Us202 Syllabus sp2013
Us202 Syllabus sp2013
Us202 Syllabus sp2013
groups, cultures, ideas, and institutions in United States history, including the multiple perspectives of gender, class, and ethnicity between the period of reconstruction to and the millennial present. It focuses on developing, practicing, and strengthening the skills historians use while constructing knowledge in the discipline. The Study of United States History is the study of our heritage as well as our present identities. America has risen from modest beginnings to become the single most powerful nation on earth. Its citizens enjoy the privileges and wealth once reserved only for nobles as well as an open political system that allows freedom of choice. We will focus on the people, events, and trends as well as ideas that have helped shaped previous times. By the end of this course, you should have a better understanding of United States History from reconstruction to modern America. Remember that this is a college course, and it will be conducted as such at all time. Text: Alan Brinkley, The Unfinished Nation Interactive (2005). Instructor: Dan Conn M.A.; Contact Information: , 265-2022 (w), 520-9084 (c); Office Hours: 1:04-156 PM Class Meeting: The class will meet Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. On Monday and Friday you are required to work on this class. These two days a week are to be used for study and research for this class. If the time is not used for study, it may be used for additional assignments. Course Website Assignments: Quizzes; you will be given weekly quizzes. The quizzes will cover readings assignments from the text book as well as essential questions from the lectures given in class. Quizzes will include traditional, multiple-choice quiz formats as well as blogs and discussions. The purpose of the quizzes is to inform the instructor about your progress as well as to help you construct meanings from one another. Quizzes are due by Mondays at noon. Late work will not be accepted. Tests; you will be given one midterm and one final. Each test will consist of multiple choice questions and written responses. The written response element will be short answer and full essays. A full essay has an introduction explaining your main ideas and the direction your essay will take, a body of evidence with four to six important and pertinent ideas that are explained and related to the theses and a thorough conclusion that both unifies and emphasizes the ideas presented in the essay. To be successful on the test, you must have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the reading content and the discussion and lecture material.
Participation; each class session, you are expected to participate in a positive manner on the subject. If you do not understand parts of the topic, ask questions. If you need some guidance or need help, take the time to talk to the instructor. Research Paper; outside of class, you will be responsible to select a topic, notify me of that topic, thoroughly research that topic and write a 1,500-2,500 formal college level research paper. The paper should be written in APA style. An annotated bibliography should be included. The paper should included both primary and secondary sources No late papers will be accepted. Further explanation of the Research Paper can be found on pages 3 and 4 of course Syllabus.
Plagiarism and Cheating: Any plagiarized work will not be accepted. In the event that plagiarized work is submitted or you are caught cheating, NJC will be notified and you may be dropped from class. Behavioral Expectations: Absolutely no behavioral problems will be tolerated. If discipline is an issue you will be dropped from the college class. Class Expectations: The performance expectations for this class are high. You are not only expected to read the material, but to study it thoroughly and to be prepared for each class session. The academic level for this class is well above high school and will be challenging, so ask questions or seek help if needed. Take the course seriously, I do. Goals: There are two overriding goals. The first is content specific. Upon completion of the course you should have a solid knowledge foundation in this subject. The second goal has to do with academic preparation. You will be given the tools to be successful in this class and in any college course you wish to take in the future, if you work at it. Slightly lesser goals are to challenge you as a learner and to create, as much as possible, a college like experience. Your efforts to make the adjustments will help in the transition towards meeting the high standards of this class. Grade Scale: The grade you receive will be a compilation of you scores on the assignments and tests. Borderline grades can be positively affected by consistent class participation. 90 100 = A 80 89 = B 70 79 = C 60 69 = C 59 and below = F
Grade Weight Quizzes: 425 points Midterm: 150 points Final: 250 points Paper: 250 points Tentative Schedule of Quiz Dates Chapter 15: January 13h, Chapter 16: January 20st, Chapter 17; January 27th, Chapter 18: February 3rd , Chapter 19: February 10th, Chapter 20: February 17th, Chapter 21: February 24th, Chapter 22: March 3rd, Chapter 23: March 10th, Chapter 24: March 17th, Chapter 25: April 7th, Chapter 26: April 14th, Chapter 27: April 21st, Chapter 28: April 28th, Chapter 29: May 5th, Chapter 30: May 12th Tentative Schedule of Test Dates Midterm: March 12th (150 points) Final: May 15th (250 points) Research Paper Core Requirements a. Topic should include an event or person in U.S. from dates ranging Reconstruction up until 1995. b. Paper should include a clear thesis, body to support, and conclusion. c. Paper should be 1,500-2,000 words d. Written in APA style. Course website will provide APA instruction and guidance. e. Annotated bibliography including at least 5 sources f. Cite sources in-text (foot, end, or context notes) g. Topic must be approved by instructor h. Rough Draft submission and Peer Editing will be used to help guide the final draft Research Paper Dues Dates a. Proposed Topic due February 28th (10 Points) b. Rough Draft of Paper due April 11th - (25 Points) c. Peer Editing April 18th (15 Points) d. Paper Due May 1st (200 points) e. Late papers will not be accepted Research Paper Rubric 90-100% (Advanced) Student demonstrated an interesting and thoughtful quest for the given subject. Your words and findings appear advanced, as evidenced by: Clear and developed thesis Use of both primary and secondary sources Scholarly depth of research Paper consists of 2,000-2,500 words Written in APA style with appropriate in-text citations
Clear conclusion supporting initial thesis Reference page in APA style with complete annotation Overall quality of presentation, including use of rich descriptions of the subject matter Little or no grammar and spelling errors
75-89% (Proficient) Student demonstrated a sufficient quest for the given subject. Your words and findings appear proficient, as evidenced by: Thesis evident but underdeveloped Paper depends mostly upon secondary sources Research evident but lacking in depth Paper consists of 1,500-2,000 words Mostly written in APA style with some appropriate in-text citations Conclusion present but does not directly supporting initial thesis Reference page in mostly APA style with some annotation The overall presentation is sufficient, but lacks rich descriptions of the subject matter Some grammar and spelling errors but does not distract from paper 60-74% (Partly Proficient) Student demonstrated a minimal quest for the given subject. Your words and findings appear partly proficient, as evidenced by: Thesis attempted but not clear Paper depends mostly upon convenient secondary and ternary sources Research attempted but reads more like a high school essay Paper does not meet the 1,500-2,500 word requirement of the assignment Paper not adequately written in APA style and/or lacks in-text citations Conclusion present but does address the initial thesis Reference page not written in APA style and/or missing annotation The overall presentation lacks both in quality and substance Grammar and spelling distract from paper 1-59% (Incomplete) You have remnants of knew knowledge but did not provide the necessary research, effort, and/or thought for this assignment. You did not meet the core requirements of this assignment.