Final Last Child in The Woods Book Report

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Mudpies, Dandelion Wishes, and Wildbe ! "o#ions A $oo% Re&ie' o( Ri)ha d Lou&*s +Las# Child In #he Woods, Ann Lau Wa d Wes# Ches#e -ni&e si#! "la! as a Lea ning Mediu. ECE /01

Running head: LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS Mudpies, Dandelion Wishes, and Wildbe ! "o#ions 2ui#e pala#able is a sense o( 'onde in a )hild 'i#h ainboo#s #o he %nees, digging in a pile o( sa#u a#ed, de)o.posing 'ood)hips a(#e a hea&! .o ning ain (o #he +ing edien#s (o )oo%ies3, 2ui#e engaging is #he .ind(ul p a)#i)e o( a b o'n4e!ed (ou !ea old %neeling in #he

'ilds o( he .o#he *s ( on# !a d esou )e(ull! #h eading a ) o'n o( glo'ing dandelions, pausing e&e ! no' and #hen (loa# he d ea.s on #he g e! #u(#s o( seeds #ha# she blo's o(( #he deli)a#e globes3 We e i# no# (o #he )o.pelling d i&e #o e5plo e sand! bea)hes in .! #hi #ies and #he esona#ing spi i#uali#! o( bea ing 'i#ness #o an e.e ging bu##e (l! in .! (o #ies, I .a! ha&e un)ons)iousl! been le(# #hin%ing na#u e belongs #o )hild en3 A(#e all, a en*# ou )hild en, s#i ed b! insa#iable )u iosi#!, #he (ea less e5plo e s o( ou plane#6 Who a e 'e #o la! )lai. #o #he sa.e, den!ing ou )olle)#i&e on #he plane# as 'e 'a#)h #he i)e .el# a# #he poles and s#and b! 'hile #he o)eans be)o.e #he g ound (o dis)a ded plas#i)s and #o5i) pe# oleu. b!4p odu)#s6 Ho' eas! i# is (o us #o den! ou o'n deepe longings (o #he &ine4 ipened

#o.a#o, a 'al% in a ) ee% on a su..e *s da!, and #he songbi d*s # ill announ)ing #he ) o( sp ing, 'hen ou li&es as adul#s a e as )o.ple5 as #he )hallenges 'e (a)e globall!3 Is i# li%el! a )ondi#ion o( ou o'n dis)onne)# ( o. #he na#u al 'o ld #ha# d i&es ou )onsu.p#ion o( apple4in(used #e)hnologies3 In #he global )o..uni#!, #he e is li##le a'e de i&ed ( o. na#u e 'i#hou# #he lens o( #e)hnologies7 in pa # ou ela#ionships 'i#h lo&ed ones depend on i#3 We sha e .o.en#s o( ou li&es in #e5#s, e.ails, and #h ough so)ial .edia and do so e&en 'i#h #hose 'e see e&e !da!3 Ou )hild en a)#i&el! e)ei&e and espond #o #he 'o ld #he! a e o((e ed7 o&e #he )ou se o( ou li(e#i.e, ( o. neona#e #o adul#hood #he di&e si#! o( #he lands)ape e(le)#s ou li&es in an e&e 4e&ol&ing )ul#u al, so)ial, poli#i)al, spi i#ual, and na#u al 'o ld3 In Last Child in the Woods, Ri)ha d Lou& b ings #he bigge pi)#u e o( )hild en*s li&es

Running head: LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS li&ed in )onne)#ion 'i#h #he na#u al 'o ld #o #he (o e( on#3 Lou& asse #s #ha# ou )hild en*s ph!si)al, e.o#ional, and spi i#ual heal#h is a )ondi#ion o( di e)# e5posu e #o and #i.e in na#u e3

His 'o % begs #he 9ues#ion: 'ha# s#ands in #he 'a! o( ou p ese &ing #his aspe)# o( )hildhood (o #he )hild en 'e lo&e6 Can #he o( #he na#u e4de(i)i# in gene a#ions o( !oung )hild en be

