Airport Dialogue:: Checking in

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Airport Dialogue:

Dialogue 1:

Checking in:
Agent: Hello, where are you flying today? Passenger: I am flying to San Francisco. Agent: May I please see your passport? Passenger: Here you are. Agent: ill you !e chec"ing any luggage?

Passenger: #es, I ha$e two suitcases. Agent: %o you ha$e any carry&ons? Passenger: #es, my !rief case and my laptop !ag. Agent: %o you want a window seat or an aisle seat? Passenger: I would li"e a window seat. Agent: Here is your !oarding pass and your gate is A'(. Ha$e a pleasant flight.

Dialogue 2

In Flight:
Flight attendant: Would you like something to drink? Passenger: I would like a coke. Flight attendant: Would you like a snack? Passenger: ure. I would like some peanuts.

Flight attendant: Would you like chicken or !ee"?

Passenger: I would like chicken. Flight attendant: Would you like something to drink? Passenger: I would like some orange #uice.

Passenger: $%cuse me. &ay I get a !lanket? Flight attendant: ure. I will !e right !ack.

Passenger: &ay I ha'e a pack o" cards? Flight attendant: orry( we don)t ha'e any a'aila!le right now.

Passenger: $%cuse me. Do you ha'e any medicine "or a stomachache? Flight attendant: *es( we do. I can get you some. Flight attendant: Do you ha'e a + passport or a green card?

Passenger: ,o( I don)t ha'e either. Flight attendant: Please "ill out this immigration "orm and the claim "orm "or your luggage. Passenger: -an you help me "ill this out? Flight attendant: ure( no pro!lem.

Dialogue .

Arriving- Customs:
-ustoms Agent: &ay I see your passport please? Passenger: /ere you are. -ustoms Agent: /ow long are you staying in America? Passenger: 0wo weeks. -ustoms Agent: What is the purpose o" your 'isit? Passenger: I am here sightseeing. -ustoms Agent: /ere you are. Welcome to America. Passenger: 0hank you.

Airport Dialogues Security

ecurity 1uard: /ello( do you ha'e anything metal on you? Any change in your wallet( watches( #ewellery? Passenger: ,o. ecurity 1uard: Do you ha'e any li2uids or gels? Passenger: I ha'e this water !ottle. ecurity 1uard: Is it less than 133 millilitres? Passenger: ,o( it is 433. ecurity 1uard: I)m sorry you will ha'e to throw it away. Passenger: 5h( alright. ecurity 1uard: Please place your #acket and carry6on in the tray and proceed through the metal detector.

Information Desk at the airport

Person: /i( can you help me? In"ormation Desk Person: I7d !e happy to. Person: Where can I get a ta%i? In"ormation Desk Person: 0he ta%is are !y the main entrance. From here( walk towards 1ate .2( take the escalator to the "irst "loor and turn right. 5utside( you will see the ta%is. Person: 0hank you 'ery much.

Currency Exchang Dialogue:

8ank clerk: /i9 /ow may I help?

Passenger: I would like to e%change ,0 dollars into + dollars. 8ank clerk: 5;. Passenger: -an I ha'e your smallest !ills? 8ank clerk: *es. I would gi'e you as many as I can. Passenger: 0hank you. 8ank clerk: Please write your phone num!er and sign here. Passenger: 5;. 8ank clerk: /ere you are. /a'e a nice day.

e! "ork Avenue: Police tation:

Dialogue 1 -hild: $%cuse me( o""icer. -an you help me? Police 5""icer: What)s your emergency? -hild: I)m lost. I need to call my mom. Police 5""icer: 5;. Do you know her phone num!er? -hild: *es( it)s 4446<=>?

Dialogue #
Person: $%cuse me o""icer( could you please tell me how to get to the Pla@a /otel? Police 5""icer: *es( I can. *ou can go straight down "irst street. 0urn right when you get to the intersection. And the hotel will !e on your le"t. Person: 0hank you( o""icer.

Dialogue 1 Aeceptionist: /i( how may I help you? Bisitor: I would like a room "or the night.

Aeceptionist: Cust one night? Bisitor: *es. Aeceptionist: 5;( here is your keycard. *our room num!er is 213. /a'e a nice night. Bisitor: 0hank you.

Dialogue #:
Aeceptionist: /ello9 Welcome to the Pla@a /otel. /ow may I help you? Bisitor: I would like to get a room "or two people. We ha'e a reser'ation "or a dou!le room under Cack 8rown. Aeceptionist: 5;( would you like a single room? Bisitor: *es( that would !e "ine. Aeceptionist: *our room num!er is 13. and here is your keycard. Bisitor: 0hank you.

