Eclecticenergies Chakras SAMPLE

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Eclectic Energies

About the Chakras

written by Ewald Berkers
From the website at
-- SAMPLE --
About this text
This text has been authored by Ewald Berkers (the Netherlands).
It was originally published on the website
Copyright Ewald Berkers !""# $ !"%%
&ll rights reser'ed. No part o( this publication may be reproduced or copied by any means)
electronic) mechanical) photocopying) recording) or otherwise) without the prior written
permission o( the author.
The author is not responsible (or any damage to your health you get as a result o( using this
Introduction to the chakras
What chakras are and their pschological properties!
Chakras are centers o( energy) located on the midline o( the body. There are se'en o( them)
and they go'ern our psychological properties. The chakras located on the lower part o( our
body are our instinctual side) the highest ones our mental side.
The chakras can ha'e 'arious le'els o( acti'ity. *hen they+re ,open),
they+re considered operati'e in a normal (ashion.
Ideally) all chakras would contribute to our being. -ur instincts
would work together with our (eelings and thinking. .owe'er) this is
usually not the case. /ome chakras are not open enough (being
under$acti'e)) and to compensate) other chakras are o'er$acti'e.
The ideal state is where the chakras are balanced. To (ind out what
the state o( your chakras is) do the chakra test on the website.
There exist lots o( techni0ues to balance the chakras. 1ostly
techni0ues to open chakras are used. It makes no sense to try to make o'er$acti'e chakras less
acti'e) as they are compensating (or other chakras. To restore the compensation they+d be o'er$
acti'e again in no time. To stop them (rom compensating) the chakras they are compensating
(or must be opened.
" - #oot chakra
The 2oot chakra is about being physically there and (eeling at home in situations. I( it is open)
you (eel grounded) stable and secure. 3ou don+t unnecessarily distrust people. 3ou (eel present
in the here and now and connected to your physical body. 3ou (eel you ha'e su((icient territory.
I( you tend to be (ear(ul or ner'ous) your 2oot chakra is probably under$acti'e. 3ou+d easily (eel
I( this chakra is o'er$acti'e) you may be 'ery materialistic and greedy. 3ou+re probably obsessed
with being secure and resist change.
$ - Sacral chakra
The /acral chakra is about (eeling and sexuality. *hen it is open) your (eelings (low (reely) and
are expressed without you being o'er$emotional. 3ou are open to intimacy and you can be
passionate and li'ely. 3ou ha'e no problems dealing with your sexuality.
I( you tend to be sti(( and unemotional or ha'e a ,poker (ace), the /acral chakra is under$
acti'e. 3ou+re not 'ery open to people.
I( this chakra is o'er$acti'e) you tend to be emotional all the time. 3ou+ll (eel emotionally
attached to people and you can be 'ery sexual.
% - &a'el chakra
The Na'el chakra is about asserting yoursel( in a group. *hen it is open) you (eel in control and
you ha'e su((icient sel( esteem.
*hen the Na'el chakra is under$acti'e) you tend to be passi'e and indecisi'e. 3ou+re probably
timid and don+t get what you want.
I( this chakra is o'er$acti'e) you are domineering and probably e'en aggressi'e.
( - )eart chakra
The .eart chakra is about lo'e) kindness and a((ection. *hen it is open) you are compassionate
and (riendly) and you work at harmonious relationships.
*hen your .eart chakra is under$acti'e) you are cold and distant.
I( this chakra is o'er$acti'e) you are su((ocating people with your lo'e and your lo'e probably
has 0uite sel(ish reasons.
* - +hroat chakra
The Throat chakra is about sel($expression and talking. *hen it is open) you ha'e no problems
expressing yoursel() and you might be doing so as an artist.
*hen this chakra is under$acti'e) you tend not to speak much) and you probably are intro'erted
and shy. Not speaking the truth may block this chakra.
I( this chakra is o'er$acti'e) you tend to speak too much) usually to domineer and keep people
at a distance. 3ou+re a bad listener i( this is the case.
, - +hird Ee chakra
The Third Eye chakra is about insight and 'isualisation. *hen it is open) you ha'e a good
intuition. 3ou may tend to (antasi5e.
I( it is under$acti'e) you+re not 'ery good at thinking (or yoursel() and you may tend to rely on
authorities. 3ou may be rigid in your thinking) relying on belie(s too much. 3ou might e'en get
con(used easily.
I( this chakra is o'er$acti'e) you may li'e in a world o( (antasy too much. In excessi'e cases
halucinations are possible.
- - Cro.n chakra
The Crown chakra is about wisdom and being one with the world. *hen this chakra is open) you
are unpre7udiced and 0uite aware o( the world and yoursel(.
I( it is under$acti'e) you+re not 'ery aware o( spirituality. 3ou+re probably 0uite rigid in your
I( this chakra is o'er$acti'e) you are probably intellectuali5ing things too much. 3ou may be
addicted to spirituality and are probably ignoring your bodily needs.
Chakra +est
+ake the chakra test on the .ebsite to /ind out ho. open each o/ our chakras is!
The 0uestionnaire consists o( 68 0uestions) to which you can answer ,not at all, through
,de(initely., Try to be as honest as possible about yoursel() as this will get you the most
accurate results.
Next to a list indicating whether each chakra is under$acti'e) open or o'er$acti'e) the test
results consist o( a graph displaying the acti'ity o( each chakra.
The chakra test is at9
The chakra test is also a'ailable as so(tware (or installation on a *indows computer.

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