.i#iga#ed b! ) ea#ing pa#h'a!s, (l!4:ones, 'a!s#a#ions o( g een #i.e in ou dail! li&es6 "e haps i#*s #i.e #ha# as adul#s 'e ela#e #o .a%ing .udpies, 'ishing on dandelions, and .i5ing 'ildbe ! po#ions as se iousl! as ou )hild en do3 $iophilia, +#he u ge #o a((ilia#e 'i#h o#he (o .s o( li(e,, as h!po#hesi:ed b! Ed'a d O3 Wilson, a))oun#s (o an inna#e, )ellula )onne)#ion o( li(e (o .s (o #he na#u al 'o ld ;Lou&, 800<= and is )onside ed b! .an! as a biologi)al need3 "e haps, as e)ops!)holog! 'ould sugges#, #he e is a dis)onne)#ion be#'een ou inne and ou#e li&es and #hus 'e li&e ep essed ( o. #he un)ons)ious )onne)#ion o( ou li&es #o #he na#u al 'o ld3 A))o ding #o Louise Cha'la, i#*s as si.ple as e)ogni:ing ho' na#u e ou heal#h, )on)en# a#ion, ) ea#i&e pla!, and ho' ou bond 'i#h #he na#u al 'o ld nu #u es a sense o( en&i on.en#al s#e'a dship ;Lou&, 800<=3 Wi#h obesi#! on #he ise and >0? o( obese )hild en ages (i&e #o #en li&ing 'i#h a# leas# one )a dio&as)ula disease is% (a)#o , esea )h sho's #ha# )hild en a e spending less #i.e ou#doo s in uns# u)#u ed a)#i&i#ies su)h as hi%ing, 'al%ing, (ishing, pla!ing on #he bea)h, and ga dening and spending .o e #i.e indoo s, )on(ined #o s.alle spa)es ;Lou&, 800<=3 In addi#ion #o issues o( obesi#! and disease, a g o'ing bod! o( esea )h sugges#s #ha# e5posu e #o na#u e .a! edu)e s!.p#o.s in )hild en 'i#h diagnosis o( a##en#ion de(i# diso de 3 A )hild*s )ogni#i&e abili#! and esis#an)e #o s# ess and dep ession i.p o&es 'i#h e5posu e #o na#u e, )i#es Lou& ;Lou&, 800<=3 +Na#u e de(i)i# diso de , is a #e . )oined b! Lou& #o des) ibe #he e((e)# o( being

Running head: LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS aliena#ed ( o. #he na#u al 'o ld, spe)i(i)all! an indi&idual*s di.inished )apa)i#! (o a##en#ion and senso ! en i)h.en# and in) eased is% (o ph!si)al and e.o#ional illness3 Though #he p es) ip#ion o( an#idep essan#s (o )hild en has al.os# doubled in a (i&e4!ea pe iod a))o ding #o a 800@ su &e!, esea )h asse #s #he apeu#i) bene(i#s o( spending #i.e in na#u e as a ) i#i)al ele.en# o( edu)ing s# ess ;Lou&, 800<=3 As esea )h indi)a#es, pla!ing ou#doo s helps )hild en na&iga#e #hei e.o#ional li&es in a s# ess(ul 'o ld and s#i.ula#es a )hild*s heal#h! senso ! de&elop.en#3 Wi#hou# e5posu e and #i.e in na#u e, a )hild*s senso ! e5pe ien)es a e di.inished7 a )hild*s +p i.a ! e5pe ien)e, ;'ha# is e5pe ien)ed #h ough #he senses= is epla)ed b! +p o)essed in(o .a#ion,, %no'ledge abou# #he 'o ld se &ed #h ough #e)hnologies a#he #han )ons# u)#ed b! (i s# hand e5pe ien)e3 As )hild en de i&e %no'ledge o( #he 'o ld #h ough #hei senses, )onne)#ions a e (o .ed be#'een #he e5#e io ph!si)al 'o ld and in#e io , a((e)#i&e 'o ld3 When a )hild*s )onne)#ion #o na#u e de)lines, so #oo #he )hild*s a)#i&e engage.en# 'i#hin a lands)ape i)h 'i#h senso ! e5pe ien)e and #he )on#e5#s 'i#hin 'hi)h #he )hild builds neu on )onne)#ions #h ough lea ning b! doing3 ;Lou&, 800<= "e haps in ) #o ou senses 'e )an begin #o app e)ia#e 'ha# is .issing in ou o'n li&es and #he li&es o( ou )hild en and #a%e s#eps #o'a d p ese &ing #he )hild4na#u e )onne)#ion3 In Last Child In the Woods Lou& ' i#es abou# # ans(o .ing ou #hin%ing abou# #his )hild4na#u e )onne)#ion, si#ing Ho'a d Aa dne *s 'o % on .ul#iple in#elligen)es and his des) ip#ion o( a )hild*s na#u alis# in#elligen)e as a )ha a)#e is#i) o( a )hild*s inna#e )apa)i#! (o %no'ing #he 'o ld3 While 'e a e )au#ioned #o )onside Aa dne *s 'o % as des) ip#ion o( a )hild*s po#en#ial as a lea ne a#he #han as na o'l! de(ined, isola#ed )o..en#a ! on #he gene#i) gi(#edness o( a )hild, Lou& ' i#es abou# #he po#en#ial (o edu)a#o s 'ho e.b a)e Aa dne *s &ie's on in#elligen)e3 When )onside ing #he na#u al 'o ld as a )on#e5# (o enli&ening ou senses as 'e

