Great Delusion
Great Delusion
Great Delusion
Aliens, UFO's, The Nephilum & The
Grenada Treaty
Sermon Overview: Matthew 24:38 & Luke 17:26 say: “And as it was
in the days of Noe (or Noah), so shall it be also in the days of the Son
of man.". What is the significance of this statement and how does it
relate to the Nephilum, UFO and/or Alien Agenda? The flood epic of
Genesis 6 begins with a strange account of the "sons of God" (or
Dr. Scott Johnso angels in the Old Testament), taking human wives. Gen 6:4: “There
were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the
sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare
children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old,
men of renown.” The Hebrew word which is translated, "giants" is
"Nephilim", which means, "The fallen ones". Jude describes them as
"angels, having left their first estate". These fallen angels came to
earth for their own purposes & to corrupt the seed of humanity and
ultimately destroy the human civilization so as to negate the Biblical
statement made below by God himself. Genesis 3:14-15: "And the
LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou
art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon
thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy
seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his
heel." Ronald Reagan - Threat of Aliens Ronald Reagan talks about an
alien presence or possible threat to human kind and enventuality the
necessity for nations to get closer if it would happen... Speech from
the 42d Session of the United-Nations General Assembly, N.-Y.
09/21/1987: "In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we
often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps
we need some OUTSIDE, UNIVERSAL THREAT to make us recognize
this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences
worldwide would vanish if we were facing an ALIEN THREAT from
outside this world." Watch:
Listen to Part 1
Listen to Part 3
Demons in Alien's Clothing?
As we enter the 21st century and a new millennium, Satan has devised the delusion that
mankind is entering into an important evolutionary phase - a New Age. The push for
"global enlightenment" has now extended to the vast reaches of the universe, into what
could be deemed as a "space" religion. However, once this nebulous veil is lifted, a
definite correlation emerges between the UFO/Alien phenomenon and occultic/satanic
activity... Many of these revered and feared entities were described as looking like
winged-reptilians or dragons. Similarly, Satan and his minions were depicted in an
identical manner, as seen in artwork throughout the centuries. A monograph entitled,
Reality of the Serpent Race, by Branton, reveals, "In Genesis 3 we read about the
'Nachash'; Hebrew word for 'Serpent'. The original Nachash was not actually a snake as
most people believe, but an extremely intelligent, cunning creature, possessed with the
ability to speak and reason." Another significant parallel from the Holy Bible is shown in
Jeremiah 8:17, "Behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices among you, which will bite you,
saith the Lord." The definition of a cockatrice is a reptilian bird-like creature or winged-
serpent. This could very well represent the Phoenix, described in Egyptian mythology.
Reasons Why Vatican Astronomer Said ‘Belief In E.T.’s OK--Ashtar’s Response: “We are
Getting Ready For Mass Divine Intervention!”
It was very interesting, though actually not surprising, when the Vatican astronomer
recently stated--publicly-- “believing in aliens is OK and does not contradict one’s faith in
God”. This I say is “interesting” because as both a UFO researcher, as well as one
termed a “contactee” with very spiritually evolved benevolent human appearing-angelic-
“Elohim” E.T.’s, I have a very unique perspective regarding this whole reality. I am very
aware of numerous events connected with UFO’s and E.T.’s, that I also have reason to
believe that the Vatican and the Catholic Church have actually always known of this
As a researcher, I have spoken to two people in years past that stated to me, very
seriously, they were both allowed to go through the Vatican Libraries and Records that
no outsider is usually allowed to visit, and each told me basically the same exact thing,
“The Vatican Records contain the biggest UFO and metaphysical library in the entire
world”, of numerous things historically, from very ancient, to more modern day events,
which have been suppressed from the masses. For example, when Mother Mary
appeared at Fatima, to the three small children, evidence appears to suggest that some
or part of the phenomena that was seen and experienced that day up in the sky also
involved very spiritually evolved human appearing “angelic” E.T.’s and their space ships
(otherwise referred to as ‘UFO’s’.) In fact for many years, the Vatican has sent their own
investigators out around the world to personally investigate these type of events, and
they have stored their findings in the Vatican Libraries along with all the other things
they have discovered.
Also, a couple of specific incidents occurred in which the Catholic Church had direct
personal involvement relating to UFO’s and extraterrestrial contact I, myself, have
investigated, and I am truly convinced did, in fact occur, and both of those individuals I
referred to earlier were also given confirmation of this when they explored the Vatican
One of these events, occurred on the date of Feb. 20/21 1954, (this event is thoroughly
documented at this web site: ) This historical
event, which was covered up for ‘National Security’ reasons, was that President
Eisenhower and members of his staff, along with members of a delegation of community
leaders representing the religious, spiritual, economic and newspaper cross segments of
society, actually met with extraterrestrials at Edward’s Air Force Base (previously known
as Muroc Field). Even though this event was covered up, and the official explanation of
President Eisenhower’s sudden absence for that time period was an “emergency visit to
the dentist because he had broken a tooth cap”, the facts are verified from more than one
source; those who were actually there, and others who knew some of those who were
there, and it has been confirmed. I feel this event did in fact take place.
