CRW Syllabus I 2014

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LA Writing 7 (Creative Writing I) 7th Grade Rm 7-205

Miss Morales Milwee: 407-746-3850

Welcome to Creative Writing I!

Course description: This class will build upon and expand student knowledge of essential writing skills. These skills enable more exciting, effective, and dynamic pieces of work. Creative Writing 1, for 7th grade, will focus first on "Grammar Boot Camp" which will be an intensive study of the fundamentals of writing. The 3rd quarter will finish with a Poetry Workshop Book, and the 4th quarter will focus on creative essays and fairy tales. The final project will involve a book of student's choice prior to the exit vocabulary exam. Course overview: Quarter 3 consists of parts of speech, grammar, sentence structure, word variety, and poetry. Quarter 4 focuses on the 6+1 Traits of Writing, creative paragraphs, fairy tales, and a book study through creative expression. Grading: Students will receive a value for each completed assignment. The grades will be calculated based on the following percentages: Assessments/Projects 70% Homework 15% Classwork 15% *** Work Ethic: Off-task and disruptive behavior will be recorded as strikes. Three strikes a week will result in a contact home prior to the issuance of detentions, etc. Positive behavior is rewarded as class points; the class with the most points after a 2 week period receives a small reward. See the Class Cup page on the class website for more information. Grade Scale: 10 point scale from A to F. Writing assessments will be issued grades based on the FCAT Writes rubric from 1 to 6. The rubric is available on the class website at Grades can be viewed any time through Skyward. Find the link for family and student access at Missed assignments: If an assignment is missed for any reason, it is the responsibility of the student to utilize the various sources to retrieve their missing work. These sources include: class website, absent folders in class, and classroom calendar. Work assigned prior to an absence does not excuse a student from turning in an assignment once they return to school; no extensions. Assignments will be accepted at any time throughout the quarter until grades are due. (There will be a reduction in points for late work.) Supplies: Students must have a one 1 inch 3-ring binder, one composition notebook, notebook paper, pencils, blue or black ink pens, art supply of choice (markers, crayons, etc), and either a USB drive or an accessible Email address. Students should have a folder to take home work and return work to class and use student-issued planner to record due dates and homework assignments. If any student is unable to provide their own supplies, see Miss Morales. Homework: Daily--Weekly reading log signed by a parent/guardian. On occasion-- Quack Words vocabulary assignments and writing projects. Students should use their student-issued planner to record homework assignments and due dates. Check class website daily. Instructional methods: Students will be seated in teams and required to work cooperatively and independently. Students will be required to speak publically, both to their teams and class as a whole. Teams will rotate at least once each quarter. Class Rules: 1. Arrive on time and prepared with all supplies needed to work. 2. Listen & follow directions. 3. Be respectful to the teacher, your peers, and yourself. 4. Be accountable and responsible for your work, supplies, and your actions. 5. Electronic devices are silent and put away. 6. Raise your hand and ask questions. Class Expectations Are Posted In the Classroom Technology Rules: 1. Cellphones/electronics must be on silent at all times and put away, along with earbuds/headphones. 2. Cellphones/electronics may ONLY be used during class time WITH PERMISSION for APPROVED activities. 3. NO calls and NO texting during class. Parents may contact students by calling the front office. 4. Unapproved cellphone/electronics use will result in loss of privileges. Continued violations will result in parent contact and ultimately confiscation. 5. Approval of cellphone/electronic use in class is a privilege and not a right.

Class Website: Weekly agenda, announcements, rubrics, handouts, and more information can be found at It should be updated by the beginning of each week. Please check the site frequently. The agenda and calendar with due dates are posted in the classroom. Miss Morales is best contacted through Email. Any questions or concerns, please email her at:

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