SMDC With Logo Reservation Agreement Male

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Name of corpora !o"/par "er#$!p/Tr%# , a# re&!# ere'

Pr!"c!pa( Off!ce A''re##

A''re## )!f a '!ffere" a''re## *!(( +e %#e' for p%rpo#e# of $e A&reeme" ,

Te(ep$o"e No#.

Fa- No#.

Ema!( a''re##

Comm%"! . Ta- Cer !f!ca e No./Da e / P(ace I##%e' )#%+m! p$o ocop.,

Ta- I'e" !f!ca !o" No. ) o +e #%+m! e' *! $ BIR Form 0123 for P$!(!pp!"e corpora !o"#,

Authorized Signatory(ie !
La# Name F!r# Name M!''(e Name

De#!&"a !o"/Po#! !o"

4Compa". D!rec or/O*"er/Pre#!'e"

4E-ec% !5e / 6P / A6P4M!''(e Ma"a&er4O $er#7 888888888888888888888888

A''re## )!f a '!ffere" a''re## *!(( +e %#e' for p%rpo#e# of $e A&reeme" ,

Te(ep$o"e No#.

Fa- No#.

Ema!( a''re##

C! !9e"#$!p

B!r $'a e

C!5!( S a %#

Pa##por No. or o $er 5a(!' Go5er"me" :!##%e' ID No./ Da e / P(ace I##%e' )#%+m! p$o ocop.,

Ta- I'e" !f!ca !o" No. )for F!(!p!"o#,

I" not #a ed in the Phi$i%%ine & na'e and (onta(t no ) o" (onta(t %er on in the Phi$i%%ine
Name A''re## Co" ac No#.

Sour(e o" Sa$e (P$ea e (he(*!

4No Spec!f!e' 4;a(<:I" 4 Bro<er

4Boo $ 4Ema!( 4Referra(

4O":(!"e 4A'5er !#eme" 4F(.er

4Repea 4Ca((:!" 4Emp(

4 E5e" 4Per#o"a( I"=%!r. 4O $er#78888888888888888888888

I #!&"!f. m. co"form! . o $e fore&o!"& a"' cer !f. $a a(( !"forma !o" pro5!'e' a+o5e are r%e a"' correc .



S!&"a %re O5er Pr!" e' Name / Da e

Bro<er / Proper . Spec!a(!# ># S!&"a %re O5er Pr!" e' Name APPRO-E. BY/

S!&"a %re O5er Pr!" e' Name / Da e

SMDC A% $or!9e' Repre#e" a !5e


A(0ui ition .etai$
I" co""ec !o" *! $ m./o%r re#er5a !o" a"' p%rc$a#e of $e Proper ., I/*e *o%(' (!<e $e p%rc$a#e o +e re&!# ere', a# fo((o*#7 88 #o(e(. !" m. "ame 88 !" +o $ o%r "ame# a# 7 Spo%#e# 88888888888888888888888888888888888888

Co:o*"er# 88888888888888888888888888888888888888

La# Name C! !9e"#$!p Ge"'er 1Ma(e 1Fema(e F!r# Name Da e of B!r $ M!''(e Name C!5!( S a %# Ta- I'e" !f!ca !o" No.

Pa##por No. or o $er 5a(!' Go5er"me" :!##%e' ID / Da e / P(ace I##%e' )#%+m! p$o ocop.,

Re#!'e"ce A''re##

Te(ep$o"e No. Ema!( A''re##

Mo+!(e No.

Emp(o.erName a"' Off!ce A''re##

Te(ep$o"e No. Ema!( A''re##

Mo+!(e No.

Ma!(!"& A''re## 1Re#!'e"ce 1Off!ce 1O $er#, p(ea#e #pec!f.

S%ou e +Co2O3ner (a a%%$i(a#$e!

La# Name C! !9e"#$!p Ge"'er 1Ma(e 1Fema(e F!r# Name Da e of B!r $ Ma!'e" Name C!5!( S a %# Ta- I'e" !f!ca !o" No. Mo+!(e No.

