Securities For Lending
Securities For Lending
Securities For Lending
Primary Collateral
Personal Security
Documentation- Importance
It is a source of rights & obligations Will become written evidence according to Indian Evidence Act in the court It helps to identify security Are useful for recovering the assets
Documentation- Requirements
Should be properly signed Stamping of documents according to provisions of Indian Stamp Act Signatures across revenue stamp Over righting, cutting, insertion, erasing needs full sign Should be filled in one sitting, by one person on one date in one ink Registration Documents under Indian Registration Act 1908: immovable property (buy ,sell, lease, gift) , organizations registration- Companys Act 1956 Mortgage Deed, Guarantee Deed, Power of Attorney Eligibility of parties as per contact act Minor, lunatic, insolvent, drunken, person of unsound mind Special Care: Illiterate People, People not knowing a particular language, Pardanashin Women Types of documents Individual Account Joint Account: all Partnership Firms: all HUF: Karta Companies: person authorized by Board of Directors
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