On The Road To Nowhere?: Some Thoughts On The Ideas of Innovation and Ideology
On The Road To Nowhere?: Some Thoughts On The Ideas of Innovation and Ideology
On The Road To Nowhere?: Some Thoughts On The Ideas of Innovation and Ideology
On the Road to Nowhere? Some thoughts on the ideas of innovation and ideology
Were on a road to nowhere Come on inside Takin that ride to nowhere Well take that ride Talking Heads
o" an$ inno&ati&e endea&o)r al-a$s #o'es o)t as so'ething ne-! As a 'ethodolog$( inno&ation is s) osedl$ #a a,le o" in#or orating all sorts o" in )ts as 'eans to the end o" this ne-ness! *ser-dri&en inno&ation -o)ld ,e an e+a' le o" this! I'agine a rod)#tion o" -heel#hairs -ith the inno&ati&e ro#ess ,eing done ,$ engineers and designers onl$! The 'ethodolog$ o" )ser-dri&en inno&ation( then( -o)ld in#or orate the )sers o" -heel#hairs in the de&elo 'ent as -ell( ,oth the dire#t and indire#t )sers! The de'and o" ne-ness and the 'ethodologi#al a,ilit$ to in#or orate a di&ersit$ o" reso)r#es is #onne#ted to -ider #)rrents -ithin this #o' le+ entangle'ent! These #)rrents has ,een des#ri,ed in a n)',er o" -a$s( three o" -hi#h -e -ill indi#ate here! /irst( there is the #)rrent des#ri,ed as cognitive capitalism! The /ren#h e#ono'ist 0ann 1o)lier-Bo)tang 223314 des#ri,es this #)rrent as a s$ste' o" a##)')lation ri'aril$ "o)nded ) on kno-ledge( -here the e+ternalities 5 the reso)r#es originall$ o)tside o" the e#ono'i# s here 5 are integrated into the e#ono'i# s here! 6no-ledge ,oth is and ,e#o'es the 'ain reso)r#e in the process o" #reating &al)e as art o" this a##)')lation! Hen#e( di""erent kinds o" kno-ledge ha&e ,e#o'e in#reasingl$ i' ortant in #reating ne- rod)#ts( te#hnologies( organisations( 'arketing( ro#esses and so on( -ith the ai' o" #reating 'ore gro-th -hether "or ri&ate #o' anies or at the so#ietal le&el! Se#ond( this in#or orating o" kno-ledge #an also ,e seen as so'e kind o" i' erialis' 5 as the %nglish e#ono'ist Ben /ine 223334 ter's it 5 the in#reasing #oloni7ation o" so#ial s#ien#es ,$ e#ono'i#s8 re la#ing re&io)s ass)' tions o" an o&erl$ rational indi&id)al as the oint o" de art)re o" e#ono'i#s -ith the #ategor$ o" the so#ial( highl$ s e#iali7ed s#ienti"i# kno-ledge is )sed as a anal$ti#al tool hel ing the e#ono'$ #reating ne- inno&ati&e &al)e as art o" this s$ste' o" a##)')lation! Third and last( the t-o "irst oints #an ,e s)''ari7ed ,$ the #on#e t o" a ne- s irit o" #a italis' anal$sed ,$ Boltansk$ and Chia ello 223354! The #a a#it$ o" in#or orating and #a italise areas e+ternal to the e#ono'$( in#l)ding areas critical o" #a italist e#ono'$( is a 'ark o" #a italis' in its third s irit1! 9ithin this s irit( or regi'e o" a##)')lation( #reati&it$( kno-ledge and inno&ation are so)r#es o" ne- e#ono'i#al &al)e and o,:e#ts o" #a italist a##)')lation and e+ loitation! The reason is( a##ording to Boltansk$ and Chia ello( that rod)#tion ,e#o'es )ll-oriented( i!e! its "o#)s re&ol&es aro)nd the str)#t)res o" de'and -ithin the 'arket( and hen#e #reates the need "or ad:)sting innovatively to ne- de'ands!
Hen#e( the #o' le+it$ -e took as o)r oint o" de art)re is #onne#ted to inno&ation in the sense that inno&ation ,e#o'es a 'ethodolog$ "or hel ing incorporating e+ternal reso)r#es( subsuming the' )nder an e#ono'i# s$ste' o" a##)')lation and #reating the ,est "le+i,le #onditions "or doing this again and again! As indi#ated ,$ the #)rrent "inan#ial #risis( a #ontin)o)s #a italist de&elo 'ent in the g)ise o" a ne&er-ending a##)')lation o" &al)es is not an eas$ task to a##o' lish! It is( as ;i<ek e#hoing 1ar+ has )t it( ro,a,l$ doo'ed to "ail)re! It is the #lai' o" this a er that the e+a' le o" inno&ation -hi#h -e -ill anal$se( the 'ethod o" #reating a ne+t ra#ti#e( ")n#tions as an attention-di&erter to this ass)'ed e&er- resent threat o" "ail)re! It does so ,$ #ontin)o)sl$ ro:e#ting the s)##ess o" the inno&ati&e e""ort into a ")t)re ne&er to ,e realised! In this -a$( #a italis' kee s re rod)#ing itsel" not onl$ ,$ in#or orating ne- kno-ledge into its s$ste' o" a##)')lation( ,)t also ,$ 'ethodologi#all$ es#a ing into the ")t)re( as -e -ill see! 9hether it a#t)all$ -ill "ail or not is not o)r #on#ern here( ,)t the te#hni=)e o" di&erting the attention "ro' the ossi,ilit$ o" "ail)re is! The #riti=)e o" ideolog$ -ill ,e the ri'ar$ ers e#ti&e in arg)ing "or this #lai'! Ideolog$ is )nderstood here in the >i7ekian sense as an ines#a a,le #ondition "or all thinking and not so'ething -e are a,le to o&er#o'e! Ho-e&er , it -ill e'erge "ro' the "ollo-ing that this #ondition 'ani"ests itsel" in the sha e o" a distorted )se o" #on#e ts( and the #onne#tions ,et-een the'! De'onstrating a #riti=)e o" ra#ti#e o" #on#e t )se( it is #lai'ed( is one o" the ri'e tasks o" a #riti=)e o" ideolog$! Criti#i7ing the )se o" #on#e ts and #onne#tions 'ade ,et-een the'( -hi#h #onne#tions hold )nder ")rther s#r)tin$( and -hi#h e+ ress onl$ reten#e is #o' ati,le -ith a #riti=)e o" ideolog$! Ho-e&er( this is al-a$s "a#ing the )n#ertaint$( tho)gh( that the #riti=)e itsel" needs ")rther #orre#tion! This -ill ,e de'onstrated thro)gh an ideolog$-#riti#al anal$sis( :)+ta osing ;i<ek.s notion o" ideolog$ and ?il,ert @$le.s #riti=)e o" #on#e t-)se )sing the idea o" #orre#tnessAtr)th as )n"olding on the 'ethod o" ne+t ra#ti#e! The arti#le -ill ro#eed in the "ollo-ing 'anner! /irst( one ne- "or' o" inno&ati&e thinking( des#ri,ed as a 'ethod o" ro#eeding "ro' the ,est ra#ti#e to the ne+t ra#ti#e( is resented! S),se=)entl$( engaging ;i<ek.s thinking on ideolog$ and des#ri,ing this thro)gh stages o" e#ono'i# i' erialis'( a #on#e t o" ra#ti#al #orre#tness is de&elo ed( -hi#h is
)sed in #riti#i7ing the #on#e ts o" ,est and ne+t ra#ti#e! /inall$( so'e s)ggestions on the i' li#ation o" esta,lishing a ossi,le #onne#tion ,et-een the t-o #on#e ts are resented!
