Water: DMC 310 Black
Water: DMC 310 Black
Water: DMC 310 Black
* To work out the size of the finished article, take the number of stitches and divide it by the count of your fabric (e.g 14,16,18 count aida etc) to get the size in inches. Times it by 2.5 to get centimetres. * PLEASE NOTE: Our patterns are printed in a grid showing 10 x 10 stitches in each box. You may notice that the pages that run vertical have a maximum number of 9 rows at the top or bottom of a page. You are not missing a row or rows of stitches, this is the way our patterns print. It allows us to have larger print for your symbols. * You should begin at the centre of the pattern which has been marked by a circle for you. To find the centre of the pattern it is just a matter of counting the vertical and horizontal stitches and divide them by half. Where the two points meet that is the centre. * Pattern is for personal use only and is not to be sold,copied or redistributed in any form.Copyright of Artecy Cross Stitch. * 95 stitches wide by 118 stitches high, 1 colour used Note: Any colour could be used for this pattern.