CV 2
CV 2
CV 2
ABHISHEK CHHABRA 69,avtar enclave Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110063, Email: Contact No.: 96 !"1"369 Objective: #o work with an organi$ation that can %rovi&e me nice working environment an& growth %ros%ects in the area o' marketing. Educational qualification: Cour e Stream P(rs(ing ))* 1040 10th ))*
Sc!ool"Colle#e #rinit+ instit(te o' %ro'essional st(&ies 6ansra7 8o&el -chool 6ansra7 8o&el -chool
E'tracurricular activitie : 1. Partici%ate& in &ance com%etition in school 0. *D ma& winner in inter college com%etition 3. Partici%ation in &ebate com%etition in school Intere t and !obbie : Readin# novel ( )ance( *ravellin# +er onal detail : Date o' birth; th <ebr(ar+ 1993 Nationalit+; .n&ian 8arital stat(s; /nmarrie& Date; Place; Delhi *bhishek 5hhabra