Running head: LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS lea n, 'e unde s#and #ha# +pa!ing a##en#ion is easie 'hen !ou* e a)#uall! doing so.e#hing,

a#he #han onl! )onside ing ho' i# .igh# be done, ;Lou&, 800<=3 Bu #he .o e, i# is #hese .ul#i4 senso ! e5pe ien)es #ha# shape )ogni#i&e g o'#h o&e #i.e as )hild en pla! and in#eg a#e (o .al and in(o .al lea ning3 B o. e5pe #s 'ho des) ibe #he bene(i#s #o )hild en o( #he +a )hi#e)#u e and a #i(a)#s, o( #he na#u al 'o ld #o #heo is# 'ho e.b a)e +loose4pa #s, #heo ! ;Lou&, 800<=, #he e is ag ee.en# #ha# b! (os#e ing #he )hild and na#u e )onne)#ion, 'e a e s#i.ula#ing a )hild*s i.agina#ion and ) ea#i&i#! 'i#h open4ended #i.e #o e5plo e, ) ea#e, and in&en#3 Resea )h is e.e ging ( o. #he (ield indi)a#ing #ha# )hild en engage in .o e ) ea#i&e, in)lusi&e, language4based pla!, de.ons# a#e a sense o( 'onde , a e .o e ale #, a e in )on# ol o( #hei bodies, and e.e ge as leade s in so)ial pla! 'hen #he! ha&e a))ess #o uns# u)#u ed #i.e ou#doo s in g een spa)es ;Lou&, 800<=3 Wi#h ega d #o +di e)#ed a##en#ion, and +(as)ina#ion, ;#'o %inds o( a##en#ion des) ibed in 1<C0 b! philosophe and ps!)hologis# Willia., )u en# esea )h sugges#s #ha# an + a##en#ion4 es#o a#i&e en&i on.en#, .i#iga#es #he e((e)# o( +di e)#ion4a##en#ion (a#igue, as e5p essed in )hild en as i.pulsi&i#!, i i#abili#!, di((i)ul#! )on)en# a#ing, and i i#a#ion ;Lou&, 800<=3 In an en&i on.en# 'he e (as)ina#ion and 'onde eli)i# a##en#ion and (o)us, di e)#ed a##en#ion es#s7 #his #!pe o( a##en#ion heals #he 'ea and #ea o( di e)#ed a##en#ion and ene's )on)en# a#ion3 An e5panded &ie' on a##en#ion4 es#o a#i&e #heo !, Lou& sugges#s, 'ould ha&e us )onside ing #he design o( ou, )lass oo.s, and )u i)ula 'i#h g ea#e )onside a#ion (o (os#e ing en&i on.en#s (o lea ning #ha# e(le)# (as)ina#ion and 'onde ;Lou&, 800<=3 C ea#ing .o e g een #i.e (o #he ph!si)al, e.o#ional, and spi i#ual heal#h o( ou )hild en ne)essi#a#es #he ag ee.en# o( pa en#s, edu)a#o s, and .o e b oadl! spea%ing, #he )o..uni#ies, #o'ns, and )i#ies 'i#hin 'hi)h 'e li&e3 In ligh# o( Lou&*s 'o %, i# )an be a gued #ha# g ea#e

Running head: LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS )onside a#ion .us# be .ade (o healing #he b o%en bond 'i#h #he na#u al 'o ld 'i#h in#en#ion and delibe a#e )hoi)e #o do so3 In) easing #i.e in uns# u)#u ed, leisu e #i.e in #he na#u al 'o ld .eans #ha# as adul#s 'e need #o e&alua#e ou )hoi)es on .an! le&els, a gues Lou&, and a# #he (o e( on#, )onside #he )os# o( li&ing ou li&es plugged in#o #e)hnologies #ha# sa#ia#e ou #hi s# (o en#e #ain.en# and in(o .a#ion b! p o)essing i# on ou behal(3 Ou )olle)#i&e gene ali:ed (ea