#reati&it$ 5 des#ri,es ne+t ra#ti#e as e'ergent inno&ations initiating ne- -a$s o" -orking( -here s)#h inno&ations are 'ost likel$ to #o'e "ro' tho)ght")l( e+ erien#ed( sel"-#on"ident ra#titioners tr$ing to "ind ne- and 'ore e""e#ti&e sol)tions to intra#ta,le ro,le's! The o-er oint slide 2fig $%, de i#ting the di""eren#e ,et-een ,est and next practice at the ,otto' o" the ho'e age( highlights the dis#i lined i'agination o" these ra#titioners8 ,est ra#ti#e is do'inated ,$ #)rrent "o#)s and is ado ti&e( -hereas next practice is do'inated ,$ a ")t)re "o#)s and is ada ti&e!
!ig $
Th)s( ne+t ra#ti#e as a 'ethod i' lies a #hange in ers e#ti&e "ro' the ,est ra#ti#e to the next practiceG a #hange ai'ed at #ontrolling thinking to e""e#t)ate a di""erent -a$ o" doing things! Cet this set the stage "or the ne+t e+a' le( the Danish ,ook 'entioned earlier( and -hi#h Jin#identall$. has from best practice to the next practice as a s),title! The ,asi# ers e#ti&e in this ,ook is the ")n#tion o" the short hrase What if as an e$eo ener "or things to ha en - What if is the ger' o" all inno&ation8
What if o)r -ork is ,ased not onl$ on -hat -e kno- -orks( ,)t also o ens
o)r e$es to -hat #o)ld -ork ,etterK What if this o ening ga7e -as integrated into all o)r -ork ro#esses( and not onl$ arked in arallel and ti'e li'ited de&elo 'ent ro:e#tsK 2Bendi+ et al 23388 17 5 '$ translation4 B$ )sing o)r i'agination as tool in this =)estioning ro#ess( -e are #a a,le o" sol&ing di""i#)lties -e don.t kno- the sol)tion to $et! The i'agination ro#ess s) "reedo' o" "oreseeing( i'agining -hat #o)ld ha o)r idea o" -hat #o)ld ha en( a#t)all$ ha ens! In this -a$8 osedl$ gi&es )s the en and the a,ilit$ to a#t in s)#h a -a$ that
What if o ens ) ne- -a$s o" thinking and the ossi,ilit$ o" transgressing the )s)al -a$s o" doing things! This =)estioning is al-a$s "or-ard-"a#ing and roa#ti&e! It is not a,o)t -hat has alread$ ,een done( ,)t a,o)t -hat is ne+t( the next practice 2Bendi+ et al 23388 18 5 '$ translation4 What if as a 'ethod o" dis#i lining o)r i'agination is a ra#ti#e ai'ed at #ontrolling o)r thinking o" inno&ation! This 'eans 'onitoring o)r )s)al -a$s o" doing things( -hi#h( o" #o)rse( is the ,est ra#ti#e so far! D)e to the "a#t that inno&ation is 'ore an ans-er to #hallenges #hanging #ontin)o)sl$( ,est ra#ti#e is like $esterda$.s ne-s( art o" an ongoing ro#ess( a ste ing stone on the -a$ to the ne+t deadline8 E "est practice & -hether it is real or de"ined 5 is a i#t)re o" a s)##ess( ,)t a s)##ess o" the ast - the #onditions o" this ra#ti#e ha&e 'ost likel$ #hanged sin#e it -as rono)n#ed as the ,estI 2Bendi+ et al 23388 2B4! The ,est ra#ti#e( then( is a ra#ti#e in need o" ,eing re la#ed ,$ e&er-ne-er practices So ne+t ra#ti#e is not a,o)t re:e#ting ,est ra#ti#e2s4( ,)t( it is #lai'ed( a,o)t 'aking a #hange o" ers e#ti&e8 The idea is( then( not to re:e#t best practice( "or the target o" inno&ation is a ,etter ra#ti#e( ,)t the ers e#ti&e sho)ld ,e "o#)sed ')#h 'ore on next practice Inno&ation is dire#ted "or-ard and de&elo s as a #onse=)en#e o" the #onditions o"( and the -ork and engage'ent ,eing a lied to the task! 2Bendi+ et al 23388 2H 5 '$ translation4 This #hange o" ers e#ti&e( the ra#ti#e o" What if as a 'ethod( i' lies a di""erent -a$ o" relating to ,oth the 'ore ositi&e tasks and the negati&e di""i#)lties -e en#o)nter in o)r )s)al best practice! It is a #ontin)o)s re-orking( or re"ining( o" o)r ra#ti#e( good 2,e#a)se it is the ,est ra#ti#e so "ar4 or ,ad 2#o' ared to the ne+t ra#ti#e4( #reating a ,etter ra#ti#e instead!
1oreo&er( this ro#ess #ontin)es -itho)t end( ,e#a)se EMone sol)tion a#hie&ed( o ens ) "or ne- #hallenges to ,e sol&ed!I 2Bendi+ et al 23388 254! Conse=)entl$( ,oth the British Inno&ation *nit and the Danish a)thors share the #on&i#tion that there is al-a$s roo' "or i' ro&e'ent( and( hen#e( that -e sho)ld ne&er settle "or the ,est ra#ti#e! Ne+t ra#ti#e is la#ed in a ti'e"ra'e o" the ")t)reG it is -hat is ossi,le( in #ontrast to the ast or resent( -hi#h is the alread$ esta,lished ,est ra#ti#e! 9ords like revolutioni'e, evolve, renewal, open up, without end and what if all see' to indi#ate an )n"inished task o" #hanging -hat has alread$ ,een done! The er'anent #hange that Boltansk$ and Chia ello #lai' is one o" the signs o" inno&ation in the third s irit o" #a italis'( is o,&io)s! Besides( -e sho)ld note the e+ li#it g)idan#e o" e&al)ation 2dis#ri'inating ,est "ro' the ne+t4( g)idan#e o" a#tion 2what if as a 'ethod4( o-er o&er #ognition 2the dis#i lined i'agination4 and logi#al #oheren#e 2from ,est to ne+t ra#ti#e4 as -ell( all indi#ators o" ideolog$ a##ording to 1)llins 219724! These "o)r #hara#teristi#s are to ,e i' lied in the )se o" the #on#e ts o" ,est ra#ti#e and ne+t ra#ti#e( -hi#h -e -ill dis#)ss ,elo-! It is ;i<ek.s insight that an$ #riti=)e o" this kind o" ideolog$ is art o" so'e sort o" ideolog$ as -ell! In -hat sense( then( i" an$( a #riti=)e o" ideolog$ #an ")n#tion as a dis#losing o" ideolog$ and -hat the #onse=)en#es o" this are "or the #riti=)e o" inno&ation as ideolog$( -e -ill t)rn to in the ne+t #o) le o" se#tions!
