi lal Lakhmi, Khargoan,
tax on the income of farmers who Mahdya Pradesh 12 Kg 300 to 400 Kg
cultivate genetically modified
Source : Compiled from Primary Survey of Trial Sites by RFSTE team.

TABLE: 2.5 In a study, which was initiated on
Round Up Ready & Conventional Variety Yields by State, 1998 the requests of producers regarding
States Per cent Yield Drag per Acre yield related questions about Roundup
Trial Mean Top 5 Varieties Top Variety Ready Soybean in 1997, carried out by
Nebraska University Institute of Agri-
Illinois +3.4% 0.0% 0.0%
culture and Natural Resources headed
Iowa -6.6% -6.3% -9.1% by NU agronomist Roger Elmore re-
Michigan -3.0% -6.8% -10.3% ported in June 2000 that roundup
Minnesota -7.6% -8.2% -6.8% ready soybeans yielded 6% less than
Nebraska -12.1% -10.8% -9.1% their closest relatives and 11% less than
Ohio +3.3% -6.0% -5.8% high yielding conventional soybeans.
S Dakota -10.2% -7.4% -8.9%
Decline in Planting Area of Bt crops
Wisconsin -2.8% -3.5% -3.4%
Average -5.3% -6.1% -6.7% According to World Watch Institute’s
Report 2000 there has been a decline
Source: Charles Benbrook, 1999.
of about 25% planting area of GM
crops in the US. In January 2000, the planting undertaken by farmers in United
States for Bt corn declined to 24% and Bt cotton to 26%.
A study by North Carolina State University in March 2000, reveals that
damage to cotton bolls in Bt crops from stink bugs increased by a staggering
430% compared to conventional cotton. Based on these results US southern
states had been prohibited from planting more than 50% of their acreage to
Bt crops because of the risk of the rapid development of pest resistance which
threatens to make the technology impotent.

Refugia Maintenance Strategies: At whose cost ?

Responding to Monsanto’s amendment request of June 1999 and November
1999, United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Biopesticide and
Pollution Prevention Division informed that 20 % and 50 % refugia must be
grown in Bt corn and Bt cotton growing areas (Letter from USEPA). It has been
also reported in other studies that the expression of Bt in cotton varieties is not
high enough to kill most of the cotton bollworms, allowing 10 – 40 % of insects
to survive. This requires a huge refuge to create a large enough susceptible
population for mating with survivors.
With the advent of mass planting of transgenic crops, many of the natural
refuge where susceptible larvae thrive will disappear. Therefore, the strategy
of non Bt plant refuges in which the Bt vulnerable insects can continue to
multiply, thus reducing the rate at which the Bt resistant insects dominate the
population. Many companies selling transgenic seeds, including Monsanto,
have accepted this refuge strategy.
The refugia need to constitute 5-40% of a given crop. “With the bollworm,
the key strategy is refugia, host plants where the insect can escape exposure
to Bt protein. Non-selected populations that develop on these refuges help
dilute and suppress any resistance genes that may develop in the Bollgard fields.
The bollworm has a multitude of hosts – both wild and crop plants. With
Bollgard, resistance management is taken even further by requiring growers to
plant refuges with cotton that does not contain the Bollgard gene. When both
the natural and mandated refuges are combined, resistance development in the

bollworm can be delayed significantly.” Therefore, Bt
technology is for corporate farmers with industrial Monsanto did an aggressive campaigning claim-
ing that the genetically engineered rape seed
provided by them was more nutritious, had high
80% of Indian farmers who are small and marginal
yield and would consume less chemicals. But this
and having medium land holding can not afford to
was not entirely true. Farmers who used it found
put aside land to have refugia to delay resistance. This that it was not what was claimed but instead had
also shows that Bt cotton will not increase yield, become a super weed, destroying other varieties
though it is not engineered for that, nor it would help through its resistance to Monsanto’s branded
in reducing pesticide use. The Bt technology has herbicide Roundup.
already proved to be a unreliable, expensive technol- This contamination of seed has now appeared in
ogy and has also failed to control bollworms, rather the wheat, barley. It has also ruined the sales of
it has developed resistance to Bt toxin. Thus Bt organic rapeseed products in Europe. The Alberta
technology in India can never be a reliable technol- University has now found that there are 3
ogy for the small and marginal farmers of India. genetically manipulated genes in the GE Canola
plants. Organic farmers are now convinced that
The Australian experience, as discussed earlier,
the MNCs are all out to destroy them, as they are
showed a significant number of growers had fields of
not buying the chemical fertilisers and pesticides.
Bt cotton in which the damage due to H. armigera
It has become a major problem in Canada.
was similar to that in untreated non-Bt cotton.
The basic questions that are however not being - Percy Schmieser, Canadian Farmer
raised in the U.S. debate are:

1. Who bears all the costs of resistance management, the farmer or Monsanto?

2. Is not the really sustainable option of using organic methods which would
reduce the ecological and economic costs of insecticides without creating
new costs of genetically engineered seeds, royalties, technology fees,
continued insecticide use and the risks of the emergence of resistance to Bt.

Reduced Use of Insecticides, Pesticides: the Truth

Genetically engineered crops are developed to reduce the chemical application
to the plants. It has been observed that the use of pesticides, weedicides and
herbicides has been increasing tremendously all over the world. To reduce this
dependence on agri-chemicals and to minimise the damage to environment
through these poisonous substances, genetically engineered crops were thought
of as an alternative to reduce the chemical usage in agriculture.
According to industry, the promise of transgenic crops inserted with Bt genes
is the replacement of synthetic insecticides, which is at the moment used to
control insect pests. However, it has been found that there is no decline in usage
of synthetic pesticides and insecticides in the Bt cultivated areas.
Insecticides sprays were still required in the genetically engineered crops
to control pests other than Lepidoptera not susceptible to the endotoxin
expressed, as most crops have a diversity of insect pests (Gould, 1994). On the
other hand, instead of reducing the agri-chemical dependence, new problem
of pests developing resistance to the ever expressing endotoxin from the
genetically modified crops.
Monsanto company admits that bollworm larvae greater than ¼ inch long
or 2 to 4 days old are difficult to be controlled with Bollgard alone (see
promotional material of Monsanto). It recommends applying supplemented
insecticide treatment and further recommends the farmers that “if sufficient

larvae of this size are present you may need to apply supplemental treatment
at intervals” (Monsanto Company, 1996).
In another instance, the pesticide effect of the engineered Bt was not
sufficient to kill off all pests throughout the season as Monsanto promised. Dr
Mae-Wan Ho, of the UK’s Open University, attributes this failure to unpredicted
changes in the behaviours of the Bt gene. In 1997, 20 % of the first commercial
crop of Roundup Ready cotton suffered deformed bolls and bolls dropping off
In one out of the three regions which the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) studied total chemical treatments for all the cotton pests
were actually 53 % higher for adopters of Bt cotton than non-adopters (WWF
Report, March 2000).
An analysis by the Pesticides Trust on behalf of Greenpeace argues that the
introduction of herbicide resistant varieties will alter the pattern of herbicide
use but will not change the overall amounts used. If it leads to greater use of
glyphosate this will damage other crops and have potential adverse effects on
wildlife, including beneficial insects such as ladybirds. The analysis further
shows that the compounds can remain active in the soil for long periods and
can contaminate water (International Agricultural Development, 1998).
The actual pesticide sprays by the farmers at various trial sites in India, during
the first round of illegal trials of Bt cotton revealed that the use of pesticides
has not at all stopped for Bt crop. Pesticide sprays ranging from as high as 12
to 15 in one of the trial fields in Haryana to a minimum of three in the trial
fields have been observed. According to Mr Basavanappa s/o Shri B V
Nanjundappa in Hagari Bommanahalli Taluk, Bellary district, the number of
sprays in all the three test plots of Bt and non-Bt has been almost same and
incurred around Rs 6700 for chemicals sprays and fertilisers. This amount is
almost spent by all other conventional/hybrid cotton growers on purchase of
chemicals and fertilisers in that part of the State. Table 2.6 gives the number
of sprays farmers used
TABLE 2.6 on the Bt plots during
Number of Chemical Sprays on Bt Cotton by the trial farmers (1998-99) the trial.
Name & Location of Farmer Number of Sprays on Bt Crop Contrary to the claim
Mr Surinder Singh Hayer, Punjab 5 to 6 times spray of chemicals.
of Monsanto about the
reduction of chemical
Mr Lehri Singh, Hissar, Haryana 3 times spray of chemicals.
sprays, farmers had to
Mahyco R D Centre, Gurgoan, Haryana 3 to 5 spray of chemicals.
revert to chemical
Shri B V Nanjundappa, Bellary, Karnataka 4 times spray of chemicals.
spraying inspite of built-
Shri V Thirupalliah, Kurnool, A P 4 times spray of chemicals.
in insecticidal proper-
Source: Compilation from RFSTE Primary Survey, 1998. ties in the Bt cotton.

Increased Costs to Farmers

With the introduction of genetically modified crops, per acre cost of cultivation
will tremendously increase with increase in added costs in terms of seed cost,
technology fees, and use of chemicals. In the present situation with internal
inputs organic agriculture the added costs are almost negligible except for the
cost of seeds, which most of the farmers saving their seeds and using them for
cultivating in the following season. Other inputs are also provided on farm.

Once Bt cotton is cultivated, all these costs will appear and the farmer will
get into serious financial troubles.
An estimation of additional burden which the farmer has to bear for
switching over to Bt cotton from conventional variety is nearly nine times more
in terms of seed cost, technology fee of nearly US$ 80 per hectare and more
spending on pesticides and chemicals. Most calculations used by Monsanto
compare the costs incurred by the farmers of developed countries. The estimates
for Indian farmers are totally different and have profound impact when the
comparisons are made in Indian context between cultivation with genetically
engineered seeds and cultivation under organic conditions.
The genetic engineering option is projected as leading to lower chemical
use and hence economic benefits by comparing it to chemical intensive, large
scale industrial monocultures instead of ecological organic agriculture which
is perhaps the only real alternative. However the comparison of genetically
engineered crops that should be made is not with chemical intensive agriculture
but with ecological regenerative agriculture. In addition to the increased cost
of chemicals, the shift from ecological
agriculture to genetic engineering also TABLE 2.7
Comparison of costs in Ecological farming and Genetically
leads to increased costs of seed, includ-
Engineered farming system for Cotton crop in India (per acre)
ing technology costs, which are never
mentioned when the economic ben- Inputs Ecological Genetically
efits of transgenic crops are assessed. Farming Engineered Farming
Thus, from Table 2.7, it is evident Seed Cost Nil Rs 550
that the ecological farming has no Technology Cost Nil Rs 2000
expenditure in terms of seed cost, Pesticide Cost Nil Rs 7500
technology fee imposed on the seed Total Cost of
and the cost of pesticide. Once there is Cultivation/acre Nil Rs 10050
shift in the farming system, from eco-
Source: Compiled from RFSTE Primary Survey, 1998
logical to that of genetically engineered
farming, the farmer has to bear Rs TABLE 2.8
10500 per acre additional cost apart Average Projected 2000 Insect Control : Costs and Damages
from other input costs such as labour ($/acre) of Bollgard Versus Conventional Cotton for North
costs. Carolina Producers
As per 1997-98 figures the total area Items Bollgard Conventional
under cotton in India is 214 lakh acres. a
Average Technology Fee 19.14 0.00
Therefore, if whole of the cropping
shifts to genetically engineered cotton Insect Control Cost 5.63 (0.75 apps) 18.98 (2.53 apps)
then nearly Rs 16050 crores on pesti- Insect Damage c
cides and Rs 22470 crores on entire (% damaged bolls) 0.00 (4.47 %) 6.08 (5.25 %)
cotton cultivation will be the added Additional Scouting Fees d 2.50 0.00
costs compared to the ecological op- Total ($ 27.27) ($ 25.06)
tion of internal input agriculture.
Source: Charles Benbrook, 1999.
The false comparison with chemi-
a Technology fee varies according to seed rate and row spacing.
cal/industrial agriculture rather than
b Pyrethroid = $ 5.50 per acre; application = $ 2.00/acre
with ecological organic agriculture is
c Damage:1 % boll damage equals approx 12 lb lint per acre;
used to create the illusion of cotton = $ 0.65/lb
sustainability of genetically engineered d Scouting requirements for Bollgard typically exceed those needed
crops. for conventional cotton.

5. Socio-Ecological Aspects of GE Revolution
Genetic Pollution
Genetic engineering is creating new forms of pollution identified as genetic
pollution. Across the world evidences are emerging about the reality of threat
from this new form of pollution. The nature of genetic pollution is different
from that of chemical pollution in the sense that there is no abatement for this
type of pollution.
The risks associated with genetic pollution arise from a number of aspects of
genetic engineering. The transgenic organisms are modified organisms with a
foreign gene which behave differently in the ecosystem. The ecological impacts
of such organisms are a function of the explicit properties of the added genes,
the effects of new combinations of genes and specific environmental situations.
Transgenic organisms also carry risks because exotic genes are also
introduced through the use of viruses and plasmids as vectors, which themselves
can create ecological risks. Transgenic crops contain antibiotic resistance
markers that carry the risks of antibiotic resistance spreading.
According to evidence presented by the Union of Concerned Scientists,
there are already signals that the commercial-scale use of some transgenic crops
pose serious ecological risks and do not deliver the promises of industry (see
the Box below).

Field Performance of Some Recently Released Transgenic Crops

Transgenic Crop Released Performance Reference

1. Bt transgenic cotton Additional insecticide sprays needed due to Bt cotton The Gene Exchange, 1996;
failing to control bollworms in 20,000 acres in eastern Texas Kaiser, 1996
2. Cotton inserted with Bolls deformed and falling off in 4-5 thousand Lappe and Bailey, 1997;
Roundup Readgô gene acres in Mississippi Delta Myerson, 1997
3. Bt corn 27% yield reduction and lower Cu foliar levels in
Beltsville trial Hornick, 1997
4. Herbicide resistant Pollen escaped and fertilised botanically related Scottish Crop Research
oilseed rape plants 2.5 km away in Scotland Institute, 1996
5. Virus resistant squash Vertical resistance to two viruses and not to others Rissler, J. (Personal
transmitted by aphids communication)
6. Early FLAVR-SAVR Did not exhibit acceptable yields and disease
tomato varieties resistance performance Biotech Reporter, 1996
7. Roundup Ready Canola Pulled off the market due to contamination with a
gene that does not have regulatory approval Rance, 1997
8. Bt potatoes Aphids sequestered the Bt toxin apparently affecting
coccinellid predators in negative ways Birch et al., 1997
9. Herbicide tolerant crops Development of resistance by annual ryegrass to Roundup Gill, 1995

In the United States Bt crops are registered as insecticides. These registrations

are conditional and expire in 2000 - 2001. The insecticidal Bt-toxins, isolated
from Bacillus thuringiensis are often engineered into plants in a pre-activated
form, and are already known to be harmful to bees directly, and to lacewings
further up the food chain. A recent study in Switzerland found that lacewings,
which prey on corn pests, suffered maldevelopment, increased mortality when
fed with corn borers raised on Bt crop (Hilbech, et al, 1998).

Monsanto’s genetically engineered “Bollgard” cotton or Bt-cotton has genes
from a bacteria engineered into it so that the plant produces its own pesticide
contrary to Monsanto’s claim. Bt-cotton is not “pest-resistant” but a pesticide
producing plant. The severe ecological risks of crops genetically engineered
to produce toxics include the threat posed to beneficial species such as birds,
bees, butterflies, beetles which are necessary for pollination and for pest control
through prey predator balance. Nothing is yet known of the impact on human
health when toxic producing Bt. crops such as potato and corn are eaten or
on animal health when oilcake from Bt-cotton or fodder from Bt-corn is
consumed as cattle feed. Further, while pesticide producing plants are being
offered as an alternative to spraying pesticides, they will in fact create the need
for more pesticides since pests are rapidly evolving resistance to genetically
engineered Bt-crops.
Research at the Scottish Crop Research showed that lady birds fed on aphids
which were fed on transgenic potatoes laid fewer eggs and lived half as long
as lady birds on a normal diet (Brich et al, 1996/97).
The latest research that has sent shock waves throughout the scientific and
environmental community is the finding by the Cornell scientists that the
Monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus was killed by ingesting milkweed leaves
dusted with pollen from Bt cotton (Losey et al., 1999).
These impacts on non-target species falsify the claims that the Bt toxin in
Bt cotton only effects the cotton bollworm. If such Bt cotton is allowed to spread
across the country its impact on diverse species will be similar to the devastating
impacts of pesticide use. In addition, the risks of transgene moving into other
plants will have the added risks of genetic pollution and the destruction of our
Transgenic plants have been genetically engineered to contain traits from
unrelated organisms. The spread of transgenic crops threatens crop genetic
diversity by simplifying cropping systems and promoting genetic erosion. The
potential transfer of genes from pesticide resistant crops to wild or semi-
domesticated relatives may create new super weeds.
The wide spread use of Bt containing crops could accelerate the develop-
ment of insect pest resistance to Bt, which is used for organic pest control.
There is serious mismatch between the mindset of genetic engineering
biotechnology and the reality of the new genetics. A summary is given below
to highlight the mismatch between the two :

Genetic Engineering Mindset Reality of Scientific Findings

1. Genes determine characters in Genes function in complex network;
linear causal chain: one gene causation is multidimensional,
gives one function. nonlinear and circular.
2. Genes and genomes are not Genes and genomes are subject to
subject to environmental influence. feedback regulation.
3. Genes and genomes are stable Genes and genomes are dynamic and
and unchanging. fluid can change directly in response
to the environment and give adaptive
mutations to order.
4. Genes stay where they are put. Genes can jump horizontally between
unrelated species and recombine.

Monsanto’s technology destroys beneficial
The Taco Shell Case biodiversity and create superpests both through
Taco shells are a very popular food in the US, wiping out pest predators and by creating pests, which
and many brands are found in all supermarket are resistant to pesticides. While Monsanto’s pesticide
shelves. Our coalition of groups against GE producing Bt. crops are not based on the terminator
foods, called Genetic Engineering Food Alert, technology, which terminates germination of seed so
tested various foods for contamination with that farmers cannot save it. However, they are in an
genetically engineered Bt corn. We found that the ecological sense terminator, which terminates
Bt corn that had been cleared only as animal biodiveristy and the possibilities of ecological and
feed had infiltrated in the human food. This Bt sustainable agriculture based on the conservation of
corn had not been approved for human con-
sumption, as it is toxic to humans due to the
The ecological impact of Bt-cotton cannot be
presence of allergens. The genes that were found
assessed on the basis of a 3-month trial. The trial needs
in Taco shell were of Cryonine gene, which does
to be carried out over 2-3 growing seasons and impact
not degrade in the gut of humans. This shows
that the regulatory bodies don’t work. needs to be assessed on all organisms, including soil
microorganisms which have been known to be killed
- Ellen Hickey, USA
by the toxics in Bt-crops. To get the full-ecological
impact of biodiversity destruction and genetic pollu-
tion caused by genetically engineered crops, the following steps are necessary :

• a full biodiversity assessment of the ecosystem in which the GMO is to

be introduced.

• impact of genetically engineered crop on diverse species including

pollinators and soil microorganism

• risks of transfer of genetically engineered traits to non-engineered crops

through horizontal gene transfer and pollination.

Indian Trials Lack Ecological Impact Assessment

None of the above referred steps for ecological risks of GMOs have been carried
out in Monsanto’s illegal and unscientific trials with Bollgard cotton during
1998, in India.
When Monsanto states that they have had 93% success they are referring
to agronomic performance, not to ecological safety. Further, since the Bt-
technology is aimed at pesticide production, not yield increases, Monsanto is
deliberately distorting facts when it refers to yield increasing characteristics of
Bollgard cotton.
The wrong committee asked Mahyco-Monsanto to generate data on pest
load, performance in terms of yield and fiber quality, to compare the insect
damage on the boll shedding and retention for Bt cotton. There has been no
concern to monitor the impact of transgenic crops on the surrounding flora
and other relevant ecological aspects.

Containment - the Need

The absence of containment measures during the Bt cotton field trials include:

• No safegaurds for the prevention of leaf fall from Bt cotton entering the
soil ecosystem;

• No safegaurds against soil microorganisms being adversely impacted;

• No netting to prevent insect pollinators from approaching the Bt cotton

plants to prevent gene transfer through pollination;

• No steps to prevent non-target species from feeding on the Bt cotton and

transferring the transgenic material in to the larger environment through
the food chain;

• No safegaurds to ensure that the stems, roots, leaves, cotton fibre, cotton
seeds were collected at the end of the harvest and destroyed;

• No precaution whatsoever is on record to provide for post harvest

segregation. The Bt cotton produce harvested by farmers was mixed with
the produce harvested from non-GE cotton and sold in the local market.

Through these multiple flows and interactions with the environment the Bt
cotton trials are a deliberate release of a GMO into the environment and not
“contained” experiment.
The lack of containment of field trials implies that the GMO and the
transgene contained in it can escape in to the larger environment through
pollination, food chains and marketing chains. Unlike non-living material,
GMOs multiply and reproduce. In the words of Ms Elaine Ingham (Professor
at the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, USA)
any engineered organism to be released into the real world, free from the
controlled laboratory situation, must be treated as the potential hazard that it is.
The biotechnology industry needs to step back and make certain that the
biological potential of organisms being altered, both before and after alterations,
is recognised and understood. After all, organisms are capable of reproduction
and increasing in number and spreading. Human produced chemicals may have
posed problems to the environment but at least chemicals, whether organic or
inorganic, did not reproduce. One molecule of a problem chemical remained
one molecule and did not replicate to become a million problems.
In case of biological material, tiny amounts of material can be multiplied.
Bacterial multiplication takes places at phenomenally high rates.
A comparison of the field trial design with actual field practice and required
ecological trial parameters as specified by biosafety regulations is presented in
Table 2.9.

Isolation Distances
Isolation distances are scientifically important while undertaking trials with
transgenic crops since, the transgenic material cannot be treated as if it were
a chemical matter rather than biological matter. Biological matter can not be
equated to chemical matter. Because of the reproduction and multiplication
inherent to living organisms, GMO releases can have irrepressibly damaging
impact on the environment. The inherent tendency of biological organisms to
multiply and reproduce and interact with other species implies that what begins
with a small number of plants or bacteria can become a major invasion or
epidemic. The example of Parthenium substantiates the point. A few seeds of
Parthenium which came in as contaminants in a wheat consignment of PL480

a few years ago, today covers millions of acres of productive land in the country
and causes allergies to millions of people.

Comparison of the Field trial design with Actual Field Practice and Ecological trial parameters as
specified by Biosafety Regulations
Trial Design Actual Field Practice Ecological Trial Parameters

• Experimental design for the • 1800 sq meters of plots were • Impact of leaf fall on soil organ-
quadruplicate trials of Bt cotton used. isms.
would be in field space of about • Impact on Non target species.
1394 sq meters. • Emergence of resistance.

• Experimental plots containing • No isolation distance. Instead • Experimental plots in total

transgenic Bt cotton plants should crops were planted in between isolation. Series of experiments to
be surrounded by an isolation the plots. be conducted in contained
distance of 5 meters with no environment.
plantations. • Assessment of the impact on
other crop and plant species
dominant in the region.

• Comparative assessment of • No data available. • Integrated analysis of flora and

lepidopteran pest load in fauna in soil and agroecosystem
• Manipulation in comparing the
randomised Bt, non-Bt field along within a distance covered by
yield of Bt and non-Bt cotton by
with non-Bt foeld plantations due pollination potential.
opting for its own inferior variety
to host preference. • Local cultural practices should
and not taking the most common
• Performance of the Bt and variety cultivated by the farmers not be manipulated and compari-
non-Bt hybrids for yield and fiber in the region. son should be made with the
quality. most commonly grown variety of
the crop.

• Keep full account of the • Free sale of the Bt cotton • Complete destruction of the
transgenic materials and seeds in produced mixed with normal material/produce obtained from
the transgenic plots and use all cotton produce in the market by the trials.
transgenic material in a contained the farmers. No precaution of
environment. containment.

• All materials, like quantities of • Taluk level concerned govern- • All concerned committees at all
transgenic Bt cotton seeds ment departments unaware of the levels of institutional hierarchy
produced, transgenic cotton experimentation and did not should be well informed about
produce etc after experi- receive any material or produce any trials with the genetically
mentation be reported to the of the trangenic Bt cotton. modified organisms in the field.

• Ensure company authorised • Mahyco organised kshetra utsav • While in research conditions all
personnel permitted to visit for publicity of the Bt cotton the results should be open and
experimental sites. among other farmers of the accessible to the interested
region surrounding the trial citizens of the country.
• Ensure adherence to Recombinant • No adherence to the guidelines • Strong biosafety regulations
DNA guidelines of the Govern- laid by the Government of needed.
ment of India. India. • More public participation

Source: Compiled from Primary Survey, Biosafety Guidelines and Rissler & Mellon (1996).

Pollen escape cannot be equated with crossing. Hybridisation and pollen
flow are two separate things. Hybridisation is species specific. Therein also the
need to list all the relatives of cotton with which the Bt Cotton could hybridise
with. Such is the nature and extent of research and study that needs to be
undertaken before any activity even remotely resembling a commercial
application can be allowed. Many experiments on pollination in different
ecosystems need to be carried out in different universities and research institutes
and not by commercial agencies to assess pollination distances for the risks of
gene flow of transgenic material.
Ann Clark, an agronomist at the University of Guelph in the province of
Ontario, was quoted as saying, “Canola pollen can move up to 8 kilometers;
(pollen from) corn and potatoes, about 1 kilometer : Wind is only one of the
ways pollen moves. Canola pollen, for example, is carried by pollinators” (Ann
Clarke, 1998).
GMOs released into the environment without full safeguards and
containment measures therefore automatically translate into a deliberate release
and a large-scale process at the biological and ecological level. In the domain
of genetic pollution and ecological impacts of GMOs, the matter of scale relates
to ecological linkages and ecological impacts and not the initial area planted
or the initial number of GMOs introduced since the GMOs and their transgenes
can spread and multiply.
Environmental protection cannot be ensured on the basis of “beliefs” of
adequate protection based on flimsy premises. Such protection has to be
objectively ensured and that is the purpose of environmental laws.
If genes escape from genetically engineered (GE) crops, they can spread and
multiply and lead to biopollution of the other crops and biodiversity. It is the
clear absence of any containment measure in the release of transgenic plants
through an open experiment in the field that poses serious ecological risks that
be highlighted and prevented in the public interest.
The five meters distance is definitely not a safe and clear isolation either
in the context of preventing genetic pollution through gene flow via pollination
or preventing genetic pollution through the food chain.
The so-called buffer zone of 5 meters isolation distance is not a containment
measure in any ecological sense for the trials of Bt cotton in India:
Firstly, it does not ensure containment by prevention of non-target species
feeding on the plants, plant parts having an impact on soil ecology and soil
organism and plant products being sold in the market.
Secondly, there is arbitrariness throughout the process of designing the
scientific basis of the trials on the actual isolation distance required.
The determination of what would be a safe isolation distance for different
genetically engineered crops should be made by independent ecological studies
on different crops and their pollinators. The minimum isolation distance for
GMO trials should be based on the isolation distance required to be maintained
during seed breeding to maintain genetic purity of seeds.
According to the seed laws of the US pertaining to cotton to maintain genetic
purity, a distance of 1920 ft. has to be maintained, this stipulation is further
increased to 2640 ft. in hybrids and in the case of GMOs it is even higher i.e.
above 3000 ft.

During the trials the isolation distance has been reduced to 5 meters
“although seed certification norms have established 30 mts.”. This arbitrary
change in prescribed isolation distances for seed breeding has endangered the
environment and violated the laws for preventing such risks.
The isolation distances would need to be higher than the isolation distances
specified in seed certification laws since as mentioned earlier pollen transfer
and crossing are not the same things.
The pollen flow from the transgenic Bt has not been contained because the
so-called isolation distance used has been arbitrarily fixed and is totally
inadequate to prevent pollen escape. It is important to point out that pollen
carriage can be everywhere and anywhere. It does not have to always result
in crossing between sexually compatible species. This fact is highlighted by the
example of the killing of the Monarch butterfly from pollen dust from Bt corn
depositing on milkweed on which the butterfly feeds.
Thirdly, since hybridisation and cross pollination increase from natural to
hybrid, and hybrid to GMOs, the buffer zones for GMO trials need to be higher
than isolation distances used for hybrid seed breeding. As Afzal and Khan
observe “...the percentage of natural crossing was slightly higher in the case
of American cottons as compared to local...” Further a paper in the scientific
journal Nature records that transgenic plants are thirty times more promiscuous
than conventional seed plants (Bergelson, et al, 1998).
Fourthly, even if the 5 meters was maintained, it is not an adequate
safeguard. In such a situation the trial cannot be called “contained” as pollen
can travel much further than 5 meters. A study by the National Pollen Research
Unit in Scotland shows that the wind can carry viable pollen hundreds of
kilometers in 24 hours. The study found that GM oilseed rape pollen had been
carried three mile by bees and nearly 500 ms by air in 24 hours. The
environment minister of UK, Mr. Micheal Meacher has admitted that the bees
which may fly upto 9 kms in search of nectar can’t be expected to observe
a ‘no fly zone’, they even do not obey the 200 meters ‘no fly zone’ as currently
required in UK regulations. Current trial plots where GM crops are grown have
a buffer zone of 200 meters which is considered inadequate. As reported by
Reuters World Report, BBC’s News night programme on Wednesday, 29th
September 1999 stated, that modified genes were found in pollen samples
collected upto 4.5 kms from a field of GM oilseed rape in the Central England
County of Oxfordshire. This was atleast 20 times over a limit set by the Labour
Government of just 200 meters. Therefore, in the context of this evidence the
MAHYCO calculations on gene flow are clearly totally inadequate. The 5 mts
required by DBT, as isolation distance does not isolate the Bt trial field from
its environment and other species.

Emergence of Pest Resistance

The engineering of the genes for the Bt toxin into plants implies that high dose
toxin is expressed in every cell of every plant all the time. Long term exposure
to Bt toxins promotes development of resistance in insect populations. This kind
of exposure could lead to selection for resistance in all stages of the insect pest
on all parts of the plant for the entire season.
For cotton, the emergence of Bt resistant strains of budworms and bollworms

poses a real risk once this historically effective pest control agent loses its
Further, since the Bt toxin in Bt Cotton is released in every cell and every
part of the plant it has the impact of making pests resistant to the Bt and hence
creating ‘superpests’, which will require more pesticide use instead of reducing
pesticide use.
Insects were found to develop resistance rapidly to the transgenic plants with
built-in biopesticide, when exposed to the toxin. This has been the problem
with the Bt cotton crop at Texas.
The wide spread use of Bt containing crops could accelerate the
development of insect pest resistance to Bt, which is used for organic pest
control. Already eight species of insects have developed resistance to Bt toxins
including diamond black moth, Indian meal moth, tobacco budworm,
Colorado potato beetle and two species of mosquitoes (Altieri, 1998).
According to the industry the promise of transgenic crops inserted with Bt
genes is the replacement of synthetic insecticides used to control the insect
pests. Since most crops have a diversity of insect pests, insecticides will still
have to be applied to control pests other than Lepidoptera not susceptible to
the endotoxin expressed by the crop. On the other hand several Lepidopteran
species have been reported to develop resistance to Bt toxin in both field and
lab tests, suggesting that major resistance problems are likely to develop in Bt
crops which through the continuous expression of the toxin create a strong
selection pressure (Tabashnik, 1994).

Development of Antibiotic Resistance

The first test under the FDA’s voluntary review system came in 1994, when the
agency approved the Flavr Savr tomato, a fruit genetically altered to stay firm
during shipping. It proved to be a flop in the market and did not get acceptance
from the consumers.
At the same time, Monsanto developed a genetically modified soybean that
could resist the company’s best selling weedkiller—Roundup. The herbicide
destroyed weeds but spared the genetically altered crop—reducing the need
for weeding the crop while boosting Roundup sales.
Simarly, Ciba-Geigy, now part of Novartis, produced a corn with an
insecticide from Bt bacteria built into every leaf and kernel to kill the European
corn borer.
One concern about such products was that antibiotic resistance genes, now
standard in genetically engineered plants, could be taken up by bacteria,
creating antibiotic resistant microbes. While others believed that the
widespread use of Bt crops might create superbugs—pests no longer susceptible
to Bt insecticides.

Disruption of Food Chain

The potential of Bt toxins moving through food chains poses serious
implications for natural biocontrol in agroecosystems.
Scientists apprehend that the tests carried out to assess safety of genetically
modified crops “may be insufficient” for new crops in development. According
to Dr Andrew Chesson of Aberdeen’s internationally famous Rowett Research

Institute, “tampering with the genetic make-up of crops could produce new
plant chemicals which may not be spotted by traditional checks”.
Natural enemies could also be affected directly through inter-trophic level
interactions. Evidence from studies conducted in Scotland suggest that aphids
were capable of sequestering the toxin from Bt crops and transferring it to its
coccinellid predators, in turn affecting reproduction and longevity of the
beneficial beetles (Birch et al. 1997).
The entry in the food chains is multidirectional. It could be from the milch
cattles who are fed on GM crops, like the crushed GM rape-seeds, and any
dangerous chemicals could therefore enter the human food chain. GM foods
are being forced into the food chain without adequate safety tests.

Social Resistance to Crop Genetic Engineering

There has been global rejection of genetically engineered foods.
In early September 2000, Greenpeace activists were acquitted from causing
criminal damage to the standing G.M. crops in U.K. There are conflicts arising
between European Union and the United States over the safety and the need
for the genetically engineered agricultural products since 12 years. There is
demand all over the Europe for segregating the genetically modifies crop and
non-genetically modified crop supplies in the market. Small farmers who are
engaged in organic farming are not accepting GE crops so as to avoid pollution
from genetically modified seeds. Consumer response has led to decline in share
price of companies dealing with GM crops. This has also led companies to
further mergers to try strengthen their positions. (David Barling at Seed Tribunal,
September 2000).
The rejection of GMOs by consumers world-wide
is creating tremendous uncertainty and unpredictability
A farmer from USA who portrays a successful for farmers growing GM crops. There is a visible
fight against genetically modified means of grow-
changing trend clearly against genetically modified
ing cotton. Will Allen’s farm is named as Ganesh
organisms, and chains of supermarkets worldwide are
Farm. Initially starting with a small group of
farmers with small land holdings, Will has taking action to eliminate GM products, [Refer article
managed to reach out to many farmers and on Brazil’s Transgenic -Free Zone published in
persuaded them to take up organic means of “Seedling”, September, 99].
cultivating cotton, in spite of the numerous odds 3,00,000 farmers of the family farm movement in
faced, such as facing the aggressive marketing California, United States protested against the Na-
tactics of corporations and the difficulties in tional Organic Legislation of USDA for considering
getting bank loans. genetically modified food, irradiated foods as organic
in nature and use of toxic sludge as bio-fertilisers
(Dave Henson, October, 2000).
In another instance, consumers in US responded very angrily about mixing
of genetically engineered maize in Taco Shell (as told by Debi Barker and Ellen
Hickey, October, 2000).
That a growing consumer resistance against genetically engineered foods is
gaining intensity is also evident from the instances given below :
• In April 1999, Unilever, Nestle and Cadbury announced that they were
phasing out GM products in the face of customer resistance. Tesco and Co-
op did the same, joining the other big supermarket chains.