%oom Service Dialogue:

Aoom er'ice: Aoom ser'ice. /ow may I help you? 1uest: 1ood morning. 0his is &iss mith in room 11.. I)d like some !reak"ast( please. Aoom er'ice: Alright( what would you like?

1uest: I)d like some grape"ruit #uice( two scram!led eggs with !acon and some toast and !lack co""ee( please. Aoom er'ice: Alright. 1uest: /ow long will it take? Aoom er'ice: A!out 14 minutes. 1uest: 1reat. 0hank you.

-ustomer: $%cuse me( can you tell me how much this key chain is? -lerk: It)s one dollar and 43 cents. -ustomer: -ould you also tell me where your post cards are? -lerk: 0hey are ne%t to the !ase!all caps. -ustomer: 0hank you.

Clothing Store Dialogue:

Dialogue 1 A: What do you want to !uy? 8: I want to !uy a #acket( how a!out you? A: I want to !uy a pair o" shorts. 8: 5;( let)s go try them on.

Dialogue #
ales -lerk: &ay I help you?

-ustomer: *es( I am looking "or a red 06shirt. ales -lerk: What si@e are you looking "or? -ustomer: I am looking "or a large. ales -lerk: Well( here are our 06shirts. 0his is a red one in a large. -ustomer: &ay I try it on? ales -lerk: *es( the "itting room is o'er there. -ustomer: 0hank you9 Dialogue . -ustomer: $%cuse me( could you tell me how much this skirt is? ales -lerk: Det me see. It)s "i"teen dollars. -ustomer: Do you ha'e a larger si@e ? ales -lerk: *es( we do. We ha'e a medium and a large. -ustomer: &ay I see the large? ales -lerk: *es. /ere it is. -ustomer: 0hank you9

Electronics Store Dialogue:

Dialogue 1 -ustomer: $%cuse me( do you sell &P. players? ales -lerk: *es( we do. 0hey are o'er here -ustomer: &ay I see that pink one? ales -lerk: *es. /ere you are -ustomer: /ow much is it?

ales -lerk: It)s "i"ty dollars. -ustomer: I)d like to !uy this( !ut I can)t pay that much. Is that the lowest you can go9 ales -lerk: orry( no !argaining here. -ustomer: Alright( I will take it. Dialogue 2 ales -lerk: /ello9 /ow may I help you? -ustomer: Do you ha'e any computers on sale? ales -lerk: *es( we do. 0he Dell computer is on sale "or :33 dollars. -ustomer: &ay I see it? ales -lerk: *es. /ere it is. It)s the num!er one seller this month. -ustomer: I like it. I will take it. ales -lerk: 0hat will !e :33 dollars. -ustomer: Do you ha'e the money6!ack guarantee? ales -lerk: *es( we do. 8ut please keep the receipt and warranty. -ustomer: /ere you are. ales -lerk: 0hank you and ha'e a nice day.

&uying a cell phone Dialogue:

$mployee: /ello( how may I help you? -ustomer: I would like to !uy a cell phone.


$mployee: Is there a certain !rand you are looking "or? -ustomer: I would like to see your ony $ricsson phones. $mployee: 5;( they are o'er here. -ustomer: -ould I see the !lack and red one? $mployee: *es. /ere you are. -ustomer: /ow much is it? $mployee: It was 143 dollars !ut it is on sale "or 133 dollars. -ustomer: 5h9 0hat)s a good deal. I will take it.

Supermarket Dialogue: Dialogue '

-ustomer: $%cuse me. -an you help me? $mployee: *es. -ustomer: Where is the "ruit? $mployee: Fruit is in aisle three ne%t to the !read. -ustomer: What a!out ice cream? $mployee: Ice cream is in aisle se'en.

-ustomer: 0hank you 'ery much.

