MH MHZ GHZ: Can Not Not

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Cc magnitudes same and phase difference zero !

d magnitude same and a phase difference of 90

34.. Which of the following statements is not true 340. Which of the following frequencies can not be
use d for reliable beyo nd-the-hori zon communication without repeaters?
(a) 20 KHz

for a broad-band arra'? !a 3he dipoles are of equal size !b 3he dipoles are equall' placed along a straight line !c 3he dipoles are fed in the same phase from the same source !d 3here is phase difference between dipole currents

(b) 400 MHZ Cc 900 MHz

!d "# GHz
34$% Which of the following can ma&e the antenna electricall' longer? . !a (eries capacitor !b Capaciti)e top loading !c *ertical polarization
(d) +ll of the abo)e

34-. ,or va reflection coefficient of 6% )alue of

*(W7 is gi)en b' !a 2
!b 4

!c 4

(d) 0

34$. ,or frequenc' upto $-0. &/z% the antenna used


348. Which of the following la'ers persists at night?

!a D la'er !b E la'er
(c) FI la'er

!a the grounded antenna !b 0arconi Cc 1agi antenna !d 2one of these

!d ,2$a'er

349. +natnalous propagation is caused b'

!a super refracti)e duct !b metereological factors !c troposcatter
(d) all of the abo)e

342. 3he input impedance of a short circuted line is

4&nown as !a cross tal& !b 4cross fire Cc inducti)e disturbance !d none of these

3.$. : rectangular wa )eguide is designed to

pro;agate the dominant mode T ELO at a frequenc' of .0/z. 3he cut off frequenc' is % 0.9 of signal frequenc'. 3he ratio of the guide .height width is 2. 3he dimensions of the guide are .

343. 3he input impedance of short circuited line of

length I where Al4< 1< Al2, is 5

!a capaciti)e
!c resisti)e

!b inducti)e !d none of these


344. + circular polarized wa)e results when

!a magnitudes of two Wa)es are same% !b phases are same .

!a 3.8. cm% $.98. cm

6b 4cm%42cm

Cc 9 cm% 4 cm !d 2..4 cm% $.28 cm

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