• In August 1999, Edeka, German’s largest retailer declared that it is
completely abandoning GE. The headquarter in Hamburg announced that
it does sell own-brand products containing GE ingredients. Other large
German retailers to go GE free are Spar and Metro.
• In September 1999, Brake Bros., Britain’s biggest distributor of frozen foods
has eradicated GM ingredients from all its products, making it the first
wholesale catering supplier to be totally GM-free. The group promises that
all 2,000 food items it supplies to restaurants, hotels, schools and hospitals
will be free of GM ingredients.
• Over the last year Holland’s biggest retailer Albert Heijin has removed 100
food products that contained GMOs from its shelves.
The trend on acreage under GMOs during 1999 has clearly reversed with
a premium being paid for non-GM crops. A recent poll of the Farm Journal
showed, 22% farmers who has been planting GM crops in the US will reduce
their planting of GM this year.
As reported in Business Week, October 18th 1999, page 50, a US farmer,
namely Dave Boettger, like many others in his country, is having to pay for
having cultivated genetically engineered crops. “ADM is offering 8 cents a
bushel more for the old-fashioned corn Boettger grows than for the gene-spliced
corn that accounts for one-half of his acreage. But if testing reveals a tiny
amount of altered gene anywhere in his grain, he would have to pay ADM
for the cost of dumping the entire load.”
As reported in Independent, UK, by Paul Waugh on 4th August 1999 the
Church of England has refused to allow the Government to use its land to
conduct genetically modified crop trials. The decision has been prompted by
the growing controversy over the morality and safety of the technology. Tim
Cooper, Chairman of Christian Ecology Link, said, “The use of farm-scale trials
is premature and dangerous. Research should only be done in a closed
environment for the foreseeable future”.
In Thailand, the Government has declared Agricultural Zones Free of
Genetically Modified Organisms in a bid to promote exports. GMOs have
turned into a major concern in several key markets of Thai Agricultural Products
including the European Union and Japan.
The State of Rio Grande do Sul, one of the 27 states of Brazil, is known
as the “granary” of Brazil, since it is the Brazil’s largest seed producer. The state
has declared itself a “transgenic free zone” from 1st January 1999. The local
government of the State explains this: to preserve the human health, the
environment, the autonomy of the farmers to get seeds, and to increase the
sale and production for natural and organic ways, to develop the economy in
harmony with the environment (sustainable development). [refer brochure Rio
Grande do Sul: A place without transgenics]. As explained by the agricultural
secretary, Jose Hermeto Hoffman, “We have a very clear objective and
Monsanto has a very clear objective, so its like a war.”
India too is benefiting from Japanese and South Korean markets for GM-
free agricultural products. Speaking to Business Line, Mr.B.V.Mehta of Solvent
Extractors Association for India, said that the development may provide the

much needed shot in the arm for Indian exports. “Almost two-third of our
aggregate meal exports are to Asian destinations and the fact that they have
grown wary of transgenic foods opens up an opportunity for our country.” (refer
News report in Business Line, September 13th 1999, Market emerging for non-
GMO foods)
In Japan, the import of Soybeans has declined rapidly as food processing
companies shift their purchases to Soybeans that have not been genetically
modified. The Japanese Government has announced plans to require labeling
of products made from GM crops beginning in April 2001. In August 99, Kirin,
Japan’s largest brewer and a leading biotech company, announced that it will
stop using genetically modified (GM) corn to make beer by 2001, due to
consumer concerns over the safety of bioengineered crops. Although beer is
exempt from Japanese requirements for labeling of genetically altered food
which take effect in April 2001, Kirin plans to switch to non-GM corn, saying
it cannot ignore consumer doubts about the safety of such food.
Japan’s third largest beer maker, Sapporo Brewer-
ies Ltd., announced that it too will stop using
Polls have shown that more than 80% of the genetically modified (GM) corn to make beer.
American consumers want genetic engineering
Honda Trading Corp, a wholly owned unit of
foods labeled. The US government and industry
Japanese automaker Honda Motor Co. Ltd., said it will
argue that labeling is not necessary because
genetic engineered foods are “substantially
build a plant in Ohio for sorting and bagging soybeans
equivalent” to the foods they replace. This free of genetically modified organisms with an annual
argument was fairly discredited by FDA scientists handling capacity of 20,000 tonnes of soybeans.
before the regulations governing genetic engi- Honda Trading will contract with US farmers for
neered foods for humans and animals foods production of non-GM soybeans.
were developed in 1989 to 1992. Fuji Oil Co. Ltd., Japan’s largest maker of soybean
Ms. Dena Hoff, Chair of Northern Plains
protein food products, has decided to stop using
Resource Council, USA genetically modified soybeans by next April.
In March 99, two major grain processors ADM and
A.E. Staley Mfg. Co. announced that they would not
accept any varieties not approved for import into Europe. Later in the spring,
ADM said it would pay a premium for DuPont’s STS soybeans, which are not
genetically modified.
In the US the American Corn Growers Association (ACGA) in an official press
release dated 25th August 1999, has proposed the farmers explore the option
of planting non-GMO crops in the light of uncertainty caused by GMOs. The
Consolidated Grain and Barge Company in a letter to producers dated 26th
August 99, has indicated that consignments containing GMO contamination
‘no matter how trivial will not be eligible for premium prices, as GMO crops
become increasingly unsaleable on International markets.
Europe’s leading dry dog food producer, Royal Cannin, vowed on
September 15, 1999 not to include genetically modified (GM) ingredients in
any of its pet food lines. The decision by the Paris-based firm comes after British
pet food producer Pascoe’s Group Plc launched the country’s first wholly
organic, non-GM dog food line last month. It also comes amid a looming trade
war as European consumers, concerned about the safety of foods derived from
GM crops, reject genetically modified products many of that are imported from
the United States.

India too has voiced its opposition to genetically engineered crops; the
Union Agriculture Ministry has opposed a US proposal to bring trade in
genetically engineered crops on the WTO agenda [News report dt 26.10.97
in the Observer].
In the first week of September 1999 US Agribusiness giant Archer Daniels
Midland Co., alerted trading partners against biotechnology asking suppliers to
keep Genetically Modified crops separate from conventional ones. In an official
statement issued by ADM for distribution to grain elevators and large-scale
producers, the company said “we encourage you as our supplier to segregate
nongenetically enhanced crops to preserve their identity…. Some of our
customers are requesting and making purchases based on the genetically origin
of the crops used to manufacture their products. If we are unable to satisfy their
requests, they do have alternative sources for their ingredients”.
Genetic Manipulation Firms (e.g. Monsanto) are on top of the Ethical
Investors’ Blacklist. As reported in the Scotsman dated August 31, 1999, a survey
of socially responsible investors by the Ethical investment Trust shows that
concern about investing in business carrying out GM research among firms has
gone from being a minor issue two years ago to investors’ second biggest
concern. The report follows the revelation that (Deutsche Bank) Europe’s biggest
bank, has advised leading investors to sell their shares in companies involved
in the GM foods industry. Guy Hooker, the director of the Ethical Investment Co-
operative’s Edinburgh branch, said the explosion in awareness about genetically
modified organisms (GMOs) and the call to avoid them has been staggering.
The most pertinent example of the growing rejection and eroding market
of its products is that of the Terminator Technology. Monsanto had to withdraw
its decision to commercialise its Terminator Technology because of worldwide
resistance against it. This is the technology that triggers seed-sterility in crops
thereby creating a biological lock against seed-saving and replanting. With its
reputation to conceal, Monsanto has on various occasions claimed either that
the technology does not exist, or that it is not yet in use in its commercialised
lines. Today it has had to publicly announce suspension of its Terminator
Technology in the light of widespread protests.
There is a complete absence of biosafety regulation on the large-scale spread
of GMOs in the US. The United States has failed to sign and ratify the
Convention on Biological Diversity and has undermined legally binding
international Biosafety Protocol that was being evolved under the Convention.
The United States has no regulation domestically to make safety tests mandatory.
Monsanto is using the US administration to dismantle regulatory systems in all
countries to be able to release its GMOs under totally unregulated conditions.
Its functioning in India also indicates that it would like to bypass and dilute
existing regulations to ensure reckless and careless commercialisation of GM
crops that bring no benefit to Indian farmers but introduce new costs and
environmental risks.

6. The Inadequacies of Present Biosafety Regulations

The clearance of Monsanto’s trials with toxic plants without the democratic
consent of concerned governments, from state to local level and democratic

participation of the public in biosafety decisions reveals the loopholes and
inadequacies in the present Biosafety regulations both from the democratic
perspective and the ecological perspective. The trial produce has been freely
marketed without adhering to any containment process.
Thus in the wake of above events biosafety regulations need to undergo
dramatic changes through increasing public participation in decisions related
to genetic engineering.
The clearance for trials of genetically engineered crops and their release
needs to be given not just by the central government but by all levels of
government, from the state to the local level. Further before any clearance is
granted for trials of a particular genetically engineered crop the application for
trials should be notified to the public as part of the citizen’s right to know. Public
hearings need to be organised in the specific villages and districts and states
where the trials and introductions are planned.
The scientific framework of the ecological impact of genetically engineered
crops on biosafety, ecosystem health and public health also needs to be
upgraded for dealing with the impact of field trials and deliberate releases under
diverse ecological contexts existing in India.
If Monsanto and the Indian government fail to fulfil these ecological and
democratic criteria for field trials of genetically engineered crops, we will have
further evidence that the promotion of genetic engineering by corporations like
Monsanto can only be based on dictatorial, distorted and coercive methods.
In such context, genetic engineering in agriculture must necessarily be anti-
nature and anti-people.

The Need for Strong Biosafety Regulations

The Monsanto trials with genetically engineered crops have clearly shown that
there are many gaps and many weaknesses in the regulation of genetically
engineered (G E) crops and there is an urgent need for strengthening the
biosafety regulations in India.

The Regulatory Anarchy in Genetic Engineering

The trials have shown that under the present regulations it is possible for a
company to perform G E trials secretly without prior informed consent of either
the state government or the local community or Gram Sabha. The Agriculture
Minister of Karnataka, Shri Byre Gowda, was informed about the trials in his state
through the newspapers. The Agriculture Minister of Andhra Pradesh said that the
Department of Biotechnology had given the clearance for trials to MAHYCO
without informing the state government. The fact that it was MAHYCO which got
the clearance but Monsanto which carried the trials out shows how much anarchy
exists in approval for G E experiments and commercialisation.
The approval of trials should include prior informed and also prior informed
consent of state governments or local communities or Gram Sabhas. The states
should be included because agriculture is a state subject. People should be
included because decentralised democracy and Panchayati Raj are commit-
ments, which have been made through the Constitution. The present regulations
have no respect for the decentralised democracy required by Panchayati Raj.
Nor do they have any room for public participation in decisions about genetic

engineering either at the experimental stage or at the commercialisation stage.
These lacunae must be filled to ensure democratic participation and decision
The anarchy, chaos and confusion in the regulatory system needs to be
stopped. This requires that all trials are stopped till Biosafety Regulation is
made strong, coherent, scientifically sound and transparent through public

Corporations as “physician, diagnostician and patient - all in one”:

The Need for Public Monitoring of Private Corporations
The Monsanto trials have also revealed that the corporations pushing genetically
engineered crops are simultaneously the judge and the accused.
When Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) Agreement of WTO
was signed, a Monsanto representative had claimed that Monsanto with other
corporations had shaped and designed the agreement. As they stated, “We were
the physician, the diagnostician, the patient - all in one”. In the area of Biosafety
too, Monsanto seems to be functioning as the diagnostician, physician and
patient - all in one.
They are the source of information on biosafety, they carry out the trials
without government and public monitoring and they themselves declare their
activities as safe and causing no risks.
The information on risks and status of the GMO are provided to GEAC by
the company, not the Government, ensuring that biosafety information is
biased, not neutral.
The Andhra Pradesh Government’s order to Mahyco-Monsanto to stop trials
and to only carry them out in the Research stations of Shri N.G. Ranga
Agricultural University under the direct supervision of government scientists is
a precedence that should be applied nation wide. Genuine biosafety requires
that experiments with GMOs prior to commercialisation be carried out in the
public system and not by the private firm that stands to gain through
commercialisation and has nothing to lose if there is “genetic pollution” and
risks posed to the environment and public health.
The public system science and technology capacity in India is high, and
our scientists have better knowledge of plants and ecosystems than Monsanto’s
scientists or narrowly trained biotechnologists whose expertise is restricted to
petridishes and does not cover ecological and ecosystem expertise. Public
scientists with ecological expertise will therefore do a much more comprehen-
sive job of assessing the ecological risks of transgenic crops than corporate
scientists with biotechnology expertise. This will also ensure better monitoring
and control over the trials.
In addition to experiments being carried out in public system institutes,
public participation in the monitoring of trials is also essential.

Scientifically Fraudulent Assumptions of “Substantial Equivalence”

and the Undermining of Biosafety
The entire genetic engineering guidelines is based on the false assumption that
GMOs behave like their naturally occurring counterparts. The guidelines are
also based on the totally incorrect assumption that “G E organisms have greater

predictability compared to species evolved by traditional techniques”. Neither
of these assumptions is true. GMOs do not behave like their naturally occurring
counterparts and the behaviour of GMOs is highly unpredictable and unstable.
Naturally occurring Klepsiella planticola does not kill plants, but as research
at the University of Oregon has shown, the genetically engineered Klepsiella
was lethal to crops (Report of the Independent Group, 1996).
The naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) has not contributed to the
evolution of resistance in pests, but the genetically engineered Bt. crops create
rapid resistance evolution because the Bt. toxin is expressed in every cell of
the plant, all the time (Shiva, 1998). The assumption of “substantial
equivalence” does not hold, and the absence of strong biosafety regulation is
undermined because of this false assumption of substantial equivalence.
The assumption of “predictability” is also totally false. While genetic
engineering makes the identification of the gene to be transferred into another
organism more predictable, the ecological behavior of the transferred gene in
the host genome is totally unpredictable. A transgenic yeast engineered for
increased rate of fermentation with multiple copies of one of its own genes,
which resulted in the accumulation of the metabolite, mythylglyoxal, at toxic
mutagenic levels. Intransgenic tobacco, 64 to 92 per cent of the first generation
of transgenic plants become unstable. Petunias do not have unstable colouring,
but genetically engineered petunias changed their colour unpredictability due
to “gene silencing” (Report of Independent Group of Scientific & Legal Experts
on Biosafety, 1996).
Monsanto’s Round up Ready Cotton engineered to resist Monsanto’s
herbicide Round up, had its bolls falling off, an instability which does not occur
in the naturally occurring cotton and was induced unpredictability due to
genetic engineering of herbicide resistance. Monsanto has been sued for
millions of dollars because of the losses incurred by farmers.
GMOs do not have greater predictability compared to species evolved
through traditional techniques. Since the very assumptions underlying our
genetic engineering guidelines are false, we need to evolve new Biosafety
Regulations on the basis of honest and good science, after assessing all the
independent scientific evidence available across the world. Guidelines based
on anti-democratic structures and unscientific assumptions provide no
safeguards for the public or the environment. Strong biosafety regulation with
strong public participation is both a democratic and an ecological imperative.
The public and the government needs to act immediately to prevent private
corporations from unleashing, irreversible genetic pollution through the release
of GE organisms in the agriculture and the environment.

• A ten year moratorium should be introduced on all commercialisation of

genetically engineered crops both through imports and through seed
production and distribution in India while full and adequate ecological
and regulatory frameworks for assessing the ecological impact of
genetically engineered crops and public participation is evolved.

• The regulatory framework for genetic engineering is not just inadequate

in India. It is inadequate worldwide. In the U.S., trials for such crops do
not have any ecological dimensions. They only assess agronomic

performance. The data from the hundreds of U.S. trials is basically “non-
data from non-trials” in the ecological context.

• The large scale seed failure pushing farmers to suicides create the need
for strict certification and liability for the commercial seed sector. This issue
of liability becomes urgent in the context of genetically engineered seeds
which in addition to normal risks of seed failure have the potential of
leading to genetic pollution and high ecological risks.

• The farmers’ seed supply and direct exchange network must be

strengthened through community control and local participation. Farmer’s
seed supply system must be treated totally distinct from the commercial
seed supply system. While the commercial private seed supply system
needs strong state regulation, farmer seed supply should function free of
state interference with strong community control and public participation.

Biotechnology and genetic engineering in agriculture is evolving in a total

regulatory vacuum as it is clear from the U.S. situation. Monsanto itself states,
“Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food,”. “Our
interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the F.D.A’s
job”. FDA does not look at the safety of Bt. crops since such crops are treated
as a pesticide. EPA which is supposed to look at safety of pesticides treats
genetically engineered crops which produce pesticide as conventional crops
and hence does not look at the safety either. There is, therefore, no agency
guaranteeing the safety of genetically engineered crops. It is to fill this policy
vacuum for environmental safeguards that citizens worldwide are calling for
a five year moratorium on genetic engineering in agriculture.

7. Illegal Spread of Bt cotton from Illegal Trials in India

Bt. cotton illegal planting in Gujarat without any clearance from Genetic
Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) once again highlighted the lack of
biosafety infrastructure in India. More than 10,000 hectares planted with
“Navbharat 151” cotton in Gujarat has been tested by GEAC and found to
contain the Bt. gene.
Gujarat is an important cotton-growing region in India. In 2001, in spite
of good rainfall and good cotton crop growth, an epidemic of bollworm
devastated the cotton crop throughout the state. The pest menace was so acute
that even the seed producers were compelled to discontinue their hybrid
cottonseed production programmes. The continuous and heavy spraying of
pesticides did not save the crop. However, one cotton variety, Navbharat-151
was observed to be completely free from bollworm damage. This variety had
been planted over a sizable area across the Gujarat State during current
monsoon season, with the company (Navbharat Seeds Pvt. Ltd.) having sold
10,000 packets (each packet contain 450 grams for an acre) during the season.
The Navbharat 151 was suspected by the other private seed companies
dealing in cottonseed to be a transgenic product containing the Bt. gene, which
provides protection against bollworm. It was also found that the company has
been selling Navbharat-151 since last 2-3 years and that many farmers have
raised cotton crop using open pollinated (OP) seeds collected from the variety

grown in the previous season. Several seed companies of Gujarat in a joint
memorandum to the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India,
appealed to take immediate action to stop the cultivation of Navbharat 151
because its OP seeds would spread at a faster rate in a larger area not only
in Gujarat State but also other cotton growing regions of the country. According
to them, the spread of unauthenticated and illegal seeds carried serious risks
and would have grave consequences for Indian farmers and Indian agriculture
as a whole, if found to have Bt. gene. The appeal was meant to enforce strict
biosafety rules to check the bio-pollution.
Biosafety means minimizing the risks to environment and human health
from the handling and transfer of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). The
biosafety regulatory framework in India consists of the 1989 Rules issued by
the Minister of Environment and Forests under the Environment (Protection) Act,
1986. As per these Rules, Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation (RCGM)
established under the Department of Biotechnology oversees only research
activities. However, approvals for large-scale releases and commercialization
of GMOs are to be given by the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee
(GEAC), established under the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govern-
ment of India.
Acting on the request of private seed companies and newspaper reports
about marketing of transgenic Bt. cotton seeds (Navbharat-151) as conventional
hybrid seeds by the Navbharat Seeds Pvt. Ltd. of Ahmedabad, without the
mandatory approval of the GEAC, the Ministry immediately sent a notice to
the company seeking explanation. The Ministry also procured a packet of the
seeds marketed by the company (Label No. 002948 dated 30.3.2001, Lot no.
JAN-01-06-OOF-028) and had it tested at the South Campus of the University
of Delhi, for the presence of Cry 1A© gene (a patented product of Monsanto
Inc. and therefore their intellectual property). The seeds tested positive,
indicating that they are genetically engineered. Dr. E. A. Siddiq, Chairman of
an Indian Department of Biotechnology Committee, that monitors transgenic
crops, said that, “this is a foretaste of a frightening situation where transgenic
will be out of control and all over the place”, thus highlighting huge loopholes
in the regulation regarding seed distribution and safety issues related to
transgenic crops.
The Environment Ministry also sent a two-member team comprising of Dr.
C.D. Mayee, Director, Central Institute of Cotton Research, Nagpur and Dr. T.V.
Ramanaiah of the Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi, for on-the spot
inspection of the fields near Ahmedabad. They conducted Gene Check and
ELISA tests on the samples collected from these fields. Their observations and
the test reports conclusively indicated that the ‘Navbharat-151’ is transgenic
cotton containing Cry 1A© gene. The Navbharat Seeds Company had not
obtained any approval for developing this Bt. hybrid. The environmental
impact of this transgenic crop has also not been studied and tested. Thus the
M/s Navbharat Seeds Pvt. Ltd., violated the provisions of the 1989 Rules notified
under the Environment (Protection) Act (EPA), 1986. In accordance with the
Rules for Manufacture, Use, Import, Export and storage of hazardous
microorganisms/ Genetically Engineered Organisms or Cells, 1989, under the
EPA, no person can import, export, transport, manufacture, process, use or sell

any genetically engineered organisms without the approval of Genetic
Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC). The Principal Secretary, Forests and
Environment, Government of Gujarat informed the GEAC that nearly 11,000
acres in Gujarat is under cultivation of Navbharat-151. Meantime it was
brought to the notice of the GEAC that Navbharat Company is engaged in the
seed production of Navbharat 151 under the name of Jay, Vijay and Digvijay
in Andhra Pradesh.
The Ministry of Environment & Forests convened a meeting of GEAC on 18th
October 2001 and decided to immediate intervention to “prevent damage to
the environment, nature or health as a result of the standing crop of Navbharat
151”. On the same day GEAC issued an order to uproot the standing crop of
“Navbharat 151” and destroy it by burning and also to destroy the seed
production plots and seeds harvested. The order also included to ‘remove and
destroy the breeding lines, hybrids, segregating material including any plucked
cotton bolls or any breeding material and seed material available with the
However, this order was later changed (on 31st October 2001) to procure
the cotton which has already reached the market, destroy the seeds and store
the lint; the Gujarat Government would also procure the cotton from the
remaining standing crop of “Navbharat 151” in the farmers’ fields and also from
farmers’ storage places, and that this procured cotton would be ginned for
separation of lint and seed, the seeds will be destroyed and separated seeds
would be kept under safe custody till further orders from GEAC; that the state
government would ensure uprooting and complete destruction of the cop
residue by uprooting, burning and sanitation of the fields. The state government
of Gujarat was also directed to take necessary steps to prevent the use of
Navbharat 151 seeds by the farmers either in the F1 or F2 generations.
In addition, the GEAC directed the government of Andhra Pradesh to “take
necessary action for stopping immediately the seed production and multipli-
cation programme of the Navbharat 151, or by whatever name it is called, in
the Kurnool and Mehboob Nagar districts of Andhra Pradesh as has been
confirmed by the reports”.
Navbharat Seeds Pvt. Ltd. challenged the GEAC Order of 18th October 2001
in the Delhi High Court on 24th October 2001 in the case Navbharat Seeds
Pvt. Ltd. Vs Union of India & others.
The company has basically argued that it has engaged in conventional crop
breeding research since 1983. That the Navbharat-151 cotton variety is an intra
hirsutum hybrid and it was developed by using conventional plant breeding
method and has not carried out genetic engineering methods to produce seeds;
that it is a very small company and has no such facility of genetic engineering
research; and that it has basically produced a hybrid from cotton plants
collected from Maharashtra, selected superior hybrids and then registered the
hybrid “Navbharat 151” with the Department of Agriculture, Government of
Gujarat, and marketed it for the last two years. In the year 1999-2000, 1371
kilograms of “Navbharat 151” seeds were produced while in 2000-2001 it was
5817.50 kgs. In the year 2000, the 2437 packets of “Navbharat 151” were sold
while in the year 2001, 11820 packets of “Navbharat 151” were sold.

It is thus evident that the source of the Bt. in the “Navbharat 151” hybrid
has come from either the open field trials undertaken by Monsanto-MAHYCO
or by cross-pollination from their trials with other cotton varieties. In either
case Monsanto and MAHYCO are the source of the genetic pollution that has
now entered the commercial seed supply through hybridization, either
intentionally or through natural processes. Incidentally, Dr. D. B. Desai, the
Managing Director of the Navbharat Company is a former employee of

Bt trials: illegal seed production under the guise of research

The large-scale illegal commercialization of Bt. cotton in Gujarat is therefore
clearly linked to Monsanto-MAHYCO trials.
On 10th March 1995, MAHYCO, a collaborator with Monsanto, imported
100 grams of the Bt. cottonseed after obtaining permission from Review
Committee of Genetic Manipulation (RCGM) under the Department of
Biotechnology, and not from the GEAC, which, under the Environment
(Protection) Act 1986, is the only body that can grant permission for importing
genetically engineered substances (seeds in the present case). Therefore the
import of Bt. gene into India was illegal.
In 1998 the large scale, multicentric, open field trials by Monsanto-
MAHYCO began in 40 acres at 40 locations spread over nine states. These field
trials were also started without the permission from GEAC even though it is
the sole agency to grant permission for large-scale open field trials of GMO’s
under the 1989 Rules.
While genetically engineering trials are supposed to involve the destruction
by burning of all vegetative parts and leftover seeds, the Bt. cotton trials of
Monsanto-MAHYCO have systematically multiplied seeds.
The companies did not ensure post harvest management and safety. Many
of the farmers who had participated in the trials sold their genetically
engineered cotton in the open markets. In addition, some of the farmers
replanted their trial fields with crops like wheat, turmeric, groundnut etc., in
total violation of Para-9 on “Post harvest handling of the transgenic plants” of
the Biosafety Guidelines, 1994.
The isolation distance maintained were insufficient. Trials there were several
fields of conventional cotton at a distance of 10-15 meters from Bt crops at
trials sites and this short distance can lead to genetic contamination of the
neighbouring cotton crops. However there is no coherence among the
monitoring agencies on the maximum distance to which Bt. pollen can fly.
According to DBT, the gene flow in Bt cotton is two metres while MAHYCO-
Monsanto says that it is 15 metres. However US Department of Agriculture says
that it is three miles.
Moreover, no measures for containment to prevent grazing of animals or
picking by others were followed.
Again, the planting with Bt seed in the trials was delayed; delayed planting
of any cotton reduces the risk of bollworm attacks, and thus the efficacy of
Bt is yet to be proven.
The illegal trials carried out for the past five years by Monsanto-MAHYCO
thus became an underhand means for seed multiplication and it is this illegally

multiplied seed that has now spread to large areas in Gujarat. It was this kind
of violation of laws and Rules, as well as the risks of genetic pollution that forced
Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (RFSTE) in 1999 to
take Monsanto and MAHYCO to court. Monsanto Bt. cotton has not yet been
cleared for biosafety and commercial release in India.
Ironically, in spite of the fact that a Supreme Court case challenging the 1998
field trials is ongoing and that there were numerous irregularities and violations
of biosafety laws and guidelines in previous year field trials, the hitherto-ignored
GEAC has not merely given Monsanto-MAHYCO permission in July 2000 to
undertake large scale field trials of Bt. cotton in 85 hectares, but also permission
to produce seed production in 150 hectares, making it very clear that the motive
is commercialization rather than actual research or biosafety concerns.
Interestingly, the GEAC was not satisfied with the results of the trials and
it withheld environmental clearance for large-scale cultivation of transgenic Bt.
cotton. Instead, it called for fresh large-scale field trials under the direct
supervision of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research under their
Advanced Varietal Trials of the All India Co-ordinated Cotton Improvement
Project. GEAC also sought comprehensive data from the field trials that would
be conducted in multi-locations under different agro-climatic conditions.
Even in its submission in the Gujarat case, the GEAC has admitted that Bt.
cotton poses major risks. It says:

(i) The crop, which is standing, may pass to the soil that modified genes which
it contains. The effect on soil microorganisms can not be estimated and
may cause an irreversible change in the environment structure of the soil.
It is a standard practice to uproot crops which pose such a threat. The
destruction by burning is to ensure safety to environment and human
health and to obviate any possibility of cross-pollination.

(ii) The destruction of the cotton produce as well as seeds harvested from this
plant is also equally necessary. The cotton which has been produced is
genetically modified cotton, the effect of which i.e. allergenicity and other
factors on mammals are not tested. The precautionary principles would
require that no product, the effect of which is unknown be put into the
market stream. This cotton which in appearance is no different from any
other cotton will intermingle with ordinary cotton and it will become
impossible to contain its adverse affect. The only remedy is to destroy the
cotton as well as the seeds produced and harvested in this manner.

(iii) Since the farmers are being put to a loss, the further process to determine
the compensation payable to farmers, who have unwittingly used this
product has to be determined and undertaken.

13. I would respectfully submit that every day of delay in this matter poses
a threat to the environment.”

This submission clearly points out the enormity of the environmental

damage that had been done by the illegal planting of transgenic cotton. It also
indicates the practical difficulty of containing this damage, which is impossible
to reverse. Even if the sale of the Bt cotton is banned in future years, it will

continue to be cultivated in fields as many farmers have saved the GE cotton
F1 seeds for planting in coming years. Even this year many farmers used F1 and
F2 seeds of the Navbharat 151 in Gujarat. It is believed that the Open Pollinated
(OP) seeds would spread at a faster rate in a larger area not only in Gujarat
but also other cotton growing regions of the country, especially because of the
high cost of branded seeds which poor Indian farmers cannot afford. This, in
fact, was the primary motivation behind farmers paying three times the current
rate for cotton to buy Navbharat 151 Produce so that they would use its F1
seeds for next season. Many farmers and local dealers have also reserved the
cotton fields planted with Navbharat 151 and even its second-generation OP
crops to collect seed for sale in the ensuing season.
The impact of GE cotton goes much beyond the immediate environment
to potentially affect human and animal health because in several Indian states,
where trials were undertaken, cottonseed oil is the primary edible oil and the
seed cake is used for animal feed.

Transgenic Bt. crops: the biological trap for farmers

In Gujarat this year, some farmers got good yield from Bt. cotton, and also did
not spend too much on chemical pesticides. However, this is primarily because
Bt. is not Commercialized in the country; and hence resistance to it has yet
to build up. Experience with Bt. crops from around the world shows a quick
buildup of resistance, which has become a main concern in the US and Canada,
and has now been detected even in China. Farmers have to spray pesticide to
control third and fourth generation of American bollworm insects. In Australia
too, farmers have now been advised to go in for more sprays because of a drop
in expression levels. With the insect increasingly developing immunity against
the Bt toxin in the plant, GE seed companies are now suggesting farmers to
adopt refuge method that is now reported to be fifty percent of the transgenic
Moreover, Bt cotton is designed to be resistant only to cotton bollworm
(Helicoverpa armigera) while the cotton crop in India is faced with a complexity
of pest attacks. Pests such as whitefly and Pink bollworm have emerged as major
pests in the last few years with crop losses being as high as those caused by
the bollworm. According to N.P Agnihotri, cotton bollworm led to a 50-60
percent loss in cotton crop, while the whitefly showed an equally significant
share of crop losses, in the range of 53-80 percent. (Pesticide Safety Evaluation
and Monitoring, Indian Agricultural Institute, New Delhi, 1999, p. 10.)
Consequences such as these can severely threaten to jeopardise other
ecologically sound methods of pest control and eventually prove devastating
to the farmers. Farmers have been forced to apply all kinds of pesticide cocktails
to control pest infestation. As seen in Andhra Pradesh, when these costly
chemicals fail, thousands of farmers are forced to commit suicides.
Genetically Engineered Bt. is more like a biological trap, more potent than
the toxin it produces that kills the American bollworm. The ‘chemical treadmill’
is now being replaced with a more dangerous ‘biological treadmill’.
In India, Monsanto’s Bt. cotton is the only cotton variety which has Bt. gene
in it. Monsanto, in fact, has the patent on the Bt. gene. Strangely this biotech
giant, which has been suing farmers, whose fields were contaminated by the

gene through processes of nature, for theft, has not yet raised any voice against
the infringement of their patent by Navbharat Company. This clearly indicates
the possibility that the whole episode of Bt. cotton in Gujarat is a calculated
move to hasten the commercialization of transgenic crops in the country,
especially those with Bt. genes in them.
The Bt cotton has not yet been procured by the Gujarat government from
the farmers citing funds constraint. It is in these circumstances that no further
trials of GE crops should be allowed in India till the time comprehensive and
foolproof biosafety regulations is put in place which ensures that there is now
genetic pollution of any kind and further that if any such genetic pollution
occurs the biosafety infrastructure is in place to effectively contain it.
The Bt. cotton case in India reaffirms RFSTE’s stand of safety first -
commercial release of Bt. cotton or any other genetically engineered organisms
should be frozen till biosafety structure are put in place and capacity is built
at the multiple level of governments as well as farmers to deal with biosafety
Almost all the national farmer unions in India supported this stand and also
issued a resolution in this effect. In a resolution adopted on 1st November 2001,
the major farmer organisations in India i.e. Akhil Bharatiya Kisan Sabha (Ashoka
Road), All India Kisan Sabha (Ajay Bhawan), Bhartiya Krishak Samaj, Bharatiya
Kisan Sangh, All India Agriculture Workers Union, Agragami Kisan Sabha,
Bhartiya Khet Mazdoor Union, Bhartiya Kisan Union (Ambavat), Samyukta
Kisan Sabha and Navdanya declared:

The Government of India and respective State Governments should buy

and destroy the cotton and cotton seeds suspected to be genetically
engineered Bt. seed especially in Gujarat and other states.

The Government should compel Monsanto to pay full compensation to

the affected farmers since the Monsanto owns the Bt. gene which has
spread because of Monsanto’s illegal trials and illegal seed multiplication.
They are therefore fully liable for the damage caused to Gujarat farmers.

The illegal spread of Bt. cotton reflects the Government failure to regulate
and ensure biosafety. The agencies and officials of various Ministries
involved should be held accountable for the lapses that have occurred.

In any litigation involving MNC’s and farmers and agriculture labourers,

the Government must bear the expenses incurred by them in fighting cases
to their conclusion in the defense of rights of agriculture workers and
farmers rights.

We have resolved that both the Government of India and the Multinational
Company, Monsanto, be held responsible for illegally testing Bt. cotton
seed and not preventing its illegal dissemination.

We are unanimous in declaring that we are not opposed to scientific

advance in agriculture but are totally opposed to the manner in which
profit-oriented organisations are allowed to deal with safety provisions in
an irresponsible and unchecked manner, greatly increasing the danger to
the lives and livelihood of the vast majority of the Indian people.

The illegal spread of genetically engineered seeds in Gujarat also highlights
the failure on the government to check the operation of seed companies in
India. Since the seed sector was liberalized and MNC’s were allowed entry into
Indian agriculture as a result of World Bank and WTO driven globalization
policies, seed corporations are playing havoc with seed supply and threatening
farmers’ ecological and economic security.
Already, freedom of seed corporations to make false promises and sell high
cost, untested and uncertified seeds under the label of “truthful seeds” has led
to large-scale seed and crop failure, pushing thousands of farmers into debt
and suicides. Gujarat is the latest example of corporate irresponsibility and the
violation of farmers’ rights to safe seeds and freedom from risks. The government
therefore needs to regulate the seed industry, put all new seeds through two
years of coordinated trials, and certify and label seeds according to the method
of production and recommendation for appropriate agro-climatic regions.
This corporate crime is a crime against Indian farmers and a threat to India’s
biodiversity, which provides the ecological and economic security to Indian



Seeds of Suicide
The Ecological & Human Costs of
Globalisation of Agriculture

Seeds of Suicide study take stock of the impact of a decade of trade liberalisation
that has impacted the lives and livelihood of farmers and transformed them
into negative economies through propagating non-sustainable agriculture
practices. Across the country farmers are taking the desperate step of ending
their life because of the new pressures building upon them as a result of
globalisation and corporate take over of seed supply leading to spread of capital
intensive agriculture. The lure of huge profits linked with clever advertising
strategies evolved by the seeds and chemical industries and easy credit for
purchase of costly inputs is forcing farmers into a chemical treadmill and a debt
trap. The reality of globalisation is different from the corporate propaganda and
from the promises of trade liberalisation and agriculture offered by the World
Bank, the WTO and experts and economists sitting in our various ministries.
The impacts of trade liberalisation and globalisation have been felt in each
and every state with the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and
Punjab bearing the maximum burden in terms of the high social and ecological
costs in terms of farmers paying for globalisation by being forced to sacrifice
their lives and livelihoods. In what follows we present the scenarios from these
states on the status of farmers suicides, since December 1997 when farmers
suicides first acquired epidemic proportions, the Research Foundation for
Science, Technology and Ecology has been continuously monitoring and
analysing the causes of farmers suicides.
The epidemic of farmers’ suicide is the real barometer of the stress under
which Indian agriculture and Indian farmers have been put by globalisation
of agriculture. Growing indebtedness and increasing crop failure are the main
reasons that the farmers have committed suicide across the length and breath
of rural India. Indebtedness and crop failure are also inevitable outcomes of
the corporate model of industrial agriculture being introduced in India through
globalisation. Agriculture driven by MNC’s is capital intensive and creates heavy
debt for purchase of costly inputs such as seeds and agri-chemicals. It is also
ecologically vulnerable since it is based on monoculture of introduced varieties
and on non-sustainable practices of chemically intensive farming.
The suicides by farmers highlights these high social and ecological costs of
the globalisation of non-sustainable agriculture which are not restricted to the
cotton growing areas of these states but have been experienced in all

commercially grown and chemically farmed crop in all regions. While the
benefits of globalisation go to the seeds and chemical corporation through
expanding markets, the cost and risks are exclusively born by the small farmers
and landless peasants.
The two most significant ways through which the risks of crop failures have
been increased by globalisation are the introduction of ecologically vulnerable
hybrid seeds and the increased dependence on agri-chemical input such as
pesticide, which are necessary to be used with pest prone hybrids.
The privatisation of the seed sector under trade liberalisation has led to a shift
in cropping patterns from polyculture to monoculture and a shift from open
pollinated varieties to hybrids. In the district of Warangal in Andhra Pradesh,
this shift has been very rapid, converting Warangal from a mixed farming system
based on millets, pulses and oilseeds to a monoculture of hybrid cotton.
The problem of pests is a problem created by erosion of diversity in crops
and cropping patterns and the introduction of commercial hybrid seeds. The
most sustainable solution for pest control is rejuvenating biodiversity in
agriculture. Non-sustainable pest control strategies offer chemical or genetic
fixes while reducing diversity, which is the biggest insurance against pest
As the cotton disaster shows, the globalisation of agriculture is threatening
both the environment and the survival of farmers. Biodiversity is being destroyed,
the use of agri-chemicals is increasing, ecological vulnerability is increasing and
farmer debts are sky rocketing leading to suicides in extreme cases.