The person who “represented” the religious portion of earth’s society was a well known
Cardinal, and I quote from this research paper: “Cardinal James Francis MacIntyre was
the Bishop and head of the Catholic Church in Los Angeles at the time (1948-1970), for it
was theorized that he would have been an important gauge for the possible reaction from
religious leaders generally, and in particular from the most influential and powerful
religious institutions on the planet - the Roman Catholic Church. In particular, Cardinal
MacIntyre would have been a good choice as a representative for the Vatican since he
was appointed the first Cardinal of the Western United States by Pope Pius XII in 1952.”
The second incident involved a visit to the Vatican of an individual who I believe, both
through my own research, as well as having been given strong confirmation in
communication from my own space contacts, that this was another very authentic fellow
“contactee” who also had many contacts, just as I have. These very same type of
benevolent and spiritually evolved human appearing E.T.’s (referred to as the “Space
Brothers [a term of respect], were also the same type of E.T.’s who landed at Edward’s
Air Force Base). This individual known as George Adamski, actually met with Pope John
XXIII, at the Vatican, on May 31, 1963, a few days before the Pope’s death, and actually
gave the Pope a “sealed package” given to him from his space contacts to be given
specifically to the Pope.
Two books, which describe and document this very historical event, are “George
Adamski, The Untold Story”, by Lou Zinsstag and Timothy Good, and the other is “UFO...
George Adamski, Their Man On Earth”, also by Lou Zinsstag.
In the first book, there is an actual photograph of the specific medallion which was given
to Adamski by Pope John XXIII. This medallion, by the way, is a very special medallion
and very rare, and has only been given to a very few people through the years. It is
known as the Ecumenical Council medallion. Zinsstag, the author, who also happened to
be the niece of the famous Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, helped sponsor Adamski for
well over 10 years, was there in Rome with another witness, as they watched him go
through a special entrance into the side of the Vatican into the private audience with the
Pope and then watched him return back outside after his meeting with the Pope.
In final analysis, it is my opinion as stated, based both on my own research, as well as
my own personal experiences, that one of the reasons that the Vatican’s chief
astronomer is coming out openly now to make this statement, and the fact that the
governments of this planet (as even mentioned on Fox and CNN) have recently been
releasing vast amounts of formerly classified documents about UFO’s and
extraterrestrial contacts, is they all now believe that this planet will soon be experiencing
much more open UFO sightings and what some might have traditionally have termed
“Divine Intervention” of these very spiritually advanced beings, who are members of a
“Intergalactic Confederation or Universal Federation”.
In both of my physical experiences aboard what I refer to as the Merkabah Light Ships,
the communications shared with me in person by these “Space Brothers” of the Ashtar
Command, and also many other times they have stated very strongly, that they must
Intervene soon because our free will getting out of control and could end up destroying
the Earth if they do not more openly step in.
In fact, just as I was being guided to share this posting with others on the internet, I felt
that familiar “vibrational signal’ which alerted me to one of the main beings who has
been communicating through me most of my present Earth life, Lord Ashtar, indicated
that he was going to send a “Transmission-Channeling through me to share with
everyone else, in regard to these latest developments with the Vatican.
“Greetings in the Light of our Radiant One [God], this is Lord Ashtar of the Ashtar
Command, Intergalactic Confederation/Universal Federation,. I want to comment upon
what this channel and many others have recently heard, regarding the official public
statement, by the Vatican astronomer, about a belief in our existence, and we from other
worlds is not in conflict to one’s belief or your relationship with our Divine Creator of this
and all universes.
“This is only one of the more recent and important steps that --some--of the officials of
government and those in positions of power on Earth realize must be done. It is true, we
of the Federation, have been attempting to influence those in positions of power on Earth
for many years to allow the masses, all peoples on Earth, to have access to us and the
vast amount of help we can offer you very quickly to solve the numerous challenges you
have been facing.
“Yes, in the decade of the ‘50’s, we of the Federation openly appeared over the capitol
building of the U.S. on two weekends straight, [July 19th and the 26th, ‘52], to make it
clear to the officials that we are a benevolent presence. We have also attempted
diplomatic relations with the officials on more than one occasion, and sending down a
Federation ship to land openly at Edward’s Air Force Base [Feb. 20th/21st ‘54] was one of
the more documented attempts.