Pa##por No. or o $er 5a(!' Go5er"me" :!##%e' ID / Da e / P(ace I##%e' )#%+m! p$o ocop., Re#!'e"ce A''re## Te(ep$o"e No. Ema!( A''re## Emp( Name a"' Off!ce A''re## Te(ep$o"e No. Ema!( A''re##

Mo+!(e No

I" not #a ed in the Phi$i%%ine & na'e and (onta(t nun'#er o" (onta(t %er on in the Phi$i%%ine
Name A''re## Co" ac No#.

I" not #a ed in the Phi$i%%ine & and ha4e a

La# Name A''re##

igned an Attorney2In2Fa(t& %$ea e indi(ate the "o$$o3ing detai$ /

F!r# Name C! !9e"#$!p M!''(e Name P$o"e / Mo+!(e N%m+er#

Pa##por No. or o $er 5a(!' Go5er"me" :!##%e' ID / Da e / P(ace I##%e' )#%+m! p$o ocop.,


Da e of B!r $

Ema!( A''re##

Sour(e o" Sa$e (P$ea e (he(*!

4No Spec!f!e' 4;a(<:I" 4 Bro<er

4Boo $ 4Ema!( 4Referra(

4O":(!"e 4A'5er !#eme" 4F(.er

4Repea 4Ca((:!" 4Emp(

4 E5e" 4Per#o"a( I"=%!r. 4O $er#7888888888888888888888888888888

I #!&"!f. m. co"form! . o $e fore&o!"& a"' cer !f. $a a(( !"forma !o" pro5!'e' a+o5e are r%e a"' correc .



S!&"a %re O5er Pr!" e' Name / Da e

Bro<er / Proper . Spec!a(!# ># S!&"a %re O5er Pr!" e' Name APPRO-E. BY/

S!&"a %re O5er Pr!" e' Name / Da e

SMDC A% $or!9e' Repre#e" a !5e

I hereby manifest my intention and offer to purchase from SM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (the Company) the following property (the Property) and requests that the Property be reserved for my purchase under the agreed price, terms and conditions indicated below:

uyer!s: $he Property: Pro(ect: &rea (sqm): -emar.s:

"et #elling Price (net of discounts): %alue &dded $a', as applicable: )nit "o*: )nit $ype: +ther ,harges: ,hosen Payment #cheme: (attach &nne' &) TERMS AND CONDITIONS

/* &s proof of my interest to purchase the Property, l hereby tender the sum of: P0#+#: P1P