1. The Andhra Pradesh Scenario of Farmers’ Suicides

From Mixed Farming to Monocultures: The Lure of “White Gold”
More than 16,000 farmers have committed suicide in Andhra Pradesh alone
from 1995 to 1997 (Observer, 8th June 1999). Taking into consideration the
large number of suicides during 1998 and 1999 it is possible that by early 2001
the farmers’ suicides will across nearly 20,000 in Andhra Pradesh itself.
Cotton cultivation has been taken up in areas, which were not traditionally
cotton growing areas. One such region is Warangal district in A P, which has
switched over from predominantly food crops to cotton, which is relatively a
new crop, brought under trade liberalisation. The area under cotton in this
region grew over three times in a decade’s time.
In Warangal, over three decades (between 60s to 80s) the total acreage under
cotton crop was negligible. According to the available data, in 1986-87 the
total area under cotton cultivation was 32792 hectares (or 81980 acres) which
increased to 100,646 hectares (or 2,51,615 acres) in 1996-97, which is nearly
three times. The cotton cultivation has basically replaced the jawar crop. The
area under jawar in 1986-87 was 77884 hectares, which went down to 27306
hectares in 1996-97. The acreage under the traditional paddy has also shrunk.
The land under bajra (millet) has also decreased in the last ten years. In 1986-
87, total land under bajra was 11289 hectares which has drastically reduced
to just 400 hectares in 1996-97.
The acreage under cotton increased because the farmers in Warangal were
getting a good return on cotton. But 1997-98 turned out to be different. There

was a heavy damage to the cotton crop in this season
due to several reasons. The most important reasons for G. Mahendar of Mulkaligud village in Warangal
the crop failure were bad weather and a severe pest District bought Excel cotton seed last year, after
attack. There was drought in June-July, which is the being lured by company’s advertising propa-
ganda. The company dealers took two jeep-
main sowing season for cotton. Due to the drought
loads of farmers to the trial fields of Excel cotton
condition only 15% paddy could be planted. In Oct
everyday and informed them that the variety
- Nov the rain came during the cotton boll-bursting
yield 18 quintals per acre. Farmers in Mulkaligud
season. The untimely rain also affected the paddy
and neighboring village planted 35,000 acres of
because it was in the maturity period. The cloudy land with the variety. The crop did not perform
weather, untimely rain and lack of winter in Nov-Dec well; the plant shed the bolls it developed.
led to the emergence of pests. The farmers complained to the dealer in their
In 1997 the pests first emerged in the chilli fields area and demanded compensation, following
and the weather helped them to multiply. The pests which many company officials visited the farmer
attacked all the crops, which were in the field e.g. households and conducted elaborate surveys.
chilli, cotton, red gram etc; the yield thus fell down However, so far no compensation has been paid
heavily. Since several sprays of chemicals had already to the farmers. Instead the dealer threatened that
been made by that time, they had no effect on the he will close the shop in their area and open a
new shop in some other area.
pests. The more the chemicals failed, the more they
were used. The panic created by the pests led to heavy
dosage of pesticides sprayed at frequent intervals in the cotton fields.
The focus of cotton failure has been on the excessive use of pesticides or
of spurious pesticides. However, pesticide use is intimately linked to hybrid
seeds. Pesticides become necessary when crop varieties and cropping patterns
are vulnerable to pest attacks. Hybrid seeds offer a promise of higher yields,
but they also have higher risks of crop failure since they are more prone to
pest and disease attack as illustrated by the Andhra Pradesh experience.
Monocultures further increase the vulnerability to pest attacks since the same
crop of the same variety planted over large areas year after year encourages
pest build-ups.

Statement Showing the crop wise normal areas and area sown in Warangal districts
(Area in Hectares)
1985-86 1986-87 1987-88
Crops Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total hect.
1. Rice 104514 11731 116245 104182 17083 121265 129127 37244 166371 ”
2. Jowar 32982 53640 86622 34071 43813 77884 38383 57602 95985 ”
3. Bajra 14310 11 14321 11280 9 11289 9330 — 9330 ”
4. Maize 19326 9179 28505 26803 8736 35539 23455 9743 33198 ”
5. Green gram 75455 — 75455 76783 — 76783 85898 — 85898 ”
6. Red gram 7073 102 7175 2485 — 2485 2634 — 2634 ”
7. Ground nut 25911 30710 56631 33481 31252 64733 30818 47396 78214 ”
8. Sesamum 20717 303 21020 19744 367 20111 23599 410 24009 ”
9. Castor 8183 326 8509 9971 140 10111 12385 180 12565 ”
10. Sunflower — — — — — — — — — ”
11. Chillies 8502 7476 15738 15119 7228 22347 6371 7360 13731 ”
12. Cotton — — — 31540 1252 32792 32823 — 32823 ”
13. Tobacco 229 870 1079 — — — 562 — 562 ”
14. Turmeric — — — — — — — — — ”

1988-89 1989-90 1990-91
Crops Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total hect.
1. Rice 135255 43713 180968 140660 43941 184601 137323 48366 185689 ”
2. Jowar 20653 30857 51510 18973 24771 43744 13238 21966 35202 ”
3. Bajra 5702 94 5796 3020 42 3062 2505 76 2581 ”
4. Maize 15608 8789 24397 13572 8344 21916 18326 8778 27104 ”
5. Green gram 76008 14 76022 66299 26 66325 66737 88 66825 ”
6. Red gram 9506 61 9567 8644 112 8756 9940 599 10539 ”
7. Ground nut 45867 46197 92064 45098 43821 88919 49369 52465 101834 ”
8. Sesamum 27632 356 28188 23244 514 23758 19934 803 20737 ”
9. Castor 9101 227 9328 8276 1119 9395 9616 330 9946 ”
10. Sunflower — — — — — — — — — ”
11. Chillies 14290 9965 24255 23131 10556 33687 21408 8602 30010 ”
12. Cotton 28173 51 28224 32202 25 32227 27842 319 28161 ”
13. Tobacco 334 696 1030 649 801 1450 — — — ”
14. Turmeric — — — — — — — — — ”

1991-92 1992-93
Crops Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total hectares
1. Rice 131652 24247 155899 94899 13666 108565 ”
2. Jowar 7554 16714 24268 5588 25208 30796 ”
3. Bajra 1128 85 1213 702 121 823 ”
4. Maize 19755 9550 29305 22620 8778 31398 ”
5. Green gram 67068 32 67100 60782 39 60821 ”
6. Red gram 8378 311 8689 7485 408 7893 ”
7. Ground nut 47493 50583 98076 40843 37423 78266 ”
8. Sesamum 19578 484 20062 20974 291 21265 ”
9. Castor 8142 50 8192 4905 91 4996 ”
10. Sunflower — — — — — — ”
11. Chillies 20291 9662 29953 25677 7988 33665 ”
12. Cotton 33626 50 33676 29494 144 29638 ”
13. Tobacco 1173 917 2090 1817 725 2542 ”
14. Turmeric — — — — — — ”

1993-94 1994-95
Crops Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total hectares
1. Rice 76294 16555 92849 99657 31600 131257 ‘’
2. Jowar 5439 33367 38806 4927 26823 31750 ‘’
3. Bajra 1189 — 1189 819 — 819 ‘’
4. Maize 20843 6031 26874 20239 9200 29439 ‘’
5. Green gram 52144 — 52144 53330 — 53330 ‘’
6. Red gram 6888 — 6888 6567 700 7267 ‘’
7. Ground nut 36353 45558 81911 36270 44000 80270 ‘’
8. Sesamum 23688 — 23688 26993 27 27020 ‘’
9. Castor 1580 — 1580 3884 120 4004 ‘’
10. Sunflower 121 12433 12554 1104 14000 15104 ‘’
11. Chillies 19565 9920 29485 15811 10454 26265 ‘’
12. Cotton 53357 938 54295 69286 — 69286 ‘’
13. Tobacco 1580 293 1873 160 20 180 ‘’
14. Turmeric — — — 7772 — 7772 ‘’

1994-95 1995-96
Kharif RAbi Kharif RAbi
Crops Normal Actual Normal Actual Normal Actual Normal Actual Hectares

1. Rice 119285 99657 30774 31600 111618 90630 29393 29790 ”

2. Jowar 10247 4927 25132 26823 7338 2563 25905 24000 ”
3. Bajra 1714 819 — — 1310 467 77 28 ”
4. Maize 19691 20239 8664 9200 21163 20837 8584 10200 ”
5. Green gram 64491 53330 — — 62263 47126 50 487 ”
6. Red gram 8506 6567 — 700 8356 6606 — — ”
7. Horse gram — — 1696 909 — — 1794 2156 ”
8. Black gram — — 176 — — — 154 862 ”
9. Bengal gram — — 788 638 — — 759 573 ”
10. Ground nut 44998 36270 46284 44000 43349 31329 46024 46000 ”
11. Sesamum 22230 26993 514 27 23189 21786 475 340 ”
12. Castor 7360 3884 375 120 6331 3552 — — ”
13. Sunflower 911 1104 7411 14000 1038 435 11004 15500 ”
14. Chillies 22780 15811 9088 10454 22425 18717 8903 9735 ”
15. Cotton 57544 69286 — — 60719 77528 107 2730 ”
16. Tobacco 1208 160 717 20 — 96 554 36 ”
17. Turmeric 4819 7722 — — 6084 5497 — — ”
Grand Total 385783 346280 131619 138491 375183 327169 133783 142437 hectares

1996-97 1997-98
Kharif RAbi Kharif RAbi
Crops Normal Actual Normal Actual Normal Actual Normal Actual Hectares

1. Rice 102645 120712 27957 41387 102054 16574 32866 1118 ”

2. Jowar 5148 2356 25986 24950 4065 2796 26183 12263 ”
3. Bajra 906 338 64 62 720 338 48 — ”
4. Maize 22115 22317 8694 9050 23052 19961 8957 13917 ”
5. Green gram 57846 43051 37 154 53236 19689 54 192 ”
6. Red gram 7616 8810 — 215 7997 12266 351 7640 ”
7. Horse gram — 2059 2156 36 26 2086 1115 ”
8. Black gram — 150 143 2092 — — 191 2029 ”
9. Bengal gram — — 791 764 — — 791 497 ”
10. Ground nut 40021 34308 43948 43575 37344 17838 40799 23819 ”
11. Sesamum 24099 22945 362 — 25298 11901 337 55 ”
12. Castor 5329 4435 — — 4715 3839 — — ”
13. Sunflower 1088 150 13827 10950 1025 150 14553 14765 ”
14. Chillies 22635 17792 9232 6550 23505 9482 9474 12283 ”
15. Cotton 66710 100646 — — 77073 99150 40 — ”
16. Tobacco — — — — — — 271 — ”
17. Turmeric 6646 5395 — — 7285 4846 — — ”
Grand Total 362499 383405 133102 122562 367369 207856 136730 89693 hectares
Source: Office of the Joint Director of Agriculture, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh.

Privatisation and the Spread of Monocultures
Since Warangal is a non-traditional cotton region, therefore no native variety
of cotton is found. All varieties of cottonseeds used in Warangal are hybrid seeds
sold by private companies. Various seed companies are providing high yielding
varieties of cotton and truthful seeds due to the huge demand of cottonseeds.
For any company to launch certified seeds takes atleast six to seven years’
process of undergoing trials and verifications in the supervision of government
authorities. However to avoid such delays in the launch of seeds in the market,
seed companies sell the seeds as “truthful” seeds, which means that the
company sells seed on the basis of farmers having confidence in the company’s
claims. There is no regulation to prevent marketing of “truthful” seeds.
In 1970’s cotton cultivation in Warangal was dependent upon the varieties
developed by the public sector seed supply. During that time the most popular
variety was hybrid - 4, a short staple cotton variety. Besides Hybrid - 4 (H-
4), the other varieties used during the 70’s and 80’s were MCU - 5 (developed
by Coimbatore Research Station); L. K. varieties (which was resistant to white
fly and jassids); Varalakshmi (developed by Cotton Research Station, Nandyal);
JKHY-1 (an HYV developed by Jawaharlal
Nehru Krishi Vidhyalaya, M.P) amongst
others. All these varieties were government
Acreage under different varieties of cotton in
Warangal: 1996 - 97 varieties, which were cultivated in the
Telangana region.
Variety Hectares Cost of packet However, during eighties a handful of
450 grams
private companies participated in cotton
1. RCH-2 60,080 hec. Rs. 250/= - Rs. 300/= research and evolved a number of hybrid
2. H - 4 2,500 “ Rs. 260/= - Rs. 300/= cotton varieties. These included Maharashtra
3. NH - 44 4,100 “ Rs. 250/= Hybrid Seeds Company, Jalna (Mahyco);
4. JKHY - 1 3,800 “ Rs. 250/= Mahindra Seeds Company, Jalna; Nath
5. MAHYCO 8,100 “ Rs. 250/= - Rs. 350/= Seeds Company, Aurangabad amongst oth-
6. Nath 8,200 “ Rs. 250/= - Rs. 350/= ers. These companies captured the entire
7. Vanapamula 4,800 “ Rs. 250/= - Rs. 300/= market for cottonseed production and
8. Others 9,066 “ Rs. 250/= - Rs. 350/= distribution.
The most popular variety of cotton in
Total 100,646 hec.
Warangal based on yields during 1995 –
Source: Office of the Joint Director of Agriculture, Warangal, 1997. 1997 was RCH - 2, a long duration
‘truthful’ hybrid variety, produced by Rasi
Seeds Company, and marketed by J. K. Company, Secundrabad. Other varieties
of cottonseeds grown by the farmers and the acreage under each variety in
Warangal during 1996 - 97 is given in Table 3.2.
Similarly in Adilabad the most popular variety during this period was the
L. K. variety which is a short duration variety. While the MCU varieties were
popular in Khammam district. The choice of variety for a particular region
depends upon its soil condition, water availability and the inclination of
farmers. As a result of the aggressive marketing by private companies the farmers
committed their first mistake, according to Dr. L. Jalpathi Rao, a senior
agronomist in the Warangal Agriculture Research Centre, by abandoning the
short-duration variety of cotton suitable for the low rainfall and shallow soil

of Telengana. They planted RCH-2, a long duration TABLE 3.3
variety, suitable to areas with assured irrigation. The Cotton Arrival and Prices in the Warangal
drought condition in the beginning and the erratic Agriculture Market
power supply compounded the problem of poor Year Arrival Price per qtl.*
irrigation. 1985-86 1,77,929 qtls. Rs. 437/-
In 1994-95 the total area under cotton cultiva-
1986-87 1,62,332 “ Rs. 585/-
tion in Warangal was 69286 hectares which
1987-88 6,08,592 “ Rs. 793/-
increased to 100646 hectares in 1996-97. Com-
1988-89 5,10,296 “ Rs. 786/-
mensurate to the increase in acreage was the
1989-90 5,64,290 “ Rs. 761/-
increase in cotton arrival in the Warangal cotton
market. In 1994-95 the total arrival of cotton was 1990-91 4,32,364 “ Rs. 785/-
6,76,993 quintals which increased to 13,38,330 1991-92 3,73,430 “ Rs. 1233/-
quintals in 1996-97. The increase in cotton 1992-93 5,72,643 “ Rs. 1040/-
production led to the decline in its prices. In 1994- 1993-94 7,72,999 “ Rs. 1257/-
95, the average price per quintal of cotton was Rs. 1994-95 6,76,993 “ Rs. 1809/-
1809/-, which went down to Rs. 1618/- in 1996- 1995-96 11,35,972 “ Rs. 1742/-
97 (see Table 3.3). However, there was no decline 1996-97 13,38,330 “ Rs. 1618/-
in the input cost per acre, instead the input cost in 1997-98 8,33,000 “ Rs. 1800/-
cotton has been increasing every year, says Dr. * Annual Average Rate per quintal.
Jalpathi Rao.
Source: Cotton Cooperative Office, Warangal
In Warangal district the cotton crop basically
replaced the crop rotation based on jawar (Rabi)
and green gram (Kharif). Now these two crops have been almost finished. The
acreage under the green gram - jawar sequence has shown a drastic decline
in last one decade. In 1987-88 the area under the green gram and jawar
sequence was 143500 hectares which declined to 31952 hectares in 1997-98.
Besides jawar and green gram, cotton has also replaced other oil seeds
especially sesame, groundnut and castor. Today cotton is grown in 20-23% of
the total cultivable area in Warangal. The total agricultural land of Warangal
is around 4.5 lakh hectares, according to Dr. Jalpathi Rao.
In 1997-98 the total area under kharif cotton was 99,150 hectares. 80%
of cotton farmers used RCH - 2 (Research Cotton Hybrid- 2) apart from the
other varieties used by the farmers were Somnath and Shaktinath of Nath seeds,
MECH - 1, 12 and 13 of Mahyco Seeds, Sunjiv of Indo-American Seeds.
RCH -2 has been the most vulnerable variety to pest attack. One of the reasons
for the more severe pest attack on RCH-2 was due to the compact planting
or bushy planting of this variety. This variety grows horizontally and it has a
closed canopy, which protects pests due to non availability of sunrays beneath
the canopy.
In one acre, 450 grams of seeds (of any cotton variety) are sown. The cost
is between Rs. 250-Rs. 350/= per 450 grams’ packet. However, when the farmer
finds that all seeds have not germinated he again sow seeds at that point. So,
about 500-600 grams of seeds are used in one acre. Since RCH-2 was very
popular, the farmers had to book this variety in advance and those who did
not book the seeds, had to buy it by paying higher prices in the black market.
However, the cotton failed due to severe pest attack. The frequent sprays
and spurious quality of pesticides used, made them even more ineffective. Most
farmers had to spend between Rs 12,000 to Rs 15,000 an acre on pesticides.

The heavy investment made in purchase of agri-
B Ramanamma belongs to Gangapur village in chemicals could not be recovered because the yield
Jadcherla in Mehboobnagar District of Andhra was much below the expected level and it even did
Pradesh. She and her husband cultivated 20
not cover the input cost. The small farmers who had
acres of leased land. Taken in by the marketing
taken money and material on credit were driven into
hype of seed companies, they replaced paddy
debt and then to suicide.
with cotton. This proved beneficial at the begin-
ning, but demanded intensive irrigation, for
The agricultural season of 1998-99 in the state of
which they took a loan of Rs. 50,000. The Andhra Pradesh echoed the experience of the
subsequent crops failed. Burdened with loans preceding years. Facing incessant rains followed by
and accumulating interests Ramanamma’s hus- drought, working hard for the whole year and not
band consumed pesticide and committed sui- getting the reasonable price for the produce, unable
cide. Ramanamma and her son are today work- to pay back the loan obtained from private money-
ing as construction workers in order to survive. lenders, farmers have been succumbing to suicides.
Within Andhra Pradesh, more than 80 percent of total
farmers suicides occurred in the Telangana region of
the state alone, and Warangal district shares 40 percent of total deaths in Andhra
Farmers, lured by the good features of advertisements screened on varieties
of cotton seeds of few companies in their villages, cultivated their lands with
new varieties of cotton namely Navratan, Ajith, Parry White Gold, Bioseed etc.
Keeping in mind the losses incurred during the past cotton crop, cotton has
been cultivated with utmost care. In spite of that, the adulterated seeds have
destroyed thousands of acres of cotton crop in Parakala, Regonda, Atmakuru,
Geisukonda, Sangyam, Dharmasagar mandals of the district.
In Warangal district, during 1998-99, the extent of area cultivated by
Navratan, Ajith, Parry White Gold, Bioseed etc varieties of cotton was around
thirty thousand acres, which was spread across two hundred villages in twenty-
seven mandals. It is believed that about six seed companies were successful
in introducing these varieties in the villages through their field distributors.
Interestingly, the seed companies select their seed distributors from the
village itself. These distributors are found to be the large farmers who were well
off and influence decision making for number of villagers. The films shown
by the seed companies to the farmers have been found to have great impact
in their decision making about what type of seed to go for. Many of the farmers
were reporting that the boll size and the opened boll were very good in the
films. However they could not get a single boll so far in their fields, and
whatever bolls formed were shed by the plant without opening.
In village Ulligedda Damera, Atmakuru mandal of Warangal District, the
whole village had planted a total extent of 150 acres with Navratan Ajith variety
of cotton in 1998-99. Madarappu Ramesh, who had cultivated Navratan Ajith,
informs that he had invested a total of Rs 10,000 to Rs 11,000 per acre on his
cotton crop. Of this investment nearly 70 percent was spent on the chemicals
and fertilisers. In the same village another farmer, Gudur Rajaiah had cultivated
3 acres of land with Navratan Ajith variety and admits that he also incurred the
same cost of cultivation for the cotton crop. His situation was worse as
compared to Ramesh as he had a debt of Rs 90,000 from the arthies or private
moneylenders at an interest rate of 36 to 48 per cent. All of them came to know
about this variety of seed from video film showed to them in their village. And

almost all the farmers were under debt either to the Arthies shops or to the
In another village Pallarigudda in Sangyam mandal of Warangal district,
almost all the farmers had cultivated their fields with Parry White Gold (‘PWG’).
The standing crop was very robust but without any bolls on the plants. About
150 villagers had moved their papers in the district consumer redressal forum
at Warangal against the failure of PWG and demanded appropriate
compensation for them by the company. The Government officials also visited
the fields of farmers whose cotton crops were failed. The villagers also requested
the government officials to do the needful so as to clear their spiralling debts.

Lack of Agricultural Extension Workers Support

In addition to the seed failure, in many mandals yellow-insect pest of cotton
had destroyed the entire standing crops in 1998-99. The farmers reported that
the agriculture department of the state shown total negligence in disseminating
the advice of scientists and hence it resulted in the
havoc caused by the pest. Added to this, the farmers
persuaded by the suggestions given by the pesticide Case Studies of two farmers
shopkeepers had used inferior chemicals with high
Kottula Yakayya, Village Samudrala
cost, which could not reduce the pests attack on the
cotton crop. Also the rate for cotton per quintal was Kottula Yakayya of village Samudrala in Staton
Ghanpur Mandal committed suicide in 1999. His
not more than Rs 1500/- which was not commensu-
family owns 4 acres of land. On 2 acres of land
rate with the investment made on the crop.
chilies were sown and remaining two acres
Getting disappointed over the losses incurred over
cotton was grown. Last year for cultivating cotton
the investment and the inability to feed their families, he burrowed a sum of Rs 25,000/- on loan basis.
the farmers are consuming pesticide mixed in their With interest it totaled to Rs 60,000/-. Money-
curd rice and committing suicide. The number of lenders started pestering him for payment of their
suicides reported during November and December in interest. Not getting proper price for the cotton in
1998 was about 15 farmers. These suicides were market and unable to know how to clear the
mainly due to the debts that got accumulated over the heavy debt, the farmer got agitated and con-
few cropping seasons. Of these suicides majority of sumed insecticide and committed suicide.
the farmers were in the age group of forty years and
Pacchikayala Kameswara Rao, Village Akinepalli
above. The deceased farmers left behind them
families who have no one to look after them. The story Pacchikeyala Kameshwara Rao of Akinepalli
village of Mangapeta Mandal, unable to bear the
of two farmers who committed suicides is given in the
financial problems committed suicide same year.
Insects intensely attacked the cotton crop culti-
Through discussions with various seed and pesti- vated by him. Use of many insecticides could not
cide merchants at Warangal, it was revealed that the stop the spread of insects. Due to this the crop
seed companies provide a very high margin on their got completely destroyed. Due to lack of advice
products and also they do not demand immediate from the scientists and agricultural officers he got
payment through cash from the pesticide merchants. completely disillusioned and consumed poison
About 80 percent of the transactions are on credit in the form of insecticides and committed suicide.
basis. They get nearly 45 to 60 days of credit. The There are many more cases of suicide where the
merchants pay the seed companies through post dated lack of scientific advice by the concerned agricul-
cheques. In turn the merchant sells the product on tural departments led to suicides of Indala
credit to the farmers who get lured by the helping Ayilayya, Malotu Danja, Tallapalli Lakshamayya,
hand extended by these merchants. Since the farmers Pentala Odelu.
need not pay the amount in cash they get trapped by

the seed merchants and debt on the farmer increases. Also the same merchant
sell the chemicals and fertilisers required for the crops. Getting everything under
one roof and that too without paying cash and in credit makes the farmer listen
to every suggestion given by the merchant. In this way the farmer sinks in the
marsh of indebtedness and gets spiraled in the loans.
Various seed and chemical companies that are operational in Warangal are
Shaw Wallace, ICI, Rallis India, Monsanto, Saral India, Novratis, Nocil, Bayer.
The liberalisation of seed sector is an epidemic leading to suicides and high
debt for purchase of seeds, agri-chemicals and pesticides.

Growing Seed Scarcity

Globalisation and privatisation of the seed sector have eroded farmers seed
supply and seed supplied by the public sector. While the entry of private
seed companies is justified on grounds of increasing farmers options and
choices, by making farmers look down on their own varieties as inferior and
by eroding the capacity of the public sector, globalisation has in effect created
a seed famine.
There is a great mismatch in the seed demanded by the farmers and the
seeds supplied. With widening gap between the demand and supply, the plight
of the farmers is getting worse. The demand for the seeds of all crops has nearly
doubled within a time span of six years. Of the total requirement of seeds in
Andhra Pradesh the Public Sector Agricultural Departments, State Seed
Development Departments and Oil-fed supply around 20 percent of the
demand. Taking advantage of the deficit supply of seeds, private sector seed
companies are entering into supply of spurious seeds.
Non-availability of seeds is also creating conditions of
distress and instances are surfacing where farmers are
Andhra Pradesh State
Requirement of Seeds resorting, again in this situation of seed scarcity, to committing
suicides. For instance, in the Rayalseema region of Andhra
Year Seeds Requirement
Pradesh, 50 lakh acres of groundnuts is cultivated. It is known
to the farmers that the groundnut crop in the kharif season
1994 - 95 9,55,892 can withstand for 10 to 15 days without any rains. This
1995 - 96 9,85,822 peculiarity of groundnut has been utilised by Anantpur and
1996 - 97 10,16,720 Kurnool regions and cultivate this crop. Anantpur district itself
1997 - 98 11,33,205 requires 14 lakh quintals of groundnut seeds. The government
1998 - 99 13,78,489 supplied only 1.12 lakh quintals of the seeds. On further
1999 - 2000 17,56,300 agitation by the farmers, the government could further
provide 68,000 quintals, totaling all together a meager 12
percent of the requirement.
Thus, public sector seed companies are unable to meet the demand and
are backing every year. Taking advantage of the situation and also governments
privatisation spree, the private seed companies are trying to reap benefits
through unreliable seeds.
In the absence of non-availability of seeds, the farmers either leave their
lands fallow or are forced to change to other crops. Gogoti Bali Reddy, from
Kuntalapalli village in Nallamada mandal, in Ananthpur district succumbed to
suicide due to the situation arising out of non-availability of seeds to sow.
In the agricultural season of 1999 – 2000, five lakh acres of rich fertile land

has been left fallow without any crop. The scenario is same everywhere. In
the ghat region (basically tribals), the farmers were not able to raise their paddy
nurseries due to lack of paddy seeds. Similarly, the subsidy available on seeds
has been removed. During the cropping season of 2000 – 01, the Department
of Agriculture, unearthed a racket operating in distribution and sale of spurious
banni cotton seeds. The farmers have so far planted 50,000 acres of land with
banni seed in the districts of Guntur and Prakasham.
Another aspect, which has been the result of seed scarcity, is the shooting
up of the seed prices. The cottonseeds are now sold at double the price of the
period of easy availability. This appears to be deliberate, so as to create market
for the genetically engineered Bt cotton which will be relatively higher priced.

Seeds, Pesticides and Debt: The intimate nexus of Corporate

In Warangal, land is easily available on lease because of the heavy migration
of people from the villages to the city. The farmers with small land holdings
often take land on lease to grow cotton. Those who take land on lease have
to pay Rs. 1800 - 3000 as annual rents. Rajmalla Reddy of Atmakur Mandal
has 40 acres of land of his own. Out of 40 acres, 35 acres he gives on lease
every year and get Rs. 1800 per annum as rent for one acre. Those lands that
have irrigation facility fetch up to Rs. 3000 per annum said Mr. Reddy. Attracted
by the prospect of getting rich overnight, peasants who lease land spend
thousands of rupees on buying pesticides and fertilisers that were necessary for
the conventional cotton cultivation. Besides putting their own resources, the
middle and small farmers borrow money, paying high interest rates, from
“arthies” or private moneylenders who also provide them seeds, fertilisers and
pesticides on credit. The private moneylenders took on the role of “pest
management advisers”, extended credits to farmers, sold spurious pesticides
made by fly by night companies, charged higher prices than prevailing prices
for them, and recommended the application of excessive doses of these
The rise of moneylenders is a part of an emerging phenomenon of corporate
feudalism. Withdrawal of low interest credit has been a key element of the
World Bank led economic reforms. As cooperatives and rural banks close down,
and public sector banks are privatised, rural credit dries up and farmers are
pushed into borrowing from moneylenders. The failure of the private sector
in Indian banking was what had ushered in the nationalisation of banks in the
1966. The per-nationalisation period had witnessed the growth of a banking
system, which driven by profits could not cater the development needs of the
nation with the virtual inaccessibility to credit for the large masses of the rural
and poor population. Lending policies were turned to the advantage of
industrialists with banks being under the control of industrial chairmen.
Banking came to be controlled by a few communities making it a family
profession. The nationalisation of banks was followed by a sharp increase in
the number of bank branches. Consequently employment shot up. Further,
banking policies were tuned more to cater to the development needs of the
nation as priority sector lending took headway over profit driven lending.
Protecting the poor from the clutches of unscrupulous money lenders, the

nationalisation of banks had succeeded in building up the productive base of
regions and areas which would have otherwise remained neglected, through
a number of projects and programmes targeted particularly at women and other
weaker sections of society.
The opening up of the banking sector to competition from domestic private
and foreign banks has been accompanied by a reversal in the above trends. For
instance, there has been a fall in the proportion of credit received by the
household sector, which had earlier received relatively larger share of bank
credit. Further, the incremental expansion during the post-reform period for the
household sector has not only been the smallest during the post reform period
but also smaller than the expansion in favour of corporate enterprises. Similarly,
the financial assistance sanctioned by the all-India financial institutions suggests
that while disbursements of Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) generally
assisting large scale industries expanded by 197 per cent between 1990-91 and
1994-95, those of DFIs assisting small scale and medium industries have risen
by 62 per cent only (Shetty, Alternative Economic Survey, 1996).
The area and group wise classification of banks shows the concentration
of foreign banks in metropolitan areas and a complete absence of foreign banks
in the rural areas, while private banks are mostly concentrated in the semi-
urban areas. In the event of the nationalised banks giving way to private
participants, it wouldn’t be long before the rural areas are isolated from the
financial scene. These trends are but suggestive of a return to the pre-
nationalisation era that had doomed to be a failure.
The private moneylenders are mostly pesticide dealers or shop owners. In
Warangal there are 13000 pesticide shops which distribute pesticides produced
by 93 companies which are registered in Andhra Pradesh and also by about
200 contraband units based in Maharashtra (Asish Chakrabarti, Feb 1998). In
each village there are 5-8 shops. The shop owners and dealers get their supply
of the stock from the pesticide companies on credit. So there exists a chain
of credit system, and the shop owners are only the mediators. In reality the
farmers indirectly get the credit from the company itself. The interest rate varies
from 36 to 60 percent per annum. Since the chemicals are easily available on
credit, the farmers have no hesitation in using it at short intervals, usually once
a week and at a higher intensity. There is no government agency to finance
the farmers and bank loans are negligible. This has forced farmers to approach
the private moneylenders.
The cotton farmers in Warangal spend about Rs. 1500/= on preparing
the field (esp. on labour). The sowing period is June - July. In fields that are rainfed,
sowing is delayed till it rains. One week to 10 days after sowing the cotton seeds
farmers do the first spray of pesticides. This is done without ascertaining the
existence of pest in their field. The first spray is considered to be very crucial and
it is believed that if the first spray is missed, the crop will fail. However, the State
Government’s Agriculture Department and the Agricultural Research Station,
Warangal, have suggested the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy to the
farmers to control the pests through growing “trap crop” e.g. castor, marigold and
pheromone trap in the field to see whether pests exist or not.
But farmers brainwashed into the miracle seeds - miracle spray culture do
not pay heed to these suggestions, and within 10 days of sowing, they start

spraying their cotton fields with pesticides. Initially they use lower concentra-
tion of chemicals. The chemicals that are used in the initial stage of spraying
are Monocrotophos 36% EC, Dymethet 30%, Oxydemeton Methyl etc. Mixing
of two chemicals is very common. In the first spray only 250 ml technical is
used in one acre of land. But from the 2nd spray onwards 50 ml is added and
at one stage they end up using one liter of chemicals per acre. In one season,
besides expenditure on fertilisers, labour and seeds, the cotton farmers spend
Rs. 8,000 to 10,000 on pesticides alone. Pesticide is a major input in cotton.
Once a week 300 ml. to 500 ml. of pesticide are sprayed per acre and in one
season (June-March) 25-35 sprays of pesticide is a normal practice in Warangal.
Among all the Indian states, the maximum use of pesticides is in Andhra
Pradesh. A major portion of this is used in cotton and chilli cultivation. Cotton
is quite susceptible to a range of pests and diseases. In 1980s pesticides
consumption in Warangal was less than Rs. 10 crores. But as the hybrid cotton
cultivation picked up its momentum in 1985-86 pesticides use also increased.
In 1997 - 1998 the approximate sale of pesticides in Warangal district alone
is Rs. 200 crores (Asish Chakrabarti, Feb. 1998), which is the highest in Andhra
Pradesh, and near about 80% of this is used in cotton.
The pest problem is not new in the Telangana region; the farmers of this
area have been facing this problem for the last three years. But in 1997-98
the problem was very severe and the pests attacked almost all standing crops
in the fields. However, the most affected crop was cotton. Unlike the last three
years, there was a heavy loss of crops in 1997-98. The cotton farmers were
more affected because input cost in cotton was higher and the yield was not
as expected.
Earlier the cotton farmers used to get 10-12 quintals of yield in one acre
spread over four to five picking. But 1997-98 they could hardly get 4-5 quintals.
Some of the farmers could not get even that. The
temptation of heavy returns on cotton had attracted Andhra Groundnut crop failure drives
the small farmers who had even leased land for farmers to suicide
growing cotton. Bandi Kalavathi, w/o. Somaiah of the Hyderabad, September 24.
Venkatapur village, had no land of her own but she Close on the heels of suicdes by Mehboobnagar
had taken 5 acres of land on lease and in 4 acres she cotton farmers during April-May this year, death
had planted only cotton. She had taken Rs. 35,000 as has once again begun to take a heavy toll in the
debt from private parties. Bandi Kalavathi is one of the fields of Anantaput distrcit, bordering Karnataka.
farmers who committed suicide due to the crop AS many as seven farmers and two girls have
failure. committed suicide in the districts during the last
In the cotton cropping season in 1997-98 not a day four days due to pest attack that almost wiped
passed since mid-December 1997 without at least one out the entire groundnut crop in 3 lakh acres.
farmer ending his life as a consequence of the failure The Hindustan Times, New Delhi, 25.09.2000
of the cotton, chilli, red gram and other crops in
Warangal, Karimnager, Medak, Rangareddi and Mahabubnagar districts in the
Telangana region and Kurnoor in the Rayalaseema region.
Incidentally, this was not the first time that such suicides have taken place
in Andhra Pradesh. In 1987, in the Guntur and Prakasham areas, the cotton
farmers faced a similar predicament followed by tobacco farmers in other areas
in subsequent years. Farmers were encouraged to shift from their traditional
self-sufficient cropping (of paddy and vegetables) to more remunerative cash

crops. But unlike their traditional food crops, total reliance on cash crops
entailed a gamble, since fluctuations in the market price affected their earnings.
Besides, their cultivation involved huge expenditure on inputs like fertilisers
and pesticides.
For the pesticides industry, the pests are a blessing in disguise. It has over
the years sustained the profit margins of the pesticide manufacturers and traders
irrespective of the extent of crop damage. The more the pest incidence the more
lethal is the pesticide cocktail. Consequently, the insects became resistant to
all kinds of pesticides. Today the controversial synthetic pyrethroids are also
available in the market. The pyrethroids are more expensive and are known
to have a knockdown effect on insects, birds, and animals and are also believed
to be carcinogenic. No sooner did the pesticides trade push in the pyrethroids,
the insects also developed immunity against these fourth generation pesticides.
There are 28 known natural enemies of pests in the cotton fields. Nature
has provided enough protection for cotton through the abundance of benign
insects, parasites and predators available in the field, for example spider, lady-
bird beetle, crysopa, wasp, rats, frogs, snakes and birds etc. But the tragedy
is that it is these parasites and predators that first get killed when pesticides are
sprayed. Bereft of its natural enemies the pest appears stronger in the crop field.
In Warangal the indiscriminate use of pesticides have reduced the population
of birds in this area. When the pesticides disturb Nature’s equilibrium, many
of the little known and insignificant pests of cotton, like the white fly and
spodoptera, emerge as major pests.
There are more than 50 chemicals (technical) used in agriculture and more
than 90 companies are selling their products in Warangal district. There are
several companies that are selling spurious and low quality chemicals that has
developed pest resistance. As a result, farmers used higher concentrations and
more expensive pesticides. Mixing of two-three chemicals in order to combat
the pest has become a normal practice.
Besides pesticides, the cotton farmers also use fertilisers. In one season, about
150 kg of fertilisers, which cost about Rs. 1500 – Rs. 2000, are used in one
acre. Every cotton farmer uses DAP and Urea. Besides Urea, they either use
17-17-17, 28-28-0, 14-35-14, 16-20-0-15, Ammonia, DAP etc.
The two pests that attacked the cotton crop in 1997-98 in Warangal were
“Heliothis” and “Spodoptera”. Before these pests attacked cotton, the sucking
and chewing pest, i.e. white fly had attacked groundnut and chilies. In October
- November, Spodoptera attacked the cotton crop. Though this is not a major
pest for cotton, but it heavily attacked cotton besides groundnut, chilies, pulses
etc. The Spodoptera eats everything that is green - leaf, buds, flowers, and
capsules. It is a voracious eater and moves in-groups attacking one field after
another. Heliothis, on the one hand, only eats cotton capsules and buds. From
morning to evening it remains under the soil and comes up in the evening for
eating. That is the reason pesticides spray doesn’t affect them. In 1997-98 the
farmers had to use poison baits to kill this pest.