agenda o" hiloso h$( so#ial s#ien#e and e#ono'i#s "or 'ost o" the 23 th #ent)r$! A##ording to /ine( ,oth the rote#tion o" the li"e--orld "ro' an e#ono'i#al-instr)'ental takeo&er -e "ind in Ha,er'as. thinking and( to so'e e+tent( in Honneth.s as -ell( and the o osite neoli,eral e#ono'i#al e""ort in )shing this take-o&er "or-ard ,elongs to -hat he #alls "irst hase e#ono'i# i' erialis'! %&en the s),tle anal$sis. done ,$ the in#i ient "ig)res o" ideolog$#riti=)e( s)#h as C)ka#s or the earl$ /rank")rt s#hool( tr$ing to EenlightenI eo le ,$ dis#losing their distorted re resentations o" a re-gi&en realit$( is art o" this "irst hase e#ono'i#al i' erialis'! /ine #ontrasts this -ith se#ond hase e#ono'i# i' erialis'( -hi#h is the take-o&er o" the social sciences ,$ di""erent Ealternati&eI e#ono'i#al 'ethods o" anal$sis! /ine 22313G 2313a4 #onsiders t-o e+a' les 5 glo,ali7ation and the idea o" so#ial #a ital2s4 5 and sho-s( in ,oth #ases( that so#ial s#ientists ,elie&e the$ are )sing 'ethodologi#al ne)tral #on#e ts in des#ri,ing and anal$7ing ne- so#io-e#ono'i#al #on"ig)rations( -hen the$ are a#t)all$ ad&an#ing alread$ esta,lished e#ono'i#al str)#t)res 2like the agenda o" the -orld ,ank4 or #reating ne- 'arkets! Both hases -ill here ,e inter reted as #orres onding to t-o distin#t ,)t inherentl$ #onne#ted -a$s o" #on#e t)ali7ing the ideologi#al( as ;i<ek 2199H4 has sho-n in his e+#ellent essa$ The Spectre of (deology8 as ideolog$ in-it-sel" and ideolog$ "or-it-sel"! The "irst ,eing the i''anent notion o" ideolog$ as do#trine( EMdestined to #on&in#e )s o" its Jtr)th.( $et a#t)all$ ser&ing so'e )na&o-ed arti#)lar o-er interest!I 2;i<ek 199H8 134G -hereas the latter is ideolog$ in its otherness-e+ternali7ation( that is( EMthe 'aterial e+isten#e o" ideolog$ in ideologi#al ra#ti#es( rit)als and instit)tions!I 2;i<ek 199H8 124! It is "airl$ si' le to see "irst hase e#ono'i# i' erialis' as ideolog$ in-it-sel"8 inno&ation is a tool "or addressing o)r ro,le's -ith de&elo 'ent( -hether ri&ate or ),li#! It ser&es so'e e#ono'i# do#trine #arr$ing a Jtr)th. otential 5 Eit -orked in o)r #o' an$( -e de&elo ed ne- rod)#ts 5 -h$ sho)ld this a roa#h not ,e trans"era,le to the ),li# se#torI! /)rther'ore( it #an ,e )sed "or ser&ing so'e )na&o-ed o-er interest( i!e! de&elo 'ent as a rationali7ation o" the ),li# se#tor( there,$ kee ing ta+es do-n( and ser&ing as an arg)'ent "or ri&ati7ation o" arts o" the ),li# se#tor in #ase the rationali7ation di'inishes the le&el o" ),li# ser&i#e! Noindi#ating all o" this -ith the intention o" )n&eiling -hat is reall$ ha ening is( a##ording to ;i<ek.s de"inition o" ideolog$ in-it-sel"( art o" ideolog$ too! He #alls it the regression into
ideolog$ ,$ the #riti=)e o" ideolog$! Hen#e( tr$ing to convince eo le that the$ are a#t)all$ re rod)#ing s)s e#t so#io-e#ono'i# str)#t)res is art o" the "irst e#ono'i# i' erialis' as -ell! Cike-ise( an i' li#it tr)th #lai' is at -ork here8 EThis kind o" inno&ation is not trans"era,le "ro' the ri&ate to the ),li# se#torI( as -ell as an )na&o-ed o-er interest( i!e! there is another s e#i"i# kind o" inno&ation( -hi#h ought to ,e )sed in the ),li# se#tor! To see ho- ideolog$ "or-it-sel" #orres onds to se#ond hase e#ono'i# i' erialis'( let 'e =)ote Ben /ine 223134 on so#ial #a ital at so'e length8 So#ial #a ital has #o'e to o##) $( e&en to dis la#e( 'ore traditional notions o" #o'')nit$ and #i&il so#iet$! Its ro onents tend to a&oid an$thing to do -ith those other great str)#t)res o" 'odern so#iet$( the state and the 'arket( altho)gh er"or'an#e -ithin and a#ross these is dee'ed to ,e enhan#ed ,$ higher le&els o" so#ial #a ital! This is itsel" indi#ati&e o" the e+tent to -hi#h so#ial #a ital has #o'e to ,e er#ei&ed as a #)re-all( ,oth "or ersonal -ell,eing and "or the -ider so#iet$! And this #an lead to so'e dangero)s ass)' tions! /or e+a' le( the 9orld Bank has hea&il$ ro'oted so#ial #a ital as the E'issing linkI in de&elo 'ent( dra-ing on a st)d$ o" Tan7anian &illages -hi#h )r orted to sho- that :oining a ,)rial so#iet$ -as si+ ti'es 'ore i' ortant "or o&ert$ alle&iation than "e'ale ed)#ation! 9hereas the "irst art o" this =)ote #an ,e seen as en"or#ing so#ial #a ital as a ne- kind o" tr)th( -ith the e+#l)sion o" the state and the 'arket as a #onse=)en#e( and there"ore as an e+a' le o" ideolog$-in-it-sel"( the interesting oint is the use o" the #on#e t o" so#ial #a ital ,$ the 9orld Bank! So#ial #a ital is )sed here as an e+ternalit$( ,esides 'one$( ,$ the 9orld Bank and its asso#iated resear#hers! The idea ,ehind this is one o" #)lti&ating #onne#tions ,et-een eo le ass)'ing that the 'ore eo le $o) kno- the ha ier $o)r li"e -ill ,e! H)ndreds o" &aria,les ha&e ,een )sed to de"ine and measure so#ial #a ital( "ro' the t-oarent "a'il$ o&er s orts #l), 'e',ershi s to -hat /ine rightl$ ter's ,i7arre( the i'aginar$ so#ial #a ital $o) ha&e -ith #hara#ters in soa o eras! The 'oti&e ,ehind the 9orld Bank.s interest is( o" #o)rse( ra#ti#al( as /ine 223134 e+ lains8 Des ite all the h$ e and go&ern'ent-s onsored resear#h to 'eas)re so#ial #a ital( I kno- o" no e+a' le o" the #on#erted and s)##ess")l )se o" so#ial #a ital in #reating oli#ies! Instead( so'ething ')#h 'ore sinister is at -ork! ?o&ern'ents -ho ha&e alread$ 'ore or less de#ided -hat oli#$ is to ,e i' le'ented -ill )se so#ial #a ital to legiti'ise their ai's! This has ,een tr)e( "or e+a' le( o" 9orld Bank oli#$ in re'o&ing indigeno)s o )lations to
