Safe Work Procedure (Drill Press)

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Procedure No. DEE EHU- 05-2-1 ut!

ori"ed #$: %a&a'er EHU

Title: Safe Work Procedure Template

(""ue Date: pril 200) *e+ie, Date: pril 2011 Pa'e Num-er: 1 of 2

D. N.T u"e t!i" mac!i&e u&le"" a teac!er !a" i&"tructed $ou i& it" "afe u"e a&d operatio& a&d !a" 'i+e& permi""io&.
De"criptio& of Work: Using a drill press (bench or pedestal). Pote&tial Ha/ard": Exposed moving parts and electrical hazard with the potential to cause harm through entanglement, exposure to heat, dust, projectiles and sharp objects.

Per"o&al Protecti+e E0uipme&t 1PPE2 *e0uired (Check the box for required PPE):


ace !as"s

#elding !as"

$ppropriate ootwear

%earing &rotection

&rotective 'lothing

Safe Work Procedure 3!eckli"t: (. &)E*+peration: ,as" (e.g. -rawings, instructions, speci.ications etc) is clearl/ understood. -rill bit is tight in chuc" and chuc" "e/ has been removed. !a"e sure guarding is in place and in good condition. #or" piece is securel/ clamped. 'orrect drill speed has been set. #here necessar/, ensure depth stop .or drill has been set or wood to be drilled is rested on scrap. 0denti./ +12+ switch and emergenc/ stop button (i. applicable).

3. +peration: 'hec" that drill runs 4true5 and does not wobble. 6eep hands clear o. wor" piece and awa/ .rom rotating tool. 7ac" out .re8uentl/ to clean and cool the drill bit. ,urn o.. machine be.ore belt speeds are changed. :witch o.. the drill be.ore removing chips and shavings .rom the drill table. )eturn clean drill bit to drill rac" and clamps to their storage area. !a"e sure good house"eeping practises are in place to minimise dust build*up.

9. &+:,*+peration:

3ompete&t Per"o&" (,he .ollowing persons are authorised to operate, supervise and test students on the e8uipment2process). Name: Title: 3o&tact Detail":


Procedure No. DEE EHU- 05-2-1 ut!ori"ed #$: %a&a'er EHU

Title: Safe Work Procedure Template

(""ue Date: pril 200) *e+ie, Date: pril 2011 Pa'e Num-er: 2 of 2


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