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Deafness is defined as the loss of hearing. A person is said to have deafness if he cannot hear at all ,or can hear only loud sounds,shouted words, or would usually ask to repeat the words spoken.

Genetic factors. An accident to the pregnant mother. Mother exposed to more x-rays. pregnant mother affected with diseases like typhoid, small pox and chicken pox. usage of tablets having alcohol content. Child born with the disease called jaundice. Pre-mature and low birth weight. Exposed to very high decibel.

Based on the age of onset

1.Congenital hearing loss: this type of hearing loss
occurs during the time of birth or before the acquisition of speech and language.

2.Acquired hearing loss: this type of hearing loss occurs

after the acquisition of speech and language.

Based on the type of hearing loss

1. Conductive hearing loss: the functioning of the external and the middle ear is affected. 2. Neuro-Sensitive hearing loss: the functioning of the inner ear is affected. 3. Mixed hearing loss: the functioning of the external or the middle ear or both and the inner ear are affected. 4. Recto cochlear type: the functioning of the nerve pathway beyond the inner ear is affected.

Categorization on the degree of hearing loss

Normal Hearing Middle Hearing Loss Moderate Hearing Loss Moderately Severe Hearing Loss Severe Hearing Loss Profound Hearing Loss 0-25 dB 26-40 dB 41-55 dB 56-70 dB 71-90 dB 91-120 dB

Easy way to identify hearing problems

Difficulty in interpreting information Asking for repetitive instruction Complaining of paining the ear frequently Unable to following the instruction Focusing of the speakers face while listening to understand speech

How to they communicate

Oralism Hearing aid Speech Therapy Manualism
-Signs/Gestures -Body language -Facial expression -Mime -Finger spelling -Lip reading

Tips to communicate with the deaf people

Dont neglect a deaf person while speaking in a group I f you are signing, sign at a moderate pace and legibly Speak slowly and clearly Look directly at the deaf person and maintain eye contact Repeat and use simpler and familiar words

They can do
o o o o o o Teachers for deaf students Computer programmers Automobile industries Textiles Electronic device servicing Lathers etc.,

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