allo- "or 'ining ro:e#ts! And large-s#ale 'ining #o' anies ha&e ,een deli,eratel$ and sele#ti&el$ ,)ilding -hat the$ the'sel&es #all so#ial #a ital -ith #o'')nities in order to ,e a,le to gain reso)r#e e+tra#tion er'issions 'ore ")ll$ and 'ore =)i#kl$! In this -a$( the highl$ i''aterial s),stan#e( so#ial #a ital( is do),le-e+ternali7ed8 "irstl$( ,$ #reating a standard #o' ared to -hi#h these 'eas)red indigeno)s eo le are destined to lose and se#ondl$( the indigeno)s eo le are a#t)all$ 'o&ed( and ro,a,l$ to a la#e -here the #han#es are that their so#ial #a ital( a##ording to the sa'e i' osed standard( -ill in#rease! /ine.s t-o hases and ;i<ek.s #on#e t o" ideolog$ #o' le'ents ea#h other here! B)t -hat /ine 'isses and ;i<ek has realised is the internal #onne#tion ,et-een the t-o ideologi#al #on#e ts &is-O-&is hases! /or ;i<ek( then( a third ideologi#al #on#e t #onstit)tes the reali7ation that the "irst t-o hases are #onne#ted "ro' the start8 EMall o" a s)dden -e ,e#o'e a-are o" a /or-itsel" o" ideolog$ at -ork in the &er$ In-itsel" o" e+tra-ideologi#al a#t)alit$!I 2;i<ek 199H8 154! 9e s)ddenl$ reali7e that the standard -e ha&e #reated and e+ternali7ed is not a ne)tral standard( ,)t an e+ ression o" EMthe el)si&e net-ork o" i' li#it( =)asi-Ps ontaneo)sP res) ositions and attit)des that "or' an irred)#i,le 'o'ent o" the re rod)#tion o" the Pnon-ideologi#al P2e#ono'i#( legal( oliti#al( se+)alM4 ra#ti#esI 2;i<ek 199H8 154! In other -ords( -e reali7e that the re&ersal o" the s) osed non-ideologi#al into ideolog$ has ha ened again( and that the #riti#s o" The 9orld Bank( -ho also )se the notion o" so#ial #a ital as a non-ideologi#al tool( ,)t arg)e against The 9orld Bank( are s)##)',ing to the ideologi#al as -ell 2,)t not ne#essaril$ the sa'e as The 9orld Bank4! In s)''ar$( an$ EMdire#t re"eren#e to e+traideologi#al #oer#ion 2o" the 'arket( "or e+a' le4 is an ideologi#al gest)re par excellenceMI 2;i<ek 199H8 154! This #o)ld easil$ ,e seen as a ,o- to so'e sort o" ost'odernis'8 that there is no e+tra-ideologi#al realit$( and all -e are e&er dealing -ith is a l)ralit$ o" inter#onne#ted ideologi#al in"e#ted dis#)rsi&e )ni&erses! Ho-e&er( -hen ;i<ek 2199H8 174 e' hasi7es the i' ortan#e o" reser&ing the #riti=)e o" ideolog$( e&en tho)gh ideolog$ is alread$ resent -hene&er -e e+ erien#e Erealit$I and no #lear line o" de'ar#ation se arates ideolog$ "ro' realit$( then -hat is interesting "or o)r )r oses are his e""orts in identi"$ing a osition "ro' -hi#h the #riti=)e o" ideolog$ is ossi,le!
there 'ight ,e a #ase "or ointing to #onditions "or a ositi&e deter'ination o" realit$ -itho)t the dead-end o" an either-or logi#( and ;i<ek has a#t)all$ ointed to the -a$ o)t o" this i' asse! 9hen ;i<ek notes 2199H8 74 that ideolog$ has nothing to do -ith ill)sion or a distorted re resentation o" Jrealit$.( and hen#e that ideology can be true )correct%( that is( the o,:e#ti&e #ontent re resented is a#t)all$ #orre#t( he is right in e' hasi7ing the need "or disengaging the #on#e t o" ideolog$ and o)r s$',oli7ing a#ti&it$ "ro' a re resentationalist aradig'! 9e ha&e to lea&e the idea so'e kind o" #orres onden#e ,et-een realit$ and so'e kind o" #orre#t or tr)e re resentation o" it( as it #o''its )s to so'e t$ e o" )n-ideologi#alAnots$',oli7ed idea o" realit$( -hi#h is )ntena,le! Ho-e&er( this lea&es )s -ith the =)estion o" ho- #orre#tness or tr)th is #a a,le o" sho-ing 5 itsel" thro)gh a #riti=)e o" ideolog$ 2,eing itsel" o" an ideologi#al #hara#ter4K Ho- #an #orre#tness 'ani"est itsel" -hen ideolog$ is a #ondition and is dis#onne#ted to a re resentationalist aradig'K I" -e #an delineate the #onditions "or this 'ani"estation to o##)r( -e -ill ha&e a slightl$ 'ore #riti#al la#e "or deno)n#ing( s),stantiall$( the #on#e t o" ne+t ra#ti#e as ideolog$! As #lai'ed in the introd)#tion this is #onne#ted to anal$sing and #riti#ising lang)age as #on#e t-)se! The ne+t se#tion -ill o)tline the ,road #onto)rs o" a #riti=)e o" the ra#ti#e o" lang)age ser&ing as the "ra'e-ork "or ho- a #orre#tness o" #on#e t-)se #an ,e e+ lored! This -ill( at the sa'e ti'e( ,e o)r general "ra'e-ork "or #riti#all$ assessing the lang)age and ideolog$ o" the 'ethod o" ne+t ra#ti#e!
