April 2013

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Health Matters

News and Notes Dr. Jennifer Mooney and Dr. Edward Wallace discuss reproductive health and wellness , and family planning on this months We Know Health Matters, CHDs show on CitiCable Time Warner Channel 23. Playback times:
M 9, 11 a.m. W 5 p.m. Th. 12 p.m. F 9 a.m. Su. 3 p.m.
Volume 1V, Issue IV April 2013

NALBOH selects school health case study for national conference

The National Association of Local Boards of Health (NALBOH) accepted CHDs Case Study, Cincinnati Board of Health Partnerships Help Overcome Budget Cuts to School Nurse Program. Dr. Richard Schwen, Board of Health Vice Chairperson, and Dr. Marilyn Crumpton, CHD Director of School and Adolescent Health, will be the speakers. This is a case study, about how the Cincinnati Board of Health partnered with organizations to overcome large budget cuts to its school nurse program. Due to these new partnerships, funding was obtained to allow replacement of the previous school nurse program with selfsustaining School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs). The presentation will describe how the Board of Health partnerships were developed and how their success met the health care needs of the students, in a financially selfsustainable model. CHD operates eight of these SBHCs which are self sustaining based on their FQHC status. This case study will be presented at the 21st Annual Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah in August.

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Cincinnatis CRI score almost perfect

Cincinnati scored a 99% in the recently released scores from the Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI) review, which is conducted annually to increase local emergency preparedness. CHDs Center for Public Health Preparedness manages Cincinnatis response to a bioterrorist event. Through the CRI grant, the Center for Public Health Preparedness promotes preparedness in Cincinnati by providing funds to enable public health departments to have the capacity and capability to effectively respond to public health emergencies. CHDs CRI scores reflect the efforts of the small team of dedicated, hardworking members of the Center for Public Health Preparedness. This rating is a result of their exceptional work as well as the participation and collaboration of CHD staff and many partners in emergency preparedness, said Dr. Steven Englender, Director for the Center for Public Health Preparedness.

If you have an item you would like to include e-mail Rocky Merz at rocky.merz@ cincinnati-oh.gov

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Health Matters

National Public Health Week in review

During the first week of April CHD celebrated National Public Health Week. The theme was Return On Investment (ROI): Save Lives, Save Money. CHDs NPHW Committee developed post cards with ROI stats, among other materials, and distributed them to local businesses, CHDs primary care centers and City Hall. The committee also held an event at Fountain Square mid-way through the week in which they engaged the public to highlight Public Health; the feedback was overwhelmingly positive and encouraging. A display was created to showcase the work CHD does, which was at City Hall for the month of April. Planning for NPHW 2014 has already begun. Special thanks to the NPHW Committee: Dr. Noble Maseru, Geneva Goode, Tamieka Gray, Regina Hutchins, MaryAnne Meehan, Rocky Merz, Millie Olds, Armika Tatum, Eric Washington and Ashley Auciello.

CHES abstract submittal is published

Congratulations to the Community Health and Environmental Services (CHES) team for their recent publication. Their abstract, titled A Community-Based Participatory Research Partnership to Reduce Vehicle Idling Near Public Schools, was recently published in the May edition of the Journal of Environmental Health. Co-authors Dr. Mohammad Alam, Dr. Marilyn Crumpton, Dr. Camille Jones, Ken Sharkey and Denisha Porter assessed the effectiveness of a public health initiative to reduce traffic-related air pollution at four CPS schools.

Medicaid Maximization efforts recognized by Board of Health

At the April 23 meeting, the following people were recognized for their outstanding contribution for the enhancement of Medicaid payments to the City Dr. Noble Maseru, Health Commisof Cincinnati: Ohio Senator Eric Kear- sioner, Rocky Merz, PIO, Richard ney, State Representative Alicia Weiland and Board Chair Joyce Kinley Reece, former State Representative Tyrone Yates, former Cincinnati Vice Mayor David Crowley, Cincinnati resident and public servant Bernadette Watson, Cincinnati resident Dick Weiland, Greg Moody, Director of Office of Health Transformation, Joseph Doodan ODJFS and Gayle Morgan, Consultant.

May National Health Observance: Hepatitis Awareness

Viral hepatitis is the leading cause of liver cancer and the most common reason for liver transplantation More than 75% of adults with Hepatitis C are baby boomers, people born from 1945 - 1965. Most of them dont know they are infected. The word Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis is most often caused by a virus. In the United States, the most common type of viral hepatitis is Hepatitis C. For more information, visit www.cdc.gov/knowmorehepatitis .

Health Foundation presents CHD appreciation award

The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati presented CHD with an award in appreciation of enhancing health in Greater Cincinnati. The award was given by Board of Health member and Health Foundations Director of Evaluation, Dr. Kelly Firesheets. Photo: Dr. Kelly Firesheets, Health Foundation and Board member; and Dr. Noble Maseru, Health Commissioner.

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