Conversation in The Library
Conversation in The Library
Conversation in The Library
When I want to the library for borrow many book, I go to the library soon Irfan : Assalamualaikum.. (Smile) Librarian: Waalaikumsalam warohmah Irfan : Sir. Could you help me? Where can I find books of Electricity Enginering? Librarian : hmmm you are never went to this library ? Irfan : heheheheehehe.. not yet. For the first time , I going to this library. Librarian: yeaaa yeaa yeaaa. Oke, Its on the Book of Electronics section back there. Irfan: Thank you sir
.Then, after 10 minutes, suddenly My friend from program study ELIN coming and calling me... Jessica : lhooo? Irfan? Is that you? What are you doing here in library? Irfan : Um? Oh, hey there, Jess! What? Youre asking a strange question. Of course, Im looking for some books to read. Then What are you doing Jess in this library ? Jessica : Ha ha ha. No, its just rather unusual to see you in the library. I want to borrow something. Irfan : Dont tease me like that, Jess. I know its what an odd to see a person who never pays any attention to class like me being around looking for some books at school library like this [Showing sad expression]. Jessica : Awh um Im so sorry, Irfan. I dont really mean my words to offend you. I was just surprised to see you here. Irfan : Hahahahaha [Laugh out loud] dont be so sorry, Jess. It was just acting. Jessica : Oh you, Irfan! You are ALAY Librarian: Shussssssssh! [Shushing] if you noise then you go out from this library.
Irfan and Jessica : hmmmm ,, We are sorry sir Jessica : Whoa, were talking too loud, Irfan. Its a library anyway [talks under breath]. Irfan : Okay, lets lower our voices. Jessica : So, what brings you here? Irfan : Dont you remember back at the class? I got bad score for Electricity Enginering. Then Mr. irianto asked me to do a assignment if I want him to upgrade my score. He said that everything I need for this assignment is available in schools library. So then I came here. jessica : Oh I see. I think its good for you, so anything on your mind is not just playing without studying. Irfan : Errrh. Youre just talking like Mr. irianto. Jessica : Thats right, Irfan. What if he doesnt pass you to the next grade if you always fail at his subject because you have no intention to fix your scores? irfan : But. Err. Alright, youre probably right. So, what kind of lesson book you are looking for or trying to read, Jess? Jessica : Um Im not interesting to read lesson books now. Im looking for some novels. Irfan : Novels? They have novels here at library? Jessica : Yeah, Fan. Its not only lesson books you can find here. There are also some encyclopedias, magazines, bulletins, and newspapers. Irfan : Okay, I never know that. Jessica : Have you found the books youre looking for, by the way? Irfan : Yep, I think these all would be enough. Jessica : Okay, lets go to the librarian. Librarian: Your smart card, please. Alright, these books have to be returned in 21 days. irfan : if I late for carry back, what is punishment? Librarian : you must pay Rp 500 per day to Administrastion every book. Irfan : ohhhh like that ok Thank you. Jessica : Thank you, Sir.
Librarian : ok. You are welcome Jessica : Okay, Irfan, see ya! Good luck with your assignment! irfan : Thanks, Jess. Bye!