Ur Tech Math Smartboard

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Kim Davis

Lesson Plan: Math Introduction Lesson topic: Fractions: Addition and Subtraction Length of Lesson: 90 minutes VA SOL 4.5 The student will: b) add and subtract fractions having like and unlike denominators that are limited to 2,3,4,5,6, 6,10, and 12, and simplify the resulting fractions, using common multiple and factors Context: third lesson on fractions. Students have reviewed vocabulary involved with fractions. Global Themes: Students will develop an understanding of fractions and how to use them.

Content Objectives

Students will Develop an understanding of how to add and subtract fractions. Utilize prior knowledge to find common multiples of denominators, as well as reducing fraction to lowest term.

Assessment Aligned to Objectives Formative Students will illustrate in math center/teacher station their understanding of adding and subtracting fractions by solving equations with teacher, including converting fractions with different denominators and simplifying fractions. Summative Students will classify multiples of numbers in math journal. Students will apply their knowledge of reducing fractions in math computer games. Students will demonstrate their knowledge of multiple in a math card game.

Materials/Technology and Advanced Preparation SMART board Math song (part of Banana Boat Song) Math card game: Multiple Minion, 3 copies on colored cardstock Computers, internet access SMART board Foldable printout (25 copies) Dry erase boards Dry erase markers 6 Clipboards for computers

Kim Davis

List of math computer web sites, 6 slips Math journals 2 Youtube videos (listed in references) Math center cups

Teaching and Learning Sequence

TIME TEACHER ACTIONS Introduction/Anticipatory Set Play Banana Boat song segment indictating.it is time 5 for math to begin. minutes Show the students the Youtube video, Cooking up Fractions. Video sets up lesson and reminds students of some basic fraction vocabulary. STUDENT ACTIONS




math lesson. Students watch video

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCqYoL1 a3a4
Lesson Development
3 minutes 25 minutes Explain you are continuing to work on fractions. Review vocabulary terms, asking for answers and examples of: numerator, denominator, multiples. Explain that today you will begin adding and subtracting fractions. Pass out dry erase boards to students and have them get out dry erase markers. Begin SMART board presentation. Presentation is interactive with students. Students will use dry erase boards to work problems along with teacher. Presentation illustrates and explains how to add and subtract fractions, with both the same and different denominators. Presentation involves manipulates as well as the steps to solving the equations. Students will use dry erase boards to work problems along with teacher during the presentation. Students will hold up their boards for the teacher to see their answers, as well as the teacher walking around room to see their boards. Teacher will have students come up to board at various times to work problems on SMART board

Students give answers and review vocabulary terms.

Students get out dry erase markers and dry erase boards.




with teachers SMART board presentation on their dry erase boards. Students will hold up their boards with their answers when the

teacher ask them to. Students will come up to board when called and assist problems. in solving

Kim Davis

After SMART board presentation, instruct the class that it is time for math centers and explain and show each one to the class: Students prepare for

math centers. Students listen and watch as

Station one: Computer math games. Clipboards next to computers have four different sites with math games focusing on fractions, finding

teacher reviews centers.

common denominators, and finding common multiples. Station two: Math Journal Foldable. Each student is to put the multiples of each number in that numbers box. Group can work together to find numbers and check work. Color each number strip a different color. Each student will fold and glue in their math journal notebook to use as a reference. There is the teachers copy of a completed foldable at the side table to check answers. Station three: Multiple Minion Game. Card game, similar to Old Maid. Students work in groups of 2-3 people. Deal out all cards. One player at a time draws a card from the player to their right without looking at cards. If they have a card that is a multiple of that number, then they have a match and place that match down. The minion card has no match, whoever ends the game with it loses.. Station four: Teacher station at reading table. Teacher has students use dry erase boards and markers. The teacher gives the students fraction addition and subtractions problems, one at a time, to have students solve them with her. Teacher will ask students to explain their reasons on how they
50 minutes

solved it. Teacher will also provide strategies and assistance for students who are having difficulty, Have students begin their center rotation. Groups are pre-assigned math color groups. (5-6 students in
a group, groups are varied in abilities.)

Students begin centers and center rotation. their

Students center


Students stay with their assigned math groups and rotate through the stations. Teacher rings bell

rotation. When

students hear the bell,

Kim Davis

when time to change stations. Groups have assigned colors that coordinate with cups at each
2 minutes




switching to the next station. When they see the red cup, they know centers are over and clean up, returning to their desks.

center. When bell rings, one student will move their cups putting it on bottom of stack. Last cup is red for the end of center time. Students clean up centers and return to desk.

5 minutes Have class discuss how centers went and ask if there are any question about adding and subtracting fractions. Show the Mario video on adding and subtracting fractions

Students centers.


Students watch video



Computer, online game, Reducing fractions: http://www.mathplayground.com/fractions_reduce.html Computer, online game, Reducing fractions: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/fractions/reduce_fractions_shoot.htm Computer, online game, Common multiples: http://www.fun4thebrain.com/beyondfacts/lcmsnowball.html Computer, online game, Common multiples: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/fractions/LeastCommonMultiple.htm
Youtube video: Mario adding and subtracting fractions :


Youtube: Cooking Up Fractions:


Kim Davis

Lesson Organizer Prior Knowledge and NEW Instructional Content

Prior Knowledge: Students will know and understand: Basic addition and subtraction A factor of a number is an integer that divides evenly into that number with a remainder of zero. A factor of a number is a divisor of the number. A multiple of a number is the product of the number and any natural number. A common factor of two or more numbers is a divisor that all of the numbers share. The least common multiple of two or more numbers is the smallest common multiple of the given numbers. New Content: Students will solve problems that involve adding and subtracting with fractions having like and unlike denominators whose denominators are limited to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 12, and simplify the resulting fraction using common multiples and factors.
Instructional Modifications to ASSIST Students Review math vocabulary, be shown examples. Interactive presentation. Students will work on personal dry erase boards along with teacher. Teacher will walk around during presentation to observe students work. Math centers: Students will work in groups of 5-6 students of varied abilities. One Station is teacher station with equations worked and explained by students to teacher. Teacher can focus on more basic equations. One station has students making a multiples chart for math journal for future reference. Students can work in groups to find answers. Students can reference answers on example foldable. Students can use multiple foldable during math centers. Main Events of Instruction Review and give examples of math vocabulary Interactive presentation. Students will work on personal dry erase boards along with teacher. Teacher will walk around during presentation to observe students work. Students will be called up to solve problems on board. Math centers: Students will work in groups of 5-6 students of varied abilities. One Station is teacher station with equations worked and explained by students to teacher. One station has students making a multiples chart for math journal for future reference. Instructional Modifications to CHALLENGE Students Review and give examples of math vocabulary Interactive presentation. Students will work on personal dry erase boards along with teacher. Teacher will walk around during presentation to observe students work. Students will be called up to solve problems on board. Math centers: Students will work in groups of 5-6 students of varied abilities. One Station is teacher station with equations worked and explained by students to teacher. Teacher can focus on more complex equations. One station has students making a multiples chart for math journal for future reference.

Kim Davis

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