09-Ethics, Values and Leadership
09-Ethics, Values and Leadership
09-Ethics, Values and Leadership
Ranjan Mitter
Is Ethics a Fad?
wave in business schools? Consumers and Employees more Socially Responsive Centrality of the Human Being in the postindustrial society Hence Ethics
"isclosure #ncreased !ublic Concern $ovt Regulation Education of Business %anager &ew Social E'pectations of Business
Reversing Priorities
%aterialism Competition Corruption Awareness Human
lies in doing+ )alues in being and becoming Ethics is nothing but an e'pression of )alues
Institutionalising Ethics
.ata Steel .ata Electric .elco .ata Chemicals .ata .ea #ndian Hotels .itan #ndustries .ata Consultancy Services
#ndian #nstitute of Science .ata #nstitute for /undamental Research .ata %emorial Hospital .ata #nstitute for Social Sciences 0amshedpur- A %odel City .ata Council for Community #nitiatives Rural "evelopment1 .ribal 2elfare
whole of that wealth is held in trust for the people and used e'clusively for their benefit .he cycle is thus complete4 what came from the people has gone bac* to the people many times over - 0R" .ata
Leading onsciousl%
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