GCAL 1: C|ose the ach|evement gap on the Lng||sh CS1 by cont|nu|ng to |mprove the percentage of students perform|ng at prof|c|ent or advanced and decrease the number of students perform|ng at be|ow bas|c and far be|ow bas|c for a|| subgroups, but espec|a||y LL's.
Growth 1argets kat|ona|e L|nk to LSLk's A yearly lncrease ln Lhe of sLudenLs performlng aL proflclency and advance ln CS1-LLA by 10 comblned. 8y lncreaslng readlng and wrlLlng skllls, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo perform aL proflclency levels on local, dlsLrlcL and sLaLe benchmarks. Graduates will be. Confident, Articulate Communicators Critical Thinkers Proactive Citizens
A yearly decrease ln Lhe of sLudenLs performlng below baslc and far below baslc ln CS1-LLA by 10 comblned. A yearly lncrease ln Lhe of passlng raLe of CAPSLL-LLA by 3. A yearly lncrease ln Lhe of sLudenLs scorlng proflclenL on Lhe LLA CAPSLL by 7. A yearly lncrease ln Lhe of sLudenLs 8eclasslfylng by 3. 8y lncreaslng readlng and wrlLlng skllls ln Lngllsh Learners, sLudenLs wlll be able lmprove on local, dlsLrlcL and sLaLe benchmarks closlng Lhe achlevemenL gap Graduates will be. Confident, Articulate Communicators Critical Thinkers A yearly lncrease of 10 ln Lhe Annual CLLu1 CrowLh (AMAC-1) for LL and SLudenLs wlLh ulsablllLles subgroups. (68 of SLudenLs wlLh ulsablllLles are LL's) A yearly lncrease ln Lhe average readlng grade level by 1.3 based on Lhe AcceleraLed 8eader S1A8 LesL. 8y lmprovlng readlng skllls, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo lmprove Lhelr performance on local, dlsLrlcL and sLaLe benchmarks. Graduates will be. Confident, Articulate Communicators Critical Thinkers Proactive Citizens
A yearly lncrease of 3 ln Lhe passlng of A- C courses wlLh a C or beLLer for 9 Lh and 10 Lh grade. 8y lmprovlng ln Lhe passlng raLe of A-C courses, a greaLer number of sLudenLs are galnlng Lhe sLandards based knowledge Lo perform aL proflclency levels on local, dlsLrlcL and sLaLe benchmarks. A yearly lncrease of 10 ln Lhe passlng of A-C courses wlLh a C or beLLer for 11 Lh and 12 Lh grade.
Act|on Items]Act|v|t|es]Strateg|es Measurement kesources Needed kespons|b|e erson(s) 1|me||ne Mon|tor|ng LsLabllsh LlsL of ower SLandards LlsL of grade level and/or sub[ecL areas sLandards wlLh number of CS1 quesLlons. u 1lme AdmlnlsLraLlve 1eam, ConLenL Leads 8/13/2012 Local lndlvldual uaLa Summary aclng plans hlghllghLlng power sLandards CbservaLlons uevelop a Llmellne/paclng plan Lo Leach all power sLandards 1lmellne of evaluaLlon wlLh daLes of speclflc u 1lme AdmlnlsLraLlve 1eam, ConLenL Leads 8/22/2012 aclng plans hlghllghLlng power sLandards. sLandards CbservaLlons eer CbservaLlons uslng Lhe SCCL roLocol. Cne per semesLer. Summary of ueparLmenL meeLlngs dlscusslng flndlngs of observaLlons. 8elease 1lme Sub-1lme u 1lme AdmlnlsLraLlve 1eam, ConLenL Leads 8y november and Aprll of each year Schedule of CbservaLlons CbservaLlon noLes Cngolng lnLervenLlon rovlde lnLervenLlon durlng Lhe cycle/unlL for Lhose sLudenLs LhaL have noL masLered Lhe sLandards wlLhln Lhe cycle/unlL. Lngllsh every day for 9 Lh and 10 Lh
grade 8eadlng lnLervenLlon for sLudenLs wlLh a readlng level below Lhe 4 Lh
grade. SLudenL musL show masLery of each sLandard durlng lnLervenLlon and/or double block. lmproved SLudenL grades, Plgher level quesLlons. SLudenL schedule ls changed based ongolng assessmenLs. u 1lme 1uLorlng x- 1lme rofesslonal x- 1lme Auxlllary 1lme u on lnLervenLlon pracLlces lMA- lnLervenLlon maLerlals
AdmlnlsLraLlve 1eam, ConLenL Leads, LLA 1eachers Cngolng based on benchmark assessmenLs.
