429 Lesson 3
429 Lesson 3
429 Lesson 3
Rev. 2013
Lesson #
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Learning Objective: When given important information about the three tribes of South Carolina, students will be able to effectively recall, compare, and distinguish facts between the three. (80% accuracy) Alignment with Standards: 3-2.1 Compare the culture, governance, and physical environment of the major Native American tribal groups of South Carolina, including the Cherokee, Catawba, and Yemassee. Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: This objective is appropriate developmentally because it prepares the students for the next step in history, builds their confidence, improves their teamwork ability, and builds more positive and mature relationships within the class. Assessment(s) of the Objectives: Lesson Objective(s) Assessment(s) of the Objective(s) Assessment for Objective 1: Pre- Ask what the students already know about the tribes of South Carolina During- Observe the information being discussed and put on the posters amongst each group Post- The students will be given a 10 question quiz on all three tribes Use of Formative Assessment Because this will be my first time instructing with group activity, this will inform me whether or not the group work is effective for all students. If the groups are effective, it will show what I may need to differently when selecting those groups.
Objective 1: When given important information about the three tribes of South Carolina, students will be able to effectively recall, compare, and distinguish facts between the three. (80% accuracy)
Accommodations: The groups are premade and color-coded by their actual teacher. I will make sure each group will balance out with a shy student, more talkative student, weaker student, and a stronger student. This will give the less active students more help from a peer and build confidence, yet allow the stronger student to realize that the spotlight can be shared. Those who tend to get involved in horseplay will be placed into different groups. Materials: Social studies journals, pencils, posters, crayons Procedures: 1. Inform the class that we will be doing a small review on what theyve learned the previous week 2. Explain that they will be put into groups to create a poster on a specific tribe they will be assigned 3. Let them know that they can add drawings as well as words to the poster 4. Call groups by color and assign a tribe to each 5. Give the children the option to use floor space 6. Explain that they have five minutes to look at their notes in that particular content area 7. Set the timer and allow them to start 8. Once the timer goes off, instruct them to put up all notes and get out their pencils and crayons 9. Students are asked to disperse and work 10. After 15 minutes, students are asked to complete final thoughts and return back to their seats
Rev. 2013
11. Once they are back to their seats, all students are asked to be respectful while others have the floor 12. They are asked group by group to come to the carpet and present 13. Once all presentations are over the students will be informed about and shown the 10 question quiz 14. They will be told that there is a word bank, but to choose carefully because all words will not be used 15. Students will be asked once they finish to turn it in to the U-shaped table, pack up, and sit quietly with a book 16. The quizzes and cover sheets will be passed out and the students will be able to start 17. Once they are done I will thank them and tell them what a good job they did Activity Analysis: 1. Activity one is allowing the students to work in groups and create a poster on their assigned tribe. This will create positive teamwork and improve recollection. 2. Once the posters are done, the groups will be given the opportunity to present them to the entire class. This teaches leadership and works on communication. Technology will not be used because the students will be doing the presenting as a review. All information will be coming from notes in their journals from previous classes and the posters they will create and talk about.