When people spell his name with two Ls When people mistake Colin, a NOT SO UNCOMMON NAME with Colon, the large intestine The statement you are tall! He knows hes tall, please If you would like to talk to him, small talk is not necessary.
Causes more action potentials in the presynaptic neuron The postsynaptic neuron firing rate is 3.5 times faster with someone on nicotine than it normally is. Causes more dopamine to be released in each vesicle
Releases Adrenaline, increasing blood pressure and heart rate = o Activation of bodys Fight or Flight response. Blocks the release of the hormone Insulin which tells the cells to take excess Glucose from the bloodstream. o Hyperglycemic (High blood sugar) Damages cilia leading to the lungs, preventing them from removing germs and crud in the lungs, Affects the production of white blood cells, increasing susceptibility to infection. Exposes gums to bacteria. Yellows teeth. Stinky mouth. o Orbit >Marlboro
Increases risk of: o Heart Attack o Stroke o Heart Disease o Aneurysms Can have the same side effects as Diabetes because of lack of Insulin. Can cause cancer. (Enough Nicotine causes irreparable mutations of cells leading to tumors). Ulcers Male Impotence
Nicotine Kills.
FDA - Side Effects of Nicotine - October 28, 2013 12,000 People sampled Side Effect Nausea Redness of Skin Itching Dizziness Drug Ineffective Nicotine Dependence Headache Chest Pain Number of Reports 1,991 1,652 1,518 1,149 1,088 1,082 1,026 808 Nausea is an effect common to diabetics, ex-smokers, people with high blood pressure, and depression. The Recent study was conducted to find the latest outcomes of Nicotine.
Since it is used to quit smoking, for stress and anxiety, through addiction, and widely used for recreational purposes, the FDA wanted to find the new effects of the substance.
After the study, scientists were able to infer that Nausea is the leading side effect, common amongst Nicotine users.
General Discomfort
Fun Facts
Peppers, eggplants and tomatoes contain small amounts of nicotine.
Articles of interest - the brain. (n.d.). Retrieved from Fleury, M. (2011, April 21). [Web log message]. Retrieved from from fda reports: side effects of nicotine for a male patient aged 56. (2013, Oct 28). Retrieved from Muzzy, D. (2006). The effects of drugs and disease on synaptic transmission. Retrieved from Nicotine effects. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wolters Kluwer. (n.d.). Retrieved from