onl$ 'ake so'e general introd)#tor$ re'arks on this in the "ollo-ing! Se#ondl$( in the ne+t aragra h( I a' going to #arr$ o)t an in&estigation into the )se o" the #on#e ts o" ne+t( ,est and ra#ti#e( -hi#h -ill sho- ho- these #on#e ts are )sed ideologi#all$ in the inno&ation dis#o)rse! This is to ,e )nderstood as art o" an in#i ient e+ li#ating o" a 'ore general )nderstanding o" ho- these #on#e ts are s) osed to ,e )sed #orre#tl$! Hen#e( the oint is not re la#ing one theor$ 2the re resentationalist4 o" tr)th -ith another! Instead( I take this to ,e in line -ith Cora Dia'ond.s thinking on the )n"olding o" tr)th that -e sho)ld re la#e a =)est "or de"ining the #on#e t o" tr)th( and #onne#ted notions like #orre#tness( in#orre#tness and so on( -ith the idea E!!!o" #lari"$ing( )n"olding( the notion o" tr)th( not thro)gh a theor$ ,)t thro)gh e+ li#ating 2a -ord -hi#h itsel" 'eans unfolding4 the nor'ati&e #onstraints on :)dging!!!I 2Dia'ond 233B8 254! Ins ired ,$ the ?er'an hiloso her 1artin Seel 223324( I -ant to sho- ho- these #onstraints are #onne#ted to #orre#ting o)r #on#e t-)sing ra#ti#e! This -ill then ser&e as the general ,a#kgro)nd on -hi#h the #riti=)e o" the )se o" #on#e ts in the inno&ation dis#o)rse sho)ld ,e seen! /irstl$( -e sho)ld noti#e( that #on#e t-)se is( at the o)tset( #onne#ted to lang)age as a 'edi)' o" J-orld.-dis#los)re and hen#e to tr)th and #orre#tness! %&en i" -e( as ;i<ek #lai's( are #a a,le o" deno)n#ing ideolog$ negati&el$ onl$( this is still a #ase o" dis#los)re 5 an o ening o" a la#e of*for )nderstanding thro)gh the )se o" lang)age! Dis#losing is in this sense so'e-here ,et-een "inding so'ething ne- and the )n#o&ering in the sense of appearing o" so'ething 5 not so'ething hidden ,)t re&io)sl$ )n-'ani"ested! Se#ondl$( at the o)tset it is not di&ergent to s eak a,o)t #orre#tness or tr)th and ling)isti# rod)#ti&it$ as a dis#losing or deter'ining o-er! An idea o" ra#ti#al #orre#tness #an #a t)re the #on#e t-)se as 'eeting the esta,lished #riteria "or #orre#t )se( and re&ise these #riteria in #ase o" their "ailing to ro&ide the orientation "or the #on#e t-)se the$ are s) osed to! Corre#tness renders the ")l"il'ent o" the ai' o" a gi&en #on#e t-)se ossi,le( but does not entail it 5 :)st like asking the right =)estion does not ne#essaril$ i' l$ the right ans-er! So( #orre#tness is tanta'o)nt to ro er )se #o',ined -ith an )n#ertaint$ o" the res)lt( and #an ,e #onsidered as an e+ ression o" an o ening ) o" an )nderstanding o" ,alan#ing or har'oni7ing the #on#e t)al-)se -ith the sit)ation! Th)s the di'ension o" #orre#tness relates to 5 a##ording to Seel 223328 534 - the a ro riateness o" s)#h a la#e-o ening )nderstanding o" things in a
#onte+t o" a#tionL! Thirdl$( tr)th is a s e#ial( ro,)st kind o" #orre#tness! @o,)st in the sense that true 'eans so'ething to ,e #onsidered ")rther( so'ething to ,e re#koned -ith in an ongoing "ashion! /or an$ #orre#t #on#e t-)se to ,e tr)th-#a a,le( a #ertain 'eaning s) lied ,$ the #onte+t ')st ,e i' lied! Tr)th and "alseness is( then( the capacity to transcend this #onte+t #onne#ted to this 'eaning 5 that is( tr)th o,tains -hen things are as the #on#e t-)se #lai's the' to ,e8 a right #a t)ring o" an instan#e o" a ositi&e deter'ined realit$! /alseness( then( is the "alli,le #ondition that things #an al-a$s a ear other-ise! %&en i" it is i' ossi,le to re#ognise it at the ti'e o" the a#t)al #on#e t-)se 5 as long as the ro er )se is an e+ ression o" the o ening )nderstanding( 'entioned a,o&e( it is al-a$s ossi,le to gras -hat it 'eans "or the #on#e t-)se to ,e tr)e! /o)rthl$( and lastl$( #orre#tness is then a #ondition "or tr)th( and tr)th is a #orre#ti&e "or #orre#tness! Tr)th is de endent on #orre#tness in the sense that tr)th #an onl$ ,e dis#losed -here lang)age( and hen#e #on#e ts( are )sed #orre#tl$! Ho-e&er( tr)th trans#ends #orre#tness in the sense that e&en the 'ost #orre#t #on#e t-)se is in#a a,le o" deter'ining the tr)th 5 trans#enden#e indi#ates instead( the #ontin)o)s ossi,ilit$ o" #orre#ting #orre#tness! Qr( as Cora Dia'ond 'ight )t it8 the #ontin)o)s )n"olding o" tr)th! Corre#tion( then( is a ro#ess o" anal$sing the #orre#tness o" a gi&en #on#e t-)se -ith the ai' o" esta,lishing the ossi,ilit$ o" dis#losing tr)th 5 in the sense o" )n"olding so'ething ne- and a earing! @et)rning to the trans"or'ing o" the #riti=)e o" ideolog$ into a #riti=)e o" ling)isti# ra#ti#e 'entioned a,o&e( the idea o" tr)th sho-ing itsel" in ideolog$ de ends on o)r correcting a gi&en #on#e t-)se( ,)t -ith the a-areness o" this enter rises. )n#ertaint$( and hen#e o" ideolog$ as a ossi,le er'anent #ondition! 9ith that in 'ind let )s t)rn to #orre#ting the )se o" the #on#e ts o" ,est and ne+t ra#ti#e!
