Chords Worksheet

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Fill in the missing notes in these triads, using white notes only. (No #s or s needed.)








Now colour or shade in the correct notes on these keyboard diagrams, to show the notes of the chords (triads) named below.

D triad 3)

F triad

C triad

G triad

The difference in sound between a major (bright-sounding) and a minor (darker sound) triad is caused by the middle note of the triad. The middle note of a major triad (eg C major triad, CEG) is one semitone higher than the middle note of a minor triad (eg C minor triad C EG). The highest and lowest notes stay the same, whether the triad is major OR minor. Can you fill in the missing notes in the box below? C E G makes a bright major sound, but C E G gives a darker minor sound. G B D makes a bright major sound, but G BD gives a darker minor sound. D F# A makes a bright major sound, but D F __ gives a darker minor sound. B D F makes a bright major sound, but __ D F gives a darker minor sound. F A C makes a bright major sound, but F __ __ gives a darker minor sound.


Choose any 5 of the above chords (from No 3) and draw them onto the staves below. The notes of a chord are drawn stacked on top of one another, to show they should all be played at the same time. Add the name of each chord, above and below the stave. D minor B major _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

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Dm B


Unscramble the notes below, putting them in order and filling in the blanks.

FDA = DFA = D chord CAF = _ _ _ = __ chord

DGB = _ _ _ = G chord BGE = _ _ _ = __ chord 2010

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