Consequences of Overburdening Debts: Distress Sale of Kidneys

The ever growing interest rates and the accumulating debts in Rentichintala
Mandal of Andhra Pradesh has led to distress sale of kidneys by many farmers.

The farmer are caught in loose - loose situation and there is no way out either
for getting rid of the debts or getting humiliated at the hands of ‘arthies’ and
money lenders/ pawn brokers.
The farmers here switched to cultivating chilli, as usual, driven by the
lucrative returns. The investment during initial years were very less as they were
using native seeds which are known for less chemical intakes. However with
the monoculture of chilli cultivation spreading the damage through disease
attacks increased and every year the standing crops were affected.
The loan which was subsequently taken after a failed crop each year was
utilised by the farmers to sustain themselves and with whatever left amount to
carry for the next cropping season. Farmers got the support of pawn brokers
to get money in order to buy the necessary chemicals
and sprays. The pawn broker is the major actor who
A. P. Farmers Sell Kidneys to avoid Penury
is always in win – win situation in dealing with the
farmers. He supports the farmer by providing loans at Guntur, May 15.
very exorbitant interest rates and also imposes Rentachintala, once again the hottest place in
chemicals on them from his shop. The small loans got Andhra Pradesh, is back in the news, for an
accumulated over years and the farmers found altogether different reason. At least 26 persons, all
themselves in heavy debts. in their prime age, have sold their kidneys for
pecuniary gains.
Once farmers are deep in debt there is no
alternative available, but sell off their land, agriculture Pushed into the clutches of penury, the handful
implements or the house in which they live. Of late of small time farmers found an easy way out from
their debt trap at the cost of their kidneys. The
some farmers in Rentichintala and surrounding areas
gravity of the situation can be gauged from the
like Gurazala, have sold their kidneys in order to clear
fact that at least 100 persons underwent fitness
their outstanding debts with the pawn brokers.
The farmers who sold their kidneys from
A “seller” Mr. Polli Reddy said he had no other
Rentichintala Mandal are:
option. “We owe thousands of rupees to the
1. Durgyampudi Chinna Venkat Reddy money lenders. They gave us loans to raise
crops, mostly cotton and chillies. We could not
2. Dirsinals Narsi Reddy reap a good crop in thelst two years. The growing
3. Bobba Venkat Reddy interest was draining our pockets.”

The Hindu, New Delhi – 16. 5. 2000

4. Siddhavarpu Poli Reddy

5. Peram lacchi Reddy

6. Kancharla Krishna B obba Venkat Reddy got deeper and deeper

7. Narmala Krishna into debt as spurious seeds and chemicals
ruined his crops year after year. Continuously
8. Golle Ramaswami harrassed by money lenders, he heard of a
broker who was helping farmers get money by
9. Thai Narsaiah
selling their kidneys. For Venkata Reddy, this was
After the incident of kidney sale by farmers came a better option than suicide, and he availed of it.
to the knowledge of everyone, the life of these farmers However, the surgery has left him weak and
has become even worse. There is no support either unable to work his farm. Because of the media
from the government or from the village itself. These coverage, money lenders have refused to loan
any more money to him and other farmers like
farmers are looked after as untouchables and no one
is coming forward to extend support to the deprived

2. The Karnataka Scenario on Farmers’ Suicides

Crop Failures
Paddy In the preceding cropping season (i.e. 1999) farmers at Harobanavalli
village in Shimoga taluka, have reported that 1001 paddy variety which is very
popular in the region has failed to perform in the second cropping season.
Around ten farmers have reported that the paddy
In 1999, Gaddilingappa cultivated four acrea variety 1001 supplied by Rallis company in this
of land with C-71 variety of Jowar supplied by village failed.
Cargill. The company assured 20 –25 quintals of The cost of the seeds is steadily increasing over the
yield. However, he got only 1 to 1.5 quintals. All years. The problem with the 1001 variety was that
the farmers who had taken up the seed variety despite the applications of regular fertilisers and other
went to the agricultural commissioner and senior chemicals there was drastic reduction of yield. The
officials in the agricultural department. An en- farmers have been using the company seeds for long
quiry by the commissioner revealed that the
and therefore, depended on market for the seeds.
seeds were meant for kharif season and not for
Some of the farmers informed that the company
rabi. Farmers picketed the Cargill company at
cautioned the farmers for not using 1001 variety
Bellary, following which Rs. 380 per acre was
second time on their field. They are apprehending this
given as compensation. Farmers also demanded
that the 28 tonnes of seed that was still with as a possible reason for the failure of crop.
company be destroyed. Chilli The case with horticultural crop of chilies
is also not good. The crop though does not have much
to do with companies for the supply of seed, the
farmer saved seeds are mostly used. The farmers largely depend upon two major
regions for supply of seeds – one in Karnataka itself called Baidagi and the other
is Guntur (Andhra Pradesh).
What is disturbing is the heavy investment for chilli crops in terms of
chemical protection. There were number of suicide cases reported due to losses.
For instance, in the Bellary region itself, out of the 35,000 acres of planting
with chilies during 1999-2000, around 26,000 acres of the crop suffered total
destruction. This amounts to nearly 70 % of the area planted. Per acre
investment for the chili crops is between Rs 16,000 to Rs 20,000 of which
majority is on the chemical sprays. In turn the returns from the output was
around Rs 2000 to Rs 4000 per acre. The reason attributed is that of excess
rainfall and the subsequent attack of viral disease. This amounted in huge losses
by the farmers who have taken loan from commercial banks at the rate of 30
percent per annum.
The number of suicides related to chili crop failure during 1999-2000 as
reported by government agencies was around 8 individuals and the figure
reported by one of the concerned non-government group is of 19 individuals.
Another problem with the chili farmers is the storage place for their harvest.
The government cold storage facilities are becoming more costlier and the
farmers are not getting good prices despite holding the stock for longer periods.
This is only adding to their costs and the interests keep accumulating.

Seed Supply: Public Versus Private Companies Participation

All the agencies, which are involved in seed production, cater to the needs
of farmers. These agencies need to provide quality seeds to these farmers by
either providing certified seeds or labelled seeds. For selling certified seeds, the

agencies need to get the Public Sector Seed Producers in the State of Karnataka
certificate from the state Name of the Seed Seeds for crops of
certification agency. Oth- Producing Company
erwise it can also sell
Karnataka State Seed Corp Ltd. Paddy, Ragi, Maize, Bajra, Black
labelled seeds on its own. gram, Cowpea, Redgram, Sunflower,
An analysis of all the Soyabean, Groundnut, French bean,
agencies which are pro- Cotton.
viding various types of
National Seeds Corporation Ltd. Maize, Bajra, Paddy, Ragi, Cowpea,
seeds shows that only Tur, Groundnut, Soyabean, Sunflower,
public sector agencies go jute
for certification of seeds.
University of Agricultural Sciences Maize, Cotton
Private sector operate
without any proper certi- Karnataka State Dept. of Agriculture Bajra, Green grams, soyabean, Tur
State Farms Corporation India Ltd. Paddy, Maize, Jute
In the Kharif of 2000,
an analysis of the seed Karnataka Oilseed Paddy, Maize, Groundnut, Soyabean,
production (that has gone Growers Federation Ltd. Cotton

through seed certification)

in the state shows that
more than eighty percent Crops Private Companies engaged in dealing with seeds
of the seed production is Maize Mahesh Hybrid Seeds; Varada Seeds; Bhadra Hy seeds Co; Somnath
with the public sector seeds co; Karnataka Hitech Ent; Basaveswara Agro Seeds; Karshek
agencies of which major Seeds; Patil Agro; Mahyco; Sumanth Seeds;
players are Karnataka State
Cotton Mahesh Hybrid Seeds; MSSC; Raja Rajeswari Seeds; Ganga Kaveri
Seeds Corporation and
Seeds; Siddheswara Seeds; Vani Seeds Co; Sree Hybrid Seeds;
National Seeds Corpora-
Mahantesh Seeds; Rallis Hybrid Seeds; Bhadra Hy. Seeds Co; Somnath
tion of the State. The Seeds Co; Karnataka Hitech Ent; Nandi Seeds; T S R Amareswara;
States’ private sector par- Amarewara Agri Tech; Sagar Seeds; Laxmi mills; Vinayaka Agro Seeds;
ticipation in the seed dis- Zauri Seeds; SPIC Bio Tech; Karnataka Seeds; HLL; Mahyco; Vasu &
tribution in the state is Co; Karnataka Agro Genetics; Mohan Traders; Niranjan Seeds;
around 12.28 percent of Mahagujarath Seeds; Adavi Amareswara Seeds; Sumanth Seeds;
the total seed distributed. MHSC; Novarties Ltd; Laxmi Hy. Seeds; Rait Hy Seeds; Viba Agro Tech;
Interestingly, a detailed Sri Amarewara Seeds; Manjushree Plantations; Nuziveedu Seeds; Shiva
analysis of the sixty-five Seeds; T N Amareswara Seeds; Deepthi Seeds; HYCO; Venkateswara
operational private seed Seeds; Advanta; NFCL; Banashankari Seeds; Ashwini Seeds; Kwality
companies which are reg- Seeds; Shathavahana; Sumantha Hy. Seeds; Bhubaneswari Seeds;
Prabhat Agri Bio-Tech; Amarewari Hybrid Seeds; Kaveri Seeds; Pro
istered with the state seed
Agro Seeds; Pruthivi Agro Tech.
certification agency, 88
percent of the companies Paddy Mahesh Hybrid Seeds; Raja Rajeswari Seeds; Ganga Kaveri Seeds;
are involved in supply of Varada Seeds; Bhadra Hy seeds Co; Mahyco; Agro Seeds
cotton seeds followed by
the maize, paddy and Bajra Karnataka Hitech Ent; Sagar Seeds; Karnataka Agro Seeds; CJ Parekh;
bajra. The list of private Mahyco
companies, which are
Sunflower Sagar Seeds
engaged in production of
varieties of seeds is given Tur Surya Seeds; Agro Seeds
in the Box.

3. The Maharastra Scenario on Farmers Suicides
Farmers in Yavatmal District in Vidhrabha, for
In Maharashtra, the people were growing millets, but the last few years, are facing problem of cotton
agriculture departments working as extension workers failure despite favourable climatic conditions
for seed corporations advised them to stop growing and uninterrupted supply of inputs. The yields
millets and to start growing soya. Because they would have drastically decreased from a quintal to few
get more money. They went in for soya. The farmers kilograms per acre over these years.
when growing millets were getting foliage that helped
The crisis is very severe and farmers are
them to keep cattle, which produced dung to make the
struggling for survival in the wake of failure of
compost, which in turn, went back to the farmers’
not only cotton but also other important crop
fields. Now when soya came to the market, the soya oil
went to some factory, the soya cake was exported to
seeds such as toor (pulses) etc. Till 1992, majority
USA for feeding pigs; the cattle had nothing to eat, the of farmers were cultivating basic normal hybrid
soil had no dung. It started to lose its fertility. The cycle (AHH 468) of cotton which was fairly consistent
started to work in the wrong way. The need of the hour and provided normal yield. The problem in this
is to look into the soil aspect of the farms. The concept region started since 1992, when a new variety
of soil aeration is of utmost importance. Soil areation is of cotton (CAHH 468), was introduced to the
not taken into account by the western education. We farmers in the region. The farmers spotted that
forget about the air. The earthworm is one such type of the new hybrid, which has not been certified by
organism that helps in soil aeration. GM crops the government, failed to perform well inspite of
endanger the soil component and the concept of living all the care taken by them. As reported by the
soil will vanish in the course of time if such crops are
farmers, the yield registered was almost negli-
allowed. The need of the integrated approach to
gible in subsequent years. These seeds were
organic farming where the whole cycle of life is again
supplied by some of the trusted seed companies
to the farmers for years together. Some of these
- Dr. Sultan Ismail, leading earthworm ecologist include Nath Seeds Co., Aurangabad, Ajith Seeds
Co., Jalna, and Sanjay Seeds Co., Jalna in this
region. The government outlets for selling seeds
82 Maharashtra farmers committed suicide this year are supplying sub-standard seeds to the farmers.
As many as 82 farmers from Vidarbha and Marathwada Some farmers have brought this to the notice of
regions of Maharashtra had committed suicide during the authorities of these seed companies. For
the year after being overburdened by debts, The instance, karadi (Bhima) seed (marketed by
Revenue Minister, Mr. Narayan Rane told the Mahabeej, Akola) which have been duly certi-
Maharashtra Legislative Council today. The State fied by certifying agency were found to be sub-
Government had given financial assistance to 25 standard.
Cotton and toor are commonly inter-cropped.
The Hindu, New Delhi, 21.07.1998 The farmers found that not only cotton but also
seeds of other crops such as toor failed to perform.

4. The Punjab Scenario of Farmers Suicides

Punjab - the highest contributor of grain to the national pool has now got a
notorious distinction of having the highest rate of farmers’ suicides among all
the states. Though the farmers’ suicides started in 1990 but in 1997-98 it
became very severe and today it has acquired an alarming proportion. It seems
it has crossed the suicide rate of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Despite some
government agency reports to the contrary, an alarming rise in rural suicides
has become an acknowledged fact.
Initially the Punjab government was not ready to acknowledge that the

State of Punjab in Brief
ü The state of Punjab covers an area of 50,33,000 hectares constituting about 1.57% of the total
geographical area of the country.
ü There are 17 districts viz. Amritsar, Bhatinda, Faridkot, Ferozepur, Gurdaspur, Hoshiarpur,
Jalandhar, Kapurthala, Ludhiana, Sangrur, Ropar, Mansa, Fatehgarh Sahib, Nawa Shahr, Moga
and Muktsar which have further been divided into 138 blocks comprising 12795 villages.
ü The population of the state as per 1991 census is 20.28 million. Out of this 1,42,88,744 is
the rural population while the urban population is 59,93,225.
ü The state has been divided into three agro-climatic zones, viz Sub Mountainous Zone, Central
Alluvial Zone and Southern Dry Zone. The climate of the state is semi humid to semi arid.
ü Of the total geographical area of 50.33 lakh hectares, net sown area in 1997 - 1998 was 42.04
lakh hectares constituting approx. 84% of the total area as against the national average of 42%.
ü The gross cropped area is 78.33 lakh hectares and the cropping intensity is 186%. The net
irrigated area in Punjab was 40.21 lakh hectares in 1997 - 98 and 96% of the gross cropped
area is under irrigation. In 1997 - 98 the average fertiliser consumption works out to be 167
kg / hectare in Punjab against all Indian average of 73 kg/ hectare.
ü The numbers of small and marginal farmers having upto 5 acres of land are about 499,510
and having 45% of the total land holding in Punjab. The average land holding of small and
marginal farmers are only .99 hectares.

Distribution of number of Operational Holdings and Area of various categories by size groups
during 1990-91 agricultural census

Sl. Category of Holding No. of %age of Area % age of Av. Size of

No. Operational Holdings Operated Total Operational
Holdings Total Area Area Holdings
(in Ha.) (in Ha.)
1. Marginal
(Less than 1.0 Ha.) 295668 26.47 164224 4.07 0.56

2. Small (1.0 to 2.0 Ha.) 203842 18.25 328215 8.14 1.61

a) Sub Total (1+2)

(Less than 2.0 Ha.) 499510 44.72 492439 12.21 0.99

3. Semi Medium
(2.0 to 4.0 Ha) 288788 25.86 841541 20.87 2.91

b) Sub total (a+3)

(Less than 4.0 Ha) 788298 70.58 1333980 33.00 1.69

4. Medium (4.0 to 10.0 Ha.) 261481 23.41 1621811 40.22 6.20

5. Large (10.0 Ha and above) 67171 6.01 1076892 26.70 16.03

Grand Total 1116951 100.00 4032683 100.00 3.61

Source: Agricultural Statistics of Punjab on the Eve of New Millennium: 2000; Statistician - Department of Agriculture, Punjab

suicides were occurring. But when the media reported
Crop Failures lead Punjab Farmers to Suicide the suicides in large numbers then the government
Chandigarh, April 20. formed committees to look into the matter. But
About 80 cases of suicides by farmers and unfortunately, these committees failed to pinpoint
agricultural labourers reported from five villages unremunerative agriculture, increased cost of produc-
of Sangrur district in the last four or five years tion and large-scale indebtedness as major reasons for
could only be the “tip of the iceberg” as death the misery of the farmers and instead concluded that
stalks the rural areas of the Lehra and Andana the suicides are taking place due to family problems,
blocks in the otherwise prosperous distirct of
intoxication and other social reasons.
The study on ‘Suicide in Rural Punjab’ conducted
According to a former sarpanch, Mr. Jarnail by the Institute of Communication and Development,
Singh, and a jathedar, Mr. Mastan Singh, about
Chandigarh, in 1998, confirmed that there has been
33 persons had been driven to suicide in Balaran
a distinct increase in the number of suicides in Punjab
village. While it is zero in the official record, since
since 1998. In 1992-93, the suicides in Punjab
increased by 51.97 percent; in 1993-94 there was an
The Hindu, New Delhi, 21.04.1998 increase of 14 percent; in 1994-95 the increase was
57 percent. It notes with concern that suicides rates
i.e. the number of suicides per lakh population has been steadily increasing
from 0.57 in 1988 to 2.06 in 1997 in Punjab (Suicides in Rural Punjab, 1998).
It has been also observed that the percentage share of cultivator farmers’
suicide to the total suicides in Punjab between 1991-97 was to the extent of
23 percent. In Sangrur district the percentage share of cultivator farmers to the
total suicides in the district was to the extent of 50 per cent. The suicide rate
of cultivator farmers in 1993 was 1.98, which increased to 4.49 by 1997. The
study clearly admits that the rate of suicides of cultivator farmers has been on
the rise in Punjab since 1993. However, the Chief Minister of Punjab undermine
the alarming situation. According to a reply on suicides in Punjab, the State’s
Chief Minister during June-July Assembly Session in 1998 (Q. No. 1087) had
said, “During 1996, 1997 and 1998 there were only 8 suicides of farmers and
agricultural labourers in Punjab. One in Tarn-Taran in Amritsar district in 1996
was a result of family dispute. The three in Sangrur were due to crop damage
and indebtedness. Three in Bhatinda were because of crop damage and
indebtedness and one in Jalandhar due to crop damage by hailstorm”.
Sangrur and Bhatinda districts reported the maxi-
F ifteen years back Paramjit Singh of Punjab mum suicides, with suicide rates of 12.08 percent and
cultivated chillies. Over the years, the cost of
6.24 percent respectively. It is also noticed that the
chemicals increased. Lately, the yield had also share of non-cultivators’ suicides in these two districts
declined considerably. Local money lenders is also very high as compared with other districts i.e.
forced Paramjit Singh to sign on blank papers in 13.24 percent and 11.35 per cent respectively. While
return for giving him loans and took over his the district of Mansa, Amritsar, Ferozpur, Gurdaspur,
land. When he could not repay his loans, they Faridkot and Muktsar has moderate level of suicide
dragged him off the land. This was more than he proneness during 1991-97. All these districts com-
could bear, and he committed suicide. prises the cotton-belt of Punjab.
Some analysts acknowledge the suicide phenom-
ena in Punjab but characterise it as a fallout of militancy. Countering this Mr.
Inderjeet Singh Jaijee, Convenor of the Movement Against State Repression, said
“If this were the case one would expect to find suicides limited to Punjab and
that too to certain areas of Punjab such as the border districts. This is not the

case. Lehra and Andana Blocks in Sangrur district have been identified as
suicide prone area and yet this part of Punjab was less affected by militancy.
Likewise Haryana did not suffer the turmoil and disruption of militancy, yet
debt related suicides are being reported from that state too”.
The increased number of farmer suicides in Punjab can be understood in
the context of growing distress in agriculture of the state. The factors
contributing to this state of affairs in agriculture are the decline in the farmers
income from the farm, increased cost of production, crop failures and crop
loss, monoculture of wheat - paddy cultivation, rising unemployment in the
rural areas etc. According to an estimate of the Department of Economic and
Sociology, Punjab Agriculture University, Ludiana, “the annual surplus of small
size farm is about Rs. 9500/= during 1993-84”. It further estimates that “the
best managed five hectares farm with standard field crop rotation, can earn
barely an income equivalent to the average per capita income in Punjab.”
However, in 1999-2000 this could have declined further due to the increased
cost of production of principal crops in the state.

Green Revolution is No More Green

The large-scale suicide of farmers in Punjab exposes the flaws in the much-
vaunted green revolution. Today the village agricultural economy of Punjab
is in crisis and the living conditions of the farming community and farm
labourers are in bad shape.
Mr. Prakash Singh Badal, the present Chief Minister of Punjab, has said once
“agriculture for most has become a pain in the neck. It is not profitable at all
except for those who own ten acres or more... What is in the hands of the state?
Everything has been centralised. Prices of all inputs are controlled and fixed
either by the industry or Union Government. The price of farmers produce –
wheat and paddy and most of the other produce – are fixed by the Centre
(Tribune, May 15, 1998).
The farmers of Punjab are voracious users of inputs in their bid to enhance
productivity of agricultural crops. For example, Punjab consumes 10 percent
of the fertilisers, 11 per cent of the pesticides and 55 percent of the herbicides
used in the entire country. The same is true for other agricultural inputs like
irrigation and use of farm machinery.
In Punjab the growth of agriculture is mainly confined to two crops, rice
and wheat, and has reached its saturation point. The data of Punjab indicates
that the productivity of rice was 4.89% during 1965-66 to 1985-86 and it
declined to 0.58 % between 1885-86 to 1996-97. The productivity of wheat
has also declined from 2.79 to 2.14, sugarcane declined from 3.40 to 0.28
in the corresponding period. The productivity of cotton increased to 1.63
between 1965-66 to 1885-86 but the total production of cotton in the state
declined from 19.25 lakhs bales in 1996-97 to 9.41 lakh bales in 1997-98 due
to the pest attack and crop failures. However, in the 80’s itself, the Punjab
Agriculture University, Ludhiana, made it abundantly clear that farmers with
holdings less than 14 acres were fighting a losing battle for survival.
Essential factors such as soil health and water resources are getting
overstrained and there is a serious build up of pests, diseases and weeds. Pest
has emerged as a very serious menace in Punjab due to monocultures. There

is also no scope for further expansion of the area under cultivation or increase
in the cropping intensity (which is at present at a very high level of 186 percent).
The water resources of the state are being over exploited through the
adoption of high water requiring cropping sequences and the use of high
yielding varieties.

Increased Cost of Production

The increase in the prices of inputs and labour has pushed the cost of
production up during the last three decades, (6 times for wheat, 7 times for
cotton and 10 times for paddy). The increased cost of production has led to
increased indebtedness among farmers in Punjab. Today 90 percent farmers of
Punjab are in the trap of debt.
To get an idea of the soaring cost of cultivation in Punjab it is desirable to
study the trends of the three major crops of the state i.e. Paddy, Wheat and
The per hectares cost of cultivation of paddy in Punjab has increased to
five times in a span of 18 years from Rs. 3419.33 in 1978–79 to Rs. 17,966.85
in 1996-97. The cost of production of per quintal of paddy has increased from
Rs. 68.71 in 1978-79 to Rs. 334.81 in 1996-97 (see Table 3.6).
However in comparison to the five-fold increase in the cost of cultivation
of paddy there is no corresponding increase in its yield. The yield increased
by just 2.17 quintals per hectare from 1978–79 to 1996-97. However, during
this period there is very significant increase in the use of fertiliser, insecticide
and machine labour in the paddy crop in Punjab and a very drastic decline
in the use of animal labour. This also indicates that the Punjab farmers have
almost left doing any manual work at their farm. They have left it to either
migrant labourers to do all manual jobs or use machinery.
The fertiliser use in Paddy increased from 163.85 kg in 1978–79 to 195.49
kg per hectare in 1996-97. During the same period the total amount of
insecticide, in terms of value, also increased from Rs. 56.77 to Rs. 825.04 while
the machine labour cost increased from Rs. 90.93 to Rs. 956.80. Unfortunately
the heavy use of machine labour has its impact on the animal labour in the
farm which declined from 21.89 pair hours in 1978-79 to 1.99 pair hours in
1996-97 (Cost of Cultivation of Principal Crops, ’91, ’96 & Feb. 2000).
The wheat crop has also shown the similar increasing trend in cost of
production. There is a six fold increase in the per hectare cost of cultivation
of wheat in Punjab from Rs. 2722.36 in 1977-78 to Rs. 17,333.89 in 1997-
98. During the same period the cost of production per quintal of wheat has
also increased from Rs. 108.57 to Rs. 411.97 (see Table 3.7).
In wheat, the yield has increased from 22.61 quintal in 1977-78 to 35.78
quintals per hectare in 1997-98. In comparison to this, during the same period,
the fertiliser use also increased from 125.69 kg per hectare to 224.87 kg per
hectare, the cost of insecticide per hectare increased from Rs. 0.95 to Rs. 428.83
and cost of machine labour per hectare also increased from Rs. 283.03 to
Rs. 1692.07. Due to the heavy use of machine labour, the animal labour
declined from 45.44 pair hours in 1977-78 to 2.47 pair hours in 1997-98 (Cost
of Cultivation of Principal Crops, ’91, ’96 & Feb. 2000).

Economics of Paddy Cultivation in Punjab
ITEMs 1974-75 1978-79 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88
1. Cost of Cultivation per Heact. (Rs.) 2894.33 3419.33 5473.89 5805.82 6482.42 7016.31 6639.97 7390.21 7847.81
2. Cost of Production per Qtl. (Rs.) 91.63 68.71 102.31 103.87 122.32 137 125.74 129.23 149.19
3. Yield Per Hect. (Qtls.) 31.15 49.47 53.3 55.66 52.82 51.14 52.33 56.71 52.1
4. Fertilisers Use per Hect. (kg. Nutrients) 84.1 163.85 171.72 157.57 213.14 192.57 161.3 165.87 194.51
5. Fertilisers rate per Unit (kg. Nutrients) - - 5.01 5.22 4.95 5.02 4.99 5.34 4.99
6. Fertilisers Cost per Hect. (Rs.) 387.67 569.18 860.39 822.02 1055.4 965.86 805.66 885.19 970.95
7. Animal Labour input per Hect.(pair hours) 97.58 21.89 36.54 29.69 26.69 38.26 30.57 25.45 18.96
8. Seed cost per Hect. (Rs.) 110.34 113.39 134.78 124.27 129.73 140.72 130.12 126.54 152.38
9. Insecticide cost per Hect. (Rs.) 0.31 56.77 119.36 109.39 142.54 168.64 146.15 170.42 169.64
10. Mechine Labour (Rs.) 44.44 278.75 310.21 426.66 447.99 463.81 460.89 445.44 685.14

1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97

1. 7684.71 8785.65 10082.42 10390.8 12651.21 14593.63 15248.49 15526.2 17966.85
2. 159.55 147.18 194.69 206.77 224.38 266.87 290.36 338.81 334.81
3. 47.3 58.97 51.37 49.79 56.18 53.93 51.84 46.03 51.64
4. 179.44 188.03 213.39 185.34 193.04 183.25 195.21 156.99 195.49
5. 4.82 4.76 5.36 5.64 7.21 7.31 8.1 8.47 8.82
6. 865.79 894.24 1144.07 1045.92 1392.58 1340.07 1581.19 1329.86 1724.63
7. 17.16 25.96 6.94 7.35 4.1 5.88 3.79 4.77 1.99
8. 153.89 155.64 174.45 189.9 183.94 218.57 293.87 281.21 354.81
9. 172.82 220.13 262.05 323.27 380.83 490.84 650.44 609.27 825.04
10. 583.25 772.12 990.8 925.49 1087.17 966.85 1053.54 1259.76 1789.07

Source: Cost of Cultivation of Principal Crops in India, 1991, 1996 and February 2000; Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi

Economics of Wheat Cultivation in Punjab
ITEMs 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82
1. Cost of Cultivation
per Hect. (Rs.) 1654.59 1769.25 1650.54 2037.14 2668.65 2632.32 2611.89 2722.36 3040.93 3161.83 3439.47 3776.19
2. Cost of Production per Qtl. (Rs.) 61.04 59.71 67.1 74.34 87.76 99.45 101.39 108.57 101.45 102.88 124.7 118.77
3. Yield Per Hect. (Qtls.) 24.4 26.43 22.6 24.87 27 23.11 22.74 22.61 27.49 27.91 25.2 30.75
4. Fertilisers Use
per Hect. (kg. Nutrients) - 110.39 109.53 112.54 80.26 98.71 119.08 125.69 155.9 172.88 168.35 153.05
5. Fertilisers rate
per Unit (kg. Nutrients) - 2.09 2.19 2.66 5.25 4.37 3.7 3.25 3.43 3.32 4.63 5.36
6. Fertilisers Cost per Hect. (Rs.) 208.6 230.61 224.76 299.06 421.33 430.96 440.96 407.94 534.67 574.44 781.11 820.03
7. Animal Labour
per Hect.(pair hours) - 103.92 103.08 96.63 101.66 93.87 92.6 72.25 45.44 45.19 37.94 31.49
8. Seed cost per Hect. (Rs.) 65.35 68.68 74.96 84.04 107.2 108.53 120.97 144.21 145.16 133.66 163.56 168.16
9. Insecticide cost per Hect. (Rs.) 0.41 0.47 3.37 7.12 1.16 2.22 0.01 0.95 5.73 9.97 14.16 22.51
10. Machine Labour (Rs.) 80.43 107.59 101.36 141.44 113.84 174.55 152.1 283.03 337.02 367.58 458.46 474.24

1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98
1. 4227.28 4452.57 5154.72 5387.84 5306.96 5943.42 6686.22 6991.52 8002.43 9274.96 10945.52 13598.04 14311.17 17992.01 17333.89
2. 125.19 137.47 136.33 129.29 151.49 139.95 150.01 164.24 190.79 210.41 250.72 298.68 342.83 362.5 411.97
3. 30.75 29.49 33.45 35.6 30.32 34.14 36.51 36.93 36.22 38.34 37.08 39.41 36.06 43.48 35.78
4. 155.59 161.24 162.36 167.82 182.4 183.2 184.63 189.5 208.04 197.98 194.63 203.18 203.66 220.17 224.87
5. 5.25 4.82 5.01 4.81 4.93 5.16 5.01 5.21 5.16 6.79 7.99 9.41 10.43 10.48 10.3
6. 816.22 776.4 813.05 808 898.45 944.44 925.63 987.45 1072.91 1344.64 1554.9 1912.61 2124.67 2307.45 2315.34
7. 30.04 27.89 30.83 24.78 19.31 15.58 14.62 13.88 9.37 8.35 5.77 3.72 2.53 2.66 2.47
8. 207.04 195.88 203.72 207.43 227.12 259.79 306.76 276.48 325.38 374.4 403.17 463.95 500.57 647.31 691.19
9. 59.8 111.01 69.17 62.7 104.7 116.45 160.7 190.37 183.2 191.83 208.16 294.26 314.32 388.4 428.83
10. 532.1 535.72 600.89 667.22 657.58 765.49 825.12 826.49 974.35 1093.65 1157.69 1182.02 1384.67 1586.4 1692.07