7* 3*

as -eservation 2ee, e'clusive of %&$, in order to reserve the Property for our intended purchase which shall be effective for a period of thirty (34) days from delivery of the -eservation 2ee* I understand and ac.nowledge that the -eservation 2ee is non5refundable* #hould I decide to cancel my reservation6 fail to submit all the documentary requirements, including this -eservation &greement6 or fail to pay the amounts due on the due dates prescribed, for any reason whatsoever, I agree that my reservation shall lapse and my -eservation 2ee shall be forfeited in favor of the ,ompany* I will hold the ,ompany free and harmless for thereafter releasing and offering the Property to other interested buyers* I ac.nowledge that the ,ompany reserves the right to accept or deny this request for reservation and is non5transferable* 8i.ewise, sub(ect to a written request by me, the ,ompany, at its sole discretion, may e'tend this reservation for a period of not more than fifteen (/9) days within which to ma.e the downpayment provided, however, that I shall incur a penalty charge of three percent (3:) per month, or a fraction thereof* In the event the Property is found unavailable for sale for any reason whatsoever, l agree to hold the ,ompany free and harmless from any liability whatsoever and that it shall have the option of e'changing the Property with another similar unit!lot!property as applicable or otherwise cancel this -eservation &greement* #hould there be no substitution or should the substituted Property be unacceptable to me, l shall hold the ,ompany free and harmless from any liability for canceling the -eservation &greement, sub(ect to reimbursement to me of all payments made, without interest* I ac.nowledge that in the event my application to purchase the Property is accepted, the -eservation 2ee shall automatically form part of the required downpayment* )pon being notified of the acceptance of my offer to purchase the Property, l shall remit, within the period required by the ,ompany, the downpayment and!or balance, and the complete post5dated chec.s, in accordance with the #chedule of Payment (inclusive of %&$ and +ther ,harges), attached hereto as ANNEX A, without need of further demand* &ny and all payments made to any individual, realtor,, employee or to a party other than the ,ompany for safe.eeping in favor of or for transmittal to the ,ompany shall be at my sole and e'clusive ris. and responsibility, and shall not bind nor ma.e the former answerable in any way therefor unless and until actually received, receipted and validated by the ,ompany<s ,ashier or officer duly authori=ed by the ,ompany* &ll chec.s for payment shall be crossed and shall be made payable only to the ,ompany under its corporate name: SM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION In case l am permitted to issue chec.s of foreign currencies, or if payments are made through foreign remittances in the manner authori=ed by the ,ompany, such chec.s or remittances shall be credited only as converted to their value in Philippine currency based on the prevailing buying rate of the company<s designated ban. upon clearing of funds* In case of underpayment, payment shall be made on the last installment or last payment due (for balloon payments)* In case of overpayment, the last installment or last payment due (for balloon payments) shall be ad(usted accordingly* I shall shoulder all ban. fees, charges and ta'es upon remittances or conversion of foreign currencies* &ll payments shall be made on or before their respective due dates without the necessity of any demand or any legal or (udicial action* In the event that I avail of ban. financing, I shall be solely responsible for filing the loan application prescribed by the ban., together with all the necessary requirements, in order that the loan shall be processed and the proceeds released to the ,ompany on or before the due date provided herein*






?* #hould I fail to pay any of the amounts due in relation to my purchase of the Property, or fail to submit the required documents and e'ecute the relevant contract to sell and deed of absolute sale for the Property, or fail to comply with any of the terms of my purchase, the ,ompany shall have the sole option to (i) cancel the sale and forfeit in its favor all payments made, including the -eservation 2ee, to be applied as liquidated damages6 and!or (ii) impose penalty charges at the rate of 3: per month (or fraction thereof) of delay on the unpaid amount* 8ate payments will only be accepted upon payment of interest and penalty charges* #hould there be a cancellation of this reservation, the same shall automatically vest upon the ,ompany with full authority to sell and dispose of the Property sub(ect to this -eservation &greement* @* )nless otherwise provided, my ,ontract to #ell for the Property shall be prepared only after I shall have submitted to the ,ompany all necessary documents and post5dated chec.s in such amounts and on such dates as are in accordance with the #chedule of Payment* $he ,ontract to #ell shall be e'ecuted by me within thirty (34) days from date of receipt of the ,ontract to #ell* #hould I fail to submit the duly signed contract to #ell within the said period, this -eservation &greement shall be cancelled* A* I understand and agree that this &greement only gives me the right to purchase the Property sub(ect to the fulfilment of the conditions herein stated* "o other right, title or ownership is vested upon me by the e'ecution of this &greement* $he ,ompany retains title and ownership of the Property until I shall have fully paid all amounts due to the ,ompany for the purchase of the Property* /4* I agree and understand that my purchase of the Property is sub(ect to the covenants and restrictions specified in the Pro(ect<s Beed of -estrictions (for subdivision and townhouse developments) or Caster Beed with Beclaration of -estrictions (for condominium developments), as applicable, which will be annotated on the certificate of title to the Property as a lien thereon, and which covenants and restrictions I underta.e to faithfully and strictly comply with* Cy and confirmation herein constitutes an essential consideration of the sale by the ,ompany of the Property to me*


