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Flame Ionization Detector

The most utilized detector Detects C-H Bonds

Needs Hydrogen ( H2 ) and Air as fuel gases in a ratio of 1:10 Requires a High ( Biasing ) Voltage (160-170 VDC) for baseline

Detects PPB to percent levels Excellent stability and longevity Destructive detector

Flow Control
Hydrogen pressure regulated through a H2 Restrictor for a flow of 30-50 mL/min Air pressure regulated through an Air Restrictor for a flow of 300-500 mL/min Carrier Gas may also be hydrogen in small quantities - It can not skew the H2/Air Ratio

Detector Connections
Machined metal adapters Wide Bore Capillary with or without Make-up Gas Narrow Bore Capillary ( 0.1 0.32 mm ID ) adapters need Make-up Gas

Ignition Process
Hydrogen Gas last

Lighter Match Filament

FID Diagram

Hydrogen at 50 mL/min Air at 500 mL/min 30 mL/min Carrier plus Make-up Gas

Isolation Flame Out Flame On No Collector No HV

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