Source: Cost of Cultivation of Principal Crops in India, 1991, 1996 and February 2000; Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi
Economics of Cotton Cultivation in Punjab
ITEMs 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86
1 Cost of Cultivation
per Heact. (Rs.) 1535.95 1864.73 2277.47 2154.31 2551.71 3095.85 3417.03 3281.21 3443.7 4527.43 4693.62
2 Cost of Production
per Qtl. (Rs.) 149.19 187.37 236.97 225.95 306.1 338.65 331.38 398.08 593.47 357.28 341.66
3 Yield Per Hect. (Qtls.) 9.77 9.52 9.21 9.11 7.97 8.72 10.39 7.77 5.44 12.11 12.95
4 Fertilisers Use
per Hect. (kg. Nutrients) 38.77 60.44 41.63 47.36 37.18 43.91 47.58 45.27 54.89 51.89 62.73
5 Fertilisers Cost
per Hect. (Rs.) 84.71 134.25 188.03 189.83 126.3 195.26 238.58 230.12 260.24 237.92 302.98
6 Insecticide cost
per Hect. (Rs.) 40.2 42.14 30.42 51.99 70.17 117.65 144.44 189.27 255.33 314.67 319.04

1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97
1. 5318.82 6594.17 6514.42 8201.68 8758.21 12447.5 11826.35 13862.64 17311.03 17073.11 19496.52
2. 360.38 385.41 548.35 513.34 849.52 803.62 831.56 1107.38 1421.08 1643.83 1703.04
3. 13.94 16.34 11.25 15.4 9.83 15.1 13.72 12.21 11.92 10 10.93
4. 57.67 68.84 92.47 100.72 123.87 99.73 98.26 101.19 106.15 82.68 86.66
5. 290.18 320.66 430.88 477.02 686.54 527.67 670.38 696.25 882.2 710.94 776.11
6. 351.88 466.05 582.56 651.51 1131.22 1095.72 1446.85 1597.24 2243.19 1999.69 2401.49

Source: Cost of Cultivation of Principal Crops in India, 1991, 1996 and February 2000; Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi

Cotton is not untouched either. There is sharp increase in the cost of
cultivation of cotton. In 1975-76 the cost of cultivation was Rs. 2154 per
hectare which increased to Rs. 19,497 per hectare in 1996-97 which is more
than eight-fold increase. Obviously the cost of production per quintal has also
increased in this period from Rs. 225.95 to Rs. 1703.04 (see Table 3.8).
In cotton also there is no significant increase in yield in Punjab despite heavy
use of fertilsers and pesticides. In 1975-76 the yield of cotton was 9.11 quintals
per hectare which increased to only 10.93 quintals in 1996-97. In comparison
to the yield the cost of insecticide use increased from Rs. 51.99 to Rs. 2401.49
and the fertilisers cost increased from 189.83 to Rs. 776.11 per hectare during
the same period (Cost of Cultivation of Principal Crops, ’91, ’96 & Feb. 2000).
In 1999-2000 the total consumption of pesticides in Bhatinda alone was about
941,671 liters. Out of this 90% are used only in cotton.
Cotton is a major crop of the southwestern districts of Punjab such as
Bhatinda, Faridkot, Mansa, Moga, Muktsar and Sangrur which accounted to 13
to 20 percent of the national cotton production. But in the last few years there
is a sharp decline in cotton production. The major constraints in cotton crop
are the inadequate availability of certified cotton seed, water logging in some
pockets of the cotton area, bad weather condition during cotton season etc.
In Punjab about 80-85% of the area under this crop is covered by American
cotton (Hirsutum) and the remaining area is under desi (Arboraum) (see Table
3.10). Among the prominent varieties of American cotton are LHH-144, Fateh,
F-1378, LH-1556, F-1054, F-846, and LH-900 and the desi cotton varieties are
LDH-II, LD-491, LD-327 and LD – 230.
In the last few years there is a drastic increase in population of sucking pests
and aphids, jasids and bollworm particularly American Bollworm. The farmers
are following the dangerous trend of spraying cocktail of pesticides so that
atleast one or the other chemical of the mixture could control the pest.
One significant change occurring in the last couple of years in the cotton
cultivation in Punjab is the increase in the area of hybrid cotton. It has increased
from 10,200 hectares in 1998-99 to 76,800 hectares in the present cropping
year i.e. 2000-2001. This is disturbing trend and it will further escalate the cost
of cultivation of farmers and would promote a very intensive use of pesticides
as we have witnessed in Andhra Pradesh.
However, hybrid seeds by their very nature are high-risk seeds under high
input conditions affordable only by rich farmers. They may give good yield
but for resource poor farmers, they translate into high risks and high debts.
Also, hybrid seeds are highly pest prone and therefore need frequent
pesticide applications. Pesticides create new pest problem as well as
environmental and health hazards. Pesticides failed to control pest whether or
not they are spurious.
With the increase in the area of hybrid cotton the pest attack will further
increase and it will create more problem for the Punjab farmers.
Due to the pesticide treadmill the farmers borrows money on credit to buy
pesticides. In 1999 – 2000 also as the bollworm attacked cotton plants, the
farmers started taking more loans to buy pesticides and insecticides to save their
crops. While the Agriculture Department authorities maintain that there was
a mild attack of bollworm in the cotton belt, cotton growers of about 20 villages

Consumption of Chemical Fertilisers (000 Nutrient Tonnes) in Punjab
Fertilisers 1970-71 1980-81 1990-91 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99
1. Nitrogenous 175 526 877 1020 962 1005 1081

2. Phosphatic 31 207 328 227 229 287 275

3 Potassic 7 29 15 16 17 22 19

4. Total (NPK) 213 762 1220 1263 1208 1314 1375

5. Consumption
per hect. (in kgs.) 38 143 163 163 155 167 -
Source: Agricultural Statistics of Punjab on the Eve of New Millennium: 2000; Statistician - Department of Agriculture, Punjab

in Talwandi Sabo Block of Bhatinda pointed out TABLE 3.10

that the attack was alarming. Sikander Singh of Variety wise area under Cotton in Punjab
Bhai Bakhtaur village says, “Sundi (bollworm) has American Cotton Varieties (Area in ‘000 Hectares)
badly hit the crop. If the bollworm were not killed
Variety 1998 - 99 1999 - 00 2000 – 01
at this stage, it would kill the cotton growers.” He
was not able to return the loan last year for buying 1. F 846 237.30 151.84 57.90
pesticides and insecticides for spraying on the 2. F 1378 53.10 75.50 131.92
cotton crop but this year he had to take a loan 3. LH 1556 37.50 26.50 79.80
again for the same task (Tribune, 17.8.2000).
4. Hybrids 10.20 31.13 76.82
Another farmer, Mr. Resham Singh said that for
5. Skinderpuri 32.30 20.40 29.80
the past six years he had been growing cotton and
suffering losses. Every year he had been taking 6. F 414 34.00 20.00 14.85
loans to meet his agricultural and social needs (Pk 54)

and now he was neck deep in debt. 7. Others 47.90 43.93 48.82
The cotton farmers points out that bollworm Total 452.30 369.30 439.91
has become resistance to insecticide and pesti-
cides. If the government fail to take any action Desi Cotton Varieties
and the farmers fail to adopt the alternative 1. LD 327 54.20 60.40 82.19
methods of pest control and integrated manage- 2. RG 8 46.50 33.10 24.68
ment of pests, Punjab might again witness a spurt
3. Others 9.00 12.20 3.22
in the numbers of farmers suicides.
State Total 562.00 475.00 550.00
For economic survival of small and marginal
peasants it is imperative to shift away from Source: Department of Agriculture, Punjab
pesticides treadmill which is pushing farmers into
debt and suicides. The farmers are being forced into intensive industrial
agriculture which is leading to the loss of their money, their land and their lives.

Extensive Crop failure

Besides the pest attack another menace being faced by the farmers in Punjab
is the extensive crop failure and seed failure. Many analysts have attributed crop
failure and seed failure as the reason of suicides in Punjab. Prof. Gopal Iyer
has acknowledged this fact in his report on Suicides in Punjab. He says that
“Punjab has also experienced substantial crop loss in cotton consistently during
90’s and there was a major crop loss during 1998 Kharif. This fact has been
adequately acknowledged by the Punjab Government in its report submitted

TABLE 3.11 to the Central Government for compensa-
Details of the use of Chemical Pesticide in Cotton tion to Punjab farmers due to crop loss for
cultivation in Bhatinda, Punjab Kharif in 1998. The untimely rain in the
1st Spray of Systemic Products After 60 days of planting third week of September and again from
(one among the six given below)
October 15 to 18, 1998 caused extensive
Systemic Products Dosage/ Acre Price/ Acre damage to standing and harvested crops in
I. Confidor 40 ml. Rs. 125/- Punjab” (Iyer and Manick, 2000).
II. Monocrotophos 400 ml. Rs. 100/- However, there are also examples of
III. Metasistocs 400 ml. Rs. 125/- seed failures and farmers have suffered
IV. Roger 400 ml. Rs. 80/- huge loss. In this cotton season (1999-
V. Dymecon 150 ml. Rs. 60/- 2000) too several instances of crop failure
VI. Endosalpha 1 liter Rs. 200/- were noticed. In the Jagaram Tirath village
Dosage of the first spray recommended by Department of of Talwandi Sabo Block, District Bhatinda,
Agriculture, Bhatinda the Kohinoor Variety of hybrid cotton is
performing very poorly. Most of the farmers
2nd Spray also of the Systemic products After 70-75 days
who have sown this variety are not happy
(in the same dosages)
with this and they are now mentally
3 Spray of Synthetic Parathoid After 80-90 days prepared to face a total failure of this crop.
(one among the five given below) Some realised this in the beginning and
Synthetic Parathoid Dosage/ Acre Price/ Acre replanted the same field. Mr. Gurcharan
Singh (S/o Mehr Singh) and Mr. Gurdeep
I. Fhenwalrate 150 ml. Rs. 40/-
Singh Sarpanch had to plant again when
II. Cypermathlin 200 ml. Rs. 50/-
their Kohinoor Seeds did not germinate
III. Alphamathrin 150 ml. Rs. 70/-
IV. Karate 150 ml. Rs. 70/-
Similarly Mr. Mahinder Singh, S/o Mangal
V. Decameterin 200 ml. Rs. 100/-
Singh of Jagram Tirth village also sown
4 Spray is often a cocktail of one of the Synthetic Parathoid Kohinoor hybrid cotton in seven acres.
mixed with one of three given below Though it is an early variety as claimed by
Chemical Name Dosage/ Acre Price/ Acre the company but till mid of August, after
120 days of planting, very few plants had
I. Cloropariphos 1 liter Rs. 150/-
given flower. The farmers said that by this
II. Etheon 800 ml. Rs. 150/-
time the bolls would have been ready.
III. Quienalphos 800 ml. Rs. 160/-
When the villagers went to the dealer to
On an average 9-10 sprays are made in Cotton in Bhatinda and for complain he said that the bolls would
that matter in the entire cotton belt in Punjab. Sometimes it goes up come and that the same variety is doing
to 15. After 4th spray the farmers simply make a cocktail of chemicals well in Rajasthan, knowing fully well that
from 1st, 3rd and 4th spray chemical lists, choosing the chemicals no farmers would go there to investigate.
randomly. Sometimes a cocktail of two chemicals are used but very
According to farmers, in more than 20
often, as witnessed during heavy pest infestation in last few years, 3
- 4 chemicals are mixed for spray in cotton fields. villages of Moud Mandi, Talwandi Sabo,
Rama Mandi, Mansa Mandi about 50%
farmers had planted Kohinoor cotton but in all these villages it showed signs
of failure, as reported by farmers of Jagram Tirth village.
The loss of crop is a curse for the indebted farmers and in extreme cases
they commit suicides.

Cropping Pattern: Trends towards Monoculturism

In Punjab, the cropping pattern shows a trend towards monoculture. The
farmers are abandoning the cultivation of diverse crops e.g. pulses, bajra, jowar,

oilseeds etc and got trapped into the paddy-wheat combination. This is one
of the major reasons of farmers declining productivity and income. They are
now dependent upon the market for their day to day requirement of pulses,
oilseeds and vegetables. Though Punjab is know for being the “Food Basket
of country and Granary of India” it is not in a way bringing prosperity to its
own farmers. The Paddy-wheat combination in Punjab is wiping out
agricultural diversity.
The area under rice has increased from 227 thousand hectares in 1960-61
to 2,519 thousand hectares in 1998-1999, an eleven-fold increase. The area
under wheat increased from 1400 thousand hectares in 1960-61 to 3338
thousand hectares in 1998-1999, while the area under cotton increased from
446 thousand hectares in 1960-61 to 724 thousand hectares in 1997-98 but
declined to 475 thousand hectares in 1999-2000 due to crops failures in the
last few years. But again in 1999 – 2000 the area under cotton again increased
to 550 thousand hectares in Punjab (Agricultural Statistics of Punjab on the Eve
of New Millennium: 2000).
However, the area under pulses in Punjab has decreased drastically from
903 thousand hectares in 1960-61 to 78 thousand hectares in 1998-99, more
than ten-fold decrease. In the same period gram went down from 838 thousand
hectares in 1960-61 to 132 thousand hectares in 1998-99, which is more than
a sixty-fold decline. The area under maize went down from 327 thousand
hectares to 154 thousand hectares in the same period. Area under oilseeds has
also decreased from 185 thousand hectares to 158 thousand hectares. Area
under millets and coarse grains has also declined. In the case of Bajra and Jowar,
the decline is very sharp, from 123 thousand hectares to only 4000 hectares
and 17 thousand hectares to Nil, during the period from 1960-61 to 1998-
99 respectively.
TABLE 3.12
Cropping Pattern of Punjab
in Percentage)
S.N. Crops 1950-51 1960-61 1970-71 1980-81 1990-91 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98
1. Paddy 2.9 4.8 6.9 17.5 26.9 28.2 27.7 29.1
2. Maize 6.3 6.9 9.8 5.6 2.5 2.2 2.1 2.1
3. Bajra 5.2 2.6 3.7 1.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1
4. Wheat 27.3 29.6 40.5 41.6 43.6 41.6 41.43 42.1
5. Barley 2.4 1.4 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5
6. Total Pulses 23.8 19.1 7.3 5.0 1.9 1.3 1.3 1.1
7. Total Oilseeds 3.3 3.9 5.2 3.7 1.5 3.0 3.2 2.5
8. Sugarcane 2.2 2.8 2.3 1.0 1.3 1.8 2.2 1.6
9. Cotton 5.4 9.4 7.0 9.6 9.3 9.6 9.5 9.2
10. Total
Vegetables 1.2 1.2 0.9 1.1 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.1
11. Total fruits 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.1
12. Other Crops 19.2 17.7 14.8 12.6 10.8 9.6 10.0 9.5
13. Total Cropped 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.0 100.0 100.0

Source: Agricultural Statistics of Punjab on the Eve of New Millennium: 2000; Statistician - Department of Agriculture, Punjab

It is true that with only 1.57% of the geographical area of the country Punjab
produced 19.3% of wheat, 9.6% of Rice and 8.4% of cotton of the total produce
during the year 1997-98, and contributes 40-50% of rice and 50-70% of wheat
to the Central Pool. However, the increase in area of wheat and rice has shifted
the whole cropping pattern of Punjab from diversity to monoculture and quite
obviously the shift to monoculture would register an increase of monoculture
output but a drastic decline in the output of the diverse crops.
The production of pulses has decreased from 709,000 tonnes in 1960-61
to 50,000 tonnes in 1998-99. Similarly the production of oilseeds, millets and
maize has also decreased in Punjab due to the spread of monoculture of wheat
and rice. This shift has left no option with farmers except a hope that they would
get better yield next year. With that hope they are getting trapped into the
treadmill of fertilisers and pesticides and keep on going down into the swamp
of debt and humiliation.
Their profit from agriculture has declined while their household expenditure
has been increasing. They are still basking in the glory of their good days during
the 80’ and early 90’s when their income had increased many fold due to
introduction of HYV, good return from cotton and government supported
subsidised inputs to encourage Green Revolution. Today Green Revolution is no
longer green. Neither are the HYV performing a miracle of instant increase in
yield, cotton has been failing in the last few years and government has been
withdrawing the crutches of subsidy. Now to feed their farms with chemical
fertilisers and pesticides and to feed themselves and their families they are getting
trapped into control of the private money lenders, tractor agencies, seed,
fertilisers and pesticides dealers and their burden of debt is increasing every year.

Reckless Mechanisation of Agriculture

Though the agriculture in Punjab is undergoing a severe crisis yet there is no
sign of decline in the sale of farm machinery. The farmers of the state have
been suffering due to the high cost input intensive agriculture. Table 3.13 on
TABLE 3.13 the increase in agricultural
Agricultural Implements and Machinery in Punjab (in ‘000 Number) implements in Punjab from
Position On 1995 to 1999 validates this. In
S. Agricultural Implements 31.3.95 31.3.96 31.3.97 31.3.98 31.3.99 Mansa district alone, which is
N. & Machinery a very backward district of
1. Tractors/ Trailers 320 330 350 365 375 Punjab and a suicide prone
2. Tiller/ Cultivators 220 228 235 245 250 area too, the total number of
3. Disc Harrows (T. Drawn) 240 248 255 265 265 tractors of all brands sold
every year is around 1200
4. Seed-cum-fertiliser Drill 130 135 140 145 155
according to Mr. Kishor
5. Spray Pumps 485 510 525 540 545
Chand, Manager Amar Tractor
6. Tractor Drawn Combines 4.4 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9
7. Self Propelled Combines 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.7
However the agricultural
8. Threshers 305 305 315 325 340 experts of Punjab blame trac-
9. Cane Crushers 35 35 35 35 30 tors for the indebtedness of
10. Tube Wells 860 875 900 925 935 farmers. The tractor has be-
Source: Agricultural Statistics of Punjab on the Eve of New Millennium: 2000; come status symbol for many
Statistician -Department of Agriculture, Punjab a farmers. At present there are

about 4 lakh tractors in Punjab. Even farmers with 5-6 acres of land buy tractors
in this state. This has given rise to a second hand market of tractors and once
a week, tractor mela (market) is held in more than 15 different places in Punjab.
But more than that it shows the bad state of affairs of Punjab farmers who are
selling their tractors to pay their debt or due to some social obligations.
Farmers buy new tractors on loan and within a month sell it in the market
at Rs. 50,000-60,000 less than the actual price. This phenomenon is very much
prevalent among distressed farmers in Punjab. The reason for such resale, as
acknowledged by some of the farmers, is to repay the loans burrowed from
local arthies.

Increased Farmers’ Suicides

Suicides in Punjab have acquired an alarming proportion in the recent years.
The suicides by Punjab farmers are occurring on a large scale especially in the
southern districts of Punjab, which is also the main cotton zone of this state.
As reported by Dr. Gopal Iyer and Dr. Meher Singh Manick of the
Department of Sociology, Punjab University, the reason for suicides by farmers
in Punjab were mainly due to high indebtedness. According to this report,
“indebtedness among the farmers and farm labourers in Punjab has reached
epidemic proportions. Landless agricultural labourers, small and marginal
farmers are more vulnerable than large farmers. Large farmers are able to sell
portions of their holdings to pay off debts, which acts as a buffer. The major
thrust of the small and semi-medium farmers is to borrow primarily for
agriculture and marriage purposes. The lending agencies not only pressurise the
farmers to clear the outstanding loans but also humiliate them. They experience
loss of prestige and are forced to commit suicide (Iyer and Manick, 2000).
High indebtedness by these farmers is followed by
constant pressure from lending agencies to repay the Crop Failure and Mounting debts drive
loan which is one of the important factor for farmers Punjab farmer to Suicide
to commit suicide. Another important factor is the Bhatinda, Oct. 2.
resistance by the family members towards selling of Reeling under heavy debts and disappointed
land to clear off the debts which culminates into over the decay of his crop, Mohinder Singh (30),
suicides by one or more family members. a farmer of Nat Bagher village,about 35 km from
In the Chek Ali Sher village in Mansa three here, allegedly ended his life consuming pesti-
members of one family committed suicide due to the cide. He has left behind a 27-year old wife and
debt problem. The moneylender claimed his title over three children.
the farmers’ land, which forced the father and two Mohinder’s uncle told the Indian Express that he
sons to commit suicides. (Mohinder) owed Rs. 2 lakh to a commission
agent and money lenders. He has taken nine
Social Reasons acres of land on contract at the rate of Rs. 7,000
In fact, this culture of committing suicides to escape per acre.
from the indebtedness and social stigma of being His coton crop on seven acres was destroyed by
financially broke started in Punjab a few years ago. American bollworm and other pests. Another
Small and marginal farmers are opting for commercial farmer , Jarnail Singh said that about 90% farmers
crops e.g. hybrid cotton, on a large scale and making of the village were under debt owing to thebad
huge investment anticipating good return. To meet the crops for the past five years.
heavy investment demands the farmers go for private The Indian Express, New Delhi, 03.10.1998
loans at a very high interest, e.g. 2% to 3½ % per

month. This has given rise to several other social problems among cultivators’
families in Punjab.
According to the psychiatrists in Punjab, debt trap has led to an increase
in consumption of intoxicants, matrimonial disputes and family disputes.
Expenses of the community have been ascending. Most of the farmers are very
‘status conscious’.
Most of the Punjab farmers have insufficient income to maintain themselves.
Many farmers have lost the land and they migrate to the cities in search of jobs
as labourers. They feel ashamed to work as labourers in their own village. In
the cities they compete with the migrant labourers. Even the landlords prefer
to employ migrant labourers because they are cheaper
Two More Farmers Commit Suicide in Punjab and well behaved as compared to the local labourers.
In yet another case of debt and crop failure deaths, Moreover the subsidiary occupations of the farm-
two farmers of Bir Khurd village in this district ing community like animal husbandry, poultry, bees
allegedly committed suicide by consuming pesti- keeping and fisheries are also running in loss. In most
cides. Bikkar Singh (39) and Baldev Singh (42) cases these units were started on loans which the
ended their lives on October 19 and October 16,
entrepreneurs now find difficult to repay.
respectively. Both of them were deep in debt.
Besides that the land holdings are squeezing
He had borrowed lakhs from the commission because of rising population and disintegration of the
agents and money lenders and mortgaged half of
joint family and it has led to fragmentation of holdings
his 8 acre land to money lenders.
into smaller and smaller parcels.
The Indian Express, New Delhi, 25.10.1998 The village education has been totally neglected
in Punjab. There are schools with as may as 300
children with a single teacher. The Mansa–Sangrur districts, where large scale
suicides are taking place in last few years, the literacy rate is the lowest. The
situation further got worse due to the floods every year in this region.
The arthies take advantage of the illiterate farmers and even after total
payment of loan money by farmers they normally do not delete the farmers
names from their registers. There is a saying in Punjab that “if a farmer takes
loan from a commission agent, it will never be over till his death”, said Subah
Singh of Jagaram Tirth village, Talwandi Sabo, Bhatinda.
Due to increased rural indebtedness in certain village all lands are
encumbered. The farmers want to sell the land but there are no buyers. The
land price has come down drastically.

Credit Facilities to Farmers

Farmers in Punjab are borrowing from various credit sources/ agencies. The
main agency that are financing the credit needs of the farmers in the state are
cooperative credit institutions like Primary Agricultural Credit Societies and
Primary Land Development Banks, Commercial banks, and Regional Rural
Banks and also the informal sector credit agencies like commission agents
(arthies) and money lenders.
The borrowing for financing the current farm expenses is on a short-term
basis normally for a crop season, and these loans are repaid (fully or partly)
through the sale proceeds at the end of the season. Fresh loans are again taken
to finance the working capital requirement of the next cropping season. In a
way a never ending viscous cycle of lagging loan continues between farmers
and lending agencies.

The credit advanced to the farmers of Punjab increased six times between
1990-91 to 1998-99 (see Table 3.14).
A formal credit agency lends money to farmers by registering their land as
security in its name. Similarly banks also provide loan against security of land.
Once the loan is forwarded TABLE 3.14
to the farmer, these agencies Advancement of Credit to Farmers {Rs. in Crores (10 million)
ensure that the farmer does
S.N. ITEM 1990-91 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99
not apply from any other
bank for loan by putting their 1. Kharif Season 159.01 440.86 562.57 693.63 804.31
stamp on the papers. i) Cash 79.25 262.75 371.92 468.92 548.28
Over the years banks and ii) Kind 79.76 178.11 190.65 224.71 256.03
the financial lending agen-
2. Rabi Season 204.12 505.65 535.60 679.28 898.69
cies have changed their meth-
i) Cash 102.83 232.98 274.46 364.46 564.72
ods of extraction of loans
from the farmers. Once the ii) Kind 101.29 272.67 261.14 314.82 333.97
stipulated date of recovery of 3. Total 363.13 946.51 1098.17 1372.91 1703.00
loan is crossed the banks i) Cash 182.08 495.73 646.38 833.38 1113.00
auction the land by going
ii) Kind 181.05 450.78 451.79 539.53 590.00
through the village and an-
nouncing on a loudspeaker. Source: Agricultural Statistics of Punjab on the Eve of New Millennium: 2000;
This method of auction, ac- Statistician - Department of Agriculture, Punjab
cording to farmers, is being done to humiliate them as well as to terrify other
farmers so that they make their payment on time. The three acres land of Mr.
Roshan Singh of Bhai Bhakhtuar village of Maud Block of Bhatinda was
auctioned in the similar way by the bank.
All the farmers irrespective of their own investment through loans go for
the meager loan of Rs 2000 provided by the bank. According to a study
conducted by Dr. Shergill of the Punjab University, the total debt on the farmers
of the Punjab state is about Rs. 5700 crore (Shergill, 1998). This debt is about
70% of the net domestic product originating in the state in a year. In other
words, three fourth of one year’s total agricultural income of the state has to
be paid if the total amount of debt is to be liquidated. However, to freeze the
annual recurring interest charged on the total debt, about 13.2% of the total
farmland area of the state will have to be mortgaged by the farmers. Seventy
percent of the farmers are unable to repay their loans. The Punjab scenario
is distressing - farmers are unable to sell their land, tractors and cattle - these
go at throwaway prices to meet their debt commitment. The cash expenditure
of the farmers has been steadily growing which has resulted in continuous
decline in the net surplus generated from production of these crops.
Loans through government agencies in the 80’s and early 90’s used to be
waived off by the government. But now it is different scenario because the loans
are being taken mostly from the private moneylenders. As per Mr Rudlu Singh,
a farmer member of the BKU Ekta, Mansa, there are about 24,000 commission
agents in Punjab who charge compound interest for loan money which gets
doubled in a short period of 3 years, 3 months and 19 days.
The arthies copy the formal credit institutions and register the land of the
borrowers on their name as a security. When a farmer borrows a big amount
from the arthies, he registers his land for the same value. If the borrower fail to

repay the loan he looses his land. But sometime the arthi gives the land to the
owner to cultivate as tenants and not as owner. Due to social stigma and shame
the victim farmers never tell others in the village that he has become landless.
About Rs. 8000 crores of arthi’s money is floating in market in Punjab. These
arthies pay no income tax on this amount. There are total 12560 villages in
the state of Punjab and on an average two arthies operate in each village and
control the village finance and economy, according to the BKU Ekta.
The arthies in case of failing to get their money back from farmers, take
away tractors, trolleys, grains and sometimes occupy house and lands of the
defaulters. Mr. Mange Ram arthi of Mansa Mandi took away the tractor and
Rs. 82,000/- from a farmer Mr. Mahinder Singh, s/o Mr. Arjun Singh, of Burj
Tilam village in Mansa district for not repaying a debt of Rs. 3 lakhs to him.
To pay the money Mange Ram had to sell his land.
A farmer in village Jattan Khurd in Mansa district had taken a loan of Rs.
65000 and could not repay due to successive crop failure. The commission
agent took away 35-40 quintals wheat, the annual ration, lying in his house
and his tractor with trolley. With the intervention of BKU Ekta, the farmers only
got back his wheat.
There are several farmers in Bhai Bhakhtawar village in Maud Tehsil in
Bhatinda District, whose land has been seized by arthies. Some of them are
Jagseer Singh (s/o Jaggar Singh), Bant Ram Vpeywala, Nichatar Singh and others.
According to Dr. H. S. Shergill, “In 1997 farmers borrowed a whopping Rs.
3119 crore. Sixty one percent came from traditional commission agents. Here
interest rates are between 24 to 30 percent. Cooperative could mange just 34 per
cent; the rest – a meager 4 percent – came from commercial banks” (Shergill,
1998). This situation is particularly detrimental to the small farmers as interest
rates are dictated by size of holding - smaller the holding, the higher the interest.
Such exploitation by the commission agents and burden of debt are forcing
several farmers in Punjab to commit suicide. Even in the year 2000 the suicides
are taking place on large scale in Punjab and no body in the government seems
to have paying any attention. Unfortunately these suicides are rarely reported
to the police. The discrepancy in the actual figure (collected by activists and
farmer unions) and the official figure is explained by the fact that many suicides
go unreported and official figures are invariably less than the real ones.
There seem to be a unanimous agreement among villagers in the rural
Punjab about not reporting these deaths to the police as suicides. The villagers
justify by stating it would avoid “desecration of the dead body during post-
mortem examination and associated harassment by the police”.
The most common method adopted by farmers for suicides is drinking
pesticides and agricultural fumigants, which are available in abundance.
Hanging, drowning, self–immolation and throwing oneself before the running
train are also resorted to by some farmers.
About 150 cases of suicides by farmers and agricultural laborers have been
reported in last 4-5 years from the Lehra and Andana blocks of Sangrur district.
In a single village ‘Dhindsa’ of the Lehra Block, in last 5 years more than 15
farmers have committed suicide due to crop failure and increased debt.
In 1999-2000 suicides by farmers continued in Punjab due to the acute
indebtedness, exploitation of commission agents and crop failures. Mr. Tirth

Anok Singh of Jagaranm village was in debt Some of the suicide victims in Dhindsa village,
of Rs. 1 lakh which he borrowed from an Sangrur District
arthi. He also bought a tractor (Mahindra Name Age Year
256 DI) against his lands and was in debt of Mr. Angrej Singh, S/o Sher Singh - 1995
Rs.2.5 lakhs to the State Bank of Patiala. But
Mr. Satgum Singh, S/o Mukhtar Singh 8 yrs 1995
one month after the purchase of tractor the
Arthi took away his tractor. Mr. Singh left his Mr. Bhola Singh, S/o Lilu Singh - 1995

house the day his tractor was seized and Mr. Dashan Singh, S/o Choto Singh 20 yrs 1996
never returned back. His son Mr. Pretem Mr. Naib Singh, S/o Sukhdev Singh 25 yrs 1997
Singh said that his father might have com- Mr. Mahadev Singh, S/o Labh Singh 26 yrs 1999
mitted suicide. The Arthi sold the tractor in Mr. Govind Singh, S/o Dev Singh 19 yrs 2000
more than Rs. 2 lakhs but kept all the money
Mr. Sadhu Singh, S/o Gurnam Singh 40 yrs April ‘00
and nothing was given back to Mr. Singh
family after deducting the loan money. Mr. Surjeet Singh, S/o Sher Singh 40 yrs August ’00

Neither any paper was given to the victim Source: Sarpanch of the Dhindsa village.
family after the sale of tractor. The family is
continued to be paying the interest to the Bank otherwise they would loose
the land, because the farmers lands are registered in the name of loaner Bank.
In April 2000, Mr. Sadhu Singh, aged 40 years of Dhindsa village, Mwonak
Tehsil of Sangrur committed suicide. In 1998 he took around Rs. 35,000 loan
from commission agent. In last two successive years his crop had failed. He
had also taken land on lease against his wife’s jewelry. After his death the owner
of land kept the jewelry and gave the land to the commission agent.
In August 2000 two landless laborers, Mr. Surju, s/o, Chand and Mr. Sukhdev,
s/o Preetam of Dudian village under Mwonak Tehsil of Sangrur district
committed suicide for not being able to repay the debt.

India has once before been colonised through cotton. From being the biggest
producer of the cotton and the cotton textiles, India was converted into the
biggest market for textile produced by the British industry.
Today cotton colonisation is not restricted to the cotton textiles but goes
deeper into the colonisation of the cotton seeds. From being the country of
origin and the centre of diversity India is being rapidly reduced to dependence
on imported cotton seeds.
Freedom from the first cotton colonisation was based on liberation through
the spinning wheel. Gandhi’s use of the charkha and the promotion of khadi
was both a form of resistance to the British monopoly on cloth and a reminder
that it was in our hand to make our own cloth again.
Freedom from the second cotton colonisation needs to be based on
liberation through the seed. Indigenous seeds are still available in large parts
of India. Organic cotton is promising to become a major route to prosperity
for farmers in marginal and rainfed areas. The freedom of the seeds and freedom
of organic farming are simultaneously a resistance against monopolies of
corporation like Monsanto and a regeneration of agriculture that brings fertility
to the soils and prosperity to the farmers.
The seeds of suicide need to be replaced by seeds of prosperity. And those seeds
should be in the hands of our farmers and not in the hands of corporations.