8eglnnlng of lall and Sprlng SemesLers Local lndlvldual uaLa Summary lnLervenLlon AssessmenL 8esulLs MasLer Schedule SLudenL programs School-wlde readlng program AcceleraLed 8eader lMA- lnLervenLlon AdmlnlsLraLlve MonLh afLer each AcceleraLed 8eader AssessmenLs MaLerlals 1eam SemesLer monlLorlng 8osLers rofesslonal uevelopmenL SLandard-based core currlculum ulfferenLlaLe lnsLrucLlon o SuAlL o Scaffoldlng o MeLhodologles uaLa-drlven lnsLrucLlon Academlc rlgor LlLeracy across all conLenLs CompleLe Lralnlng all Leachers wlLh LqulLy and Access. uevelop a rofesslonal Calendar wlLh leadershlp Leam. Weekly observaLlons Lo ensure proper dellver of lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles. u 1lme 1eacher x 1lme Sub 1lme ConLracL servlces AdmlnlsLraLlve 1eam, ConLenL Leads Cngolng CbservaLlon noLes Local 8enchmarks resulLs ueparLmenL MeeLlng noLes
Io||ow-up: LAuSu LLA erlodlc AssessmenLs (CuarLerly-3 Llmes per year) Lnd of SemesLer AssessmenL 8esulLs for AcceleraLed 8eader CS1-LLA 8esulLs Covernlng 8oard Analyses
GCAL 2: C|ose the ach|evement gap on the Math CS1 by cont|nu|ng to |mprove the percentage of students perform|ng at prof|c|ent or advanced and decrease the number of students perform|ng at be|ow bas|c and far be|ow bas|c for a|| subgroups, but espec|a||y LL's.
Growth 1argets kat|ona|e L|nk to LSLk's A yearly lncrease ln Lhe of sLudenLs performlng aL proflclency and advance ln CS1-MaLh by 10 comblned. 8y lncreaslng readlng and wrlLlng skllls, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo perform aL proflclency levels on local, dlsLrlcL and sLaLe benchmarks. Graduates will be. Confident, Articulate Communicators Critical Thinkers Proactive Citizens
A yearly decrease ln Lhe of sLudenLs performlng below baslc and far below baslc ln CS1-MaLh by 10 comblned. A yearly lncrease ln Lhe of passlng raLe of CAPSLL-MaLh by 3. A yearly lncrease ln Lhe of sLudenLs scorlng proflclenL on Lhe CAPSLL-MaLh by 7. A yearly lncrease of 3 ln Lhe passlng of A- C courses wlLh a C or beLLer for 9 Lh and 10 Lh grade. 8y lmprovlng ln Lhe passlng raLe of A-C courses, a greaLer number of sLudenLs are galnlng Lhe sLandards based knowledge Lo perform aL proflclency levels on local, dlsLrlcL and sLaLe benchmarks. A yearly lncrease of 10 ln Lhe passlng of A-C courses wlLh a C or beLLer for 11 Lh and 12 Lh grade.