ideolog$ as a #ondition( ,)t pace ;i<ek( deno)n#ing ideolog$ in a s),stantial 'anner! In this se#tion -e -ill )t the #riti=)e o" ra#ti#e to the test( )sing ?il,ert @$le.s #on#e t o" #ategor$ 'istake as an e+a' le o" ho- a #riti=)e o" #on#e t-)se #o)ld ,e e+e#)ted( and the ne+t se#tion -ill tr$ to #a t)re the s),stan#e o" it! In the ie#e o" inno&ation dis#o)rse -e ha&e resented a,o&e( a #ertain necessity o" #onne#ting the t-o #on#e ts o" ,est ra#ti#e and ne+t ra#ti#e as a rogression "ro' the "or'er to the latter -as #lai'ed! The #on#e t o" ne+t ra#ti#e -as )sed o" so'ething there ,)t not here( o" so'ething not $et realised and as an i' ro&e'ent o" the alread$ realised ,est ra#ti#e! The i'agination is trained or dis#i lined -ith the ai' o" dis#ri'inating the ,est "ro' the ne+t ra#ti#e( 'aking a ")t)re dire#ted "o#)s the right "o#)s "or the rogression o" #a italist gro-th! ;i<ek 219978 +&4 gi&es )s the reason -h$ this dis#ri'ination is so i' ortant8 Mits R#a italis'( BACS d$na'i#s o" er et)al sel"-re&ol)tioni7ing relies on the endless ost oning o" its oint o" i' ossi,ilit$ 2"inal #risis( #olla se4! 9hat is "or other( earlier( 'odes o" rod)#tion a dangero)s e+#e tion is "or #a italis' nor'alit$8 #risis is in #a italis' internali'ed, taken into a##o)nt( as the oint o" i' ossi,ilit$ -hi#h )shes it to #ontin)o)s a#ti&it$! Ca italis' is str)#t)rall$ al-a$s in #risis 5 this is -h$ it is e+ anding all the ti'e8 it #an onl$ re rod)#e itsel" ,$ -a$ o" J,orro-ing "ro' the ")t)re.G ,$ -a$ o" es#a ing into the ")t)re! B$ ,eing osited as a tool "or rea#hing the ne-( that is( as a s) lier o" #ontin)o)s
de&elo 'ent to the ne- #a italis'( the 'ethod o" ne+t ra#ti#e hel s #on#ealing the ossi,ilit$ o" #hanging or the #olla se o" #a italis'.s 'ode o" rod)#tion 2a 'ode geared to-ards a li'itless gro-th4 ,$ literall$ looking the other -a$( "or-ard! The res)lt( then( is the reproduction o" the sa'e 'ode o" rod)#tion( instead o" a#t)all$ inno&ating it! It hides the i' ossi,ilit$ o" a#t)all$ #hanging its 'ode o" rod)#tion ,$ looking to a ")t)re( -hi#h ')st sta$ e' t$! The reason it is ,o)nd to sta$ e' t$ is( "irstl$( that at the oint o" realisation o" a ne+t ra#ti#e( a ne- ne+t ra#ti#e #an ,e i#t)red 2the es#a e into the ")t)re4( e+#eeding the "or'er and 'aking this a ,est ra#ti#e onl$ 2,orro-ing "ro' the ")t)re4! Se#ondl$( this 'akes the a#t)al di""eren#e ,et-een the ne+t ra#ti#e and the ,est ra#ti#e so'e-hat o,s#)re( ,e#a)se an$ ne+t ra#ti#e -ill al-a$s ,e the ne+t best ra#ti#e as -ell! This is -here o)r #riti=)e o" #on#e t-)se -ill set in! I" ;i<ek ro&ides the reason -h$ the 'ethod o" ne+t
ra#ti#e is i' ortant "or #a italis'( then @$le ro&ides )s -ith how it ,e#o'es i' ortant! /irst o" all( ,est ra#ti#e and ne+t ra#ti#e( #onstit)te t-o di""erent #ategori#al assess'ents o" ra#ti#e! The "or'er e+ resses a &alorisation and indi#ates an a re#iati&e stan#e to-ards so'e ra#ti#e as the ,est( -hereas the latter e+ resses a te' oralit$( a ")t)re e&ent( -hi#h #o'es ne+t! Se#ond( these t-o #ategori#al assess'ents are )t together -ith the )se o" from to( #reating a ne#essit$ o" rogressing "ro' one ra#ti#e to the other ra#ti#e( )sing ne+t ra#ti#e as a 'ethod! Both oints indi#ate that o)r e+a' le o" a ra#ti#e o" inno&ation is in&ol&ed -ith -hat ?il,ert @$le 219H94 ter's a category mistake( i!e! t$ing t-o di""erent ontologi#al #ategories together in a 'istaken 'anner! A #ategor$ 'istake is a 'is)nderstanding o" the logi#al geogra h$ o" #ertain #on#e ts! @$le 219H98 84 e+ resses it this -a$8 To deter'ine the logi#al geogra h$ o" #on#e ts is to re&eal the logi# o" the ro ositions in -hi#h the$ are -ielded( that is to sa$( to sho- -ith -hat other ro ositions the$ are #onsistent and in#onsistent( -hat ro ositions "ollo"ro' the' and "ro' -hat ro ositions the$ "ollo-! The logi#al t$ e or #ategor$ to -hi#h a #on#e t ,elongs is the set o" -a$s in -hi#h it is logi#all$ legiti'ate to o erate -ith it!
A 'istake( then( #onsists in #on")sing the #ategor$ to -hi#h a #on#e t ,elongs -ith another #ategor$( th)s )sing the #on#e t in an erroneo)sl$ logi#al -a$! @$le.s ri'e e+a' le 2@$le 19H98 234 is ho- the #on#e t o" 'ind #a'e to ,e de i#ted as a ghost in the 'a#hine( or( 'ore a##)ratel$( as a s e#tral 'a#hine "ro' Des#artes and on-ard! /a#ed -ith ?alileo and Ho,,es. 'e#hani#al )ni&erse( Des#artes 5 a##ording to @$le - #o)ld not #o e -ith the "a#t that the 'ind -as :)st so'ething 'e#hani#al as -ell! To sa"eg)ard the e#)liarit$ o" the 'ind and its -orkings( then( a s lit into the h$si#al and the 'ental -as ro#lai'ed( the "irst ,eing s),:e#t to 'e#hani#al #a)ses and the se#ond to non-'e#hani#al #a)ses 2the "a'o)s ghost in the 'a#hine4! The di""eren#es ,et-een the h$si#al and the 'ental -ere then( a##ording to @$le 219H98 1948 Mre resented as di""eren#es inside the #o''on "ra'e-ork o" #ategories Jthings.( Jst)"".( Jattri,)te.( Jstate.( J ro#ess.( J#hange.( J#a)se.( Je""e#t.! 1inds are things( ,)t di""erent sorts o" things "ro' ,odiesG 'ental ro#esses are