Statement showing the details of suicide cases of farmers in Warangal Districts (Between Dec. ’97 and Jan. ’98)
S. Name of Date of Particulars Area of land Crops Outstanding Type Irrigation Designation Reasons
N. the deceased death of Survival (Acre) Grown Debts of Soil details of Enquiry for death
& Age Own Lease Officer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Manupally Saraiah 12-12-97 Father - 63 2.00 — Chillies- 20,000/- Private Sandy Nil Dy. Director Overburdening
S/o. Mallaiah, Mother - 45 Nursery-0.10 Loam of Agriculture of Loans on
R/o, Managapet, Wife - 25 Tobacco- (FTC), Warangal Crop failure.
Mangapet Mandal. Daughter - (2) Nursery-0.10
Son - 1 1/2
2. Lakkavarsu Mogili, 19-12-97 Father - 65 3.00 2.00 Cotton 85,000/- Private Chalkas Dried up Dy. Director Due to crop
S/o. Komuraiah, Mother - 55 20,000/- from Well of Agriculture failure.
R/o, Kamaram, Wife - 25 Society in the (Trg)
Athmakur Mandal Son - 13 past
Daughter - 10
3. ChaparthyVeeraSwamy 25-12-97 Wife - 25 4.00 — Cotton- 1.20 60,000/- Private BC Soil Well D. D. A (Agro.) Crop failure.
S/o.Doodaiah Daughter - 6 Paddy- 1.00 without
(v)Chintalapally ””-5 Water
Sangem Mandal Son - 3
4. Bandi Kalavathi, 18-12-97 Husband - 48 — 5.00 Cotton- 4.00 31,500/- Private Redchalka Dried Well Asst. Director Overburdening
W/o, Somaiah, 45Y, Daughter - 22 Agriculture (R) of debts.
R/o.Venkatapur ” ” - 13 Ghanpur
Zaffargadh ” ” - 13
5. Samala Mallaiah, 21-12-97 Wife - 35 1.00 2.00 Cotton- 3.00 70,000/- Private — — Agriculture –do–
S/o, Somaiah, 40y, Officer Parkal
(V) Nagaram mandal
Parkal Mandal
6. Janga Ravi, 22-12-97 Mother - 50 2.00 — Cotton- 1.20 20,000/- Private — — -do- -do-
S/o, Sammaiah, 30y, Wife - 25 Paddy- 0.20 5000/- Cooperative
(V) Venkatapur
Parkal Mandal
7. Vynala Sambaiah, 24-12-97 Wife - 35 1.00 3.00 Cotton- 3.10 3,000/- Coop- Black Dried Well Asst. Director -do-
S/o. Komuraiah, Daughter - 20 Jowar- 0.20 -rative Alkaline of Agril.,
(V) Keshavapuram Son - 18 1,00,000/- Bank & Sandy Narsampet
Duggondi Mandal Son - 15 loam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
8. Naugari Kishan Rao 15-12-97 Grand mother 4.00 — Cotton- 3.00 30,000/- from BC No D.D.A (Agro.) Crop failure.
S/o.Rajanna, Age: 30, Mother Chillies- 1.00 Government Irrigation
(V)Yelukurhi (H) Father 1,00,000/- Private
Geesugonda Mandal Sister
9. Kommula Mallaiah 23-12-97 Father- 65 0.10 — Maize- 0.10 70,000/- Private Sandy Well -do- Overburdening
S/o. Kankaiah, Wife - 35 Cotton- 2.30 Loam of debts and
R/o, Peddapuram, Daughter - 22 Chillies-1.00 Crop failure.
Athmakur Mandal ”” - 18
”” - 15
”” - 12
”” - 09
Son - 05
10. Nellutla Ravi, 16-12-97 Mother - 55 3.00 — Cotton- 3.00 25,000/- Bank Red chalka Dried Well D.D.A (Agro.) 1. Over-
S/o, Laxmaiah, 25 Y, Wife - 20 2,25,000/- Private burdening
(V) Kamaram, Daughter - debts,
Athmakur Mandal 2. Loss Money
11. Kanugula Sambaiah, 29-12-97 Wife - 38 3.00 0.15 Cotton- 2.15 5,000/- CooperativeSandy Well A.D.A (R) 1. Mental
S/o, Papaiah, Age: 50, Daughter - 20 Paddy- 1.00 18,000/- Private loam Narsampet Worries,
(V) Shambaiahpally ”“ - 18 2. Overburdening
Duggondi Mandal Son - 15 of debts,
Son - 3 3. Crop failure.
12. Banothu Mangya 29-12-97 Wife - 45 1.20 2.00 Cotton - 3.00 50,000/- Private Red Chalka Dried Well D.D.A. (Agro.) 1. Crop failure,
S/o. Mourya, Age: 50 Daughter - 18 Vegetables- 0.20 2. Overburdening
(V) Nandanayakthanda ” - 14 of debts.
(H) Vishwanathpur ” - 12
Geesugonda Mandal Son - 21
” - 17
13. Kannepally Mallaiah 29-12-97 Father - 70 0.30 1.00 Cotton- 1.00 19,000/- Private BC Kunta D.D.A, (FTC) 1. Overburdening
S/o, Odelu, 35Y, Mother- 60 Paddy- 0.30 of debts,
(V) Keshvapur Wife - 33 2. Crop failure.
Venkatapur Mandal Daughter - 13
14. Ajmera Surya 30-12-97 Wife - 38 4.00 — Cotton- 3.00 80,000/- Loany Well A.D.A (R), 1. Heavy debt.
S/o, Kasna, 42Y, Son - 20 Chillies- 1.00 & (Insufficient Narsampet 2. Crop failure.
R/o, Narayan thanda ” - 18 Dubba water)
H/o, Thimmampet, Daughter- 15

(M) Duggondi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
15. Mankena Yella Reddy 30-12-97 Wife - 20 2.25 — Cotton- 1.00 30,000/- Private Red Rain fed A.D.A. Debt burden
S/o, Chandra Reddy, 25Y, chalka Jangaon
R/o, Veldanda
Narmett Mandal
16. Akula Jagnaiah 03-1-98 Wife - 40 — 2.00 Cotton 1.00 5,000/- SBH Red Dried A.D.A., 1. Chillies &
S/o, Venkataiah, 44Y, Chillies 1.00 41,500/- Private chalka Well Ghanpur Cotton Crops
R/o, Mallikudurla Failure du
e to
Dharmasagar Mandal. lack of water,
2. Heavy debt.
17. Ijjagiri Rajabhadraiah 04-1-98 Father - 57 3.00 4.00 Paddy- 0.20 50,000/- Private B.C. Well D.D.A., Crop failure.
S/o, Mallaiah, Age: 28, Wife - 25 Chillies 1.00 (F.T.C.)
R/o, Papaiahpalli, Daughter - 5, Sunflower 2.00
H/o, Narasapur ”-2 Maize 2.00
Venkatapur Mandal
18. Banoth Swamy, 8-1-98 Wife - 24 1.32 — Cotton 0.30 20,000 Private Red Well D.D.A (Trg.) Crop failure
S/o, Sethaiah, Age: 28 Daughter - 9 Chillies 1.00 Chalka A.D.A.(R); and heavy debts.
R/o, Banchari Thanda ”-2 Mahabubahad
H/o, Gollapalli, Son - 6
Gudur Mandal
19. Gundrati Bikshapati 6-1-98 Father - 50 2.00 — Cotton 2.00 55,000/- Private B.C Well A.D.A.(R); Crop failure
S/o, Ilaiah, Age: 23, Mother - 45 Warangal & debt burden.
R/o, Pegadapalli Wife - 18
Hasanparthi Mandal
20. Neereti Narsaiah, 13-1-98 Father 3.30 3.00 Chillies 1.00 16,600/- Bank Chelka Bore Well A.D.A., (R) Crop failure &
S/o, Yellaiah, Age: 23, Mother Maise 1.20 (failed) Jangaon heavy Debts.
R/o, Bairanpalli Brother Paddy 0.20
Maddur Mandal Redgram 0..20
Jowar 0.10
21. Bollakonda Jag-ham, 15-1-98 Wife - 45 14.00 — Cotton 1.20 20,000/- Bank Red Well A.D.A (R) Crop failure &
S/o, Ayodya, Age: 50, Son - 25 Chillies 1.00 70,000/- Private Chelka Mahabubabad heavy debts.
R/o, Serols, Korvi Mandal Son - 20 G’nut 3.00 & A.D.A, (STL),
Redgram 4.00 Warangal
Paddy 2.00
22. Nune Ramaswamy 16-1-98 Wife - 35 1.30 2.00 Coton 2.00 50,000/- Private B.C. No Well A.O., Mulug 1. Crop failure,
S/o, Komraiah, Age: 40, Son - 17 Paddy 1.30 2. Loss in side
R/o, Mulug Daughter - 13 business.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
23. K. Anjaiah, 10-1-98 Wife - 4.00 0.50 Caster & — Red Chelka Open Well A.D.A, (R), —
S/o, Mallaiah, Daughter Redgram 4.00 Jangaon
R/o, Chitur, Son Paddy 0.50
L. Ghanppur Mandal
24. Pendle Anjaiah, 12-1-98 — 1.20 — Cotton- 1.10 30,000/- Private — — M.R.O., Due to debts.
S/o, Venkataiah Paddy- 0.10 Khanapur
R/o, Dharmaraopet
Khanapur Mandal
25. S. Anandam, 5-1-98 — — — — — — — R.D.O —
S/o, Yakaiah, Jangaon
R/o, Kadaver,
Devaruppula Mandal
26. G. Yellaiah, Age: 52, 15-1-98 — 3.00 — — 60,000/- Loans — — Based on Crop Loss.
R/o, Kogilvai, daily News
Atmakur Mandal Paper
Dated 17-1-98
27. Smt. Allepu Radhamma — — — — — — — — –do– Crop Loss
W/o, Ilaiah, Age: 40, since last 3 yrs.
R/o, Venkatapur Mandal.

Source: Office of teh Joint Director of Agriculture, Warangal

List of Farmer Suicides reported from Andhra Pradesh.
Sl.No. Farmer’s Name Village Mandal District
1 Dubashi Rajayya Narsimpalli Doultabad Medak
2 Chikkali Ramulu Tumkimetla Bomraspet Mahaboob Nagar
3 Kommala Mallayya Paddapuram Atmakum Warangal
4 V. Narasimga Rao Papayya Palli Bajjanki Karimnagar
5 Jangu Ravi Venkatapur Parakala Warangal
6 Narasimha Reddi Gorlaveedu Bhupalapalli Warangal
7 Harmandlu Modnooru - Nijamabad
8 Natutta Ravi Kamaram Atmakur Warangal
9 Malkalla Ramreddi Kammarvalli Chennurce Adilabad
10 Lakkarru Mogili Kamaram Atmakur Warangal
11 Syamala Mallayya Nargaram Parakala Warangal
12 Kallepalli Mallayya Kesavapur Venkatapur Warangal
13 Srinivasulu Dharmavaram Tekmal Medak
14 Chavarthi Veeraswami Chintapalli Samgem Warangal
15 Katta Papi Reddi Yacharam Anumula Nelgonda
16 Yara Sudhakar Raddi Eessipet Mogullavalla Warangal
17 Kakamonu Veerayya Visadala Medi Konduru Guntoor
18 Dasari Acunjayya Goodem Raghunadhapalli Warangal
19 Ramelvar Gulab Shampabad Bela Adilabad
20 G. Rajemdar Usenpalli Atmakur Warangal
21 Nageri Kishan Rao Eela Kurthi Haveli Geesukondo Warangal
22 Lurdu Raju Khammam Goodom Buvanagiri Nelgonda
23 Bandi Kalavathi Venkatapur Jafargood Warangal
24 Khadavat Mangya Nandya Nayak Tanda Geesugonda Warangal
25 Manupalli Sarayya Mangapet Mangapet Warangal
26 Arula Jaganayya Malliudurla Dharmasagar Warangal
27 Gangaram Balayya Peddapuram Marpalli Rangareddi
28 Eejagiri Ramabadra Papayya Palli Venkatapur Warangal
29 Dasandla Bhumalingam Chilva Codooru Gollavalli Karimnagar
30 Canugula Sambayya Serabayyapalli Duggondi Warangal
31 Vyasa Srinu Tanikella Lpmogarla Khammam
32 Gandra Biksapati Pegada Palli Hasanvarthi Warangal
33 K.Sanjeevayya Alirajpet Jagadevpur Medak
34 Banotuswami Bollapalli Gooduru Guntoor
35 Galivelu Subba Rao Peda Nandipadu - Guntoor
36 Dasari Pedda Chennayya Veepanagandla Medatooru Karnool
37 Nerati Mallayya Biranpalli Madduru Warangal
38 Pendli Aanjayya Dharma Rao Pet Khanapur Warangal
39 Khallipalli Ashok Peddapalli Peddapalli Kherimnagar
40 Ajmeera Surya Narayan Tanda Duggondi Warangal
41 Pandari Sarayya Mangapeta Mangapeta Warangal
42 Eedula Kanti Narasimha Reddi Pochannapeta Buchannapeta Warangal

43 Kanakayya Gummadidala Jinnaram Medak
44 Damodar Reddi Ummentyala Kodurgu Mehaboobnagar
45 Golkonda Eellayya Kogil Vayee Atmakoor Warangal
46 Allepu Radamma Narsapur Venkatapur Warangal
47 Kumar Veleeru Vargal Medak
48 Darga Aanjayya Manikyamma Goodou Maheswaram Ranga Reddi
49 Jagiri Komarayya Ninaala Nellikuduru Warangal
50 Piditalli Rajamallu Dharmaram Jammikunta Kharimnagar
51 M.Ella Reddi Veldada Tanarmeta Warangal
52 Gollavaggu Satteyya Gundlapalli Sivampeta Medak
53 Gollavoggu Pramcela Gundlapalli Sivampeta Medak
54 Vinaala Sambayya Kesavapuram Duggondi Warangal
55 Madduri Hanimi Reddi Aakunooru Sidhapur Karimnagar
56 Viswanadhan Balugoppa Kalyanadurgam Buantapuram
57 Tirumala Reddi Panderlapulli Moddikara Karnool
58 Nammi Reddi Srinivasa Reddi Vernula Palli Vemulapalli Nelgonda
59 Machcha Chandramouli Kamalapur Kamalapur Karimnagar
60 Mutyala Lakshmi Kamalapur Kamalapur Karimnagar
61 Anand Sitarampuram Devaruppala Warangal
62 Yausafmia Aaliyabad Kondapur Medak
63 Buchayya Pegadapalli Hasanparthi Warangal
64 Mediboina Ramulu Chinnayagoodem Devrapalli West Godavri
65 Eemmani Balanjineyulu Tekula Kurpa Koonavaram Khammam
66 Banootu Bitya Sitampeta Gaarda Khammam
67 G. Krishnayya Yeskoru Yeskoru Khammam
68 Tenali Nagulu Marsukunta Yeskoru Khammam
69 Hillikonda Jagannadham Siroolu Kuravi Warang Nagar
70 Venkata Reddi Gummadidala Jinnaram Medak
71 Venkata Reddi Lingampalli Peddapura Nelgonda
72 Dharmasotu Lakshmi Jagannadapuram Palvamcha Khammam
73 Katla Komrayya Narsingapur Tadvayee Warangal
74 Gousu Teegul Jagadevpur Medak
75 Vemula Aayelayya Bhupatipur Peddapalli Karimnagar
76 Battula Narasimhulu Ganda Boyianapalli Vayeelpaadu Chitturu
77 Kumbamvaripalli
78 Chinna Venkata Danayya Chandragoodem Milavaram Krishna
79 Borragoodem
80 Bhukya Sankar Eeeryatanda Chennaraopet Warangal
81 Gaogu Ayyellayya Gaorremkunta Geesukondta Warangal
82 Chinta Vijay Vangavahad Hasanaparthi Warangal
83 Mamidi Lachavva Rechapalli Sarangaapur Karimnagar
84 Vuyyuru Krishna Reddi Vuppalachalaka Penuballi Khammam
85 Masetli Bhumanna Yaaval Aodilabad Aodilabad
86 Somayya Jamikunta Mogullapalli Warangal

87 Katkuri Kanakamallu Gurrekunta Geesukunta Warangal
88 Pantulu Papayyapeta Chennaraopeta Warangal
89 Aalasyam Venkateswaralu Polisettigundam Khammam Rural Warangal
90 Negarakanti yellayya Manasapalli Yetoorunagaram Warangal
91 Tuppata Mallayya Timmapur Jagadevpur Medak
92 Kavarla Ramesh Begampeta Mirdoddi Medak
93 Bonaala Saramma Gurrampalli Peddapalli Karimnagar
94 Kalipeni Venkatayya Srirampur Srirampur Karimnagar
95 Dhannasam Hanmayya Mudgulchittempalli Vikarabad Rabgareddi
96 Bollineedi Siddarao Rimmanagooda Gajveel Medak
97 Chaliti Nammireddi Nagaram Bhupalapalli Warangal
98 Aasuaka Narsooji Kadivendi Devaruppala Warangal
99 Eengoli Chinaramulu Nandigama Nallabelli Warangal
100 Balabi Badrayya Bagrolipeta Regonda Warangal
101 Samini Lakshmi Ramanjapuram Venkatapuram Warangal
102 Lakshmamma Tanduru Tanduru Khammam
103 Devara Srisilam Pedda Madooru Devaruppala Warangal
104 P.Janga Reddi Ganggalapalli Nagarkarnool Mehaboobnagar
105 Pittala Sankar Jayagiri Hasanparthi Warangal
106 Choudarapu Yellayya Mahmadapuram Duggondi Warangal

Source: Vartha Newspaper

Details of Farmers who committed Suicide during November-December 98 in Warangal District.

S.N. Name of Farmer Age Village Mandal Date of committing

1 Ketapalli Sambi Reddy 40 Ogalpur Atmakur 22.10.98
2 Bhukya Sarma 35 Harischandra
Nayak Tandra Hasanparti 08.11.98
3 Kari Kumari Lingayya 49 Gidde Muttaram Chityala 11.11.98
4 Malotu Danja 40 Mangalvaripeta Khanapuram 12.11.98
5 Nagelli Tirupati Reddy 26 Challlagarige Chityala 14.11.98
6 Indla Ayilayya 36 Neredupalli Bhupalapalli 18.11.98
7 Pacchi Kalaya Someswara Rao 48 Aakinepalli Mangapeta 19.11.98
8 Kattula Yakayya 32 Samudrala Stn Ghanpur 19.11.98
9 Akutota Venkatayya 65 Govindapuram Sayampeta 21.11.98
10 Bolla Hari Krishna 22 Nadikuda Parakala 24.11.98
11 Edelli Lakshmi 45 Rauvlapalli Regonda 18.11.98
12 Cheviti Veeranna 28 Tehsildar Banjar Dornakal 03.12.98
13 Pentla Odelu 42 Nagurlapelli Regonda 16.12.98
14 Ragula Devender Reddy 25 Jubilee Nagar Regonda 16.12.98
15 Tallapalli Lakshmayya 38 Solipuram Narmetta 18.12.98

Source: Prajasakhti Newspaper.

Details of Farmers who have committed suicide during 1999 – 2000 in Andhra Pradesh

S No Name of Farmer Age Village Mandal District

1. Bhubanagiri John Reddy 40 Gannavaram Yedanpudi Prakasham District
2. Ravipati Koteswar Rao 37 Poluru Yedanpudi Prakasham District
3. Gogati Bali Reddy Kuntalapalli Nallamada Ananthapur District
4. Kalmula Ramayya 60 Macharam Amrabad
5. Pallepu Ankamma 45 Paladugu Medikonduru
6. Kethavathrathan 30 Inumulanarva Kotthur Mehboobnagar District
7. Yadayya 28 Rajapuram Balanagar Mehboobnagar District
8. Boya Pengayya Gangapuram Zedcherla Mehboobnagar District

Source: Rathu vani various issues.

Details of Farmers who have committed suicide during 1997-99 in

Yavatmal District of Maharastra

S.N. Farmer Name Taluka Age Suicide Date

1 N A Thakare Darwa 45 27/3/98
2 M N Kinhekar Kalawati 50 25/3/98
3 Z L Khandare Umarkheda 55 26/4/98
4 B G Sainkar Tanaregari 40 11/3/99
5 R C Ambarwal Kelapur 35 21/1/98
6 P V Kanhake Kalamli 24 26/4/98
7 M R Bahade Rui 55 26/12/97
8 D A Bhoyaz Kalamli 35 11/5/98
9 K P Bhise Kalamli 59 21/2/98
10 M B Navarange Darwa 40 19/5/98
11 G N Pawar Yerad 29 30/5/98
12 S P Rathod 3/6/98
13 M D Samratwar Kelapur 28 7/6/98
14 G T Dhote Balihulgam 60 13/3/98
15 R K Rathod Nes 55 5/5/98
16 P N Patil Arni 43 22/4/98
17 N N Deotale Zari Jamani 62 2/10/97
18 V R Kharmade Zari Jamani 52 27/11/97
19 L B Chavan Yavatmal 65 19/3/98
20 A P Matre Durwha 50 3/5/98
21 V K Kathane Balehutgoan 26 17/5/98
22 M D Waghmare Kalamli 28 9/5/98
23 N V Zade Maregoan 58 18/6/98
24 S B Yeotikar Kalamli 12/9/98
25 H L Patil Balehutgoan 5/7/98
26 N N Charak Arni 48 20/6/98
27 N M Lokhande Arni 55 8/8/98

28 R A Rathod Yawali 23 5/3/98
29 J N Parande Digwar 45 10/6/98
30 R T Chandhari Ralegoan 35 25/6/98
31 A L Karnade Yavatmal 44 2/7/98
32 Z G Atram Maregoan 35 26/1/98
33 P D Mokhadkar Kelapur 55 29/10/98
34 M R Tichkula Darwa 30 11/10/98
35 S A Talware Kelapur 28 27/10/98
36 S B Wankhede Mahagam 40 1/11/98
37 B L Khandare Kelapur 35 2/11/98
38 N K Gamamde Kelapur 45 7/11/98
39 A K Kachore Kalamli 40 22/11/98
40 M R Detale Pandhar 40 7/11/98
41 D C Pambhare Ralegoan 25 15/11/98
42 R N Hamid Kelapur 25 15/12/98
43 I K Agrikar Ghatana 45 16/12/98
44 R B Tajane Wani 45 6/12/98
45 R C Gughane Darwa 50 28/12/98
46 S N Kumare Zari Jamani 75 20/12/98
47 Z D Wichu Zari Jamani 40 2/1/99
48 A T Gurnale Zari Jamani 35 29/12/98
49 M K Jadhao Darwa 45 10/1/98
50 S B Rathod Yavatmal 52 22/12/98
51 C T Game Ralegoan 22 14/1/99
52 S P Dhagadi Zari Jamani 16/1/99
53 L R Potkamtmar Kelapur 50 23/1/99
54 B T Netam Zari Jamani 45 19/2/99
55 S L Addimar Kelapur 38 29/1/99
56 M N Deokate Nandura 45 23/2/99
57 T G Karnewar Umarkheda 37 20/2/99

Source: Vidharbha Organic Farmers Association, Yavatmal.

Suicides of Farmers in Sangrur District, Punjab
1994 to 1998

Village Chotian, Population approx : 3000

S.N. Name Age Year Year Occupation Cause
1. Mithu Singh S/o Sita Singh 27 1994 Agriculture P
2. Satpal Singh S/o Muktiar Singh 22 1994 Labour H
3. Sukhdev Singh S/o Chand Singh 45 1994 Agriculture P
4. Lala Singh S/o Cheta Singh 22 1994 Agriculture A
5. Raj Singh S/o Hari Singh 25 1995 Agriculture P
6. Mithu Singh S/o Sukhdev Singh 38 1995 Service P
7. Surinder Kumar S/o Panna Lal 40 1995 Agriculture D
8. Sant Ram S/o Roldoo 24 1996
9. Kale Khan S/o Sum-ul-din 28 1996 Labour P
10. Jaisir Singh S/o Gurdev Singh 21 1996 Agriculture P
11. Labh Singh S/o Banasi Das 23 1996 Labour P
12. Natha Ram S/o Kani Ram 40 1997 Labour P
13. Bhola Singh S/o Jagga Singh 30 1997 Labour T
14. Mitha Singh S/o Rasala Singh 32 1997 Labour H
15. Mangh Singh S/o Ralla Singh 25 1997 Agriculture P
16. Gurdev Singh S/o Mukand Singh 40 1997 Service H
17. Bhola Singh S/o Sarup Singh 30 1997 Agriculture P
18. Janta Singh S/o Hira Singh 25 1997 Labour H
19. Kala Singh S/o Mukhtiar Singh 23 1997 Agriculture ?
20. Sukhdev Singh S/o Bana Singh 40 1997 Labour P
21. Niranjan Singh S/o Amar Singh 35 1997 Agriculture P

Village Bangan, population approx. 3000

S.N. Name Age Year Year Occupation Cause

1. Prithi S/o Mangoo 29 1994 Labour H
2. Raja (Geja) Singh S/o Chanderbhan 251994 Agriculture H
3. Satbir Singh w/o Jagar Singh 27 1994 Agriculture P
4. Duni Kaur w/o Chanderbhan 60 1995 Agriculture ?
5. Karnail Singh S/o Manga Ram 22 1995 Labour P
6. Bholaram S/o Sampath Singh 24 1996 Agriculture H
7. Bahurti w/o Dalbara 28 1996 Agriculture B
8. Jangir Singh S/o Mukhtiar Singh 36 1996 Agriculture P
9. Balbir Singh S/o M. Ram 23 1996 Agriculture H
10. Dharmvir S/o Hari Krishan 34 1997 Agriculture B
11. Mohinder Singh S/o Jeeruram 23 1997 Agriculture P
12. Reshma w/o Gaini Singh 24 1995 Agriculture P
13. Ratia S/o Tara Singh 27 1998 Agriculture B
14. Savianram S/o Sivnath 60 1998 Agriculture T
15. Bira S/o Tara Singh 30 1998 Agriculture B

Village Balran, population approx. 10000

S.N. Name Age Year Year Occupation Cause

1. Gurtej Singh S/o Shera Singh 18 1995 Agriculture H
2. Pala Singh S/o Khushiram 24 1995 Agriculture P
3. Mehar Singh S/o Ganda Singh 28 1995 Labour P
4. Sita Singh S/o Mohinder Singh 24 1995 Labour P
5. Gurcharan Singh S/o Kehar Singh 24 1995 Agriculture P
6. Bhola Singh S/o Ruliaram 24 1995 Labour P
7. Lady 27 1995 Labour P
8. Baghail Singh S/o Mithu Singh 26 1995 Agriculture P
9. Kirpal Singh S/o Dhan Singh 20 1996 Agriculture P
10. Bhola Singh S/o Mehar Singh 24 1996 Labour P
11. Gurcharan Singh S/o Nabha Singh 19 1996 Agriculture P
12. Ranbir Singh S/o Ruldu Singh 22 1996 Agriculture P
13. Jeet Singh S/o S. Singh 20 1996 Agriculture P
14. Sehnsi Singh S/o Balhar Singh 24 1996 Agriculture P
15. Bhola Singh S/o Saon Singh 20 1996 Agriculture P
16. Ganpati w/o Ker Singh 42 1996 Agriculture P
17. Sukhar Singh S/o Balhar Singh 30 1996 Agriculture P
18. Aki d/o Gurmail Singh 19 1996 P
19. Gejha Singh S/o Sohan Singh 24 1997 Labour P
20. Pithu Singh S/o Puran Singh 25 1997 Agriculture P
21. Kaka Singh S/o Gumdoor Singh 23 1997 Agriculture P
22. Telu Singh S/o Gurdial Singh 24 1997 Labour P
23. Kala Singh S/o Karnail Singh 24 1997 Labour H
24. Tota Singh S/o Jaseer Singh 25 1997 Labour P
25. Desraj S/o Labh Singh 22 1997 Labour P
26. Lady w/o Kuldip Singh 28 1997 Labour P
27. Mithu Singh S/o Bugher Singh 26 1997 Agriculture P
28. Karnail Singh S/o Dhana Singh 35 1997 Agriculture P

Village Bakhora Kalan, Population approx. 3500

S.N. Name Age Year Year Occupation Cause

1. Naib Singh 25 1994 Agriculture B
2. Parmi Singh 23 1996 Labour P
3. Virsa Singh 30 1995 Agriculture ?
4. Kulvinder Singh 26 1995 Labour H
5. Bhola Singh 30 1995 Labour T
6. Rampal Singh 33 1996 Labour H
7. Satpal Singh 24 1996 Labour P
8. Shingara Singh 20 1998 Agriculture H
9. Ram Singh 23 1998 Agriculture B
10. (illegible) S/o Bant Singh 15 1994 T
11. Gurmail Kaur w/o Niranjan Singh 30 1997 Labour B

Village Chural Kalan, Population approx. 4000

S.N. Name Age Year Year Occupation Cause

1. Jarnail Singh S/o Prabhudayal 20 1996 Labour
2. Bhola S/o Naik 21 1995 Labour
3. Charan Singh S/o Gujar 60 1997 Labour
4. (illegible) S/o Ramdasia 15 1997 Labour
5. Gachar S/o Bachan Singh 19 1996 Labour
6. Milkhi Singh S/o Jagir 30 1995 Agriculture
7. Ram Singh S/o Sukhdev Singh 16 1997 Labour
8. Surmi w/o Dhan Singh 20 1997 Agriculture
9. Gurbachan S/o Jit Singh 32 1997 Service
10. Magan Singh S/o Arjan Singh 40 1997 Labour

Village Bushehra Population approx. 3000

S.N. Name Age Year Year Occupation Cause

1. Bachni w/o Bhana Ram 30 1994 P
2. Mukhtiar Singh S/o Mehar Singh 35 1994 H
3. Niranjan Singh S/o Moman 30 1995 P
4. Juga Singh S/o Ram Singh 60 1996 H
5. Kartara S/o Jagga Ram 60 1996 H
6. Bhola S/o Fateh Singh 19 1996 H
7. Karnail Singh S/o Mukand Singh 28 1997 P
8. Puran S/o Baru Ram 30 1998 H

Source : Inderjeet Singh Jaijee, Convener, Movement Against State Repression, Chandigarh.

Abbreviation Key: B - burns

H - hanging
P - pesticide
T - under a train
D - Drowning



Bija Panchayat
The Farmers’ Verdict

R esponding to the deepening crisis of seed and agriculture, the Research

Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology (RFSTE) and Navdanya, the
National Biodiversity Conservation Movement, took the initiative to organize
a Bija Yatra or Series of Seed Events in India during September- October 2000.
The Bija Yatra covered issues related to Seed Rights, Seed Conservation and
Sustainable Agriculture.
The events addressed the current problems that are faced by the farmers
in India and abroad, including their rights to seed, and strengthening farmers’
alternatives. The events were organised in collaboration with the International
Forum on Agriculture and various national and international farmers’ groups
and organisations.

1. Bija Panchayat
Bija Panchayat, which was held on 24th and 25th September 2000 at Bangalore,
was timed to precede Asian Seed 2000, which was to be hosted by the Asia
and Pacific Seed Association (APSA) in collaboration with the Seed Association
of India and the Association of Seed Industry. Primarily comprising of private
seed corporations, the APSA’s main agenda is to facilitate business development
and seed trading in the region. The CEOs of international seed companies were
expected to participate in this meeting.
Increasingly farming communities are losing their family members, driven
to death by either increased cost of seeds, increased debts and crop failures.
There have been several cases, in which farmers had to sell their land and even
their kidneys to pay off their loans, or their houses or
78% of our farmers own less than 2 hectares of tractors have been mortgaged to the loan providers
land. 48% farmers are below the poverty line. and often subsequently they have been arrested in
They are incapable of resisting the multinational case of failure to pay back the loans. There are also
corporations as individuals. Only the unity of cases of contract farming in which farmers’ seeds/
farmers ‘organisations, agricultural workers’ produce were rejected or not lifted, leading the
organisations, concerned scientists and citizens
farmers to commit suicide.
working together can preserve the lives and jobs
In India most of the cases of seed failures are being
of some 89 –90% of people in the country.
reported from these “truthful” seeds of commercial
- Suneet Chopra, crops e.g. cotton. Today there are few examples in
All India Agricultural Workers Union which farmers have taken the companies to the court

and have received com-
pensation in case of
failures of their seeds.
The liberalisation,
privatisation and
globalisation trends in
agriculture have re-
sulted in the creation of
an unregulated seed in-
dustry. At the same time,
existing rules and regu-
lations have been ei-
ther abandoned or
modified to accommo-
date multinational and
transnational corpora-
tions. This “corporate Son of a Andhra farmer giving testimoney on his father’s suicide because of crop failure
control over the seeds”
becomes complete with the introduction of transgenic crops. The farmers’ seed
supply and direct exchange networks have been adversely affected with the
proliferation of unregulated seed market.
The biotechnological innovations in the Indian context rely heavily on the
technologies and investments of the First World. Development in these areas
proceed either through transnational companies setting up their branches or
through marriage of convenience between western biotechnology firms and
national seed companies. In the latter case, the transnational usually operates
by retaining the name of the national seed company to retain the loyalties of
the farmers.
The introduction of genetically engineered seeds linked with the introduc-
tion of Intellectual Property Rights threatens farmers’ livelihood and the national
food security. IPRs in agriculture have been introduced as part of the
implementation of the TRIPs Agreement through the proposed Plant Variety
Protection Act. These IPRs threaten the inalienable right of farmers to choose
what they grow, and to save, exchange and improve seed, and force them to
buy seed every season or pay royalties.
The threat from IPRs is also posed through the phenomena of “biopiracy”,
wherein western corporations claim indigenous biodiversity and farmers
innovation as their “invention”. Examples of such erosion of the rights of
Indian farmers include patents on Neem, Turmeric and Basmati. Even the
Biodiversity Act, to be legislated under the obligation of the Convention on
Biological Diversity fails to stop this phenomenon but rather encourages
biopiracy of agricultural wealth by excluding it from the purview of the
proposed Act.
The Bija Panchayat sought to articulate the people’s voice so that the
whole discussion and policy on the seed is not determined by the corporate
sector and interests driven by profit motives. It provided an opportunity to
collect evidences of seed failures, farmers’ suicides cases, cases of lack of
compensation to farmers by companies and public sectors in event of seed

failures, evidences on trials of genetically engineered crops as well as the
monopolistic controls of seeds by companies. The first of its kind in India, the
Tribunal was designed as farmers’ hearing. Farmers through the Panchayat - an
ancient Indian system of dispute settlement and governance – gave evidence
and passed their verdict.

2. Seeds of Distress and Seeds of Suicide

The testimonies of farmers and their kith and kin from Andhra Pradesh, Punjab,
Karnataka, Orissa, Bihar, West Bengal and Garhwal reflected the dimensions
of the nation-wide seed and agricultural crisis. The evidence showed on the
one hand the growth of corporate monopoly in the seed sector and on the other
hand farmers’ increasing dependency on these monopolies, which leads them
to choose death as the only possible way out.
That the independent farmer is struggling to survive against immeasurably
difficult odds is borne out by the number of suicides by farmers: over 2000
known deaths have occurred in Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,
Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh alone. Alaka Karar of West Bengal testified
that in Manasavi village alone, 19 young farmers had committed suicide.
Prof. K. Gopal Iyer, Dept. of Sociology at the Punjab University
(Chandigarh), in a comparative study of such suicides in Punjab, Andhra
Pradesh and Karnataka, highlights the factors that contribute to such deaths:

• cumulative crop loss;

• cumulative debt;
• supply and use of spurious seeds and pesticides;
• seeds not tested enough before distribution;
• increase in the number of dependents in a family; and
• private money-lending agencies which charge a high rate of interest.

The Myth of Corporate Efficiency

Liberalisation of agriculture is being justified today on grounds of efficiency.
It is presumed that corporate agriculture is a product of efficiency and
intelligence. And thus corporate monopolies take control over agriculture and
agricultural decisions. The farmer today is becoming
Uday Dey from Balasore District in Orissa just one factor in a giant food production, manufac-
procured Proagro 6201 variety of paddy at the turing and delivery system called agribusiness. This
rate of Rs 120 per bag. He cultivated the paddy includes owning and cultivating the land, financing
as per the instruction booklet that was supplied agriculture, controlling inputs like seeds, fertilisers,
by the Hybrid Rice International, Hyderabad.
and pesticides, transportation of commodities from
Flowering was highly disturbed. The assured
farm to market, wholesaling, agroprocessing and
yield of 35-40 quintals was not achieved. Only
packaging, and, of course, trade in commodities both
8 quintals could be obtained. He was informed
by the agricultural officer that the paddy failed
nationally and internationally.
because of climatic conditions. Consequently he Corporations presumably increase their efficiency
was not able to repay his loan which he has through growth. Such growth occurs both through
taken from the State Bank of India. horizontal and vertical concentration: Monsanto,
an agrichemical giant, merges with leading seed

corporations, and Cargill, the giant trader in agricul-
tural commodities, institutes contract farming, gets
The role of panchayats should bring to the
notice of state the problems - land reforms,
into agroprocessing on one hand and seed business on
bonded labor policy, concealed tenancy. The
the other. In this form of concentration, there is no
immediate relief that can be given to farmers is
place for the small and marginal but independent conversion of his short term loan to medium
farmer. term loans so that he is not a defaulter. Agro
meteorology should be used to provide informa-
Profiting Through Disaster : “Truthful” Seeds
tion on the climatic conditions. Absence of local
or Killer Seeds? market and storage facilities needs to be cor-
The seed, which is the cornerstone of agriculture, rected. Compensation is flawed and it does not
becomes the best place to start generating profits. The rehabilitate the farmer.
leading cause of farmers’ suicides is debt linked to Prof. M.K. Ramesh,
crop failure due to the spread of exotic monocultures National Law School of India University
and “truthful hybrids seeds”.
Before a company can launch certified seeds, it has to spend at least six
to seven years of conducting trials and verifications under the supervision of
regulatory authorities. In order to avoid such delays in the launch of seeds in
market, seed companies sell the seeds as truthful seeds, which means that the
company sells seed taking the farmers into ‘confidence’. There is no regulation
to prevent marketing of truthful seeds. In actual practice, however, rarely are
the seeds truthfully sold to the farmers, as the testimonies of farmers bear out.
For example in Warangal in Andhra Pradesh, commercial crops have
been grown since mid 1980s but because of major losses incurred in agriculture
the farmers are desperate now and turn to anyone for inputs, promising them
high yields.
Thus, though there was total crop failure of cotton in the district in
1997-98, leading to hundreds of suicides among farmers, the acreage under
cotton increased in 1998-99. Aurangabad-based seed producers came with a
variety of cotton and all the farmers took that variety. The plant in vegetative
phase has been robust
but with no flowering.
Several farmers com-
plained of it and brought
to the notice of govern-
ment, which constituted
a commission to look
into the crop failure.
Many farmers were left
out of the enquiry, and
the commission felt there
was no adequate proof
of seed failure. The
farmers, who were given
with no compensation,
were lured into planting
Excel 35 variety of cot-
ton this year in the hope
Punjab farmer giving testimoney on his brother’s suicide due to debt.
of high yields. 36,000

acres have been planted with this variety, which has been found to perform.
In Bidar and Gulbarga in the Northern Karnataka, Mahyco (a Monsanto
subsidiary) sold around Rs 1 crores worth of seeds of Bajra in 7 days which
failed. Farmers approached the agricultural officers and demanded action in
the case. The officer informed that they are helpless and only thing they can
do was to cancel the license of the dealer. Farmers lost all the inputs which
used for cultivating the spurious seeds.

