As-10 Anti Sludge Agent

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Acid Systems

AS-10 Antisludging Agent

AS-10 antisludging agent was developed to help prevent HCI acid-induced sludge from forming. AS-10 agent works by preventing the flocculation of asphaltene particles when contacted by HCl acid thus preventing the separation of asphaltene sludge from the crude oil. AS-10 agent can act as a nonemulsifier to help prevent some acid-oil emulsions and also improve the performance of other nonemulsifiers present. Applications AS-10 anti-sludging agent is used in HCl-acid systems to help prevent HCl-acid-induced asphaltene sludging. While AS-10 anti-sludging agent will work effectively with many crude oils, testing will be required to determine whether it will be the best anti-sludging agent to for each application. AS-10 agent is the preferred antisludging agent in the Carbonate Completion acid system. Compatability AS-10 antisludging agent is compatible with HAI-GE corrosion inhibitor and conventional inhibitors. In some cases, combinations of AS-10 agent and either AS-5 or AS-9 antisludging agent will provide improved performance over a single antisludging agent. Because AS-10 agent is anionic, it should not be used in fluids that contain cationic chemicals unless previous testing has shown this combination of chemicals to be compatible.

AS-10TM Antisludging Agent - Product Specications

Chemical Description Form Color Temperature Range Flash Point Freezing Point Organic acid Liquid Dark brown No known upper limit >180F (>82C) -25F (-31C) Specic Gravity Density Ionic Charge pH Shelf Life Function 1.083 9.02 Anionic <1 36 months Antisludging agent for HCI acid systems

2012 Halliburton. All rights reserved. Sales of Halliburton products and services will be in accord solely with the terms and conditions contained in the contract between Halliburton and the customer that is applicable to the sale. H08963 01/12

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