Pauls Writings 128
Pauls Writings 128
Pauls Writings 128
Introduction Scoffers Addressed Tithes should be paid in appreciation of the work that was done for them the same way as Abraham paid tithes to Melchesidec. When things go wrong in the church sometimes it is a blessing. TMH can use the incident to weed out the destroyers of His word see Acts 5:33 40: Gamaliel asked that there be consideration for their actions lest their actions interfere with that of TMH. Ecclesiasticus 3:21, - 25 dont look into things that are not your business. Romans 10:13 -15 TMH must send the preachers. TMH has an order Apostles, teachers, deacons, etc. as set up in Ephesians and Corinthians so you cannot have a structure without those things. Thats Christs church. Anything set up outside of those standards is from satan. Hebrews 10:25 (Eccl. 4:9) also, when 2 or more are gathered together TMH is in the midst to bless. Jer. 15:11 PAULS WRITINGS Pauls writings were not addressed to the laity but to the Elders and deacons of the church who already had knowledge of Christ they already knew the law. It was about high-level information on how to run or operate the church of TMH. Pauls writings are in line with Christs writings. He was writing letters based on disputes. We must understand that there was nothing like what Christ brought forth before Christ brought it forth. So He shook up the normal way of things. The thing is when the churches were established or when people joined the church they came in with their old custom, their old teachings into the church. So Paul had to be continually correcting them so they could leave their old ways behind and apply mercy and grace instead of judgment. For example, the woman who was caught in the act of adultery, now according to the law they all had stones to kill the woman but Yashaya wrote in the sand he that is without sin cast the first stone. So here Christ was not doing away with the law but a reforming of the law that allow us to see out error and come into our knowledge of the truth. There was no such opportunity in the Old Testament. So Paul was saying to then in essence that no one should be killing the people or judging them in the Church. But the people who were coming out of the gentile way of understanding must be given an opportunity to put off their old ways and learn the way of Christ in that they will apply the law through conscience and through the Holy Spirit and not through force. He never did away with the law. 2 Peters 3:15, 16 (Because they do not understand Pauls writings they butcher other scriptures to their own destruction. So instead of making Christs writings the pinnacle of the teachings the catholic church surrounded all their teaching around Pauls. Not that Pauls teachings were wrong but that they could deceive the people through his writings knowing that his words were hard to be understood. Therefore they would take his writings and inject their gentile philosophy. For example, He was raised a Pharisee; so he knew the law; he was not going against the
law. He was even persecuting the children of Israel thinking that they were going against Moses law. So there was no one better than Paul in applying this judgment of grace because no one could contend with him regarding the law. So these epistles or letters of Paul were for the edification of the church. So we need to know what transpired at that time through history to understand why Paul wrote those epistles or letters to the churches for correction or edification and to prevent those who would bring the penalty of death (judgment) within the church for breaking the law. People must be given an opportunity because Christ blood paid for that opportunity no one will come in the church killing people. 1 Tim 4:1, 2,3 (These are people departing from what thy learned. In the Babylonian church with regards to child sacrifice the Priest and the nun could not deal with laymen but with each other to bear children to Moloch). So in the Catholic Church its not that they are not marrying but they are doing so ritualistically for child sacrifice. 1 Tim 4:4 (these are the clean meats to be received with thanksgiving [Lev.11]). This dispute was centered on people who eat meats and those who do not vegans. How can you force me to be a vegan when TMH gave it to us to be received with thanksgiving. Shambles was the place where the gentiles bought their food. So there was pork and other foods that were not received with thanksgiving by TMH. Therefore whenever the church members saw converts going into those markets they had a problem because it was the shambles of the gentiles because it was temples meat. It was still unlawful to the Jews. 1 Cor. 10: 19 21 you cannot be doing ritualistic pagan tradition. 1 Cor. 10: 22, 23 (we have to know when to do certain things). Paul was telling that they could not be in the church and still practicing their pagan rituals in eating foods sacrificed to idols. So the new converts had a lot of spiritual issues. Vs.23 Paul is saying that he knew how to apply the law he knew when to do certain things. If its lawful for me doesnt mean I should do it if someone would stumble from my action. 1 Cor. 10: 24 looking out for others. (Jews were not allowed to go into the shambles). As long as youre not doing those sacrificial rituals of the gods diana, zeus, etc. you may purchase meat but not when it may cause someone to stumble. They can argue Pauls teachings but they could not argue Christs because Christ was direct He said, I came not to doing away with the law of the Prophets but to fulfill. What they did with Pauls writings was to inject their philosophy into it. 1 Cor. 10: 24, 25 - the shambles were where the gentiles shop for their food. 1 Cor. 10: 26, 27 Paul is not telling people to eat unclean foods for he and the people he was people to had pre knowledge of clean and unclean foods. 1 Cor. 10:28 Do not deal with the rituals of pray among pagans because you know which god they are praying to. This is how the pagans pray demons into our people and it brings forth sickness. 1 Cor. 10:29 Paul knew the law but in what context was the law applied here in Romans 7?