“It is also true, despite this attempt to officially establish diplomatic relations, we of the
Federation were turned down because our representatives made it very clear that we
were not about to share our very advanced technologies with the Earth leaders which
could be used for more advanced weapon systems and would have unfortunately been
used as such by those in positions of power, We made it very clear that we were willing
to share more advanced technologies with the leaders if they were willing to also share
this information with all the people’s of the Earth rather than just the power elite having
access to it. We also made it clear, that as a gesture of peace, as a type of “litmus test”
the real intent of the technology we would share would, beyond any shadow of a doubt,
be very advanced technologies to be used only for peaceful and humanitarian purposes.
Our representatives stated very clearly and precisely, that we of the Federation
demanded that nuclear weapons on Earth to immediately be made obsolete. Also, that
all the people on this planet must be made aware of this situation, with no cover-ups or
so-called “conspiracies of silence”. This would prove the real intent and motives of
those in positions of power. If they only have positive or benevolent intent, they would
not hesitate to allow this sharing for the mutual benefit of all the people on this planet,
rather than, those who have tended to abuse their power and positions upon this planet.
“This offer of open, mutual Intergalactic Cultural Exchange, with these very important
requirements, were of course turned down. It was obvious that humanitarian and moral
demands were not as important or of the same priority as it was to keep their power and
not to share this with everyone else upon this planet. We of the Federation had actually
suspected the more official overtures of Intergalactic diplomacy and peace would
probably not turn out as we had hoped, but we at least felt we had to officially go through
the “Diplomatic Formality”, especially since our representatives also warned President
Eisenhower and all those present, of another group, a group we have considered as
“renegades” those termed the “greys”, Because the greys are not willing to abide by
Federation policies, that strictly forbid activities of taking advantage of the vulnerabilities
of those living on Earth, they planned to abduct many Earthians, just using them for
genetic material, without respecting their sovereignty and “Cosmic Civil Rights.”
“Yes, millions of “Cosmic Civil Rights” violations have occurred by these entities
abducting millions of earth humans. These entities are “on the back curve of evolution”
and are a dying species, who have refused our own offers to them, in times past, if they
would agree to Federation policies--just as we demanded of Earth human officials, the
cabal. That is to live up to and respect the sacred principles and laws of creation by not
forcing themselves upon other species, and allowing us to share certain genetic
knowledge with them. They could have gotten themselves off this “back curve” and
would have returned to a more “progressively balanced evolution” once again. Of
course, just like Earth’s leaders, they were not willing to respect and uphold these
requirements, and chose to break Federation rules of “Non-interference” which forbids
these abductions that have occurred.
“This so-called Treaty, which the Earth officials made with these renegade aliens, and
was made without the will of the people, we have always considered Illegal and immoral,
in the sense that unlike other worlds, our planetary leaders are also members and/or
represent our Higher Councils, and are first of all, leaders because of their level of
integrity and spiritual wisdom and their respecting of Truth and the needs of their
peoples. They are always in touch with their people’s concerns and there are no cover-
ups or so-called hidden agendas; everything is above board, period.
“But on this planet, as our fellow Space Brother of Light, Commander Voltra, a Cosmic
Psychotherapist, who has been affectionately nicknamed, “the Dr. Phil of the
Intergalactic Realms”, has stated, other than the greys and negative reptilians, who we
are Cleansing from the Heavens, Earth which has been the most Dysfunctional planet in
the entire Universe. Many of you may need “Cosmic Psychotherapy”--and Voltra is
available “24/7” for those of you who want some compassionate “counseling and
emotional and psychological analysis” on how to handle all your “Earthly
codependencies” that seems so extremely prevalent upon Earth. Voltra is just one of
literally millions of fellow Cosmic Psychotherapists on aboard our vast fleets and
Commands of the Federation, which surround this planet in Guardian Action. They are
ready to start counseling all of you who wish to release and transmute all your earthly
traumas and emotional imbalances.
My friend, and fellow Ascended Master, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, St. Germain, appeared
before the Forefathers and gave that short inspiring speech about Freedom and
sovereignty, and he ended it with the admonition” So sign that document!”--and they
did. The original organic U.S. Constitution, a truly Divinely Inspired Document,
documents the “Rule of Law” on Earth, so too, the “Intergalactic Rule of Law”. We of the
Ashtar Command and the entire Federation have been instrumental in allowing a much
more recent opportunity for all the people’s of Earth. Every soul’s Higher Over Soul Self,
to participate in a Full Planetary Vote, of allowing all the souls presently living upon
Earth to participate. This Voting Process for a new, more fair and planetary Treaty,
allows the people’s of this planet to now have their Official vote. Unlike the continuous
manipulation of the votes that have occurred in most recent major elections in the U.S.
and other corrupt countries, we on these higher levels never manipulate any of these
votes, because “The Majority Rules”. Even though there were a few negative votes
against this new, more fair Treaty, by those members of the cabal and some more
backward Laggard souls who had been stuck on the old Wheel of Karma”--what this
channel refers to as “Cosmic Isolationists”, by and large most souls, when given the
gives us the imminent “green light and official Cosmic Go ahead!
