6.851 Advanced Data Structures (Spring'12) Prof. Erik Demaine Problem 6 Sample Solution

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6.851 Advanced Data Structures (Spring12) Prof.

Erik Demaine Problem 6 Sample solution

Concise van Emde Boas. We can shave o a factor of lg u bits of space through indirection. Divide the universe into chunks of size lg u, corresponding to the last lg lg u bits of the word. We will maintain a van Emde Boas structure over the rst lg u lg lg u bits. For each chunk, we maintain a single word to represent it. To insert into a chunk, simply set the corresponding bit to 1, and to delete, set it to 0. To nd a successor or predecessor in a chunk, shift out the corresponding query bit and then nd the least signicant or most signicant bit (as described in class). Whenever we insert an element, insert its rst lg u lg lg u bits into the summary vEB. When we delete, if the chunk we delete from empties then we delete from the summary structure as well. To nd a successor, rst check the corresponding chunk for a successor, and if one exists return it, otherwise search the summary structure for the successor chunk and return the smallest element in it. All operations run in O(lg lg u) time since they take a constant number of operations in the vEB structure and all work in the chunks take constant time. The summary vEB takes O(u lg u/ lg u) = O(u) bits of space, and the chunks take O(u) bits of space since there are u/ lg u chunks, and each takes lg u bits. Thus the total structure takes O(u) bits of space. Union-Split-Find. We will maintain two van Emde Boas structures, A and B . A consists of the interval start points, and B consists of the interval end points. We perform the operations as follows: make(a, b) : Insert a into A and b into B . union(a, b, c) : Delete b from A and B . split(a, b, k ) : Insert k into A and B . find(k ) : Let a be the predecessor of k in A, b be the successor of a in B . If k is in the range [a, b), return it, otherwise report that no interval contains k . All operations require 2 vEB insert/delete/queries, thus they each take O(lg lg u) time.

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6.851 Advanced Data Structures

Spring 2012

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