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09-Ethics, Values and Leadership

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Ethics, Values and Leadership

Ranjan Mitter

Is Ethics a Fad?

wave in business schools? Consumers and Employees more Socially Responsive Centrality of the Human Being in the postindustrial society Hence Ethics

Factors influencing Ethics (Brunner/Molander)


"isclosure #ncreased !ublic Concern $ovt Regulation Education of Business %anager &ew Social E'pectations of Business

%aterialism Competition Corruption Awareness

of (nethicality $reed !ressure for !rofit

Reversing Priorities
%aterialism Competition Corruption Awareness Human

of (nethicality $reed !ressure for !rofit

)alues Co-operation (prightness Awareness of Ethicality Contentment Responsibility to Sta*eholders

Ethics and Values


lies in doing+ )alues in being and becoming Ethics is nothing but an e'pression of )alues

Institutionalising Ethics

,rganisational and !rofessional

Ethics Codes of Conduct Compliance Ethics Cognitive Ethics Consciousness Ethics


as Role %odels Serving the issue+ !erfection the aim

Tatas as Pioneers and Wealth reators for the Indian !ation

.ata Steel .ata Electric .elco .ata Chemicals .ata .ea #ndian Hotels .itan #ndustries .ata Consultancy Services

#ndian #nstitute of Science .ata #nstitute for /undamental Research .ata %emorial Hospital .ata #nstitute for Social Sciences 0amshedpur- A %odel City .ata Council for Community #nitiatives Rural "evelopment1 .ribal 2elfare

ould "e learn fro# the Tata e$perience?


whole of that wealth is held in trust for the people and used e'clusively for their benefit .he cycle is thus complete4 what came from the people has gone bac* to the people many times over - 0R" .ata

Leading onsciousl%

,neself Assurance+ not Cynicism 2illingness to 2ait &ever say die

T&'!( )*+

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