Immad Khan C.vitae

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Al Mansourah, Riyadh, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia. Mobile No. 009 !"9#$%9909 &!mail' immad(han)li*e.+om.

Desire a position as an Architect in reputable Company offering strong knowledge of the different staged of architectural design development along with expertise in employing methods to bring construction projects to completion in a time efficient manner also looking to build my extensive range of technical skills within a suitably challenging role and keen to achieve further professional development.

B.Arch. (Architecture . )ntermediate .atriculation

!"#" !""! #///

Grade / Division
!nd Division #st Division #st Division

Institute & Board / University

Dawood College of $ng. % &ech' (arachi. *aifee College +atifabad , B.).*.$' -yderabad. +atif 0ia1i -igh *chool,B.).*.$' -yderabad.

Professional Experience:
Designation Architect
&ob responsibilities:
Discussing the objectives' re2uirements and budget of a project. 3reparing and presenting feasibility reports and design proposals to the client. Advising the client on the practicality of their project. Consulting with other professionals about the design. 4sing )& in design and project management' specifically using computer5aided design software. 3roducing detailed workings' drawings and specifications. *pecifying the nature and 2uality of materials re2uired. 3roject managing and helping to coordinate the work of contractors. 6egular site visits to check on progress' ensuring that the project is running on time and to budget. 6esolving problems and issues that arise during construction. $nsuring that the environmental impact of the project is managed. Controlling a project from start to finish.

Company % +ocation O & M engineering consultancy, Riyadh

Duration Oct !"#$%Present

&ob responsibilities:

'A Architects, (arachi

)ead of the Branch -yderabad' *indh. Discussing the objectives' re2uirements and budget of a project.

Mar !"#!%Oct !"#$

3reparing and presenting feasibility reports and design proposals to the client. Advising the client on the practicality of their project. Consulting with other professionals about the design. *pecifying the nature and 2uality of materials re2uired. 3roject managing and helping to coordinate the work of contractors. 6egular site visits to check on progress' ensuring that the project is running on time and to budget. 6esolving problems and issues that arise during construction. $nsuring that the environmental impact of the project is managed. Controlling a project from start to finish.

Mega Projects *anaged:

Boulevard .all -yderabad at 7 Acres plot. &oyota *howroom -yderabad at #.89 Acres. Boulevard :illage Bungalows *cheme at ##" Acres. +ondon &own -yderabad. ;ateh Bungalow at 7 Acres.

&ob responsibilities:

$ngineering 3akistan )ntl 3vt +td' -yderabad.

<ct !" !"#!

6esponsible for all phases of project. :aluation of Building' +and' .achinery etc.

&ob responsibilities:

<riental $ngineering *ervices' (arachi.

6esponsible for all phases of project :aluation of Building' +and' .achinery etc. 3roducing detailed workings' drawings and specifications.

Aug !"##5<ct5!"##

Architect (3art time

&ob responsibilities:

(amil Associates' (arachi.

Dec !""=50ov !""/

3erform design duties and review other>s work by using computer assisted Designing specifically using computer5aided design software. 3roducing detailed workings' drawings and specifications. ?orking also as supervision $ngineer at the following .ega projects @ Aadri ?elfare &rust At Bulshan e -adeed Client@ Aadri ?elfare &rust

AAD6) ?$+;A6$ C<.3+$C A& Bulshan5e5-adeed Client@ Aadri ?elfare &rust

-igh rise building in Deh Bujro ;.b. Area (arachi. Client@ .r. .ohammed Aslam Dasin khan

Bungalow on plot no.#9 E a west street phase 5 i' D.-.A .(arachi. Client@ .r. *yed .udassir -ussain.

Architect (3art time

&ob responsibilities:

3atel Associates' (arachi

Fan !""=5<ct !""=

6esidential and commercial design' site inspections' working drawings' Cad' renderings. *upervision on all finishing works.

Architectural Assistant ,)nternee

&ob responsibilities:

Deejays 3vt +td' -yderabad

*ep !""850ov !""8

.odel preparation' preliminary design' AutoCAD !D,7D. Created uni2ue architectural designs according to client>s demand. 3roducing detailed workings' drawings and specifications. 4sing computer5aided design software. *ketches and rendering of architectural projects.


Advance Course of $nglish +anguage from Domino (arachi. Certified AutoCad &rainer of *kill Development -...C.A (arachi. Certified AutoCad &rainer of 0avtec $nsign Communi2ue 3ak Airforce' Fauhar branch' (arachi. Certified AutoCad &rainer of B.B.*.D.D.3 $nsign Communi2ue 3ak Airforce' Fauhar branch' (arachi. Certified AutoCad &rainer of B.B.*.D.D.3Fauhar Degree college' Fauhar' (arachi.

'P)ERE O. (/O01E23E: AutoCad.ech,$lec,Civ $ngineering Drawing *trength <f .aterial +andscaping )nterior Designing

.aterial % 3rocesses
*ketches and $levations *ite analyst .aster planning ?orking Drawings and Details :aluation O4)ER E5PER46'E: i. *tructural Designing and Drafting ii. ?indows /=' C3,vista window 7

iii Auto Cad !"#" !D,7D' Adobe photoshop'.*office')nternet

1A/37A3E': $nglish 4rdu *indhi

3ersonal Data@
;atherGs 0ame@ 0)C 0o@ 3assport 0o@ Date of Birth Domicile .arital *tatus 6eligion 0ationality @ @ @ @ @ @ @ .uhammad 6afi2ue 3athan. H#7"H5I8=/#I!57 C.##9#I!# !Ith Aug #/=9 -yderabad @ .arried )slam 3akistani


5 ;urnished when re2uired.

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