USA Visa Guidelines
USA Visa Guidelines
USA Visa Guidelines
Sized such that the head is between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches (22 mm and 35 mm) or 50% and 69% of the ima e!s tota" hei ht from the bottom of the chin to the to# of the head$ %iew the &hoto 'om#osition (em#"ate for more size re)uirement detai"s$ (a*en within the "ast 6 months to ref"ect +our current a##earance (a*en in front of a #"ain white or off,white bac* round
&hoto must be 2 inches b+ 2 inches (he hei ht of the head (to# of hair to bottom of chin) shou"d measure 1 inch to 1 3/8 inches (25 mm , 35 mm) -a*e sure the e+e hei ht is between 1 1/8 inches to 1 3/8 inches (28 mm 0 35 mm) from the bottom of the #hoto
(he to# of the head1 inc"udin the hair1 to the bottom of the chin must be between 50% and 69% of the ima e!s tota" hei ht$ (he e+e hei ht (measured from the bottom of the ima e to the "e.e" of the e+es) shou"d be between 56% and 69% of the ima e!s hei ht$ 2ma e #i/e" dimensions must be in a s)uare as#ect ratio (meanin the hei ht must be e)ua" to the width)$ -inimum acce#tab"e dimensions are 600 #i/e"s (width) / 600 #i/e"s (hei ht)$ -a/imum acce#tab"e dimensions are 1200 #i/e"s (width) / 1200 #i/e"s (hei ht)$
The B-1/B-2 visitor visa is for people traveling to the United States temporarily for business (B-1) or for pleasure or medical treatment (B-2) !enerally" the B-1 visa is for travelers consulting #ith business associates" attending scientific" educational" professional or business conventions/conferences" settling an estate or negotiating contracts The B-2 visa is for travel that is recreational in nature" including tourism" visits #ith friends or relatives" medical treatment and activities of a fraternal" social or service nature $ften" the B-1 and B-2 visas are combined and issued as one visa% the B-1/B-2
&f you apply for a B-1/B-2 visa" you must demonstrate to a consular officer that you 'ualify for a U S visa in accordance #ith the U S &mmigration and (ationality )ct (&()) Section 21*(b) of the &() presumes that every B-1/B-2 applicant is an intending immigrant +ou must overcome this legal presumption by sho#ing%
That the purpose of your trip to the United States is for a temporary visit" such as business" pleasure" or medical treatment That you plan to remain in the United States for a specific" limited period of time ,vidence of funds to cover your e-penses #hile in the United States That you have a residence outside the United States" as #ell as other binding social or economic ties" that #ill ensure your return abroad at the end of your visit Personal or domestic employees and crew members aboard vessels #ithin the $uter /ontinental Shelf may 'ualify for B-1 visas under certain circumstances Some foreign nationals may be ineligible for visas according to The &mmigration and (ationality )ct +ou can read more about The &mmigration and (ationality )ct and visa ineligibility here
Application Items
&f you apply for a business/tourist visa" you must submit the follo#ing%
) (onimmigrant 0isa ,lectronic )pplication (1S-123) 4orm 0isit the DS-16 web pa!e for more information about the 1S-123 ) passport valid for travel to the United States #ith a validity date at least si- months beyond your intended period of stay in the United States (unless country-specific a!reements provide e-emptions) &f more than one person is included in your passport" each person desiring a visa must submit an application $ne (1) 25-25 (6cm-6cm) photograph ta.en #ithin the last si- months "his web pa!e has information about the re'uired photo format ) receipt sho#ing payment of your US7123 non-refundable nonimmigrant visa application processing fee paid in local currency "his web pa!e has more information about paying this fee &f a visa is issued" there may be an additional visa issuance reciprocity fee" depending on your nationality The 1epartment of State8s websitecan help you find out if you must pay a visa issuance reciprocity fee and #hat the fee amount is &n addition to these items" you must present an intervie# appointment letter confirming that you boo.ed an appointment through this service +ou may also bring #hatever supporting documents you believe support the information provided to the consular officer
#ow to Apply
Step 1
/omplete the $onimmi!rant %isa &lectronic Application 'DS-16 ( form
Step 2
Step 3
Schedule your appointment on this #eb page +ou need three pieces of information in order to schedule your appointment% +our passport number The ref transaction number from your ban. receipt (/lic. here if you need help finding this number ) The ten (13) digit barcode number from your 1S-123 confirmation page
Step 4
0isit the )*S* &mbassy on the date and time of your visa intervie# +ou must bring a printed copy of your appointment letter" your 1S-123 confirmation page" one photograph ta.en #ithin the last si- months and your current and all old passports )pplications #ithout all of these items #ill not be accepted
)s you go through the process you #ill be able to select your visa type" enter personal data" add dependents" select your document delivery location" confirm visa payment" and schedule your appointment
+ou #ill need to lo! in to your profile #ith the same credentials you used to pay your visa fee $nce you are in the system" you #ill see your dashboard /lic. on Schedule )ppointment on the left-hand side menu This #ill start the process for scheduling your appointment +ou #ill need%
+our passport number The ref transaction number from your ban. receipt /lic. here if you need help finding this number The ten (13) digit barcode number from your 1S-123 confirmation page
Step 5
0isit the )*S* &mbassy on the date and time of your visa intervie# Be sure to chec. the Schedule +y Appointmentpage for the necessary documentation needed for your appointment
Step 6
&f your visa is approved" the visa #ill be available for pic. up at the U S ,mbassy
Supportin! Documents
Supporting documents are only one of many factors a consular officer #ill consider in your intervie# /onsular officers loo. at each application individually and consider professional" social" cultural and other factors during ad:udication /onsular officers may loo. at your specific intentions" family situation" and your long-range plans and prospects #ithin your country of residence ,ach case is e-amined individually and is accorded every consideration under the la# ,aution- Do not present false documents 4raud or misrepresentation can result in permanent visa ineligibility &f confidentiality is of concern" the applicant should bring the documents to the U S ,mbassy in a sealed envelope The U S ,mbassy #ill not ma.e this information available to anyone and #ill respect the confidentiality of the information
+ou should bring the follo#ing documents to your intervie# $riginal documents are al#ays preferred over photocopies and you must bring these documents #ith you to the intervie# 1o not fa-" email or mail any supporting documents to the U S ,mbassy
/urrent proof of income" ta- payments" property or business o#nership" or assets +our travel itinerary and/or other e-planation about your planned trip ) letter from your employer detailing your position" salary" ho# long you have been employed" any authori;ed vacation" and the business purpose" if any" of your U S trip /riminal/court records pertaining to any arrest or conviction any#here" even if you completed your sentence or #ere later pardoned )dditionally" based on your purpose of travel" you should consider bringing the follo#ing%
Bring your latest school results" transcripts and degrees/diplomas )lso bring evidence of financial support such as monthly ban. statements" fi-ed deposit slips" or other evidence
Working adults
Bring an employment letter from your employer and pay slips from the most recent three months
Visiting a relative
Bring photocopies of your relative8s proof of status (e g !reen /ard" naturali;ation certificate" valid visa" etc)
nited States
&f you #ere previously in the United States" any documents attesting to your immigration or visa status