Welding Inspection: Multi-Choice Questions Paper 1 Please Return This Paper Unmarked

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Welding Inspection:

Multi-Choice Questions

Paper 1

(Rev. 2)

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1. Which mechanical test can be used to measure the toughness of weld metal, HAZ and parent material? A B C ". macro nick break hardness Charp! impact

Which is the best destructi#e test for showing lack of side$wall fusion in a "%mm thick butt weld? A B C nick break side bend Charp! impact a face bend test


'he principle purpose of a welder (ualification test is .......... A B C to test the skill of the welder to assess the weldabilit! of the materials to decide which ) ' methods to use to gi#e the welder practice before doing production welding


A fabrication procedure calls for the toes of all welds to be +blended in, b! grinding. 'he most likel! reason for doing this is to....... A B C make the weld suitable for li(uid -d!e. penetrant inspection impro#e the fatigue life reduce residual stresses impro#e the general appearance of the welds


/or full penetration single$sided butt 0oints, root bead penetration and profile are mainl! influenced b! ...... A B C root face be#el angle root gap included angle


2ndercut ma! need to be assessed according to ........... A B C depth length sharpness3profile3blend all of the abo#e


When #isuall! inspecting the root bead of a single$#ee$butt weld it should be checked for .......... A B C lack of root penetration HAZ hardness tungsten inclusions all of the abo#e

'W5 )orth, 6iddlesbrough

Welding Inspection:

Multi-Choice Questions

Paper 1

(Rev. 2)

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7. 'he strength of a fillet weld is determined b! ......... A B C 8. leg length weld profile weld width throat thickness

'he 9uropean :tandard for ) 9 of /usion Welds b! ;isual 9<amination is ......... A B C 9) "77 9) *88 9) "74 9) 84=

1=. ;isual inspection of a fabricated item, for a high integrit! application, should co#er inspection acti#ities ......... A B C before, during and after welding before welding onl! after welding onl! during welding and after welding onl!

11. 5ncomplete root penetration in a single$#ee$butt 0oint ma! be caused b! ........ A B C an e<cessi#e root face an e<cessi#e root gap the current setting being too low both A and C

1". 5ncomplete root fusion in a single$#ee butt weld ma! be caused b! ........ A B C linear misalignment the root gap being too large root faces being too small all of the abo#e

1&. When #isuall! inspecting the face of a finished weld it should be assessed for ......... A B C ma<imum e<cess weld metal height toe blend inter$run blend all of the abo#e

1*. A burn$through ma! occur if ....... A B C the current is too low the root face is too large the root gap is too large all of the abo#e

1%. A Code of >ractice is....... A B C a standard for workmanship (ualit! onl! a set of rules for manufacturing a specific product a specification for the finished product all of the abo#e

'W5 )orth, 6iddlesbrough


Welding Inspection:

Multi-Choice Questions

Paper 1

(Rev. 2)

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11. A solid inclusion in a weld ma! be....... A B C entrapped slag entrapped gas lack of inter$run fusion all of the abo#e

14. Which of the following is a planar imperfection? A B C a lack of sidewall fusion a slag inclusion linear porosit! root conca#it!

17. /or fillet welds, it is normal practice in the 2? @ 2:A to measure ....... A B C throat thickness leg lengths penetration depths both A @ C

18. 5n a bend test, when the face of the specimen is in tension and root is in compression, the test is called ......... A B C a root bend a side bend a face bend a longitudinal bend

"=. Hea#! porosit! on the surface of some 66A welds made on a construction site is most likel! to be caused b! ..... A B C use of the wrong class of electrodes the use of e<cessi#e current moisture pick$up in the electrode co#ering a bad batch of electrodes

"1. :lag inclusions ma! be present in ....... A B C manual metal arc welds metal inert gas welds submerged arc welds both A and C

"". 'he main cause of undercut is ....... A B C e<cessi#e amps e<cessi#e #olts e<cessi#e tra#el speed all of the abo#e

"&. Which group of welders is most likel! to re(uire continuous monitoring b! a welding inspector? A B C concrete shuttering welders o#erland pipeline welders tack welders maintenance welders

'W5 )orth, 6iddlesbrough


Welding Inspection:

Multi-Choice Questions

Paper 1

(Rev. 2)

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"*. Which of the following fillet welds is the strongest -assuming the! are all made using the same material and welded using the same W>:.? A B C 7 mm throat of a mitre fillet 4 mm leg A " mm e<cess weld metal mitre fillet with 1=mm leg conca#e fillet with 11mm leg

"%. A t!pical included angle for 66A welding of a full penetration pipe butt 0oint is ...... A B C &%B 4=B 8=B dependent on the pipe diameter

"1. A fillet weld has an actual throat thickness of 7mm and a leg length of 4mm. What is the e<cess weld metal? A B C ".1mm 1.7mm &.1mm 1.*mm

"4. 'he fusion boundar! of a fillet weld is ........ A B C the boundar! between the weld metal and HAZ the boundar! between indi#idual weld runs the depth of root penetration the boundar! between the HAZ and parent material

"7. 5f a Welding 5nspector detects a t!pe of imperfection not allowed b! the Application :tandard he must alwa!s ..... A B C re(uest further ) 9 re0ect the weld prepare a concession re(uest onl! re0ect the weld if he considers it to be harmful

"8. B: 9) 84= allows the use of a magnif!ing glass for #isual inspection but recommends that the magnification is .... A B C <" <" to <% <% to <1= not greater than <"=

&=. 'he ma0orit! of welder (ualification tests are carried out using an unbacked 0oint. 'his is because ......... A B C it is (uicker, and cheaper, if back$gouging is not re(uired if the welding process is not '5C, back purging is not re(uired all welder (ualification tests are done on small diameter pipe it re(uires more skill and increases the welderDs (ualification range

'W5 )orth, 6iddlesbrough

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