Dillon Toby Turnbull: Objective Education

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To attain full time employment as a Nechanical Engineei with focus in powei systems
0niveisity of Iuaho, Bacheloi of Science, Nechanical Engineeiing, 2u1u-piesent
u.P.A. S.S1, uiauuation Bate, Nay 2u1S
+4A.5- L>M,?>M,15
Expeiimental Nethous foi Engineeis, Fatigues anu Fiactuies, Nechanics of Nateiials-
beginning anu inteimeuiate, Computei Aiueu Besign, Theimal Systems, Beat Tiansfei,
Theimouynamics, Fluiu Nechanics
D-6,@>6H? 0N>??5
04?>=74.N5)Soliu Paits moueling, Plastics uesign (Coie, Cavity), sheet metal, Assembly
Configuiations, Pait uiawings, Toleiances
3H1?HB: KK0: OD 0P>6-: DQ 04?G-.) Expeiience moueling systems in all foui piogiams
(visit uillontuinbull.weebly.com foi samples)
8@1-.@ R.4J-615
0,--1 3-1H? S.4@1 RH@-? T-G>5>4@ !SH?? "#E;%
Removeu unnecessaiy featuies fiom a multituue of sheet metal fiont panels
Impoiteu all the panels fiom PioE to Soliuwoiks as necessaiy
Became fluent in ceitain file conveisions
D,-.CH? UHP RH= D-51 S>V1A.- !0ACC-.)SH?? "#E;%
0sing ASTN BS47u uesigneu a test fixtuie to finu the theimal conuuctivity of a vaiiety
of theimal gap paus
All expeiimental uata was founu to be within S C of calculateu values
Coopeiation with a machine shop alloweu my fiist CNC'u paits to be built coiiectly
iesulting in a coiiect assembly without pait eiiois
8@=A51.>H? EW D,>6N TH6N 34A@1 Q-/B4H.= D.H/ !0ACC-. "#E;%
0sing Soliuwoiks, completely moueleu a woiking sheet metal, sliuing keyboaiu tiay
This piouuct is moie usei compatable with a much highei oveiall quality
Alloweu exposuie to a multituue of sheet metal manufactuiing piocesses as well as
fluency in sheet metal moueling in Soliuwoiks
+HB?- O-@M1,5 !0ACC-. "#E;%
Cieateu a table foi engineeis to use foi cable cut lengths
Completeu saiu table with "gieat iesults"
0sing an IPC uocument, uevelopeu a stanuaiu by which company cables aie to be
XH=M- L4?=-. !0ACC-. "#E;%
Taskeu to uesign a moluable, plastic case to holu employee bauges
0sing plastic molu knowleuge, cieateu a uesign that can be molueu using sciap plastic
uoing into piouuction Spiing 2u14
uaineu knowleuge in plastic paits moueling, flow uynamics, piopeities of paiticulai
plastics alongsiue the coie, cavity featuies in Soliuwoiks

06,44? R.4J-615
3>6.4 XHJH +4CP-1>1>4@ D-HC !SH?? "#E;)+A..-@1%
As a gioup the goal is to builu a competitive Rauio Contiolleu off ioau iacei
Reciuiteu foi the uiive tiain team
Noueleu an entiie uiive tiain alongsiue the housing anu a uiffeiential
Leaineu how to ieau geai pitches, geai iatios, pitch uiameteis, anu stanuaiu sizes
D,-.CH? 0/51-C5 !SH?? "#E;%
0sing the computei piogiam EES, as a gioup, moueleu many uiffeient systems
involving pumps, heat exchangeis, geneiatois, etc. while also uoing an analysis of how
much each component will auu to the cost
Leaineu ciucial computei uebugging skills as well as the efficiency of uistiibuting coue
while managing to keep it oiganizeu
(Coue available upon iequest)
3>@> Y$ !+4CPA1-. Z>=-= 9-5>M@ SH?? 0-C-51-. "#E"%
Besign an inteinal combustion engine fiom given schematics on Soliuwoiks
Key uesignei in the making of this viitual engine, oveiseeing the many stages fiom
paits moueling to the final assembly
Final poitfolio ieceiveu an A with "Exceptional pait uiawings"
Acquiieu impoitant skills in computei aiueu uesign
(PBF pait uiawings available upon iequest)
[\ R?411-. !3-6,H@>6H? K@M>@--.>@M 9-5>M@ 0P.>@M 0-C-51-. "#E"%
Besign a plottei to engiave specifieu numbeis onto a platfoim
Team leauei oichestiating the uivision of jobs anu ueaulines
Receiveu an A with "gieat oiganization
uaineu ciitical skills in leaueiship anu oiganization
]44= R.-55 !T-6?H>C-= OACB-. R.4=A615: 0ACC-. "#EE%
Neeueu a much laigei woou piess that coulu piouuce moie piouuct in a significantly
smallei time fiame
Supeivisoi of constiuction anu hau a heavy say in the engineeiing of the uesign
0ui piouuction went up Suu% anu costs uecieaseu by 4u% significantly impioving the
piouuction line
]4.N KVP-.>-@6-
3-6,H@>6H? K@M>@--.>@M 8@1-.@ !06,7->1^-. K@M>@--.>@M OHB4.H14.>-5: RA??CH@ ]H:
As an intein foi the powei systems gioup I iesolveu a multituue of pioblems with the
help of my peeis
Nevei misseu an oppoitunity to leain new skills incluuing piogiamming, tools, anu
S>-?= IP-.H1>4@5 3H@HM-. !T-6?H>C-= OACB-. R.4=A615: _HCPH 89 "#E"%
Nanagement ovei pioviuing mateiial foi constiuction in the shop
Piesiueu ovei the tiaining of new employees
+A514C SHB.>6H1>4@ ]-?=-. !T-6?H>C-= OACB-. R.4=A615: _HCPH 89 "#EE%
0veisaw the constiuction of many steel piouucts
Fabiicateu many piouucts foi this company that woulun't have been otheiwise possible
0P-6>H? 0N>??5
Thiough piojects, leaineu the invaluable skill of teamwoik
vaiieu expeiience with pioblem solving anu can pioviue uocumentation of solutions
Tiaineu to useu a wiue vaiiety of powei, hanu, anu measuiement tools

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