Lab 2.3.3 Examining OS and Application Versions: Objectives

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CCNA Discovery

Networking for Home and Small Businesses

Lab 2.3.3 Examining OS and Application Versions

• Determine the operating system (OS) version and revision.
• Examine the method used for configuring Windows XP updates.
• Determine the revision number of a particular application.

Background / Preparation
It is important to keep operating systems and applications up-to-date to ensure stable operation and to
address security vulnerabilities. These updates are called revisions, updates, patches, or hot fixes. There are
three ways to update the Windows XP operating system: automatic updating, downloading patches
automatically and manually determining when they are installed, or manually downloading and installing the
This lab can be done individually, in pairs, or in teams. The following resources are required:
• Computer with Windows XP and an application such as Microsoft Word installed

Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number

a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.
b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.

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CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses

c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.

Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates

a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates? ___________________________________
d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before? __________________________________________________
l. Close the System control panel.

Step 3: Determine an application version

a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.

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Networking for Home and Small Businesses

b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version? ______________________________________________________
d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option? ________________________________________________________
f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not? __________________________________________________________________
g. Close the application.

Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used. ____________________________________________________________________

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