“And as this channel also has been getting ready, as we have guided him to do so, is
very shortly publishing an insightful book that helps to powerfully Prepare all humanity
in more detail to what, just exactly, we will truly be doing when what some have termed
“First Contact” does in fact occur! I was also honored to have channeled through a
fellow Volunteer soul in Earth embodiment, the great sister and dedicated soul of Light,
Lady Tuella, while she was still alive on Earth. Lady Tuella, has been back here amongst
us since she returned to the higher realms at the end of her Earth mission. I wish to
state for the record, as I and others of the Federation channeled through her and was
documented in her book, “Project: World Evacuation By the Ashtar Command,” that
information is still basically just as accurate now, as it was then, back in 1982, when it
was first published by Tuella through Guardian Action Publications”. Even though over
two and half decades of 3-D earth time have come and gone and even though we had
changed our plans of the exact time factor, of when, just exactly, we would ultimately
make our move, I still refer to this “First Contact” scenario as a “Secret Wave” of
Evacuation” because it is “secret” only in the sense of not openly and officially
announcing a specific or exact date and time of our mass appearance over this planet.
Not secret nor ever has been “secret” of our eventual plans to make a more open and
mass planetary appearance. This first of a series of more open and mass appearances
and landings, does include worldwide “evacuations.” These “evacuations” are not at
this stage really so much emergency scenarios, as they are more “Cosmic R. & R.”
vacations for a period of approximately 2 to 3 weeks (of Earth time) for the returning
Volunteers in Earth embodiment and the later waves of evacuation for anyone else who’s
physical bodies are high enough in vibrations to handle the higher energies aboard our
Merkabah Light Ships. And as it does occur, then all on Earth will know that Intergalactic
Cultural Exchange has finally been allowed.
“We are looking forward to this upcoming Intergalactic Fellowship, and as so many
fellow Channels and contactees have known for many years, that once this First Contact
does occur, we of the Federation and those of you in Earth embodiment who are
members of our Extended Cosmic Families, will have such a wonderful Cosmic Family
Reunion, yes great parties and Celebrations, that we all have been looking forward to.
So get your lives in order, anything that needs to be resolved or taken care of, any
karmic things that need to be released, and if you need any help, call upon us, and also
Invoke the “Cosmic Law of Grace’ to help resolve any and all conditions on Earth which
would have blocked this wondrous and awesome reuniting of Earth and all world’s of the
Federation/Intergalactic Confederation throughout the universe. BLessings to all, and
Keep Your Eyes on The Skies, as we Prepare For this most momentous of occasions!
Adonai Vassu Berogus!”
Michael: Wow, that was great, and I could feel Ashtar’s great feelings of joy that this
great cover-up of the reality of their very benevolent existence is finally about to come to
a close, and I Am very excited also, because as he referred to the fact that, yes, I have
been working for awhile on a book that will, in fact, as he stated, powerfully Prepare
everyone in a much more specific way, for not only why this event has to occur, but all
the details of this plan. This plan is actually a Sacred Promise--as I have shared with
others. Because I have had conscious memories since my birth, of having been in the
Higher Councils and a member of the Federation prior to taking Earth embodiment. And
while there in the Councils, and later right before I remember leaving my Higher density
Elohim E.T. body in storage while I beamed down into my Earth biological mother’s
womb, I remember in “Debriefing” of them reminding us Volunteers of this Sacred
Promise, of them ultimately sometime during our present Earth lifetime, of openly
Divinely Intervening in their Light Ships and beaming up all of us Volunteers as well as
anyone else who was ready to Graduate from Earth. And in both of my physical
encounters, of being physically taken on board, both times these Elohim E.T.’s of the
Ashtar Command and Federation, reminded me in their physical presence of this same
plan. So when I hear other so-called “pragmatic” individuals who criticize this scenario,
and infer that it is just some “pie in the sky fantasy” that those of us who Know from
making such negative statements, like some “disempowering mantra” and “If you think
that the benevolent Space Brothers are going to come down and save you, well, you're
just not facing reality”--such a statement just shows me how out of touch with REAL
REALITY THEY ACTUALLY ARE, and are part of that “Cosmic Isolationist crowd” that
Ashtar has referred to a number of times.
Those who would like to be informed when my book is ready to order copies, either as an
E-Book, or as a paperback version, please check out my web site,
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