/**************************************************************************** Header file for template Flat Sate Machine based on the Gen2 Events and Services Framework ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef BalanceFSM_H #define BalanceFSM_H // Event Definitions #include "ES_Configure.h" #include "ES_Types.h" // typedefs for the states // State definitions for use with the query function typedef enum {FirstBInit, InitBState, AOffBalWait, AOnBalWait, BothOffBalance, AOnBalance, BothOnBalance, BOnBalance} BalanceState_t ;
// Public Function Prototypes bool InitBalanceFSM ( uint8_t Priority ); bool PostBalanceFSM( ES_Event ThisEvent ); ES_Event RunBalanceFSM( ES_Event ThisEvent ); BalanceState_t QueryBalanceFSM ( void );