Using Short Open-Ended Mathematics Questions To Promote Thinking and Understanding. Foong Pui Yee
Using Short Open-Ended Mathematics Questions To Promote Thinking and Understanding. Foong Pui Yee
Using Short Open-Ended Mathematics Questions To Promote Thinking and Understanding. Foong Pui Yee
Introduction Figure 1 depicts the framework of the Singapore Curriculum (MOE, 2000) that was conceptualized since the early 90s to encompass mathematical problem solving as its core. Mathematical problem solving as stated in this framework includes using and applying mathematics in practical tasks, in real life problems and within mathematics. It advocates that problems should cover a wide range of situations from routine mathematical problems to problems in unfamiliar context and open-ended investigations that make use of the relevant mathematics and thinking processes.
Appreciation Interest Confidence Monitoring ones own thinking
s de
Numerical, Geometrical, Algebraic, Statistical
The curriculum framework recognises that problems are both a means and an end in school mathematics instructions. Teaching via problems serves as a mean for students to construct mathematical concepts and to develop skills. Problems lead students to use heuristics such as to investigate and explore patterns and as well as to think critically. To solve problems the students must observe, relate, question, reason and infer. Success in problem solving relates to students disposition and monitoring of their own thinking processes. Mathematics educators including schoolteachers are beginning to pay attention to the kind of tasks that they give to students. Currently, most mathematics classrooms in Singapore are engaged in the traditional approach of whole class expository teaching followed by pupil practice of routine exercises and regular written tests consisting of multiple-choice questions, short-answer and long-answer open response questions (Chang, Kaur, Koay and Lee, 2001). There is a need to equip teachers with a bank of greater variety of mathematical questions for problem solving that can enhance their teaching methods. Pupils must encounter intriguing mathematical problems where they can reason and offer evidence for their thinking, communicate and present their ideas in mathematics, and find connections across mathematics as well as in real life. Classification Scheme for Mathematical Problems In order for teachers to realise the encompassing role of problem solving in the curriculum, they should to be able to distinguish between and among the various types of problems and their roles. Equip with the knowledge and understanding they can judiciously select or even construct tasks for their pupils that will promote different forms of thinking activities in a mathematics lesson. Based on a systematic search of literature on problem solving and use of problems in research by Foong (1990), this paper proposes a classification scheme for different types of problems that are being encouraged for the 21st century mathematics classrooms, as shown in figure 2. We shall adopt the commonly accepted definition of a problem as one where thinking takes place when a person is confronted with a problem that has no immediate solution and that the problem solver accepts the challenge to tackle it. This will exclude those school textbook exercises that are
Deductive Inductive Reasoning Heuristics
lls Ski
Closed Types
exclude textbook exercises Routine Problems content-specific multiple-steps Non-routine problems using hueristics prob solv strategies
Investigations & Projects
Converted textbook problems with open-ended situations for conceptual understanding problem posing
explain concepts/rules
or errors
used for practice of an algorithm or skill such as in computational sums or in simple one to two-step translation word problems. In this scheme, basically, most problems can be broadly classified as closed or open-ended in structure. Problems in this classification scheme have their different roles in mathematics instruction as in teaching for problem solving, teaching about problem solving, or teaching via problem solving. These roles will be illustrated in the following discussion on the different categories of problems. Closed Problems Closed problems are well-structured in terms of clearly formulated tasks where the one correct answer can always be determined in some fixed ways from the necessary data given in the problem situation. These closed problems would include content-specific routine multiple -step problems as well as non-routine heuristic -based problems. To tackle these problems, the solver through productive thinking rather than simple recall must generate some process skills or some crucial steps in the solution method. Figure 3a shows examples of the routine content-specific multiple-step problems, also known as challenge problems to local teachers for the topic on Fraction. Teachers use such challenge problems for its role in teaching for problem solving where the emphasis is on learning mathematics for the main purpose of applying it to solve problems on a particular topic. Such type of challenge problems in the Singapore syllabus are used to assess so called higherorder analytical thinking skills of the pupils. Similar structured word problems of this such kind are posed as challenge sums across related arithmetic topics like whole numbers, fractions, ratio and percent.
Examples of Teaching For Problem Solving: Problem Sums on Fractions
Minah had a bag of rice. Her family ate an equal amount of rice each day. After 3 days, she had 1/3 of the rice left. After another 7 days, she had 24 kg of rice left. How much rice was in the bag at first?
2. 3/5 of Pr 6A and of P 6B are girls. Both classes have the same number of girls and P 6A has 8 more boys than P 6B. How many pupils are there in P 6A?
Number of 5 ? ?