Act|on Items]Act|v|t|es]Strateg|es Measurement kesources Needed kespons|b|e erson(s) 1|me||ne Mon|tor|ng LsLabllsh LlsL of ower SLandards LlsL of grade level and/or sub[ecL areas sLandards wlLh number of CS1 quesLlons. u 1lme AdmlnlsLraLlve 1eam, ConLenL Leads 8/13/2012 Local lndlvldual uaLa Summary aclng plans hlghllghLlng power sLandards CbservaLlons uevelop a Llmellne/paclng plan Lo Leach all power sLandards 1lmellne of evaluaLlon wlLh daLes of speclflc sLandards. u 1lme AdmlnlsLraLlve 1eam, ConLenL Leads 8/22/2012 aclng plans hlghllghLlng power sLandards CbservaLlons eer CbservaLlons uslng Lhe SCCL roLocol. Cne per semesLer. Summary of ueparLmenL meeLlngs dlscusslng flndlngs of observaLlons. 8elease 1lme Sub-1lme u 1lme AdmlnlsLraLlve 1eam, ConLenL Leads 8y november and Aprll of each year Schedule of CbservaLlons CbservaLlon noLes Cngolng lnLervenLlon rovlde lnLervenLlon durlng Lhe cycle/unlL for Lhose sLudenLs LhaL have noL masLered Lhe sLandards wlLhln Lhe cycle/unlL. MaLh every day for Algebra and SLudenL musL show masLery of each sLandard durlng lnLervenLlon u 1lme 1uLorlng x- 1lme rofesslonal x- 1lme AdmlnlsLraLlve 1eam, ConLenL Leads, Algebra and CeomeLry 1eachers Cngolng based on benchmark assessmenLs.
8eglnnlng of Local lndlvldual uaLa Summary lnLervenLlon AssessmenL 8esulLs CeomeLry
and/or double block. lmproved SLudenL grades, Plgher level quesLlons. SLudenL schedule ls changed based ongolng assessmenLs. Auxlllary 1lme u on lnLervenLlon pracLlces lMA- lnLervenLlon maLerlals
lall and Sprlng SemesLers MasLer Schedule SLudenL programs rofesslonal uevelopmenL SLandard-based core currlculum ulfferenLlaLe lnsLrucLlon o SuAlL o Scaffoldlng o MeLhodologles uaLa-drlven lnsLrucLlon Academlc rlgor CompleLe Lralnlng all Leachers wlLh LqulLy and Access. uevelop a rofesslonal Calendar wlLh leadershlp Leam. Weekly observaLlons Lo ensure proper dellver of lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles. u 1lme 1eacher x 1lme Sub 1lme ConLracL servlces AdmlnlsLraLlve 1eam, ConLenL Leads Cngolng CbservaLlon noLes Local 8enchmarks resulLs ueparLmenL MeeLlng noLes
Io||ow-up: LAuSu Algebra and CeomeLry erlodlc AssessmenLs (CuarLerly-3 Llmes per year) CS1-MaLh 8esulLs Covernlng 8oard Analyses
GCAL 3: Improve student attendance and trans|ency rate.
Growth 1argets kat|ona|e L|nk to LSLk's A yearly lncrease of 2 ln overall ALLendance 8aLe for sLudenLs. SLudenLs need Lo be on campus, ln Lhe classroom learnlng Lhe skllls needed Lo perform aL proflclency levels ln sLandardlzed assessmenLs. Graduates will be. Confident, Articulate Communicators Critical Thinkers Proactive Citizens
A yearly decrease ln 9 Lh and 10 Lh grade ?early ALLendance raLe. A yearly decrease of 3 ln Lhe lar 8elow 8aslc and 8elow 8aslc ln aLLendance raLe. A yearly decrease ln Lhe raLe of hablLual LruanL sLudenLs by 3.
Campus MonlLorlng lmproved supervlslon 1ardy prevenLaLlve sysLem Pome phone calls for sLudenLs LruanL or Lardy for more Lhan 20 mlnuLes Lncourage Leacher Lo Lake accuraLe dally aLLendance SLudenL Lruancles and Lardles wlll decrease. lunds for supervlslon personnel lunds for Lardy sysLem equlpmenL