abou# #he 'o ld a ound (u #he inhibi#s ou see%ing #i.e in na#u e7 ou# o( ou )on)e ns ;o(#en (ab i)a#ed b! #he .edia #ha# su ounds us= 'e ) ea#e 'a!s o( #hin%ing in#ended #o %eep ou )hild en ( o. ha .3 We li&e b! ules, egula#ions, la's, and #he (ea o( li#iga#ion3 We see% #o s# u)#u e )hild en*s s)hedules as 'ell as #he ange o( )hild en*s a)#i&i#ies3 As 'e )on(ine ou )hild en*s sense o( pla)e #o isola#ed subu ban ba)%!a ds and &ie's o( #he 'o ld ( o. #he po )hes o( ou u ban s#i#)hed #oge#he b! side'al%s and s# ee#s, )hild en a e es# i)#ed ( o. #he oppo #uni#ies #o # ansla#e and in#e p e# #hei e5pe ien)es ;Lou&, 800<=3 Lou& )au#ions us (u #he 3 In ligh# o( 'ha# is %no'n abou# +e)ophobia, ;#he (ea o( +e)ologi)al de#e io a#ion,=, 'e a e is%ing e oding a sense o( 'onde and a'e abou# #he na#u al 'o ld in ou )hild en3 While #he bu den o( +sa&ing #he plane#, )u i)ula in ou s)hools .a! ha&e unin#ended )onse9uen)es o( disasso)ia#ing )hild en 'i#h Eo! and 'onde , edu)a#o s )an 'o % in #ande. 'i#h pa en#s and )o..uni#ies, eshaping #he #hin%ing #ha# is #he (ounda#ion o( ou )hoi)es (o )hild en3 As edu)a#o s, 'e .a! e5a.ine #he oo#s o( ou .e#hodolog! and s)ope o( edu)a#ional )u i)ulu. and open pa#h'a!s (o hands4on lea ning in ou#doo )lass oo.s3 Toge#he 'e .a! design indoo and ou#doo en&i on.en#s shaped b! #he esea )h #ha# sugges#s #he need (o a deep, .eaning(ul, e5p essed )onne)#ion #o #he na#u al 'o ld and in(o .ed p a)#i)e3 Lou& sugges#s #ha# 'e de) ease s) een #i.e and in) ease #i.e 'i#h ou )hild en, e5plo ing #he na#u al 'o ld o( ou ba)%!a ds and )o..uni#ies, building b idges o( # us# in ou

Running head: LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS )o..uni#ies a#he #han (ea , being 'i#h )hild en in na#u e ;'a#)hing, )olle)#ing, )a#)hingF eleasing, e(le)#ingF e)o ding=, and suppo #ing #he de&elop.en# o( sel(4)on(iden)e in

#he na#u al 'o ld 'i#h ph!si)al )hallenges ;hi%ing, 'al%ing, ) and s%ills 'i#h na#u alis#s* #ools ;)o.pass, bino)ula s, s%e#)hpad, lea(F(lo'e p ess, bu##e (l! ne#, )olle)#ion Ea , )a.e a e#)3= ;Lou&, 800<=3 Though ou s#a #ing poin#s .a! loo% &e ! di((e en#, a g o'ing )onsensus (o )ha i#!, 'ildness, and #he igh#s o( )hild en is a possibili#! ;Lou&, 800<=3 We e all pa en#s, edu)a#o s, .edi)al p o(essionals, and )o..uni#! leade s able #o ) ea#e #he spa)e in #hei li&es #o unpa)% and sa&o #he insigh# Lou& e&eals in his densel!4)ons# u)#ed boo%, The Last Child In the Woods, i# .a! be e&en .o e o( a possibili#!3 As a bell4 inge (o #hose al ead! lis#ening, Ri)ha d Lou&*s s!n#hesis o( #heo !, esea )h, pe sonal in#e &ie's, and e(le)#ion in 'ill esona#e deepl!3 "e haps #he g ea#es# o( o( Lou&*s land.a % 'o %, ho'e&e , 'ill be in ho' i# is # ansla#ed and in#e p e#ed7 ho' #he +loose pa #s, o( #he Lou&*s ' i##en lands)ape spu i.agina#ion, in&en#ion, and ) ea#i&i#! in ou sea )h #o nu #u e a sense o( )onne)#ion #o #he na#u al 'o ld (o ou )hild en3 Ta%ing i# one )hap#e a# a #i.e, #his 'o % is, as Lou& des) ibes na#u e, (e)#l! pe (e)#, (illed 'i#h loose pa #s and possibili#ies, 'i#h .ud and dus#, ne##les and s%!, # ans)enden# hands4on .o.en#s and s%inned %nees, ;Lou&, 800<=3 Whe e .udpies, dandelion 'ishes, and 'ildbe ! po#ions and o#he (o )es o( na#u e a e indeed e&e ed, I suspe)# #he e 'ill be no )hild le(# behind3

Running head: LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS Re(e en)es Lou&, R3 ;800<=3 Last child in the woods. ;8nd ed3, Re&3=3 Chapel Hill, No #h Ca olina: Algon9uin $oo%s o( Chapel Hill3


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