The Math Test
The Math Test
The Math Test
One day, a dog named Manchas was at school. It was the last day of school. The bell rang and the teacher said The home work is to study for the math test that we are going to have next semester. If you dont pass this, you are going to receive an email to your parent saying that you arent being responsible with your homework. Then, Mrs. Portocarrero the teacher asked Manchas to come with her. Manchas said Im in trouble. Mrs. Portocarrero said No you arent but please study for the math test. It will have hard problems, so you need to read your SRB for more information. Manchas said But Ive never got a two or a one. he said it in his mind. Sorry Mrs. but I have to go. If not I will be late for my car. When, Manchas arrived home he needed to rush, to his moms car.
In the car
His mother was named Mrs. Wendy and his father was named Mr. Doggy. At the middle of the way to Totoritas beach (a beach near to Asia, Peru). His mother said How are you in your class? Do you have good or bad grades? Well, I have none test today but I need to study for a math test. Can you imagine, in my summer vacations, that is not good at all. said Manchas. But you are going to study right? Mr. Doggy said. Noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont want to, it is Vacations. But mom, dad I always study for tests and Ive never ever got a two or a one. I get a three or a four. Why? Some friends in my class are always getting a 1. Sorry, but you need to follow the school rules be safe, be respectful and be responsible. said mom with a cute voice. You are going to study because then, I wont give you any price this year. Mr. Doggy said with a mean voice. Suddenly, they got to the Totoritas beach. It took one hour to go from Roosevelt to Totoritas beach. Manchas calculated in his mind. At last, they got to their house in the beach. Manchas told jokes all the way home because jokes are his passion.
Totoritas beach
Manchas left his things and went running to the pool. The dog stayed there for one and a half hour. Manchas went playing and doing several of things during all vacations.
Manchas needed to do until 4.8. Meaning, just until 4. He did 5 and 6 until it was almost 5 p.m. Mr. Doggy, Mrs. Wendy and Manchas needed to pack. But Manchas was enjoying practicing and studying more. If they stay there they could have traffic. Even it could cause a car accident because it was night, and you cant see anything in the dark. They leaved Totoritas as a whole family. Manchas was studying for the test in his mothers car.
First day
It was the first day of school of the second semester. Mrs. Portocarrero said after Condor News We are going to have a Math test after break so I think that you have studied right. She said looking at Manchas. Well, I will like to play a game because it is the first day and it is the best day ever. It pasted break and Mrs. Portocarrero pasted the tests. Manchas was exited, because he practiced during the summer. There were very difficult problems like for a 9th grader (Manchas was in 5th grade) but Manchas knew it all. Other people in the class were confused, there were lots of things. Those people didnt practice at all. I f you can see Manchas was always studying with jokes so he invented jokes with what he studied. Finally, the teacher corrected the tests. Manchas got a 4. All the persons were crying because of their bad grades except Manchas. He danced What does the fox
Good news
When he got home e was really happy their parents about his grade. He loves to tell jokes so he said I got a two (like crying) I got a four Manchas said. Wow that is incredible you see you need to follow the school rules young man. His mother said. Well, you did your best effort said Mr. Doggy. Im really surprised so Im going to give you your price is a big effort. A big tablet this is for you. said Mr. Doggy. Manchas got amazed and he almost cried. He adored his parents like a big fortune he ever seen. Finally, he gave a big hug to his father. The surprise was really awesome.