Articulation and Voice Exercises

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Articulation and Voice Exercises

1. A big baby buggy with rubber buggy bumpers. 2. She sells seashells by the seashore. 3. Double bubble gum bubbles double. 4. Each sixth chick sat on a stick. . !" all the saws # e$er saw% # ne$er saw a saw saw like that saw saws. &. Does your shirt shop stock socks with spots' (. Six slim slick slender saplings. ). *ound and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran. +. # bought a box o" biscuits% a box o" mixed biscuits% and biscuits,mixed. 1-. Eat "resh "ried "ish "ree at the "ish "ry. 11. .heophilus% the thistle si"ter% while si"ting a si"ter "ull o" thistles% thrust three thousand thistles through the thickness o" his thumb. 12. .hree gray geese in the green grass gra/ing0 gray were the geese and green was the gra/ing. 13. .he seething sea ceaseth and thus the seething sea su""iceth us. 14. .he sixth sheik1s sixth sheep1s sick. 1 . She stood on the balcony% inexplicably mimicking him hiccuping% and welcoming him in. 1&. Sixty,six sick chicks. 1(. .ruly rural. 1). Strange strategic statistics. 1+. .ie twine to the tree twigs. 2-. 2emon liniment.

The Writing Resources Center, Tucker Hall 115A, 1-3925

21. 3hich wily wi/ard wished wicked wishes "or 3illy' 22. 4etch me the "inest 4rench,"ried "reshest "ish that 4inney "ries. 23. Shy Sarah saw six Swiss wristwatches. 24. !ne year we had a 5hristmas brunch with 6erry 5hristmas 6ush to munch. 7ut # don1t think you1d care "or such. 3e didn1t like to munch mush much. 2 . .he $iew "rom the $eranda ga$e "orth a "ine $ista o" wa$es and lea"y "oliage. 2&. 3hile we waited "or the whistle on the whar"% we whittled $igorously on the white weatherboards. 2(. 8rass grew green on the gra$es in 8race 8ray1s grand"ather1s gra$eyard. 2). 9ete 7riggs pats pigs. 7riggs pats pink pigs. 7riggs pats big pigs. 9ete 7riggs is a pink pig% big pig patter. 2+. Amidst the mists and coldest "rosts% 3ith stoutest wrists and loudest boasts% :e thrusts his "ists against the posts% And still insists he sees the ghosts. 3-. ;Deep $oice exercise. .ake a deep breath% expand the diaphragm% release the breath slowly and say<= # am .hy 4ather1s Spirit Doomed "or a certain term .o walk the night And by Day con"ined to .he "ires o" :ell .ill the 4oul Deeds o" my 9ast 2i"e Are burnt and purged away.

(Shakespeare, Ha let!

They have found that the ideal voice must show emotion, be lower pitched, be moderately paced, andit must be free of distracting qualities, clear, and have moderate volume. Dimitrius has discovered that this ideal voice is proven to be the most persuasive among jurors. urors tend to li!e people with these vocal qualities.

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