Rom. 7: 1 -- the Jews because they know the Law of Moses. Even physical law is the same. So Paul could not be destroying the law. Rom. 7:2 talking about the law of marriage. He is going to use this as an example. Rom. 7:3, 4 Israel failed, there was a death (Christ), then she could be married to another the bridegroom. When youre married and you come to Christ you bring forth fruit children come through that just like any marriage. Christ had to come and save us. Because of that failure (Israels separation from TMH), so someone (Christ) had to die so we could be married to Him. Rom. 7:5 He is talking about the (law) death we receive through Adams sin that would have passed on to all his children. 2 Esdras 3:17 20, 21, 22 Gen. 2: 15 - 17 Adam brought forth the law of death in the earth. Paul is talking about the law of death associated with Adam from the beginning. Just like when Moses brought forth the law there was a death if it was disobeyed. The death part is the curse the sin that came with disobedient as in the beginning with Adam. Rom. 7: 6 (He just explained the law he is talking about) Christ has delivered us from the death instituted by Adam, (that law in Adam death was against us) just as in the law instituted by Moses: if you dont follow, you die. Death came through Adams disobedience, the animals had to die and that began the sacrificing of animals as done through Abel. So the law still stands Sabbath, all the things that are righteous in the law still stands but only the death part is what Christ has done away with. If someone can get you to break TMHS law on purpose thats a one-way ticket to hell. 1 John 2:4 -- If you teach people that the law is done away with you are a liar. The law of death, in the Law of Moses was done away with. It came with the sin of Adam thats what Christ done away with. 1 John 5: 3, 4 (The law of death came with the sin of Adam. Thats what Christ did away with the sacrificial part where animals die for our sins. 1John 3: 4 thats clear. Rom. 7: 7 you can only know sin because there is the 10 commandments (this is the law of Moses [10 commandments]). The law is good, for I did not know that I was lusting except for the law. Rom. 7: 8 the sin of death that came with Adam. Certain things happen with a new commandment that come into our members. Concupiscence: unlawful sexual activity or orgy or all manner of sexual thoughts. (We would have no idea of sin if there were no law). Rom. 7: 9 when I did not have the truth I was fine in sin but when the commandment came he could recognize sin. That is, he had to make a conscious decision to do or not to do it. For example, before the truth, we did some things naturally, but when we came to the truth sin revived, we consciously see the sin and make a conscious choice to do or not to do it. Rom. 7: 10 The 10 commandments: because all the choices came he sees sin saying that he should not do it. There is something that came with Adam that diverted him to that tree of good and evil making that choice.
Rom. 7: 11 the law is Holy. The thing that came into Adam is also working in us. The law in itself is holy because through it we recognize sin. So when Paul examines the matter he can see when something is coming to take him down. Rom. 7: 12, 13 There is nothing wrong with the law that TMH gave Moses, the only part of that law that is against us is the death part because in the beginning it was not so no death. Thats the only part that was against us. In death there is no opportunity to repent or change. Rom. 7: 14 (So through the law he was able to recognize the law of righteousness that was given through the commandment and a law that came through his father Adam. Thats what we struggle with, those two the law that came through sin (Adam) and the law of righteousness. Just as the law that states that as long as the woman lives she is bound by her husband, in he same manner as long as we live we are bound by that law, the law of sin. As long as we live will have the same struggle -- the fight between the flesh and the spirit). As long as we are living we will have that struggle between the flesh and the commandment (righteousness). Rom. 7: 15 Im doing some things I dont want to do according to my knowledge of the law. The things that I want to do I find myself not doing them. Then I find myself doing things I do not like even though I want to do the right thing. These are the struggles that Paul was dealing with the stuff that we all deal with. These struggles Paul was dealing with and instructing the leaders in letters how to deal with them. (We all are under the curse of Adam). And its through Christs blood we can fight this thing until death arrives. Clearly, Paul was not against the law because through the law he examines himself. Rom. 7: 16, 17 when we do these things its something else in him that he has to control that was given to him by Adam. When we are operating in the flesh we must understand that that carnal thing must be removed through Christ. Romans 7:18 When Im operating in my flesh there is no good in me, only Christ can root this thing out take that carnal sin from me -- the sin of Adam. The struggle is no different from other people in the earth. If people understood this when things happen they would be more understanding; there would be more forgiveness. So what happens when we reach that point when the sin of Adam is battling against the Spirit? We should know what to do fight against that spirit: fast, pray, do everything to buffet my flesh so Im spiritual enough to overcome everything that came with Adam. That is to kill my flesh to a certain degree so I could fight this battle. To perform the good thing is in me but I find myself doing the other. So through the performance of the work of the Most High he can fight through these struggles. Romans 7:19, 20 (It was a good thing that Paul was doing because he was looking for what his battle was and was preparing to take it down in the Spirit). After we take all these spirits down we become cleaner or more whole and we become closer to Christ. And so, when this old man of sin has all been cleaned up, when all these demons are overcome, we see ourselves looking more like Christ. So Paul recognizes his problems but he took up his cross and followed Christ. Romans 7:21 Even when we do good evil is always there. We have to make a choice to do the good a choice; this does not eradicate the evil.
Romans 7:22 He delight in the law of the Most High that was brought thru Christ through Christs blood he gave us a spirit to fight against the sin of Adam. Romans 7:23 Paul is recognizing that something is fighting within him to bring him back to the person that he was. And thats a struggle that every person has. Romans 7:24, 25 there will always be in my flesh this law of sin. Then how can I overcome this? By buffeting it, understanding it and keeping it at bay or under control of the Holy Spirit because its non-stop its always there. (This law cant stop. Its always there). [To be continued in the Advanced Academy] Question: Zech. 2:4,5 Jer. 33:11 Do research Masoretic text