In tandem with the current call for more emphasis on process skills, there are recommendations in the syllabus for teachers to use non-routine problems to teach thinking skills and problem solving heuristics. Non-routine closed problems of the type shown in Figure 3b are beginning to appear in the mathematics classroom where teachers use them in the role of teaching about problem solving. The emphasis is on using heuristic strategies like use guess and check, working systematically, try simpler cases, tabulate data, look for a pattern , generalize, etc.etc., to solve an unfamiliar problem that is usually not domain-specific to any topics in the syllabus. Open-ended Problems This category of problems are often considered as ill-structured problems for they lack clear formulation as there are missing data or assumptions and there is no fixed procedure that guarantees a correct solution. Much of the real-world problems, e.g. Design a better time-table or How much water and money can a school save during the Save Water campaign? would fall into this category. Mathematical investigation in the form of major open-ended projects that explore and extend a piece of pure mathematics for its own sake or those real-world problems that require mathematical modeling meant for higher level mathematics will not be discussed in this paper. Such open-ended projects usually require students to demonstrate their ability in the form of a detailed report on how they carry out an extended piece of independent work in mathematics showing their creative application of mathematical knowledge and skills. Converting Textbook Exercises into Short Open-ended Problems For the purpose of this paper, we will focus on the types of short open-ended problems that teacher can convert from closed questions found in textbook exercises. Such tasks can be incorporated into normal lessons and would not require an extensive length of several periods or weeks for pupils to do. Teachers can use short open-ended problems for its role in teaching via problem solving that emphasizes learning mathematical concepts and skills through a problem situation. Caroll (1999) found that short open-ended questions provided teachers with quick checks into students thinking and conceptual understanding. They are no more time-consuming to correct than the worksheet questions that teachers normally give. When used regularly, the pupils can develop the skills of reasoning and communication in words, diagrams, or picture. Consider a typical question that one may find in a primary textbook, Figure 4. Formulated in such a closed structure, the teacher and pupils would have in mind the expected standard response of seeing it as a multiplication sum. However, in the same context of a Polar bear, teachers in the Netherlands (Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, 1996) posed an open-ended situation for the pupils to solve, see Figure 5.
Closed Question
A Polar bear weighs about 20 times as heavy as Ali. If Ali weighs 25 kg. What is the mass of the Polar bear? Expected Pupils responses: Cue word: 20 times as heavy Concept: multiplication situation Procedure: 25 x 20 =. 25 x 20
A Polar bear weighs 500 kg. How many children do you need to have the same mass?
Expected Pupils Responses:
No fixed cue: can be division, multiplication or repeated addition, or ratio Arouses natural curiosity- a real meaningful problem Not all data are given Pupils to make own assumptions about missing data: weight of a child Making decision and estimation on the average weight of a child in relation to themselves
According to Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, the Polar Bear problem (Figure 5) represents an important goal of mathematics education. In an open-ended situation, pupils in addition to applying calculation procedures are also required to solve realistic problems where there is no known solution beforehand and not all data is given. It would require pupils own contributions, such as making assumptions on the missing data. Without giving the childrens weight, it becomes a real problem and the pupils have to think about and estimate the weight of an average child. There is no cue word for students to figure out which operation to use as in the closed question, Figure 4. For the Grade 3 children in the Netherlands, the open-ended situation enabled the pupils to show what they knew and
it also enabled the teachers to acquire richer information on how their pupils tackled problems. The children used their acquired knowledge of measurements, they used varied division strategies and different models and notation schemes to support their thought processes. Singapore Primary Teachers Workshop and Pupils Work Since 1999, several local teachers have attended workshops conducted by the author on the use and construction of open-ended problems in the teaching of primary mathematics. These workshops constituted as one of the many units in their in-service training programme. In the workshop, teachers were exposed to the different kinds of short open-ended questions, they were given opportunity to convert textbook questions into open-ended problems and then they had to trial their questions on their own pupils in school. The features and types of short open-ended questions that they can construct are shown in Figures 6 and 7.
Features of Open-ended Problems:
No fixed method No fixed answer/many possible answers Solved in different ways and on different levels (accessible to mixed abilities). Offer pupils room for own decision making and natural mathematical way of thinking. Develop reasoning & communication skills Open to pupils creativity and imagination
when relates to real-life context of children experience.
Samples of Teachers Open-ended Questions and Pupils Work The teachers found little difficulty in constructing the questions but initially many of them were apprehensive about giving their pupils such tasks. The reason being that it has never been part of their teaching where they require pupils to give explanations and reasons for their solutions. The practice has always been pupils are given problems that have only one answer and one taught method of finding it. When the teachers had to trial the open-ended questions with their pupils as part of their assignments in the workshop, many of them were surprised by the various and rich responses that most of their pupils could give. Of course, there were also reports by some teachers that many pupils seem to lack the reasoning and communication skills that they had hoped to see in the pupils work. Some of the teachers gave the problems to their pupils to work in small groups to generate discussion among them. The following are some samples of two teachers questions and their pupils responses: Problem with missing data Miss A, a primary two teacher formulated this open-ended question as an antithesis to the routine exercises that her pupils were doing on simple word problems in addition and subtraction:
There are some apples on the table and some apples in a small basket. If there are 50 apples altogether, how many apples are on the table. Explain your answer.
