Internal Audit Assistant Job Description Revised
Internal Audit Assistant Job Description Revised
Internal Audit Assistant Job Description Revised
Su ary Under the supervision of the Internal Auditor the Audit Assistant will conduct various types of audits and reviews in accordance with accepted professional auditing standards to promote effective internal controls, efficiency of the policies and procedures, review the reliability and integrity of financial and operational information, review the means of safeguarding assets and verify their existence and to ensure adherence to applicable laws and regulations. These duties include but are not limited to: Assisting with the review and audit of compliance with policies, plans, procedures, laws, and regulation; Assisting with the review and audit of the accomplishment of established ob ectives and goals for operations and programmes and whether the operations and programmes are being carried out as planned; Assisting external auditors as re!uired; "rafting of reports as necessary for the approval of the Internal Auditor; Any other related duties as assigned.
Re!uired s"ills: #ood oral and written communication s$ills #ood Interpersonal s$ills Team wor$er Attention to details %esults oriented &omputer literate Ability to multi tas$
Ability to wor$ with deadlines and without close supervision 'uic$ learner and adaptability
#uali$ications: (inimum of a )achelor* "egree in one of these fields: Accounting, +inance, Audit, ,conomics or )usiness Administration. Audit experience re!uired