Dialogue 2 -ustomer: $%cuse me. I am looking "or the "ro@en "ood aisle. -ould you tell me where it is? $mployee: It)s on aisle three ne%t to the !read. -ustomer: 0hank you9 Dialogue . $mployee: /i9 &ay I help you? -ustomer: *es. Do you ha'e any sales today? $mployee: *es( we do. 0he apples( !ananas and the oranges are on sale "or a dollar each. -ustomer: Where is the "ruit aisle? $mployee: It)s on aisle "i'e ne%t to the "ro@en "ood aisle. -ustomer: 0hank you9

(useum Dialogue: &uying )ickets Dialogue:

Dialogue 1 Worker: /i9 /ow many people would you like to !uy tickets "or? -ustomer: 0wo adults and two youth. Worker: 0hat will !e thirty dollars please. 0here is a guided tour starting in "i"teen minutes. Please wait o'er there. -ustomer: 0hank you9

Worker: /ere is a !rochure. $n#oy your 'isit. EDaterF Worker: 0he tour will !egin now( please turn o"" your cell phones and stay with the group. Feel "ree to ask 2uestions.

Dialogue # )ours:
-ustomer: /ello( is there an option "or a tour? Worker: *es( we ha'e two options. A tour guide or a headset6 guided tour. -ustomer: /ow much will we spend on a tour guide? Worker: + G 133. -ustomer: 5;( I)d like to go at my own speed. Worker: 0hat)s "ine. I)ll get you a headset.

Calling Information Dialogue:

5perator: *ou ha'e reached directory assistance( how can I direct your call? Person: I)m trying to call the + A. 5perator: 5ne momentH Where would you like to place your call? Person: ,ew *ork. 5perator: Who would you like to call? Person: I want to call Cohn Peterson.


5perator: Please hold. I)m dialing the num!er "or you.

Clinic an* +harmacy Dialogues: Clinic Dialogue:

Dialogue 1 ,urse: /ello9 /ow may I help you? Patient: I)m here to see a doctor. I)m not "eeling well. ,urse: -an you please tell me your name and your symptoms? Patient: &y name is ;atie mith. I ha'e a "e'er and my head hurts( I also ha'e an earache. ,urse: 5;( please "ill out this "orm and gi'e it !ack to me. Patient: /ere is my "orm. ,urse: 5;( &iss mith I will call you when the doctor is ready to see you.

Doctor an* +atient Dialogue

Dialogue 2 Doctor: /ello9 I)m Dr. ,eal. /ow may I help you? Patient: I ha'e a "e'er and my head hurts. Doctor: /ow long ha'e you !een sick? Patient: I)'e !een sick "or . days. Doctor: When was the last time you saw a doctor? Patient: Dast year in Decem!er "or a routine checkup.


Doctor: It looks like you ha'e the "lu. I will gi'e you a prescription. *ou can take it and get it "illed out at any pharmacy. *ou will need to take two pills e'ery two hours "or three days. I" you are not well a"ter that( come !ack and see me. Patient: 0hank you( doctor.

+harmacy Dialogue
Pharmacist: /i( may I help you? -ostumer: *es( I need to pick up this prescription. Pharmacist: 5;( It will !e ready in a minute. -ostumer: I would also like to pick up some headache medicine. -ould you tell me where your headache medicines are? Pharmacist: ure. 0hey)re in aisle . on the le"t side. -ostumer: 0hanks. Pharmacist: ,o pro!lem.


EA little laterF Pharmacist: Alright( I ha'e your prescription ready "or you. Did you "ind the medicine you were looking "or? -ostumer: *es( I did. I)d like to !uy this along with my prescription. Pharmacist: 5;( your total comes to G2=.?>. -ostumer: G2=.?>? 5;. 0hank you 'ery much. Pharmacist: 0hank you.

%estaurant Dialogues:
,etting a )a-le *ialogue:
/ostess: /ello( welcome to Dinda)s Aestaurant. For how many people? -ostumer: For two people. /ostess: Please "ollow me. Is this ta!le 5;? -ostumer: *es( this will !e "ine. /ostess: *our waitressIwaiter will !e with you shortly.

.r*ering *ialogue:
Waitress: /i( my name is Coy. I will !e your waitress. -an I get you started with anything? -ostumer: I would like !lack tea.

Waitress: /ere is your drink. Are you ready to order? -ostumer: *es. I would like the ,ew *ork steak( well done. And my side orders will !e a !aked potato and a salad. Waitress: Alright9 Will that !e all "or you? -ostumer: *es.

,etting a *essert Dialogue:

Waitress: /ow was your dinner? -ostumer: It was great( thanks. Waitress: Would you like something "or dessert? -ostumer: ,o( thank you. Waitress: Would you like me to get your check? -ostumer: *es( that would !e great. Waitress: /ere you go and I can take that "or you anytime. -ostumer: /ere is my credit card. Waitress: 5;9 I will !e right !ack with your receipt. E A little later F Waitress: /ere you are. Please come !ack again. -ostumer: 0hank you9


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