Dear Students, As We Approach The Middle of The Semester, Here Are Some Pointers To Help Your Exam/essay Preparations

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Dear Students, As we approach the middle of the semester, here are some pointers to help your exam/essay preparations.

GREEN TRACK: This track is only open to PGP and PGPPPM students in the class. The midterm exam will be held during regularly scheduled exam period (as announced by the PGP office). The exam will be open everything. You are free to bring any non-electronic resource into the exam hall. The exam will test your understanding of the material covered in the first six lectures of the class (except the Stiglitz Public Lecture and the North East Guest Lecture). Additionally you must be familiar with the following chapters from your textbooks: Bhagwati and Pannagariya: pages xiii through 69; Appendix-1; Appendix-2 Shrivatsava and Kothari: Preface, Prologue; Chapters1-3; Chapters 6-7. Additionally Green Track students must select a book that they will review later in the semester. BLUE TRACK: Your first papers are due on the day of midterm exam. Please turn them over to the proctor in the exam hall. Late submissions will not be accepted. RED TRACK: Your paper proposals are due on the day of the midterm exam. Please hand your proposals to the proctor in the exam hall. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Good luck with your exams and papers! Best, Deepak Malghan

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