Burma Lantern FINAL English

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Turing Off the Lights on Traditional Burmese Lanterns 07/10/13 Reporter: Zaw Htet Length: 2:49 INTRO At the

end of O to!er peop"e a ro## $%an&ar adorn the'r ho(#e# w'th "antern# to &ar) the end of *(ddh'#t "ent+ The "antern# #ta% (p (nt'" after the L'ght ,e#t'-a" 'n &'d.No-e&!er+ Trad'tona""% peop"e wo("d !(% the'r paper "antern# fro& "o a" raft#&en !(t now the% are opt'ng to !(% the heaper/ #t(rd'er 0h'ne#e.&ade one#+ A# fa tor%.&ade "antern# f"ood the &ar)et the trad't'ona" raft#&en are go'ng o(t of !(#'ne##+ Zaw Htet report# fro& 1angon2# "antern &ar)et3 T45T 6,5 1 Ht(n 6he'n ha# !een &a)'ng "antern# for 40 %ear#+ 4-er% %ear/ !efore the end of *(ddh'#t "ent/ the "antern# are d'#tr'!(ted a"" aro(nd the o(ntr%+ *(t th'# %ear/ he #a%#/ the order ha# dropped dra&at' a""% and he ha# on"% prod( ed a few+ He #a%# h'# !(#'ne## annot o&pete 'n the &ar)et an%&ore !e a(#e peop"e prefer the fore'gn.&ade "antern# 'n#tead+ Ht(n 6he'n "'p 1 7$a"e/ *(r&e#e8: 9:e &a)e "antern# w'th paper !(t the fore'gn one# are p"a#t' + Now/ h'"dren don2t "')e the#e "antern#/ the% are &ore 'ntere#ted 'n 0h'ne#e one#+ La#t %ear there were "antern# 'n the de#'gn of Angr% *'rd#+; At the 1angon Lantern &ar)et/ 0h'ne#e "antern# ha-e !een #o"d for the pa#t three or fo(r %ear#+ The% are #tronger and waterproof/ #a%# $%'nt $%'nt <h'n/ a "antern #hop owner+ $%'nt "'p 1 7,e&a"e/ *(r&e#e8: ; The 0h'ne#e &ade are heaper/ ea#% to #e""/ &ore !ea(t'f("+ 0h'"dren and ad("t# "')e the&+ =eop"e prefer (#'ng the 0h'ne#e.&ade "antern# for de orat'on+; 6,5 2

There are &an% #tep# to &a)e a trad't'ona" "antern+ Ht(n 6he'n #&oothe# the !a&!oo/ then/ &a)e# the #hape of the "antern+ He then/ p(t# 't on ta" paper and draw# the de#'gn+ It '# a "ong and 'ntr' ate pro e## #o the o#t# are h'gh+ And the "antern# are ea#'"% da&aged+ $%'nt "'p 2 7,e&a"e/ *(r&e#e8: 9*(r&e#e "antern# are &ade of !a&!oo !(t wor&# an de#tro% the& #o the don2t "a#t "ong+; *(t Ht(n 6he'n #a%# he w'"" )eep &a)'ng trad't'ona" "antern# a# a ho!!%+ Ht(n 6he'n "'p 27$a"e/ *(r&#e8: 9I an2t "'-e w'tho(t 't+; *(t a# the fore'gn "antern# f"ood 'nto $%an&ar/ there '# a danger that the art of the trad't'ona" "antern &a)er w'"" !e "o#t fore-er+ Th'# feat(re '# prod( ed !% Zaw Htet fro& >?* for A#'a 0a""'ng+

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