Burchmelissalifesciencelessonplanwk 8
Burchmelissalifesciencelessonplanwk 8
Burchmelissalifesciencelessonplanwk 8
Reading Strategies: (place an x by each one used) Before, During, After __ Graphic Organizer _x_ Anticipation/Prediction _x_ Summarize __ KWL _x_ Paired Reading __ Note-taking __ SQ3R __ QAR __ Skimming _x_ Scanning Headings/Subheadings/Captions __ Inference _x_ Preview __ Teacher Modeling __ Repetition __ Critical Reading _x_ Vocabulary Review
__x Projector __x Overhead _x_ Interactive Whiteboard __ iPad _x_ Laptop __ Computer Lab __ E-reader __ iPod Touch __ Clickers __ CD __ Cellphone __ Calculator __ Television __ DVD __ Radio __ PC - Educational Game(s) __ Digital Camera __ Scanner __ Copier
Lesson Plan Dr. Cadys Course __ Other ______________________________ __ __ __ __ Tape Recorder Microscope Watches Other _______________________________
Community Resource(s): (place an x by each one used) __ Public Library __ Local College __ Guest Speaker __ Field Trip __ Outside Organization __ Local Business _x_ Other ______virtual field trip_________________________________
Summative Assessment: (given periodically/used to determine what students know and dont know/gauges learning relative to content standards) __ State Assessments __ District Benchmarks _x_ End of Unit Test _x_ Chapter Test __ End of Semester Exam __ Other ________________
__ KWL __x Turn & Talk __ Yes/No Cards __ SA/A/D/SD __ Squaring Off __ Graffiti Wall _x_ Other -Introductory discussion with teacher and students.
__x Peer Assessment __x Self-Assessment __ Goal Setting _x_ Observations __ Questioning Strategies __ Student Record Keeping __ Flashcards __ Pop Quizzes _x_ Oral Q & A _x_ Other -journaling and graded work.
Lesson Plan Dr. Cadys Course Science Inquiry Guiding Questions: List at least five guiding questions that you will use for this lesson. Engage: How do the leaves of a tall tree get water? Explore: What are vascular plants, and what kinds of plants are vascular plants? Explain: How are plants and fungi classified? Elaborate: What are the differences between vascular and non-vascular plants, and fungi? Evaluate: What categories do these specific plants belong in? Ferns, moss, mushrooms, and coleus?
Multiple Intelligences: (place an x by each area included in your lesson plan) _x_ Spatial (ability to visualize) _x_ Linguistic (words spoken/written) __ Logical-Mathematical __ Kinesthetic (movement) __x Interpersonal (interaction w/ others) _x_ Intrapersonal (self-reflective ability) _x_ Naturalist (having to do with nature)
Blooms Taxonomy: (place an x by each level included in your lesson plan) __x Knowledge (tell, list, define, label, recite, memorize, repeat, find, name, record, fill in, recall) _x_ Comprehension (locate, explain, summarize, identify, describe, report, discuss, review, show) _x_ Application (demonstrate, construct, record, illustrate, research, order, display, practice) __x Analysis (compare, contrast, classify, critique, solve, experiment, examine, infer, categorize) _x_ Evaluation (judge, predict, verify, rate, determine, decide, choose, forecast, estimate, prioritize) _x_ Synthesis (compose, hypothesize, design, formulate, create, invent, develop, refine, produce)
Benjamin Bloom
Howard Gardner
Safety Precautions Use scissors appropriately Do not put anything in your mouth Clean up spills right away Warn students that food coloring may stain hands and clothing
5-E Model Provide specific plans for each of the areas below. Ensure that you include all of the marked items above into this portion of the lesson plan.