Seeds, Chemicals and Finance:

Unholy Nexus
Farmers testified to the fact that the dealers of
seeds also supply the pesticides and fertilisers
(often spurious). They are the extension agen-
cies who advise the farmer as to what to spray
and what not to. In addition they also handle
the credit facilities and give loans at a very high
rate of interest (36% in parts of Andhra
Pradesh), thus pushing the farmer into deep
Increasingly, multinational corporations that
Andhra Farmers who sold their kidney to pay off their debt, are in both the seed and the chemical business
showing the cut mark during the Bija Panchayat are directly marketing their products. For
example, Monsanto has taken its Roundup
Ready and Machete weedicides deep into villages. According to Uday Bir Singh
of Chaprauli in Uttar Pradesh, the company has started to fund schooling of
children from selected villages in order to win the farmers over to its products.
Similarly Cargill Seeds (which has now tied up with Monsanto) also has a
scholarship programme for school children in selected villages in Karnataka.
The nexus between the government and the industry becomes evident when
the farmers approach government agencies and for help. In almost all the cases,
the government officials blame the climate rather than the seed. Sometimes,
the officials go to ludicrous limits to exonerate the corporations. In Andhra
Pradesh, a government study on farmers’ suicides

The National Farming Farm Coalition also have found the cause to be illicit relations or consumption
of liquor or family problems. The suicides were thus
to facilitate a class action law suit against Monsanto
said to have been the result of social failure rather than
asking the court to give the plaintiffs triple damages
for violation of US Trust law to award punitive and crop failure.
compensatory damages and seeking an injunction
“Farmers are not Criminals”
to prohibit Monsanto allegedly and taken punitive
behavior. We also seeks to require testing of GE Most of the farmers who committed suicide or sold
seeds and crops and we asked these tests to be their kidneys belonged to the lower socio-economic
subject of independent scientific review and the strata. They often worked on leased land. Even the
results of these test made public. The trial will be grant the government gave to the survivors of the
taking place next year and our lawyers are every farmers’ who committed suicide has now been
hope of success. stopped as the government claims that such grants
Ms. Dena Hoff, Chair of Northern Plains have become the reason for farmers to kill themselves.
Resource Council, USA Punjab farmers growing cotton and paddy have
suffered a loss of 1000 crore but the government has

not done anything as yet. In Karnataka out of 200 crore loss some money was
given to the farmers, though a very meager amount of Rs. 4 crores from state
funds. The A.P. government gave a compensation of 1 lakh rupees to the suicide
families in the year 1997-98 but soon it was discontinued.
With the backing out of the government from agriculture, farmers have had
to turn to private money lenders to finance their survival. 90% of the farmers
take loans from private money-lending agencies that charge a very high interest
rate. The problem is compounded, particularly in Punjab, by the withdrawal
of government agencies like the Food Corporation of India from procurement.
In the second half of the year, paddy prices fell drastically on the open market,
and farmers had to resort to distress sales of farm machinery, strikes and agitation
before the government stepped in to enforce the Minimum Support Price. Prof.
Iyer asserted ‘There are white collar criminals and elite criminals; farmers are
not criminals. Farmers commit suicide in order to preserve their self-respect,
which they are in danger of losing when harassed by money lenders.’

3. IPRs : Legal Control of the Seed

Seed is one agricultural input that has traditionally been in the hands of the
farmer. Farmers save, exchange and sell seeds to one another. Till a few years
ago, over 70% of the seed supply in India was farmer-to-farmer based. If
agriculture has to be controlled, the seed itself has to be controlled both
structurally and legally.
Mr. Percy Schmeiser is a farmer from western Canada who had been sued
by Monsanto for his allegedly using Genetically Modified rape seeds. Mr.
Schmeiser grew rape seeds for the past 50 years and had maintained his own
seed bank. Monsanto did a aggressive campaigning claiming that the genetically
engineered rape seed provided by them was more nutritious, had high yield
and would consume less chemicals. But this was not entirely true. His neighbor
sowed genetically engineered rape seed, which resulted in contamination of
his indigenously grown seeds.
Monsanto sued Mr. Schmeiser for
having ‘illegally’ acquired
Monsanto’s patented seeds after
having illegally entered his field
and examined the plants. In the
pre-trials although Monsanto ad-
mitted that they had no evidence
of Percy illegally acquiring them.
Mr. Schmeiser counter-sued
Monsanto for polluting his fields
and the environment with an
uncontrollable technology.
Percy Schmeiser is one among
the thousand farmers who have
been sued by Monsanto for ‘steal-
ing’ the company’s seeds. The
evidence of Percy Schmeiser Percy Schmeiser, Canadian farmer, giving evidence in Bija Panchayat

shows that patent and Intellectual Property Rights
I come from Peru from the Andes, the land of being forced through WTO/ Trips inevitably turns
potato. My people have domesticated corn,
farming into a police state. The new Patent laws, Plant
potatoes, beans and so many other crops. All the
Varieties laws and Biodiversity Act introduced in
richness that my people have created in the
India therefore have serious consequences for the
Andes has been attacked by big corporations
who want to make them slaves. Since colonial
Indian farmer already burdened with high cost
times my people have resisted all their (MNCs) corporate control seed supply.
different attempts to take away our seeds. We
Intellectual Property on Seeds and
have our own heroes, from Patamaru, to Nikhaila
Monopolisation of Life
Basterus, to so many other people that rose
against the Spanish, because they forbade us to The inherent right of the farmers to save and
use our seeds and to eat our food. exchange seeds is under threat. The proposed Plant
Today, the spirit of resistance against the Variety Protection Act fails to protect the rights of the
colonisation of seed is still strong. Throughout small and marginal farmers. The Patents (Second)
the Andes, from Venezuela down to Chile, the Amendment Act 1999 provides for patenting on life
communities have joined together to establish a and promotes biopiracy of our indigenous knowledge
food security corridor. This means linking differ- and resources.
ent micro centres of origin and crop diversity to The Plant Variety Protection Act is being amended
traditional agriculture corridors. And we want all
to allow corporate IPRs on farmers’ varieties. The
these area to be genetically modified free and
processes involved in challenging corporate IPR
patent free zone.
claims and/or claiming compensation/ royalty are not
Also we are establishing our biodiversity parks
merely drowning in red tapism, they turn the farmer
because we think as a civilization we have to
from being the custodian and steward of biodiversity
have all the diversity we have created. The parks
and its knowledge into a supplicant for benefits to be
are means of controlling our lands and control-
ling our resources. These parks will be free of
given at the pleasure of the corporations. Further, the
patent and free of GMO’s. benefits, if any are given, will be given in the form
of arrears of land reforms, which further distances the
- Mr. Alejandro, Indigenous People
farming community from custodial stewardship of the
Biodiversity Network, Peru
biodiversity and its knowledge.
IPRs on biodiversity, as evidenced in Canada, the
US and other countries where they are in place, increase the cost of seed for
the farmers leading them deeper into debt. They also lead to the destruction
of biodiversity, as the IPR claims of corporations are so broadbased that they
cover the genetic material contained in the variety. For example, the RiceTec
patent on a rice variety derived from two basmati varities from the Indian
subcontinent claims protection for the genetic material that has gone into
making the variety. The two parent lines have themselves been derived from
many traditional as well as domestically derived varieties. Thus the patent claim
in effect is a claim on all these varieties, and if enforced strictly, will prevent
farmers from using these varieties on grounds of patent infringement. Lack of
use over a period of time will destroy the vast agricultural biodiversity that exists
still in many Third World countries including India.
Similarly the Biodiversity Act 2000 too fails to fulfill the obligations under
the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to protect the rights of the
communities to use their biodiversity resources of the country. It operates at
cross purposes with many of the biodiversity related laws that we have in India.
There is absolutely nothing like developing cross linkages and synergies
between various institution and laws that have evolved in relation to

biodiversity, like the Forest Act, the Forest Conserva-
tion Act, the Wildlife Protection Act and so many other We also have started selling food donated by
legislation in relation to biodiversity in the country. our members at a farmers’ market because we
want people to know that there is abundance of
The Act does not clearly define the roles of the various
good food, safe foods, right in their area. We are
bodies that either exist, such as the Panchayat, or are
now organsing locally and nationally to prevent
especially created, such as the Authorities. The Gram
Senate Bill 1155 from becoming Law. This Bill
Sabha, which is the custodian of the biodiversity would keep states from passing their own laws
according to the Constitution, has little role to play in on their own food safety standards and they also
taking decisions to protect it. There is also hardly any can not institute any requirements for food
mention of biosafety in the Act, even though India is labeling.
a signatory and a party to the Biosafety Protocol.
Ms. Dena Hoff, Chair of Northern Plains
The main aim appears to be the documentation of
Resource Council, USA
biodiversity and knowledge related to it, to assist its
exploitation for private use, as there is mechanism to
maintain it in the public domain. For example, according to the Act,
agricultural biodiversity is outside its purview and shall be governed by the
PVPA, which allows IPRs on seeds and plant varieties. The Biodiversity Act is
better as a Biopiracy Act, as it takes away the rights of our communities and
indigenous healers to use biological resources for their livelihood and survival.
Such IPRs, in today’s age of mergers and acquisitions, control who has access
to seed, to knowledge about it and to the technology. This means that fewer
and fewer companies are making critical decisions about the agricultural
research agenda, and the future of agriculture worldwide.
The importance of IPRs to agri-chemical and agribusiness corporations
revolves round the fundamental issue of control. Seed is the first link in the
food chain. Whoever controls the seed controls the food supply. Therefore
Monsanto spent over $8.5 billion acquiring seed and biotech companies,
Dupont spent over $9.4 billion to acquire Pioneer Hi-Bred, the world’s largest
seed company and Dow Chemical bought Cargill Seeds North America in mid-
September 2000. In spite of this, the control cannot be total as long as farmers
can save, share, exchange and sell seeds among themselves. Today, the farmer-
saved seed and state-run seed programmes are worth around $22 billion, which
is almost equal to the $23 billion total commercial seed market worldwide.
It is expensive and rather inconvenient for companies like Monsanto to
enforce their patents. Thus the Gene Giants are developing new mechanisms
such as the genetic engineering technology to enforce their corporate
monopolies. IPRs on seed become even more powerful when they are linked
with powerful technologies like genetic engineering.

4. Genetic Engineering and Threats to Agriculture and Life

Genetic engineering technologies attempt to create seeds that cannot reproduce
themselves, and thus biologically control the complete enslavement of
The terminator technology which is not yet commercialised in India, has
as its primary aim, the maximization of the seed industry’s profits by destroying
the ability of farmers to save their seeds and breed their own crops. Genetic
seed sterilization goes far beyond intellectual property. A typical patent provides

an exclusive legal monopoly for 20 years but
Along with other organisations the National
Terminator is a monopoly with no expiration date. It
Family Farm Coalition is beginning a farmer-to-
is the perfect tool for the corporate seed industry in
farmer campaign to inform farmers with regard to
genetic engineered crops: Are genetic engineered a global market - because it destroys the concept of
crops cost effective and marketable? How do these national seed sovereignty.
crops perform in the field? What are the legal Last year, Monsanto and AstraZeneca bowed to
issues involved: liability, growers contract and public pressure and made a public commitment not to
insurance? What are the environmental impacts commercialise Terminator seeds, leading people to be-
on soil, plants, insects, wildlife? What about gene lieve that that the crisis has passed. However, both
contamination? What do GE crops do to farmers’ Monsanto and Astra-Zeneca have merged with other
independence? How do genetic engineered crops companies since they made their announcements. A
contribute to further corporate control? Are GE RAFI study released earlier this year shows that there
foods safe from the health point of view? At local
were seven new patents on Terminator Technology
level in Montana and six neighbouring states, we
issued in 1999 alone and 2 of them are jointly held by
have begun a food safety campaigns. We call it
USDA and its seed industry partner, Delta and Pine land,
“safe to harvest safe to eat”. And we have a fact
which is the world’s largest cotton seed company. In the
sheet that has been entitled “Think before you
plant and think before you eat”. And it gives very face of massive international public protest, the US
basic arguments to farmers and consumers why government continues to defend and support Termina-
they should not be planting genetic engineered tor. It is, quite literally, the public sector in service to the
seeds, while they should not be eating genetically corporate oligopoly - yet another indication of how the
engineered foods and it gives them places to go for State the world over has become subservient to corpo-
more information. rate interests rather than that of the public.
Another GE technology that is potentially more
dangerous than the terminator technology is the Genetic Trait Control
Technology. With genetic trait control the goal is to turn a plant’s genetic traits
“on” or “off” with the application of an external chemical. In mid-September
this year, researchers in the United States announced that they have succeeded
in turning mouse genes on and off like the switch of the light bulb. When fully
grown the mouse is fed an antibiotic to activate the gene’s switch and to shut
off the gene of interest. Then the gene can be activated again when the
antibiotic is removed from the animal’s diet. This research is in the very early
stages but the implications are staggering because it means that someday the
genetic traits of commercial livestock could be turned on and off by chemical
feedings. Similarly, if companies can successfully engineer seeds to perform
only with the application of a proprietary pesticide or fertiliser, for example,
it will reinforce chemical dependencies in agriculture - and both farmers and
food security will be held hostage to the gene giants. In 1999, at least 43 patents
were issued relating to genetic trait control technology, and the patent owners
include virtually all of the gene giants and their subsidiaries. Seeds like Roundup
Ready and those with the Bt have already been commercialised, and are
creating massive ecological and economic devastation.

Public Good vs. Private Profit

The battle for the control of seeds, of agriculture and of food has clearly pushed
the concept of public good to beyond the background. Given the vast economic
power of the corporate sector and the stagnant budgets for public research,
not only latter has been totally marginalised, but the benefits of public sector
research are being privatised through the patent regime.

Even more frightening is the control that corporations exercise over such
Dr. Pusztai, Fellow of Royal Society of Edinburg, is a scientist in the Rowett
Research Institute in Aberdeen, has done pioneer work in the isolation and
characterization of lectins. Lectins were supposed to be harmful, but it was
discovered that they have natural insecticidal properties. This led to the
potential of introducing lectin genes in food crops. Dr. Pusztai, researching the
health impact on mice of food genetically engineered with the lectin, found
that potatoes genetically engineered with lectin were not ‘substantially
equivalent’ with non GE potatoes of the same parent line. This finding
contradicted many earlier often repeated assertions.
Corporations claim patents on genetically engineered products on the grounds
of predictability of the behaviour of the inserted gene. However, it was evident
from Dr. Pusztai’s research that the snowdrop gene was not behaving in a
predictable manner, and that its behaviour could be affected by the crop into
which it was engineered - ie., the new environment into which it was inserted.
Corporations deny any possible negative health impact of genetically
engineered foods by claiming ‘substantial euqivalence’ - ie., the chemical and
behavioural properties of genetically engineered food is in no way different
from those of non-GE food. Thus they deny the need for any labelling
information as to whether the food is produced from GE crops or not, or the
need for segregation. Dr. Pusztai’s research revealed that even when the parent
lines are the same, the insertion of an alien gene has impact on both the
chemical composition of the food. For example, the genetically engineered
potatoes had significantly different levels of proteins and enzymes from the
parent line potato. The research also revealed that consumption of such foods
had significant impact on the reproductive, immune and digestive systems of
mice, including causing structural changes in their physiology.
When Dr. Pusztai shared his concerns with viewers on a TV programme
on 10th Aug, 1998 with the permission of his institute, Novartis (the company
with the patent on the gene) together with the rest of the gene industry attacked
his findings. The research institute for which he worked was pressured into
gagging Dr. Pusztai and repudiating his study. It was only after the intervention
by the British Parliament that he could publicise his findings and his concerns.
Concerns of the safety of genetically engineered foods has led to a Europe-
wide consumer movement that has resulted in the virtual ban of GE foods in
the continent. In the UK, in mid-September, a group of environmentalists from
Greenpeace were acquitted of causing criminal damage to the GM crops, which
they had ripped up and torn from the ground during field trials. The
environmentalists argued that they wanted to prevent GE crops from pollinating
and therefore polluting the farms that were nearby and in the neighbouring
farmers’ fields. They claimed to have learned protest tactics from Indian from
Mahatma Gandhi and his followers.
The conflicts and debate over the safety of genetically engineered food and
crops highlights the inability of genetic engineering to feed the world.
Firstly, as corporate profit rather than people’s hunger and nutritional
needs is the driving concern, genetic engineering is geared towards increasing
these profits. Bovine Growth Hormone, for instance, is directed towards increas-

ing the production of milk and other dairy products.
Since several years we are fighting in France However, this increased production will be available to
and in Europe against the industrial agriculture. those who need it only at a very high price as both the
Last year we win two very big battles. The first
technology and the product is controlled by the patent
battle, begun in 1977, was against GMO’s.
holding corporation. Similarly, genetic engineering is
Novartis and Monsanto wanted to sell their
being used to develop crops resistant to branded pesti-
GMO’s and wanted to impose their GM corn and
cides and herbicides of the corporations.
soya on us. We fought this battle very strongly
since 1997. We have to made non-violent direct Secondly, as has been shown above, the health
action to achieve this success, to inform the impact of consuming such products over a period of
population and to say also these big corporation time is not known. Very little research, either public
that we don’t want them. In January 1998 or private, has been done on the health impact of
Novartis was doing trial of its seeds to ultimately genetically engineered foods, and whether such foods
sell these but we made an action and about 200 can really meet the nutritional needs of the people.
farmers carried their own seeds and we opened The potential for unpredictable behaviour and gene
the bags of GM seeds and mixed our seeds with expression, the potential for trans-species migration of
them. So Novartis could not use any more its marker genes carrying antibiotic resistance, and the
own seeds. That was a very good action.
increased use of chemicals in the cultivation of
At the same time we are also having a big battle genetically engineered crops raises serious implica-
against the WTO. It is unacceptable that the tions for public health.
WTO will decide what we should eat. That’s why
Consumer demand for labelling of genetically
in August 1999 we protested against the (WTO)
engineered foods becomes even more complicated as
decision (against Europe who did not want to
the food miles between the producer and the
import US beef for health/taste reasons) and the
consumer increase. As the distance food has to travel
tax put on European products in United States. In
protests we also dismantled the Macdonald’s increases, the process involved increase, and the
which was in construction. middleman - the corporation in this case, becomes
more anonymous and elusive. When food is imported
It is very important farmers from Europe, from
India, from United States and Africa and South from other countries where there are no special
America fight together against the corporations. labelling laws in force, identifying foods as genetically
engineered can become almost impossible.
- José Bowé, Founder of the Confederation of
For example, the large scale planting of GM foods
Paysanne (CP) in France and himself a farmer
so far have taken place mainly outside the Europe, in
from Larzac region of Languedoc
countries such as US and Canada, Argentina and
Australia, where they have been approved for
commercial growth and sale. These crops are then sold to enter on to the
international food market, where grain merchants like ADM and Cargill, buy
up the grain, ship it and distribute it through out the world. Much of these grains
then enter into processed foods; often the same corporations are the processors,
who also own the lesser ingredients like thickening agents and emulsifying
agents, which again may be produced by genetic engineering.
Globalisation, if it has to become truly people-oriented, has to make
universal laws that protect people’s health from corporations, rather than
making universal laws that protect corporate profits and control at the cost of
people’s health and livelihood.
A third conflict is the North-South dimension. The Northern countries are
set to explore Southern countries for genetic resources. Several countries rich
in biodiversity have been exploited by the Northern corporations. However,
governments the world over, including Southern governments are not opposing
this as they are viewing the technology as the force that can drive their

economies forward and give them the cutting edge in the competitive world
market. This mindset seems to ignore the fact that neither is the technology
controlled by governments, nor the market in which they need to be
competitive. Both of these are controlled by the corporations.
Fourthly, the debate on genetic engineering raises questions related to the
role of science for public good. One industry representative recently wrote that,
in the age of biotechnology and intellectual property “the time honored and
noble concept of international public goods is essentially obsolete.” Dr.
Pusztai’s experience clearly shows that when governance does not honour its
commitment to the people, public interest suffers. Decisions that should be
made in the public institutions for promoting public good are made in
corporate offices for promoting corporate interests.
India already has experienced such decision making and governance by the
gene giants. When the first boll guard trail took place in 1998, the trials were
secret, the planting had taken place before they got official government
permission, in violation of every law. This year too in September the
Government of Karnataka has given clearances for trials including for
multiplication of seeds in a 150 hectares in spite of the fact that no
multiplication of seed is allowed in field trials. Especially when testing the safety
of a crop, law requires that every bit of the plant material is burnt. In spite
of such violations, the science is considered ‘strong science’ as opposed to
people’s science, which is based on sustainability and leads to ecological and
harmonious production systems.

Taking Up the Challenge

Consumers are a powerful force against market driven governance. Consumers
first raised the health implications of chemicals in agriculture, and helped the
rejuvenation of organic, non-GE, ecological agriculture.
Consumers of Europe have led the battle against genetically engineered
foods, and their demand for non-GE foods has led to a decline in share price
of GE companies; and this led them to question their biotechnology operations
or to seek to separate them in financial terms.
The challenges to ensure sustainability and equity for all life on earth -
plants, animals, people of the South and the North - calls for continued and
concrete action against monopolistic forces. As Justice V.K. Krishna Iyer, put
it at the conclusion of the Beej Panchayat.
This is not the end. This is the beginning. Our enemy is strong and
they have a power to corrupt. Open your eyes and see what is
happening in this country. Open your eyes and see what is happening
in the world.
The seriousness of the occasion must be understood. We are
struggling for seed. What shall I say, if the seed itself is corrupted,
if the seed itself is monopolised where is the hope for us? For us
means for people of the earth. We are one billion strong. I speak
here with the authority of one billion, not because of vote cast in
the booths but because I represent the feelings of the common
people. The nation shall never commit suicide.

5. The Verdict of Bija Panchayat
The accounts given as evidence by the large number of relatives (widow, son,
brother) of farmers who killed themselves and given directly by the farmers who
sold an organ for money, all point to a common scenario. This in brief is
cumulating debt owing to high cost and substandard seed and other inputs
pushed by companies and their agents for their own profits. A number of big
companies which are connected to a part of transnational companies (TNCs)
as well as smaller companies are involved in the cases.
The World Bank Seed Act of 1988 opening up the seed sector to the MNC,
control and domination of Private Industries and simultaneously withdrawal
of government sector has played a major role in pushing farmers into debt,
suicides and trade of body part.
Low interest, agricultural credit system have disappeared and farmers have
been pushed to borrow at high interest rates from the same agents who also
push seed and chemicals.
The MNCs have taken over the control over India’s seed supply without any
responsibility and liability. “Seed business has become a business of genocide,
forcing the farmers to pay for the corporate profit with their very life.” Govt.
have totally failed to provide security and protection to vulnerable peasants.
The farmers were persuaded to go in for growing more high risk, alleged high
yielding varieties of cotton, chillies etc. As institutional credit is either not
adequately available or there is a ceiling on it they took large loans from private
money lenders and input dealers, the former at 36 to 48 percent rates of interest,
the latter against delivery contracts. It is clear that there is big influx in the villages
of fly-by-night operators supplying substandard seeds, pesticides and fertilisers,
who persuade the farmers to buy their expensive inputs on credit. Even in the case
of genuine inputs the risk is borne entirely by the farmer while spurious inputs
supply itself guarantees failure and further enmeshes the farmer in debt. The
farmer tries to repay debt by selling land, selling even his body organ; but when
cumulated debt exceeds all hope of repayment he is driven to suicide.
An organised racket appears to have developed to exploit the farmers distress
to obtain organs for transplantation. Evidences were given mainly by the
affected farmers from Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Punjab. The crisis has
developed to this point, owing to the complete deregulation of the markets in
credit and inputs and owing to the withdrawal of the state from its
responsibilities in the course of the last decade. The crisis will affect larger areas
of our agriculture unless immediate steps are taken to halt the process described.
Government has a responsibility to intervene because it cannot shirk its duty
of safeguarding the public interest.
The burden of high prices of the corporate seed combined with high
unreliability and unaccountability will further increase with genetically
engineered seeds.
Patent and IPR’s regime as system of monopoly control will further aggravate
the severe crisis the farmers are facing. The Trade Related Intellectual Property
Rights (TRIPS) regime of the World Trade Organisation (W.T.O.) will therefore
create conditions for a deepening of the economic crisis for the farming
community in India.

6. Recommendations
1. The role of the multinationals in the seed production and distribution should
be balanced with liabilities and responsibilities.
2. The public seed sector which is being dismantled needs to be reinvigorated
through strengthening its research and development and farmers participation.
3. Seeds being distributed should be tested by Agricultural Universities for their
agro-climatic suitability, germination characteristics and vulnerability to pests
and diseases.
4. It should be the responsibilities of the State to provide adequate checks and
balances to ensure healthy seeds and genuine agriculture inputs. Setting up
of the regulatory bodies at the state and district levels which will permit only
the supply of those inputs whose samples have been tested and whose
distributors have been licenced. There must be penal provisions for supply of
substandard inputs. Farmers seed supply should also be strengthened through
programmes such as in-situ Conservation and Community Seed Banks.
5. The credit requirement for the under privileged farmers could be established
with the support of the organisations that have participated in the Bija
Panchayat by setting up a legal defense fund. This would be an important step
towards helping farmers fight the giant and reckless multinationals.
6. Strict punishment should be awarded to persons who are involved in the trade,
storage and distribution of spurious agri-chemicals.
7. A moratorium should be imposed for a period of ten years on the
commercialisation of the genetic engineering in food and farming in India.
8. Traditional rights of the farmers to freely conserve, develop, use, share,
exchange their seeds are fundamental rights which cannot be alienated by any
IPR law. We must develop our indigenous “sui generis” system to protect
farmers’ seed sovereignty.
9. The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act 1999, the Patents
(second) Amendment Act 1999 and the Biological Diversity Act 2000 are
harming farmers rights that should be changed.
10. In order to defend the rights of the small farmers and for the food security of
people there should be a call for exclusion of seeds, life and life forms from
the TRIPs / WTO.
11. There should be guarantee of minimum support price to the farmers for their
agriculture produce.
12. In order to safeguard the interest of the farmers, the representative of the farmers
should be adequately represented in the Commission on Agriculture on
Commodities and Prices.
13. It should be the endeavor of all the organisations, the State and the Central
Governments to support the farmers in achieving the self-sufficiency in food



Rebuilding Seed Security

T he most important component in the agricultural sector is the seed. Seed

is considered as the answer to the problems of making other agro-inputs
productive and cost effective. In fact, seed is the most crucial, critical and vital
input, which is well-recognised carrier of production technology.
About 70% of the India’s population is engaged in agriculture. Due to
increased pressure of population and lowering land fertility levels it is
mandatory to increase the productivity of the area. To achieve this goal,
availability of high quality seed in adequate quantity is of paramount
Agriculture and civilization have progressed simultaneously along with seed
husbandry and the history of the development of new crops and their varieties.
Many people ended nomadic lives to settle permanently as they learnt to plant,
harvest and preserve seeds of certain grasses over the season. The development
of major human civilizations had their bases in the culture of three cereal staple
grains: wheat, rice and maize. The Mesopotamians planted wheat along the
banks of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, the Chinese grew rice on the banks
of the Hwang Ho and Yangtze, and the Mayans cultivated maize along the dry
flat plains of the Yucatan.
Seeds of agricultural crops have been and will continue to be the major
source of food worldwide. The large–seeded grasses or cereals belonging to
the plant family Poaceae contribute more food than any other family, followed
by Fabaceae, constituting legumes and pulses.
The present scenario demands for importance of strengthened network of
seed production, supply and its delivery system. The government of India
decided to reorganise and expand the seed industry following the recommen-
dations of 1968 Seed Review Committee in the country, so as to create
institutional framework for support and coordination of all the facets of
The Green Revolution did engender a form of food security; however, this
form of food security, which was driven by centralised control over agriculture,
its resources, its technology, credit and food distribution, was not based on
ecological security and livelihood security. As governments and people wake
up to the devastation caused by the Green Revolution and the centralised
control system exemplified by it, corporate control over food production and
distribution systems is being pushed as the means of ensuring food security.

Liberalisation has allowed the entry of multinational corporations into the
sectors of food production and distribution. Seed companies like Monsanto and
Novartis, through mergers, acquisitions and IPRs, are acquiring global rights
to seed; the same seed companies are pushing new ecologically perilous GE
technologies that could have an equally risky impact on human, animal and
plant health. Global trading giants such as Cargill are taking over the food
distribution systems of country after country, and placing the food security of
the ordinary citizen on international markets.
The food security system, put in place during the Green Revolution, were
centralised systems, like the Food Corporation of India (FCI), the Agriculture
Price Commission of India and the Public Distribution System (PDS). The PDS
during the green revolution was an instrument to subsidise the food that was
being produced at high costs through green revolution technology to reach the
consumers at lower price. This was a capital intensive subsidised and centralised
system which failed in its attempt to serve the most neediest and starving people.
This later led to its diminishing role and dismantled with the beginning of
liberalisation and globalisation process in the country. The multinationals are
seen as the viable alternative thus creating corporate monopolies, which were
earlier state monopolies.
Nowadays the threat of GM seeds is looming over the Indian horizon. India’s
total imports of seeds in 1998-99 were 244 tonnes valued at $9.8 million. The
total exports were 4,900 tonnes, worth $15.4 million, marginally up from 4,700
tonnes in 1997-98 worth $14.6 million tonnes (R. P.Singh et al, Research Paper
The hijacking of the food system by the MNCs will lead to the complete
control over seeds and fertilisers and would provide farmers with credit
extension services and marketing support. This would be a sort of bonded
farming, as the MNCs would later on dictate their terms and conditions, which
would be market driven. Little concern in terms of the welfare of the farmers,
the ecology of the area and natural resource management would be taken into
To subvert the attack on our food and livelihoods by the MNCs, it is very
important to reinvigorate the public sector seed production, supply &
distribution and at the same time help building community initiatives of seed
conservation. These are the systems which need to be built which are being
threatened by the entry of seed and agri corporate. The corporates are posing
the threat through monopolisation of seed.
Many leading economists have cited that the private agencies though with
their aggressive marketing are able to set aside the PSU, but the fact remains
that these companies long-term viability remains uncertain. All seed companies
owe a debt to the government-funded agencies that have provided them funds
for research, extension and development services. The private seed industry is
motivated by the quest for profits, the private seed companies and the MNCs
aggressively pursue the most lucrative commercial markets; at the same time,
they largely ignore marginal areas were there is real need of research and
Thus in this scenario it becomes very important to rebuild the farmers’ seed
security through building public sector seed research and control as exemplified

by the case of Tarai Seed Development Corporation and through farmer-based
in-situ conservation and exchange of traditional varieties of seed by local
communities as initiated by Navdanya.

1. Strengthening Public Sector Seed Supply:

A Case Study of Tarai Seed Corporation
Cooperation has been a way of life with family norms and discipline as well
as social morals and obligations in the Asian countries at large and India in
particular. Such an ethos has flourished under decentralized agriculture
economy. But now the industrialization of both the heavy industries and the
agricultural scenario disrupted the joint family structure and the microfamily
units emerged. The age-old traditions and value orientation has changed yield
competition succumbing to the market driven economy. Developments and
breaking of social fabric has seen the intrusion of multinationals and
transnational to carve a niche by displaying themselves a part of the society.
This has lead to disparities and gaps in the social relationships but also proving
to be agents of instability and destruction.
Against this background, the proven experience of cooperative movement
offers a ray of hope for an egalitarian order even under the modern
circumstances. The major thrust of cooperatives in the post independence era
has been towards the support of agricultural production through provision of
agri credits, quality seeds machinery etc. and creating post harvesting facilities
for the farming community
Towards this, a system aiming for involvement of farmers in a corporation
was envisaged. The involvement of the farmers right from the farm fields (seed
production and farming) to the board rooms (decision making process) would
ensure that the policies formulated would aim to work for the farmers
betterment. The cooperatives are needed very much for supporting basic
research and research targeted at marginal production environments. It is the
corporations that strive to formulate policy which are designed to meet the
broader needs of potential end users and are able to strike a balance between
the efficiency goals (best achieved by large scale farmers) and the equity goals
(that are achieved by addressing the needs of small scale and marginal farmers).
The National Seed Corporation (NSC) was registered as a public Sector
Company on 19th March 1963 under the companies Act, 1956. It was set up
with the aim of making available to the farmers’ seeds of superior crop-plant
varieties/ hybrids developed through scientific methods and improved
technology to achieve higher and stable yields. The NSC and the State Seeds
Corporation over the years have been downsized by the entry of private and
multinational companies for capturing the markets that were held by the SSC
and prior to that by the NSC. This gradual takeover of the National and State
facility by the private companies and MNC’s will propagate the vested and
selfish motives of these parties. This would further deteriorate the position of
farmers, both the small and marginal.
Still in the present dismal scenario a seed corporation known as TARAI SEED
CORPORATION comes as refreshing change were the priorities are set by the
farmers within a Government set-up.

Tarai Seed Corporation
It was at this juncture that the Tarai Development Corporation (TDC) was
established at Pantnagar, U.P. in 1969 with the assistance of the World Bank.
Prior to this, the Seed Production Department of the G.B.Pant University of
Agriculture and Technology was accomplishing the work of seed production.
TDC was restructured in 1978 in order to expand its production activities to
55 districts of U.P., which were only 3 districts. The Corporation functioning
since then under the name of Uttar Pradesh Seeds and Tarai Development
Corporation (UPS & TDC), has enormously increased the infrastructure and
diversified its production programme. Under the auspices of Tarai Development
Corporation (TDC), land reforms work for the benefit of farmers viz. leveling
grading, development of irrigation facilities; electrification, sinking of deep and
shallow tube wells were carried out. Also import of agriculture implements such
as tractors, combine harvesters in order to provide basic input to the
shareholders/farmers (seed producers) for efficient and quality seed productions
were carried out.

The TDC’s emergence as a powerful seed certifying and seed distribution agency
in the Tarai is well recognized. The Corporation’s close working relationship with
the farmers has allowed them to set objectives such as to achieve growth of 15%
per annum on the average, a return of 12.5% after tax on Net Worth has been
planned. The Corporation with the farmers participation aims to diversify its
product mix based on the market intelligence, so as to produce an increasing
quantum of high value added products, rising to 25% of the total turnover.
The corporation along with the Tarai farmers as their main seed producers
is gearing up to maintain its name and quality standard in the region. The main
marketing strategy includes treating the farmer as the focus of all activities. Its
emphasis on the promotion, packaging and customer relations with the farmers
by looking into their needs, by giving them technical as well as financial support
especially during the sowing and harvesting time.
Further, the Corporation aims at strengthening the co-operation and tie-up
with other players in the market. The aim is to involve the agricultural
universities, the extension workers of the Agriculture Department/ Universities
to spread the aims, objectives and the facilities extended to the farmers by the
Corporation. A research and development cell is being set up with the
responsibility for keeping liaison with various research organization and
maintaining the data bank on the seed varieties that are being developed.
Besides the cell will actively be involved in giving direction to diversification
of production and marketing operations. The farmers have trust in the TDC as
the TDC aims at achieving self-sustaining growth, primarily based on internally
generated resources.

The Organisational and Capital Structure

The Corporation is an autonomous institution with the Principal Secretary/
Agriculture Production Commissioner of the State as the Chairman. The apex
policymaking body in the organization is the Board of Directors having six

farmers and powers to decide over the policies and decisions matters. The
farmers are also having stake in the Corporation. The farmers contribute to
about 33% to the capital share.