She decided to have the pupils worked individually as she felt that they were too young and were not used to working in groups for mathematics. To her surprise, most of her pupils were able to respond appropriately and the variety of the childrens thinking was enlightening. Some children could reflect upon analysing the question, that it cannot be solved as there was not enough given information. There was a child who was able to generalize that there were many possible answers. Different strategies were used: subtraction, division, and even model drawing. The uses of verbal, symbolic and pictorial mathematical representations were manifested in these childrens work when they were given the opportunity to be creative in an open-ended situation such as this. Some pieces of the primary two childrens work are shown in Appendix 1.
Problem Posing Miss B, formulated this open-ended problem posing, Figure 8, for her primary five girls to assess their understanding on the concept, average. She analysed their work and classified them. From the pupils work she realized that although many of her pupils were able to apply the procedure for finding average in their standard workbook, there were some who had no understanding of the concept based the questions that these pupils had constructed. Some have misconception of average as the total or as in sharing or division. Interestingly, she also found some pupils have very poor measurement sense in the context they used for their constructed questions. They would use unrealistic measurement units like 93 cm for a toddler, 81 kg for an obese hamster, or a family using only 93 litres of water in a week! This might also indicate that pupils could be modeling after some textbook or teacher questions that often do not necessarily relate to the real world. Another insight to some of her female primary 5 girls was their imaginative or otherwise, creations that used context of boyfriends, bald man and underwears.
Problem Posing Jang An got all his word problems correct. His workings are shown below. Can you think of word problems that match his workings? Jang Ans Working: 81 + 93 + 78 = 252 252 3 = 84 Ans. The average is 84
Primary Five Pupils Creation: Lack full understanding of the concept of average There are 3 classes in an art school. The first class has 81 pupils, the second class has 93 pupils, the third class has 78 pupils. Find the total average of pupils in the art school. On Monday, Jang An bought 81 marbles. His mother bought him 93 more marbles and his neighbour gave him 78 more marbles. What is the average number of marbles he got that day. He has 81 apples, 93 durians and 78 rambutans. He shared it among his friends. What is the average amount of fruits each of them got?
P5 Pupils Creation: Imaginative & Frivolous boyfriends, in the second estate she made 93 boyfriends. In the third estate, she made 78 boyfriends. On the average, how many boyfriends did she make in each estate? There were 3 bald men. Bald man A had 81 hairs, bald man B had 93 hairs and bald man C had 78 hairs. What was their average amount of hairs? There was a robbery one day and three pairs of underwear got robbed. Underwear A was size 81,underwear B was size 93 and underwear C was size 78.What was their average size?
Three toddlers are 81 cm, 93 cm and 78 Esther Lee moved to a different estate 3 times. In the first estate, she made 81 cm tall. What is their average height? There were 3 obese hamsters. Hamster A weighed 81 kg, hamster B weighed 93 kg, and hamster C weighed 78 kg. What was their average weight? The Quek family used 93 litres of water in the first week of August. They used 78 litres in the 2nd week and 81 litres in the 3rd week. Find the average amount of water they used in a week.
evidence presented in the pupils work, the pupils were capable of communication in mathematics using words, diagrams, pictures or manipulatives. For concluding remarks to encourage others to implement open-ended questions in their teaching, excerpts of three of the teachers observation and reflection after they had trialed their problems with their own pupils, are expressed in the following: Teacher X: A lesson such as an open-ended problem solving was indeed a fruitful one for my pupils and me. There was another avenue to motivate pupils to learn mathematics. .When the pupils got started to work in pairs, I could see that they were thinking very hard as to how the work could be done. I heard comments like How can a person be so heavy? and It is not possible to have so many passengers in a bus?. I was glad that they tried to explain and justify to their peers (primary four) Teacher Y: From my pupils work, I feel that critical thinking can be taught. These pupils were frightened at first to take the first step, for fear of getting the answers wrong. But after seeing their friends answers and reasons, these fears were lifted..Lastly, the pupils do include their own personal experiences and knowledge. I was quite impressed. (primary four ) Teacher Z: .Another advantage of open-ended investigation is that learning is more active. Pupils had a great time making wild guesses, trying to defend their procedure. However, our pupils are still not accustomed to accepting other pupils alternative answers, it will take them some time to recognize the fact that there are sometimes more than one solution to a problem Open-ended investigations here no doubt require more preparation and time on the part of the teachers, but judging from the positive learning outcome of the activity carried out from most of the pupils, the pupils will begin to see mathematics can be meaningful and interesting. (primary six) References
Chang, S.C. , Kaur, B., Koay, P.L., & Lee, N.H. (2001). An exploratory analysis of current pedagogical practices in primary mathematics classroom. The NIE Researcher, 1 (2),7-8. Carroll, W.M. (1999). Using short questions to develop and assess reasoning. In L.V. Stiff & F.R. Curcio (Eds.), Developing mathematical reasoning in grades K-12, 1999 Yearbook (pp. 247-255). Reston, Va.: NCTM. Foong, P.Y. (1990). A metacognitive-heuristic approach to mathematical problem solving. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Monash University. Australia. MOE (2000), Revised syllabus for primary mathematics. Curriculum Planning and Development Division. Ministry of Education. Singapore. Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M. (1996). Assessment and realistic mathematics education. Utrecht: CD-B