HRHR Executive Search Firm
HRHR Executive Search Firm
HRHR Executive Search Firm
Mr. Janak Ganatra (Proprietor and Chief Executive Search Cosultant) Belphegor Executive Search
Belphegor Executive Search has searched 150+ Senior and Middle Management personnel for more than 30 companies all over India in last 6 years.
Vision: To search professionals having the right mi of good s!ills and good nat"re for any !ind of ind"stry in India and a#road.
Core Competency: $ ec"tive Search and %ecr"itment of Senior& Middle and '"nior Management professionals (ith a salary range from %s. 3 lacs p.a. on(ards.
Verticals / Industries targeted: IT& )on*IT& +hemical& ,harma& %etail& -ospitality& $d"cation& Medical& ."tomo#iles& /ario"s other man"fact"ring and service ind"stries in India and a#road.
Positions Covered in search: +$0& +00& M1& +M0& +20& 1irectors& /,s& Managers& Sales ,rofessionals& Technical ,rofessionals& S"pport ,rofessionals& $ngineers& ,rogrammers& 2inance ,rofessionals Search Method: Ta!e mandatory details li!e 'o# description& $d"cational 3"alification& no. of e perience years& Ma . +T+ limit& relevant e perience& notice period and fe( more details from the employers. Search for matching profiles and do screening of the candidates (ith proven methods. Introd"ce matching profiles to the company4s top management and follo(*"p (ith intervie(s. Sourcing of the profiles: 5e have a (ider net (ith o"r team of $ ec"tive Search +ons"ltant (or!ing more li!e an %61 team and "sing all the possi#le data availa#le to find the right candidates.
Terms and ees: 2ees ranging from 7.338 to 908 of candidate4s yearly +T+ as mentioned in the offer*letter. 3 months (arranty if the candidate leaves the company in first 3 months. 2ees to #e paid (ithin 10 days of candidate4s :oining ounder and Chief Executive Search Consultant: Mr. 'ana! ;anatra has a vast net(or! of management contacts thro"gho"t India and the ;lo#e. -e is f"lly involved in pro*active search process and ma!es s"re that 3"ality of the search is maintained thro"gho"t. ;rad"ate in $ngineering and (ith 1<+ years of professional e perience = he has also (or!ed in 'apan for an IT M)+ for a year in the past.
Contact !s: 5e#site: (((.>e* $mail: :ana!?Be" and :ana!ganatra? ,hone: @39<5 37335 %egistered .ddress: ,lot no 977A9 Sector B . ;andhinagar C;":arat = 379 006D India. Than# you for reading this. 5e loo! for(ard to hear from yo" very soon.