Seed Production Activities and Farmers Involvement

To produce quality certified seeds as per the targets laid down in the “State
Seed Plan”, the TDC works with close co-ordination with the farmers. The TDC
organizes annual meet with the farmers so as to inform them about the latest
developments. In order to achieve utmost success in work plans a system has
been evolved in which the TDC sends out requisition forms to farmers asking
them about their capacity for production of the seeds for the production and
supply of the Foundation and Breeder seeds of various crops/varieties. The
Corporation then certifies the seeds obtained from the farmers. The Corporation
subjects the seeds for certification to artificial drying, grading, upgrading,
treating, rigorous quality control and packaging sizes to suit the farmers need.
During the seed production the aim activities in which the Corporation and
farmers work in close co-ordination are:

1. To organize the seed production programme at shareholders farm as well

as at the farms of other progressive seed growers as per target fixed.

2. Arrangement for the foundation seed production and its distribution to the
seed growers, inspection of the seed production fields to ensure genetic
purity and disease free seeds. Assist seed producers in crop management
and adoption of plant protection measures.

3. Installation, management and operations of seed processing plant. Proper

storage of unprocessed as well as processed seeds.

4. To ensure the availability of foundation seed

5. Providing gunny bags free of cost to its seed growers, to ensure timely
supply of pure seeds.

6. Providing all the other facilities to the seed growers, which are required
from time to time for quality seed production.

Procedure Adopted
The Corporation handles only three categories of seeds; Breeder, Foundation
and Certified seed. Breeder seed is produced by a Research Institute/Agricultural
University under the direct supervision of concerned Plant Breeder and
monitored by a team of experts duly constituted by Central Seed Committee.
As per provisions of Seeds Act, Foundation Seed is the progeny of Breeder Seed
and used for Certified Seed Production. Certified Seed is the progeny of
Foundation seed and is used by the farmers for commercial crop production.
Foundation Seed and Certified Seed need to meet the minimum Certification
Standards specified under the Seeds Act.
The Corporation sends qualified staff to the field to assist the farmers about
various precautions to be taken at field, as well as at plant level, for the quality
production of above classes of seeds. Good quality foundation seed is given
to the farmers (seed producers). The inspection by technical staff of the TDC

is done from time to time at vegetative, flowering and maturity stages of the
crop. The farmers are advised about the shortcomings if any and suggestions
to overcome them on the spot are done by the staff. The seed plots meeting
the standards above the minimum seed certification standards are allowed as
seed crop and a field sample is drawn from each lot after proper threshing,
packing and sealing and subjected to vigorous seed analysis. Seed lots meeting
certification standards at seed level, as pre-intake test, are allowed to move to
the processing plants.
On arrival at plant, another sample is drawn from the produce at the plant
before a particular lot is subjected to various steps of processing. On the basis
of Before Processing Sample (BPS), test result processing procedure is adopted,
and specific attention is paid to every seed lot as per requirement. The drying
up of seeds as per specifications is done passing the particular lot through
indented/disc/cylinder or spiral and gravity separator. At the time of processing,
every care is taken in quality seed production and finally a sample is drawn
after processing by us as well as UP State Seed Certification Agency, an official
authority for seed certification in Uttar Pradesh. The seed lots meeting
certification standards as per our tests as well as the tests carried out by UP
State Seed Certification Agency, are allowed to move to the buffer godowns
maintained at various divisional levels. The Corporation always endeavors to
maintain much higher standards that the ones prescribed in the Minimum Seed
Certification Standards.

Area of Operation
The seed production work is organized in the state of Uttar Pradesh and some
contractual production is organized in the other states also. There are the 8
regional offices located in Haldi Pantnagar, Kashipur, Meerut, Aligarh, Kanpur,
Varanasi, Faizabad, and Gorakhpur.

Crop Varieties Produced by TDC

At present the Tarai Development Corporation is producing 151 varieties of
43 crops. Brief accounts of main crops that are distributed by TDC are
mentioned below.

Kharif Crops

1. Paddy Sarju 52, Pant Dhan 4, Saket-4, Mahsuri, Sita, IR 36,

Ratna, Narendra 80, Govind, Usar 1, Ashwani, Pusa
Basmati-1, Narendra 118, Kasturi, BC 370, Pant Dhan 10,
MTV 7029, PNR 381, VL-16, HKR-228, Pant Dhan 6, Pant
Dhan 11, BP T 5204, MTV 7029, PNR 381.

2. Maize Naveen, Sweta, Kanchan Surya, D 765, VL- 42.

3. Urd T 9, PU-19, PU-30, PU-35.

4. Arhar UPAS-120, T-21, Bahar.

5. Groundnut ICGS 37, ICGS 44, Kaushal, Chitra.

6. Bajra ICTP 8203, ICMV 155.

Rabi Crops

1. Wheat HD 2329, UP 2003, HD 2285, HD 2428, PBW 154, PBW

226, HUW 206, HUW 234, Sonalika RR-21, UP 262, UP
1109, Raj 3077, Sonali, WH 542, WH 174, SANGAM, Lok
1, Kundan, VL 616, VL 421, K 8020, K 8027.

2. Lahi T9, PT 303, PT 3O.

3. Rai T 59, Rohini, Vardan, NDR 8501.

4. Gram Avrodhi, Radhey, Pusa 267, Pusa 256, K 850, PG 114.

5. Pea Rachna, Aparna, Pant 5, HUP 2.

6. Lentil K 75, PL 234, PL 639, PL 406, PL 4.

Spring crops

1. Sunflower Morden, KBSH 1.

2. Moong T-44, Pant 1, Moong Pant2, Moong Pant 3.

Vegetable crops

1. Peas Arkel, Azad

2. Dhania PD I

3. Methi Pusa Early Bunching, Kasuri

4. Tinda Arka

Apart from providing the necessary seeds for the seasonal crop/ vegetable
the TDC provides pamphlets and information brochures. These pamphlets are
distributed free of cost to the farmers to educate them on the various aspects
of planting, maintenance and care of seedling. The main aspects covered in
the brochures is the type of crop, its variety, number of seeds to be sowed in
unit area, the time of sowing, method of sowing, time of transplantation,
distance from row to row, between the seedlings, depth to which sowed, time
of harvesting, yield per unit area, important features of individual crop, manure
and fertilization, preparation of field, irrigation schedule, control of weeds and
pests, plant protection and details about the final harvest are mentioned.

Certified Seed
The seed after been certified are labeled with a post card size certificate. The
UPS & TDC has eleven points which give a fair amount of knowledge to the
buyer or supplier the status of the seed. The label consists of the following
Label number, crop, variety, lot number, date, month and year of test, valid
upto, germination including hard seeds, physical purity, genetic purity, weight
while packing, preservative used.

Facility Extended to the Seed Growers

q In Seed Production
• To ensure targeted production, foundation seed is distributed to the
seed growers at the nearest place to their destination by sending teams
for distribution.
• Payment of their produce is made at the nearest place by establishing
Accounts office is done at the accounting offices in all the Regional
Offices of the areas concerned.
• The Corporation provides technical guidance and supervision from
time to time.
• The Corporation pays the better price to its seed growers, which is
10% to 15 % higher than the others.
• The Corporation makes arrangement for the registration of the seed
growers with the Certification Agency instead of bothering the growers
themselves. They are encouraged for foundation seed production seed
production, so that they are trained for higher skill of seed production
and as well as able to get more price for their certified seeds.
• Arrangement are made for the intake as near as possible to their place
by opening Collection Centers and they also given transport rebate
for bringing their seed to the Seed Processing plants of the
Corporation, if the distance is above the prescribed limits.
• To ensure quality of intake as well as for the facility to the growers,
they are provided twill Bags free of cost

q Finance and Accounts

• For an early payment to the growers, the Corporation has made an

arrangement with the banks for the “D.D. at par’ facility, free of
charge. Wherever the facility is not extended, the financial charges
are being borne by the Corporation.
• The farmers are paid remunerative prices of the seed, which is fixed
having taken into account the opportunity cost of the seed and other
related cost ingredients.
• The farmers who have to bring their seeds beyond a certain distance
from the location of the plant are provided transport subsidy, which
mitigate their financial burden.
• The farmers need working funds therefore the Ist installment of the
total paytment is immediately made on the intake at the plant. The
payment is higher than the market or the support price, whichever
is higher. After processing of the seeds the farmers are made their final
payment. In adverse circumstances, the interim payment is also made.

• The farmer payment is regularly monitored and it is ensured that the

payment is made within a week from the date of supply.

The main objective of marketing is to make available the latest and the
best quality seeds as per the requirement of the farmers in time, within 5 kms
of the field and at the most reasonable price. The seeds of crop varieties that
are to be made available are planned for production according to the
requirement based on the facilities available to the requirement based on the
facilities available to the land of the farmers including the natural resource.
Specifically in case of certified seed, minimum planning of three years
is essential for making available requisite quantities of the crop varieties
of seed in time i.e. one year of production of Breeder, Foundation and
Certified seeds. The Corporation has played a pivotal role in the preparation
and execution of 5-year Seed Plan at the state level. On the basis of the
demand so worked out, the producing agencies are given the responsibility
of production of certified seeds one year in advance; corresponding
production of the foundation seeds by the responsible agencies 2 years in
advance and production of Breeder seeds in 3 years in advance. The State
Seed Plan also provides for the introduction of the latest varieties found
suitable during the plan period. Timely availability of seeds is the essence of
the Seed Plan. The targets of timely availability of seeds fixed in the seed Plan
against the sowing period are:

Crop Normal sowing time Time fixed for providing

seed at sale points

Kharif June-July 30th April

Zaid February- March 31st January
Rabi November- December 10th October

Distribution and Transport System

As per the terms and condition set out by the Corporation the distributor
has to reserve its accepted indent almost 4 months before the actual sale
time covered with 10% advance. Crop/varieties of the seeds are available
at the regional godowns according to the reservations made by different
distribution agencies. These distribution agencies sell the stock to the farmers
at the retail stock fixed by the government. The dealers get the commission
of 9 % and the distributor between 2.5 to 4.5 % on the slab basis, which
is quite remunerative to them. In case of states other than U.P., the stock
is supplied by wagons directly to the payments of 25% advance and
remaining cost through the Bank and Regional Office before delivery of
the Railway receipts. The Dealers and Distributor also get stocks from our
buffer godowns.
The seeds as soon as processed at the Seed Processing Plants, are to be
transported to the different storage godowns as per the area requirement. The
transportation is made through road and rail; which ever is economical for
carrying-out, the transportation work. Reputed transport companies are
appointed on yearly contract to carry out the safe and timely transportation.
The transportation by any means is insured for any risk enroute.

Present Scenario
The seed production for the year 1999-2000 was 10.85 lac quintals whereas
the projected target for the year 2000-2001 would be 11.87 lac quintals.
Whereas the seed distribution achieved for the year 1999-2000 was 8.07 lac
quintals, the target for the year 2000-2001 is 11 lac quintals. The achievements
of the TDC are a record certification of 7.00 lakh quintal seeds of different crops
was achieved for the year 1999-2000 rabi season. In the year 1998-99 an area
of 39,086 hectares of land was undertaken for seed production activity. A new
record in vegetable seed production of 20,000 quintal was achieved in the year
1999-2000. Opening up of sale counters for vegetable seeds in regional offices.
To promote kitchen garden TDC is marketing rabi and kharif kitchen garden
TDC thus, signifies that with the help of farmer’s participation, a Corporation
can achieve remarkable success. The policies are for the interest of the farmers.
By lending the farmers the necessary technical support the Corporation has
earned the goodwill of the local people. The farmers being the producers as
well as the consumers of the seeds are considered during the decision making
process. The TDC has the seed producers- farmers close to their door. The
farmers being part of the management and decision making bodies have
ensured until now that the farmer’s interest has not been hampered. The Co-
operative thus run with the close association with the farmers ensures that it
has a motto for the farmers, by the farmers and of the farmers. The bond is
so strengthened that the farmers see the TDC as the only reliable source of seed
in the Tarai region.

2. Strengthening Community Seed Supply : A Case of

Navdanya Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity
Conservation of agricultural biodiversity is impossible without the
participation of the communities who have evolved and protected the plants
and animals that form the basis of sustainable agriculture. In agriculture,
in-situ conservation strategies are impossible to separate from sustainable
utilisation and production methods.
The Navdanya initiative (a programme of the RFSTE), which began in
1987 in response to the crisis of agricultural biodiversity, has grown into a
national movement for a democratic and equitable food security. The
programme combines conservation of agricultural biodiversity with the
assertion of farmers’ rights to their knowledge, resources and technology.
Similarly, people’s right to food and food security encompasses their right to
livelihood and to safe food.
The Navdanya programme works for promoting ecological agriculture
based on biodiversity, for economic and food security. Agricultural diversity
can only be conserved by biodiversity-based production systems. The
programme works with farmers helping them shift from monoculture to
AGRIculture - sustainable agriculture based on biodiversity - through
demonstrations and workshops on seed conservation, seed development,
pollinators, maintaining soil fertility through composting and use of soil micro-
organisms, biodiversity based pest and disease control.

The struggle for seed, for agriculture and for the protection of the
environment and of livelihood is the most vital struggle of our times. The
challenge lies in not just taking on the corporate might of the market drivers,
but in also devising ways to make sustainability with equity the core of
The Navdanya Movement - nine seeds movement - for conservation of
agricultural biodiversity on farmers’ field is one such movement, where farmers
in many parts of the country are actively involved in conserving not just
hundreds of varieties of rice and wheat, but are striving to bring back into
cultivation the numerous ecologically prudent crops that have almost vanished
- millet varieties, pseudocereals, pulses, etc.
The Jaiv Panchayat Movement - Living Democracy Movement - is an
offshoot of such conservation activities, and was born as people perceived the
threat that IPRs posed to their natural resources. The Movement places control
over the natural resources with the Gram Sabha or the community, and makes
them the final arbiters of who will use the biodiversity and how.
Movements to protect the small family farm and to rejuvenate organic
agriculture are mushrooming all over the world.

The Navdanya Initiative for the Conservation of Seed Biodiversity

The conservation of biodiversity requires action at many levels. It requires in-
situ or on-farm conservation of all biodiversity, especially agricultural
biodiversity. It also requires that biopiracy be challenged at the local, national
and international levels. It further requires the defence of community rights to
natural resources including biodiversity and knowledge about it.

Farmer-based in-situ Seed Conservation and Exchange

Navdanya is primarily concerned with facilitating in-situ seed conservation and
seed exchange of traditional varieties by local groups and communities for the
preservation of agricultural biodiversity and to protect farmers’ rights to seed.
The movement has grown into a national network of community seed banks
and in-situ conservation programs. Navdanya sees its role in seed conservation
as a catalyst, creating an ever widening circle of awareness at many levels from
the micro to the macro, stepping in to facilitate local groups and communities
to take up seed conservation activities and then stepping out when the local
capacities have been built up.
Navdanya’s efforts have resulted in the conservation of more than 1000 rice
varieties from all over the country including indigenous rice varieties that have
been adapted over centuries to meet different ecological demands. These
include dryland varieties that require only one shower a year, varieties that grow
more than 8 ft. tall and are adapted to waterlogged, flooded conditions, as well
as varieties with distinctive medical and health benefits. Crops such as millets,
amaranth, buckwheat, pulses have been promoted and saved from being
pushed out by expanding monocultures.
The Navdanya philosophy of farmer-based agricultural biodiversity conser-
vation is spreading throughout the country. The objective of the conservation
programme is to empower local farming communities to protect and regenerate
genetic diversity and the knowledge systems that support it.

Navdanya has set up 20 com-
munity seed banks in 7 states over Limitations of ex-situ collections in gene banks
the past 6 years. Many seed banks The last three to four decades have witnessed increasing concern over
are now running independent of the loss of agricultural biodiversity. Institutions like CGIAR, NBPGR,
Navdanya’s support e.g. in Karnataka IBPGR, ICRISAT, have been expressly created to start and maintain ex-
and Tamil Nadu. The programme situ collections so that a constant and reliable supply of diverse plant
genetic material is readily available.
has also established a conservation
and training centre at its farm in However, gene banks have failed to conserve biodiversity because
Doon Valley. More than 2000 farm- their concept is based on three flaws/inadequacies:

ers are primary members of • The scientific basis on which the concept of ex-situ rests is based
Navdanya. These farmers are the on the ‘germplasm’ theory, which holds that plant genetic material
backbone of the organisation so far can exist independent of both the plant itself and the environment
in which it grew, as well as the environment in which it is stored.
as the conservation activities are
This assumption has been proved false.
concerned. They are also promot-
ers and messengers of Navdanya’s • The technical problems include the difficulties associated with
constant power supply, regular servicing of machinery, lack of staff
philosophy and movement in their
and storage space, and limited facilities for regenerating material.
neighbouring villages, cities and
states through Bija Yatras. Today • Political inadequacy of national and international gene banks
stems from the fact that while the seeds available to them are
biodiversity conservation
supposed to be available to farmers, public sector research
programmes which are directly run
institutions and to the private sector, they are, in actual practice,
by Navdanya or supported by it,
most accessible only to the last, and very rarely to the first. Gene
are underway in five states of the banks also cannot challenge the very broad-based IPR protection
country - Uttar Pradesh, West Ben- the private sector seeks and often gets on the characteristics of
gal, Orissa, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. varieties stored with and developed from varieties taken from them.
Moreover in 1999 Navdanya has As these varieties are mainly farmers’ varieties, gene banks have no
initiated its conservation activities mechanism for protecting farmers’ rights.
in the Punjab and Haryana, which
are hinterland of Green Revolu-
tion, and Andhra Pradesh in Southern India.

Farmers in in-situ conservation

The programme’s in-situ require the participation of
four kinds of farmers:
In Garhwal, where Navdanya has been work-
1. Farmers who continue to use and conserve ing for a long time, many farmers have converted
diverse varieties. In general, these are small to traditional farming and have completely aban-
peasants in marginal or remote areas which were doned the chemical farming. One valley has now
left out of the Green Revolution as they did not been completely free of chemicals and about 30
have the necessary resources to shift to resource- village in that valley don’t use chemical pesti-
capital- and chemical-intensive agriculture. Mar- cides and fertilisers at all. And we hope that in
coming three – four years the whole Pauri district
ginal farmers in marginal regions are thus the
will be a chemical free zone. Over 10,000
source of rejuvenation of agricultural biodiversity.
farmers have already taken a pledge on the
They are the seed savers or beej rakshaks.
initiative of Navdanya that they would not use
2. Farmers whose agriculture biodiversity has been any chemical fertiliser, pesticides, MNC’s seeds
eroded but who feel the ecological, economic and patented seeds and practice their traditional
and political imperative to reintroduce diverse farming and use our indigenous seeds.
species and crop varieties for ecological food - Darwan Singh Negi, Kotdwar, Pauri Garhwal
security. They become beej rakshaks by introduc-

ing diversity from farmers who have conserved seed through community
seed banks and exchange networks. For example, the Navdanya seed bank
in Garhwal region gave organic rice varieties to farmers from Bhatinda in
Punjab, whose declining yields and increasing debts caused them to shift
to organic farming. These seeds, without any external input, have given
a yield of 19 quintals/ha, while the best hybrids, with all the chemical and
water inputs have given just 22 quintals/ha. Similarly, saline-resistant seeds
conserved by the Navdanya programme in Orissa have helped the victims
of the supercyclone that hit Orissa in October 1999 re-establish sustainable
3. As the number of farmers wanting to shift to ecological agriculture increase,
farmers are required for strengthening seed supply. Farmers who become
seed producers - multipliers - for the community seed banks are beej
4. Given the rapid erosion of biodiversity through the spread of monocultures
and export-oriented agriculture, many species and varieties have lost their
utilisation value due to market forces. Farmers who conserve these species
and varieties in-situ for their biodiversity and possible future value are an
important part of the Navdanya programme.

Community Seed Bank Network

The Navdanya programme operates through a network of community seed
banks in different ecozones of the country, and thus facilitates four types of
• Rejuvenation of agricultural
biodiversity as a common property
The farmers of Orissa have come together and formed Jaiv resource;
Panchayats through which they hope to and are inspired to fight • Revujevnation of farmers’ self-reli-
and resist the impact of globalisation. The Jiav Panchayats are under
ance in seed locally and nation-
oath to preserve and conserve the local paddy varieties and other
variety at any cost, to maintain their right to seed, to maintain their
fundamental right to produce food, feed themselves and feed the • Rejuvenation of sustainable agri-
people. culture as the foundation for food
We have shunned the use of chemicals and have developed security, both locally and nation-
methods of composting indigenously which maintain the yield of ally; and
paddy compared to HYV. Our normal paddy yields about 16 to 20
• Rejuvenation of farmers’ rights as
quintals per acre. We have produced paddy upto 16-20 quintals
common intellectual and
in an acre using organic manure. In vegetable production we use
vermi wash and it has tremendous effect. With the use of organic
biodiversity rights of agricultural
manure and fertilisers we can do away with the chemical fertilisers communities.
that contaminate our fields.
Farmer - Consumer Linkages
After the neem victory the Orissa farmers have developed more
confidence and started planting neem trees along the village roads The last but vital link in the network for
and they are now using the neem oil, and neem cake as pest conservation of agricultural biodiversity
control mechanism. is the consumer of this biodiversity, as
- Ashok Panigrahi, PPBSA, Balasore regular consumption is be best way to
conserve biodiversity. Navdanya is the

first initiative in India to have started direct marketing of organic produce from
Navdanya farmer members to Navdanya consumer members. More than 2000
members participate in its biodiversity conservation, organic production or
organic consumption.
Navdanya’s involvement in issues of biodiversity conservation emerging
from a concern for peoples’ rights to natural resources and sustainable
livelihood, has led to pioneering contribution in linking trade issues with issues
of ecology and gender equity. Through participatory research, the Foundation
has given scientific support to social movements like Chipko, farmers’
movements, and movements for the conservation of biodiversity and peoples’
rights. The Foundation has launched several campaigns and movements for the
protection of peoples’ life and livelihood e.g. Neem Campaign, Beej Yatra, Bija
Satyagraha, Jaiv Panchayat, Lok Swaraj Abhiyan, etc.

Initiatives in Defence of Community Rights to Biodiversity and

Third World countries including India have provided the world with most of
its agricultural crops and medicinal plants. These crops, which have been
developed primarily from farmers’ varieties and indigenous healers’ knowledge,
are being usurped by corporations through IPR systems that promote biopiracy
to create monopolies over resources and knowledge.
The defence of community intellectual and biodiversity rights are thus
indispensable for the protection of community rights.

Community Intellectual Rights to Counter Biopiracy

To counter biopiracy it is mandatory to forge a Community Intellectual Rights
(CIR)* movement. Collective and community nature of the innovation and
rights related to indigenous biodiversity utilisation are called CIR. The CIR
movement is essentially based in the idea of sovereignty of the community. It
is concerned with the recovery of the intellectual commons and restoring power
back to the people.

The Defence of CIRs is possible through

• Maintaining CIRs by keeping the knowledge alive and vital through regular
• Maintaining Community Biodiversity Registers to challenge instances of
biopiracy. These registers give proof of ‘prior art’ or the existence of
knowledge and technologies developed by communities in relation to
biodiversity. As the majority of biodiversity-related patent claims,
particularly in the fields of food production, agriculture and medicine are
built on indigenous knowledge and traditional practices related to
biodiversity use, community biodiversity registers are a vital tool for
preventing the grant of such patents.

* The concept of Community Intellectual Rights and Community Biodiversity Registers was
initiated by RFSTE/Navdanya and other groups in the 80’s and has since been developed
in diverse ways by various groups, NGOs and communities to express diverse priorities.

The Community Seed & Biodiversity Register
The US and EU suggest that documentation of biodiversity-related knowledge
be done by WIPO on computer databases - this will erode and push to
extinction oral knowledge, it will further disempower local communities and
those who actually generate and carry knowledge. It will create a bioprospecting
technology and a documentation of knowledge by experts, and it will not be
used for sustainable production.
A Community Biodiversity Register (CBR) is the documentation of the
resources and the knowledge of local communities at the local, regional and
national levels by the people themselves for the purpose of rejuvenating the
ecological basis of agriculture and the economic status of the community.

The Community Biodiversity Register

• ensures acknowledgement of alternative knowledge systems which
recognise the informal, collective and cumulative systems of innovations
of indigenous peoples and local communities;
• consonant with this, defines innovation broadly to include not just the
technologically improved end product, but knowledge relating to the use
(or enhanced use) of properties, values and processes of any biological
resource. This definition can be wide enough to include any alternation,
modification, improvement or derivative which utilises the knowledge of
indigenous groups or communities in the commercialisation of any
product, as well as more sophisticated processes for extracting, isolating
or synthesising the active chemical in the biological extracts or
compositions used by the indigenous peoples and communities;
• makes local communities/indigenous peoples the custodians or stewards
of such innovations, defining such rights as ‘non-exclusive’ and ‘non-
monopolistic’ and encouraging its non-commercial and free use and
• permits such rights to be held in common with other communities/
indigenous peoples.
• prevents the erosion of knowledge in communities. As knowledge about
biodiversity becomes eroded, and only a few remember it, corporations
find it easy to steal the knowledge and pirate it, as it has already vanished
from the commons.
The act of locally building up such a register serves many purposes.
• It makes the people aware of their rights to seed, food and medicines, and
more empowered to challenge biopiracy and resist monopolisation of
knowledge through IPRs.
• It provides the community with a means to assert rightful sovereign control
over what is their own and better equips them with bargaining power.
• It is an instrument for building self-rule in the management of biodiversity.
The CBR is owned by the community, maintained by the Gram Sabha, and
documented by all those who use the biodiversity, especially women and
children. This ownership by the community gives the community the right to

set the ethics and laws for biodiversity governance and management, including
siting disputes (even the international disputes) at the community level.
However, since community needs and community rights also need to be
recognised and taken into account in national policy formulation, the CBRs
serve as the basis for building a national community biodiversity register.

The Community Seed Biodiversity Register

The CBR, when it documents only seeds and plant varieities, becomes the
Community Seed Biodiversity Register. By making farmers’ varieties freely
accessible to other farmers across the country, the region and the world, the
register rejuvenates agricultural biodiversity, people’s knowledge and sustain-
able agriculture.
Access to traditional varieties revitalises the role of the farmer as a plant
breeder, and strengthens his resistance to seed monopolies. By acting as a seed
catalogue, it assists seed exchange between farmers, which shrink the market
for corporate seeds. Such exchanges help farmers and farming communities
retain agricultural freedom and economic control over agriculture.
In order to effectively challenge IPR claims by the private seed sector, the
Community Seed Biodiverstiy Register must be as complete as possible. The
documentation needs to include:
• farmers’ nomenclature and farmers’ classification systems
• the names of the farmers growing the variety
• agronomic details such as type of soil, flowering time, harvest, yield, etc.
• taxonomic details such plant length, awn length, leaf length, colour of
various parts, weight of seed, etc.
• other details such as cooking time, starch content (if possible), flavour,
aroma, and so on.
• Details of medicinal use if any
• Details of uniqueness
Navdanya organised the Beej Milan - International Organic Farmers’ and
Seed Keepers’ Gathering - represented hope for a sustainable and equitable
future at the dawn of new millenium. The Gathering brought together more
than 200 farmers and seed keepers on 3rd and 4th October at Navdanya’s Agro-
ecology and Biodiversity Farm in Dehradun to celebrate diversity and renew
their vow to keep agriculture and biodiversity free and in the commons.
The four pillars of ecological agriculture, that were also the themes at the
Gathering, are:
• Seed Conservation
• Composting
• Pest Management and
• Marketing.
Farmers from all over shared their experience of seed conservation,
including drying and storage methods. Organic seed conservation differs from
institutionalised seed conservation in many ways. Seed conservation by farmers
is through its regular cultivation, allowing the seed to evolve and adapt to new

conditions. Navdanya Orissa, which alone is conserv-
We have formed Jaiv Panchayat in more than ing 400 local varieties of paddy, has set up seed banks
100 villages in Garhwal. We are documenting and grain banks to ensure food security in the four
and recording every living resources found in districts where it operates. It could thus supply saline-
each village and the Biodiversity Register is kept resistant indigenous varieties to farmers in the region
with the headman of the village. We have also
devastated by the supercyclone of 1999, where
prepared herbarium of the different living re-
commercial and public sector varieties had failed.
sources of each village.
Conservation of indigenous agricultural biodiversity
We have been doing a programme called
necessitates ecological agricultural practices which
Sagwari where we encourage village kids to grow
renew earth’s fertility. The participants discussed the
vegetables for the own consumption so that they
merits of various methods of composting, including
don’t forget their farming tradition.
NADEP composting, Heap method, Biodung method
Mr. Chandra Shekher Bhatt, and Vermicomposting. Harish Mishra of Orissa in-
Agastyamuni village, Rudra Prayag, Uttranchal formed that by using seeds of health paddy plants with
good phenological characteristics and a mixture of
cowdung and poultry litter, he has been getting an annual yield of 5qtl./bigha,
which is better than most Green Revolution varieties.
Mixed cropping and crop rotation, which are vital to successful organic
farming, are themselves an extremely important insurance against disease and
pest attacks and total crop failure. Farmers shared other pest management
methods that included the use of neem, vitex negundo, and cow’s urine. A farmer
from Baghpat shared his method for controlling termites. He scatters a mixture of
rice and sugar over his fields. The termites come out for the rice. Ants, which arrive
for the sugar, take the termites instead, and leave his fields termite-free.
Regular cultivation and consumption is necessary for keeping agricultural
biodiversity alive. The participants discussed various methods to improve
awareness and demand for organic, chemical-free food. Navdanya Foods, the
direct marketing initiative of Navdanya, where farmer members deal with
consumer members and get a 20% premium on their products, was one of the
models considered for large-scale replication.
Ecological agriculture is not possible unless biodiversity is in the commons,
and is free from the threat of extinction posed by technologies like genetic
engineering. The Jaiv Panchayat - Living Democracy - Movement initiated by
Navdanya to keep biodiversity in people’s control, has spread widely,
particularly in Orissa and Garhwal. There are 85 Jaiv Panchayats in Garhwal
alone, where people have asserted their inalienable and common rights to their
natural resources. In many of the Jaiv Panchayats, the elected village leaders
are also the leaders of the Movement. Many of them have declared their villages
GM-fee zones as well. Almost all of them are in the process of compiling their
Community Biodiversity Registers.
The two days also gave the farmers a chance to display their histrionic and
musical skills through plays, skits and songs that conveyed the message of
organic agriculture and resistance to corporate takeover, and their culinary skills
by taking turns to provide diverse foods from their region.
Thus we see that how the seeds in the hands of community and in public
control spreads the message of diversity and hope among the generations to

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Seeds of Suicide :
The Ecological and Human Costs of Globalisation of Agriculture

© Research Foundation for Science,

Technology and Ecology

First Edition : December 2000

Revised Second edition : January 2002

Author :
Vandana Shiva, Afsar H. Jafri, Ashok Emani & Manish Pande

Published by :
Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology
A-60, Hauz Khas
New Delhi - 110 016, India
Tel: 91-11-696 8077, 685 3772
Fax: 91-11-685 6795

Cover Design :
Systems Vision

Printed by :
Systems Vision
A-199 Okhla Ph-I, New Delhi - 110 020
Ph.: 681 1195, 681 1841

Dedicated to
the Farmers of
who Committed


Introduction ........................................................................................... vii

The Changing Nature of Seed

From Public Resource to Private Property ................................... 1
1. Diverse Seeds for Diversity ...................................................... 1
2. The Decline of the Public Sector .............................................. 3
3. The Privatisation of the Seed Sector ......................................... 7
4. Big Companies Getting Bigger ................................................... 14
5. Legislating For Privatisation ....................................................... 23

Genetically Engineered Seeds

The Case of Transgenic Cotton Trials in India ............................. 26
1. Economics of GE Revolution ..................................................... 27
2. New Technologies ...................................................................... 32
3. Illegal Trials of GE in India ....................................................... 34
4. Monsanto’s Genetically Engineered Bt Cotton :
New Miracle or New Disaster? ........................................... 38
5. Socio-Ecological Aspects of GE Revolution .............................. 48
6. The Inadequacies of Present Biosafety Regulations .................. 59
7. Illegal Spread of Bt cotton from Illegal Trials in India ............. 63

Seeds of Suicide
The Ecological & Human Costs of
Globalisation of Agriculture ........................................................... 71
1. The Andhra Pradesh Scenario of Farmers’ Suicides ................. 72
2. The Karnataka Scenario on Farmers’ Suicides .......................... 86
3. The Maharastra Scenario on Farmers Suicides ......................... 88
4. The Punjab Scenario of Farmers Suicides ................................. 88

Bija Panchayat
The Farmers’ Verdict ...................................................................... 118
1. Bija Panchayat ............................................................................. 118
2. Seeds of Distress and Seeds of Suicide ...................................... 120
3. IPRs : Legal Control of the Seed ................................................ 123
4. Genetic Engineering and Threats to Agriculture and Life ......... 125
5. The Verdict of Bija Panchayat .................................................... 130
6. Recommendations ....................................................................... 131

Rebuilding Seed Security ..................................................................... 132

1. Strengthening Public Sector Seed Supply :
A Case Study of Tarai Seed Corporation .................................... 134
2. Strengthening Community Seed Supply : A Case of Navdanya
Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity ................................... 141

References ............................................................................................. 149

Seeds of Suicides

S eed is the first link in the food chain. It is the primary means of production
in agriculture. Over the centuries, seed has been evolved by farmers.
Farmers have been breeding diverse varieties to adapt to diverse ecosystems,
diverse economic and cultural needs. Farmers seeds have been tested over
centuries. Farmers have freely saved and exchanged seed, they have freely
planted diversity of crops to maintain ecosystems, meet their diverse needs and
earn incomes.
In the mid 60’s, new varieties with high response to chemicals were
introduced. The public sector seed supply was made a major component of
agricultural development with funds and aid from the World Bank. However,
farmers seeds continued to account for 80% of the seed supply.
In 1988, the World Bank which had financed the growth of the public sector
seed supply in the 60’s and 70’s demanded its dismantling and recommended
the shift to the private sector and an entry of MNC’s in the seed sector.
The report on “seeds of suicide” covers three aspects of the impact of the
new policies of the so called “liberalisation” of the seed sector. Firstly, it shows
that the trends towards privatisation and concentration of the seed industry and
displacement of farmer varieties. A shift from government control to farmers
control was the option foregone at the national level. The consequences of
giving seed companies a free hand through privatisation and deregulation has
been increasing the costs of seeds and agrichemicals for farmers, increasing farm
debts and increasing crop failure. Farmers suicides are the extreme result of
these policies of market freedom. Farmers are falling prey to the marketing
strategies of seed companies. Globalisation is leading to the emergence of a
new kind of corporate feudalism – the convergence of global market forces with
the worst forms of feudal control. The removal of the public sector and the
undermining of the community in the seed supply has allowed the reemergence
of the feudal power of land lords and moneylenders, empowered by global
corporations, their products and their capital. This Corporate power is working
through feudal structure to capitalise seed markets. The seed and agrichemical
companies use the local rural elite, the land lords and money lenders for selling
seeds and pesticides for providing credit to poor peasants for buying those high
cost inputs. This Corporate feudalism is leading to an epidemic of suicides. It
has rendered agriculture socially, economically and ecologically non-

Into this context of non sustainability is being added the new threat from
GMOs to the socio-economic survival of farmers and the conservation of
biodiversity – Chapter 3 is a report of the first large scale trials of a genetically
engineered crop – Monsanto’s Bollgard Cotton in India. The final chapter offers
alternatives to the corporate control over seed by rejuvenating the public sector
under farmers control and strengthening farmers seed supply through
community seed banks. The case study on the Terai seed farm also shows how
privatisation and globalisation was not the only alternative. The Tarai Seed
Corporation is an example of revitalising a public sector seed farm through
farmers participation and control. Navdanya is a pioneer in setting up
community seed banks. The Navdanya movement was started to conserve
farmers varieties and agrobiodiversity, to make ecologically adapted organic
seeds available to farmers so that farmers have alternatives to high cost seeds,
toxic chemicals and patented and genetically engineered crops.
The freedom from patents, from genetic engineering, from toxic chemicals
and from debt is what seeds of freedom bring to farmers. Navdanya defends
the farmers inalienable right to freely save and exchange seed. It brings seeds
of hope as an alternative to seeds of suicide.

Vandana Shiva


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