Lesson Plan Dr. Cadys Course Engage: How will you probe prior (s) knowledge and help (s) generate questions for investigation? Explore: How will you provide the opportunity for (s) to gather, organize, interpret, analyze, and evaluate data? What do you know about how a plant gets it food? Show the students various pictures of plants with roots and stems. Do you think this plant with roots gets its food the same way as this plant with only a stem? Allow the students time to turn and talk within their groups. Allow each group to explain their thinking to the class. The students will view various pictures of plant on the smart board and work with their groups to characterize the different plants on similarities and differences. The teacher will then project a chart (graphic organizer) on the smart board and write down the similarities and differences that are given to her by the groups. (During this phase the teacher should probe the groups to also make conclusions as to what causes physical characteristics to differ) How can the same type of flower be two different colors? Explain to students that we are going to do an investigation which will give us some insight as to how a stem provides water and food to various parts of the plant. Tell the students how the experiment will work. You will get two cups with the same amount of water in each. In one cup you will put red food coloring, and in the other cup you will put blue. I will assist you in cutting the stem of a white carnation in half and we will put half of the stem in one cup, and the other half in the other. We will then observe and record our observations. Allow students to talk with their groups and make predictions. Instruct the students to write their prediction down in their science journal. Pass out materials needed for the investigation and assist students in cutting the stem in half. Walk around and observe and guide students in adding the food coloring and placing the carnation stems in each cup. Help the students secure the stems in the cups with clothespins. Give each group a recording sheet and ask them to write down what they see after the stems are placed in the colored water. We will check our stems and flowers again in 15 minutes. As the students wait to record their second observation, have them do a picture walk through the lesson with a shoulder partner. Instruct them to pay close attention to the pictures, and to read all captions. After the students have all completed the picture walk, they will again observe the flower and note the time (15 minutes) and any changes they have observed. For the next 15 minutes the teacher will discuss the vocabulary words that the students will see in the lesson. She will give the students an opportunity to explain what they know about each word. The students will again note the time (30 minutes) and record their observations. Talk with each group about any changes they are observing and compare the results with other groups. How do the changes match up with your predictions? Observe the flower again and note time (45 minutes). What happened? Is this what you expected to happen? The students will write in their science journal what the results were and why they think the stem and the flower changed colors. What can you infer about the stem? The students will now partner read the lesson. The teacher should encourage the students to come up with a theory on why the flower changed colors as they read. This gives them a purpose for reading. After reading the lesson, the teacher will discuss any conclusions that they have made after reading the chapter.
Explain: How will you set the stage so that (s) can clarify their understanding, reach conclusions, and communicate their knowledge?
Elaborate: How will you afford (s) the opportunity to identify additional questions to
Lesson Plan Dr. Cadys Course investigate, collect evidence, and connect new knowledge? The teacher will explain to the students that the stem carries water and food to parts of the plant and we can see how this works by our experiment. The flower changed colors because the stem carried the colored water throughout the plant. The teacher will make a note of how close the students were in their thinking. The teacher will discuss the differences between vascular and nonvascular plants and what category fungi fit into. Students will discuss within their groups how fungi and plants differ. How do fungi get nutrients? The students will take a virtual field trip in which they will see exactly how the stem and roots carry nourishment to all parts of a plant. My evaluation will be ongoing. I will observe my students as they collaborate with their peers and develop their own theories and conclusions. I will also assess what they have written in their journals, and their sheets on which they have recorded their observations during the investigation. The students will be given an assessment after the lesson which will give me an indication as to where they are in relation to the goals I have set. With this information I can modify my instruction if needed.
Evaluate: How will you assess and use the assessment data to determine what (s) know and do not know? How will you provide feedback and modify lessons?
Students w/ Exceptionalities Describe one specific way that you will adapt your lesson to meet the needs of the following: Emotional/Behavior Disorder My plan for these students is to practice behavior modification. I will also expose these students to students who demonstrate appropriate behaviors. Having predetermined consequences for misbehavior will help students with behavior disorders to understand that they are in direct control of the decisions that they make. ADD/ADHD I will teach these students strategies that they can use to focus and remember information. I will also choose my groups carefully and place these students with a group that will be helpful in keeping them focused. Strong classroom management and structure will be beneficial to these students. I will be consistent in applying positive and negative consequences. ESL/ELL Investigations are beneficial to ELL students because they do not rely on reading out of a book. I will use as many visual aids as possible to help these students. Collaborative learning is essential for these students because they are given many opportunities to hear students speaking, and to practice using newly acquired language skills.
Science Question What is the function of a plant stem, and how does the flower and leaves get water?
Prediction I predict the inside of the plant stem will be the color of the colored water.
Materials: I need a plastic knife, paper towel, white carnation with stem, two small cups, magnifying glass, blue and red food coloring, water, and two clothespins.
Investigation Plan I plan to show how water travels up the stem to provide water to leaves and flowers. I will cut the stem in half and put half of it in the water with the blue food coloring, and half in the water with the red food coloring. I will use clothespins to keep them in the cup. Then I will use a magnifying glass to look at and investigate each stem.
Hear I saw the water turn colors when I added in the food coloring. I also saw the coloring on the inside of the stems after being placed in the water. What was really interesting is that each side of the flower slightly changed colors as well. I smelled the scent from the flower.
Smell I tasted nothing because this investigation did not require tasting. Taste
Lesson Plan Dr. Cadys Course I felt the flower at the beginning, and again at the end to see if there was a difference in the way it felt.
Investigation Results I learned that the stem takes in water and helps water go to all parts of the plant. My results were like my prediction because I predicted that the inside of the stems would change colors. My results were different from my predication because I did not predict that the flower itself would change colors.
Answer to My Question The answer to my question is that the stem provides two basic functions; it supports the leaves and flowers, and carries water and food from place to place within the plant.
New Question My new question is what would happen if you put one side of the flower stem in clear water, and the other side in colored water? Would only half of the flower absorb the color, or would the entire flower change colors?