#a)ses and e""e#ts( ,)t di""erent sorts o" #a)ses and e""e#ts "ro' ,odil$ 'o&e'ents! And so on! The 'istake( o" #o)rse( -as Des#artes. inter reting 'ind as s),s)'ed )nder the sa'e #ategories as 'atter! Hen#e( @$le.s oint is not den$ing the e+isten#e o" either 'ental or h$si#al ro#esses! @ather his oint is ,oth #on#e t)al in the sense that EMthe hrase Jthere o##)r 'ental ro#esses. does not 'ean the sa'e as Jthere o##)r h$si#al ro#esses.MI and ra#ti#al in the sense that it i' inges ) on the )se o" the #ategories EMthere"ore( it 'akes no sense to #on:oin or dis:oin the t-o!I 2@$le 19H98 224 So( does a ,est ra#ti#e 'ean the sa'e as the ne+t ra#ti#e -hen the$ are s),s)'ed )nder the #ategor$ o" rogression( from+toK Qr( )sing one o" the #ategories @$le e' lo$s in the =)ote a,o&e8 sin#e the from+to #an ,e seen as a ro#ess( is an$ gi&en ro#ess in&ol&ing ,est ra#ti#e and an$ gi&en ro#ess in&ol&ing the ne+t ra#ti#e the sa'eK To s)' ) ( i" t-o #on#e ts ,elong to the sa'e #ategor$( it is right to #onstr)#t #on:oining or dis:oining ro ositions e',od$ing the'! I" $o) #on:oin t-o #on#e ts not ,elonging to the sa'e #ategor$( ho-e&er( #han#es are that $o) -ill ,e de#ei&ed ,$ a #onne#tion not a#t)all$ there e&en tho)gh it see's so! So ret)rning to the #on#e ts o" ,est and ne+t( the si' le oint is that #onne#ting these t-o #on#e ts together -ith the in"erential string o" from+to #reates a glo- o" ne#essit$ ,et-een the'( a ne#essit$ o" lea&ing one "or the other! Hen#e( the #ategori#al 'istake does not #onsist in den$ing that it is ossi,le to #onne#t ,est ra#ti#e and ne+t ra#ti#e( onl$ that there is a sense o" ne#essit$ ,et-een the'! So the ideologi#al i' ort o" the 'ethod o" ne+t ra#ti#e #onsists in the "ollo-ing8 the e""e#t o" s),s)'ing ,oth ra#ti#es )nder one #ategor$( the ro#ess o" from+to( #reates the ,orro-ing "ro' the ")t)re! /)rther'ore( it #on#eals the "a#t o" its o-n i' ossi,ilit$ ,$ es#a ing into the ")t)re thro)gh the la#k o" e&er realising the ne+t ra#ti#e! The #ontin)o)s dis#ri'ination ,et-een ,est and ne+t( the dis#i lined i'agination )sing what if as a 'ethod( and the logi#al #oheren#e o" a #lai'ed ro#eeding "ro'!!!to( all ser&e as a road to no-here 7! Inno&ation( then( is like a 'ethodologi#al perpetuum mobile ser&ing #a italis'.s endless de'and "or gro-th disg)ised as a #ontin)o)s de&elo 'ent! A#t)all$ arri&ing at a ne+t ra#ti#e( tho)gh( -o)ld entail a sto ing o" -hat $o) are doingG "a#ing the i' ossi,ilit$ o" the endea&o)r o" er et)al e+ anding a#ti&it$( hen#e( =)estioning -hat this de'and "or gro-th is
a#t)all$ "or!
ra#ti#e $o) o##l)de the ossi,ilit$ o" learning "ro' an$ ra#ti#e( and hen#e ,lo#k an$ real de&elo 'ent! Qne -a$ to #o)nter this is ,$ reali7ing -e are not lea&ing the ,est ra#ti#e "or the ne+t( ,)t a roa#hing the ne+t ra#ti#e as the ,est8 that is( reali7ing that lessons "ro' re&io)s good( -rong( ,ad( )se")l( e+tre'e( 'onstro)s atte' ts at esta,lishing next practices are art o" the rogression "ro' the ,est to the ne+t! Se#ond( this i' lies #onsidering "or -ho' this ne+t ra#ti#e is the ,est and in -hat sit)ation! Sin#e there is no -a$ o" kno-ing this in ad&an#e( the ) holding o" an o en )nderstanding "or the #orre#t #on#e t-)se #o)ld ,e rein"or#ed ,$ )sing the "ollo-ing rin#i le as a 'od)s o" orientation8 make sure that any anticipation of next practice does not prove to be the anti,participation of all those who want a word on what next practice could be Third( let Adorno -ho( in his -inima -oralia, a horis' 153 entitled %+tra %dition( #a)ght the "irst gli' se o" ho- ideolog$ and inno&ation are #onne#ted( ha&e the last -ord8
The ne- e&ol&es into the 'erel$ e&il "irst thro)gh totalitarian g)idan#e( -herein the tension o" the indi&id)als to so#iet$( -hi#h on#e reali7ed the #ategor$ o" the ne-( is n)lli"ied! Toda$ the a eal to the ne- 5 regardless o" -hat kind( ro&ided onl$ it is ar#hai# eno)gh 5 has ,e#o'e )ni&ersal( the ),i=)ito)s 'edi)' o" "alse 'i'esis! The de#o' osition o" the s),:e#t is #o' leted ,$ handing itsel" o&er to a #onstantl$ di""ering( )n#hanging )ni"or'it$ R(mmergleichheitS! 21$ translation4
Here this "alse 'i'esis is #onne#ted to e#ono'$8 inno&ation as ne+t ra#ti#e ,oth ,orro-s "ro' and es#a es into the ")t)re and #lo)ds this as de&elo 'ent -hen in "a#t it is stagnation 'ade 'ethodologi#al! The totalitarian g)idan#e Adorno s eaks o" ,e#o'es the 'ethod o" a #ontin)o)s reali7ation o" the ne-( -hi#h "ails the 'o'ent it is reali7ed! Inno&ation in this sense is th)s a road to no-here( a ne&er-ending stor$( lea&ing the inno&ati&e s),:e#t -ith nothing ,)t the #ondition o" e&er #hanging( rene-a,le ro#esses( -hi#h ro&es e' t$ -hen reali7ed! Adorno( ")rther( in the sa'e =)otation( sa$s8 JThe ne-( a ,lank la#e in #ons#io)sness( a-aited as i" -ith #losed e$es( see's to ,e the "or')la ,$ 'eans o" -hi#h a sti')l)s is e+tra#ted "ro' horror and des air! It 'akes e&il into "lo-ers.! 9e sho)ld take this as a re'inder o" the ,lindness o" an endea&o)r sear#hing "or the ne-( and "or the sake o" the ne-( onl$! 9itho)t an$ ethi#all$ in"or'ed de#ision or at least nor'ati&e g)idan#e o" so'e sort( an$ 'onstrosit$ #an ,e installed as a ne+t ra#ti#e as long it is ne-! Adorno.s re hrasing o" 6ant.s #ategori#al i' erati&e as a#t so the terror o" A)s#h-it7 #annot ha en again is an e+a' le o" 'aking )s see the nor'ati&e i' ort o" esta,lishing a ne- ra#ti#e! Con&erted to the idea o" ra#ti#al #orre#tness the #orres onding oint is( that there is a di'ension in the )se o" lang)age -hi#h is #onne#ted to so'e idea o" res onsi,ilit$( erha s lang)age as a 'ode o" retaining a res onsi,ilit$ "or ,oth the what and the who o" lang)age!