//* I confirm that l have personally inspected the plans and specifications of the Property, studied and verified the Pro(ect site and its pro'imate location and layout of my requested Property and l find the same to be acceptable and satisfactory* I ac.nowledge that l have independently ascertained and evaluated all material facts and technical information related to the purchase of the Property and that l am satisfied with what has been e'plained to me by the Property #pecialist! who assisted me* I further understand that the si=es and!or numbering of the condominium units and spaces are sub(ect to ad(ustments in accordance with the approved building plan or amendments thereon and I agree that the developer reserves the right to revise the architectural and floor plans without my consent** /7* I hereby authori=e the developer of the Pro(ect to organi=e the Pro(ect<s governing homeowner<s association or condominium corporation, as applicable* /3* I warrant that the information which I provided herein, whether personal or corporate, is true and correct as of the date hereof and agree to directly and personally inform the ,ompany in writing of any changes in my personal data such as but not limited to name, address and!or status* 2urther, I agree that the address stated herein shall be the official address to which all communications!notices must be sent, unless a change of address is communicated in writing to the ,ompany* ,orollarily, the ,ompany shall have the right to solely rely on the information provided by me and shall not be held responsible for any error, non5communication or miscommunication in the personal information I have given*I also warrant that the funds used and to be used in purchasing the Property will be obtained through legitimate means and do not and will not constitute all or part of the proceeds of any unlawful activity under applicable laws* I hereby authori=e the ,ompany to provide to any government body or agency any information pertaining to this sale and purchase, if so warranted and required under e'isting laws, and hereby hold the ,ompany free and harmless from any incident, claim, action or liability arising from the breach of my warranties herein* /;* $his document represents the entire agreement in respect of my reservation of the Property* &ny and all stipulations, reservations, agreements, or promises, orally or otherwise, not contained herein or not reduced in writing and signed by the ,ompany<s duly authori=ed representative shall not be binding upon the ,ompany* /9* If there are two (7) or more of us signing as buyers, I understand that our obligations under this &greement shall be deemed contracted by us in a solidary manner* )D0)D0-

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or In!"#"!$a% B$yer&
/* Photocopy of any valid government5issued IB with legible signature 7* Buly filled5out I- 2ormG /A4; ! /A49 '( I) tran&a*t"n+ t,r$ an Attorney-"n- a*t. a* $wo (7) original copies of #pecial Power of &ttorney, specific to the unit and pro(ect bought, duly notari=ed or consulari=ed (#CB, format) b* Photocopy of any valid government5issued IB of &I2, with legible signature and photo ;* Cert")"e! Tr$e Copy o) Co$rt "na%"ty H if marriage was annulled or if there is separation of property between couples 9* Con&$%ar"/e!0 A$t,ent"*ate! De*ree o) D"#or*e H for divorced buyers >* 1"!o2 H photocopy of death certificate of the deceased spouse 3( I) property "& to 4e name! $n!er a m"nor a* ,ourt 2inality under &rticle 779 of the 2amily ,ode or b* ) with -elease and Iuitclaim (#CB, format)H if no court finality yet, to be signed by the parents or guardian

or Corporate 0 Partner&,"p 0 A&&o*"at"on B$yer&

/* $wo (7 ) certified true copies of the following: a* #0, ,ertificate of -egistration

b* &rticles of Incorporation, c* y58aws

7* Photocopy of duly validated I- 2ormG/A43or 7343 3* $wo (7) original copies of oard -esolution or #ecretary<s ,ertificate authori=ing the purchase of the specified property and6 designating and appointing the officer authori=ed to sign any and all documents in behalf of the corporation ;* Photocopy of any valid government5issued IB of the authori=ed officer, with legible signature 9* Photocopy of latest ,ommunity $a' ,ertificate of the corporation

or B$yer& $n!er a Tr$&t

/* $wo (7) copies of the $rust &greement, duly notari=ed or consulari=ed 7* If $rustee is an individual: a* Photocopy of any valid government5issued IB of the $rustee, with legible signature and photo b* Buly filled5out I- 2ormG /A4; ! /A49 3* If $rustee is a corporation: a* #ame requirements as corporate buyers

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