In this a er -e ha&e tried to )se o" ;i<ek.s insights on ideolog$ and #a italis' in an anal$sis o" the dis#o)rse o" inno&ation! /irstl$( the dis#o)rse s)rro)nding the inno&ation 'ethod o" ne+t ra#ti#e and the ideologi#al i' ort o" the #on#e ts -ithin this dis#o)rse -as des#ri,ed! Se#ondl$( ;i<ek.s rethinking o" ideolog$ -as des#ri,ed and t-o things -ere e' hasised in this #onne#tion! /irst( doing #riti=)e o" ideolog$ is not an )n'asking o" Eho- things reall$ areI! Qn the #ontrar$( an$ sear#h deter'ined on this )n'asking is ideologi#al itsel"! Se#ond( pace ;i<ek this -as not inter reted as the ine&ita,le e' tiness o" the s a#e o" an$ #riti=)e o" ideolog$! Thirdl$( a 'ore s),stantial s a#e "or #riti=)e o" ideolog$ -as sket#hed )sing t-o #onte' orar$ hiloso hers ideas o" a #riti=)e o" #on#e t-)se! This i#t)res the #riti=)e as an unfolding o" ho- the #on#e t-)se is #orre#t or not( there,$ s) l$ing the #riti=)e ala ;i<ek( -ith the ossi,ilit$ o" a #on#rete s a#e -here tr)th and #orre#tness #an o##)r! /o)rthl$( a #riti=)e o" the #on#e t-)se o" the inno&ation dis#o)rse -as 'ade( -ithin the "ra'es sket#hed ,$ this 'ore s),stantial s a#e o" #riti=)e( ,$ )sing ?il,ert @$le.s #on#e t o" a #ategor$ 'istake! The ideolog$ #onne#ted to the 'ethodolog$ o" inno&ation -as des#ri,ed as #lai'ing a necessity in rogressing "ro' the ,est to the ne+t ra#ti#e! A ne#essit$ di&erting the attention "ro' the ossi,le "ail)re o" a#t)all$ inno&ating #a italis'.s 'ode o" rod)#tion ,$ es#a ing and ,orro-ing "ro' the ")t)re! Castl$( -e ended -ith so'e s)ggestions o" -hat dire#tion a )se o" the #on#e ts o" the ,est and the ne+t ra#ti#e #o)ld take as a 'ore s),stantial #orre#tion( ins ired ,$ one o" Adorno.s a horis's in his 1ini'a 1oralia! Criti=)e o" ideolog$ as a #riti=)e o" o)r #on#e t-)se a ears as a kind o" anamnesis( a learning "ro' and re'e',ran#e o" o)r re&io)s ra#ti#es o" #on#e t-)se( and in this re-#olle#tion #reating the o ening s a#e "or so'ething ne- to ,e esta,lished!
( am indebted to Chris ./eldsen and 0enrik 12ker "/erre for comments on an earlier draft of this article ( would like to thank Paul Taylor and an anonymous reviewer for comments as well The usual disclaimers apply
Not ,eing a,le to do :)sti#e to the s),tleties o" their -ork( tho)gh( the "ollo-ing di&ision indi#ates the di""eren#e ,et-een the "irst and the se#ond s irit! The "irst s irit #onsists o" the earl$ de&elo 'ents o" #a italis' in the si+teenth and se&enteenth #ent)ries in #lose #onne#tion -ith ,oth a religio)s and )tilitaristi# 'ind set and the in#i ient ind)strialis'! The se#ond hase( or s irit( "ro' #a! 19B3 5 19L3 #onsists o" the distri,)tion o" Ta$loris'( the e""i#ien#$ i' ro&e'ent o" #o' anies thro)gh #al#)lation and rationalit$ 5 the asse',l$ line -o)ld ,e the s$',ol "or this! 2 htt 8AA---!inno&ation)nit!orgAne+t- ra#ti#eA-hat-is-ne+t- rati#e!ht'l A##essed Q#to,er 2313!
Qr 'ore a##)ratel$8 like the antino'ies ,$ 6ant is a s$ste'ati# e+ ression o" 2theoreti#al4 reason gone astra$( that is( not sta$ing -ithin the ,o)ndaries o" its proper e+er#ise( so ;i<ek -ants to oint to #riti#o-ideologi#al reason going astra$( -hen it #lai's to )n'ask ideolog$ and o)t o s realit$! 4 Q" ,eing a #ase o" ideolog$ ,)t resenting itsel" as not-ideolog$( o" ,eing a #ase o" ideolog$ e&en i" it is a #riti=)e o" ideolog$ or the de"eatist attit)de o" not #aring -hether it is ideolog$ or not! 5 Henrik Tker B:erre 223378 LB4 has dra-n attention to a ossi,le shi"t 2aro)nd 19954 in ;i<ek.s thinking "ro' #on#e t)alising tr)th as a la#k o" totalit$ o" tr)e senten#es( and hen#e stressing the a,sen#e o" the @eal( to tr)th as a ha ening or ill)'ination( and hen#e stressing the resen#e o" the @eal! As e' hasised 2B:erre 23378 LH4 these t-o hases sho)ld ,e e'erged as #riti=)e o" ideolog$ and staging o" tr)th res e#ti&el$! The "ollo-ing anal$sis #o)ld ,e )nderstood as a #on#rete e+a' le o" practicing criti3ue of ideology as staging truth in this -a$( i!e! the anal$sis( a #riti=)e o" a gi&en #on#e t)al ra#ti#e( ")n#tions as a ste ing stone in the #ontin)o)sl$ )n"olding o" a ossi,le tr)th -ithin this ra#ti#e! 6 In ?er'an EMder Ange'essenheit eines sol#hen ,erei#hsU""enden 4erst5ndnisses &on Dingen( )' die es i' :e-eiligen Handl)ngs7)sa''enhang geht!!!E 7 Co'ing to '$ kno-ledge too late "or in#or orating in this arti#le( H)e,ner 223354 see's to oint in the sa'e dire#tion!
Adorno( Theodor 219514 -inima -oralia S)hrka' Verlag8 /rank")rt a' 1ain Bendi+( H! 9!( Dig'ann( A!( Tensen( T! D! and Tensen( 6! %! 223384 Principper for offentlig innovation Brsens /orlag B:erre( Henrik Tker 223374 JDartisanlWsning 5 et "ors&ar "or ;i<eks &ilde anal$se.( 6rift 78L1-7H 2Dartisan @eading - a de"en#e o" >i7ekXs -ild anal$sis4 Boltansk$( C!( Chia ello( %! 223354 JThe Ne- S irit o" Ca italis'.( (nternational 1ournal of Politics Culture Society 188 1L1- 188 Dia'ond( Cora 2233B4 J*n"olding Tr)th and reading 9ittgenstein.( Sats #ordic 1ournal of Philosophy H2148 2H-58 /ine( Ben 223334 J%#ono'i#s I' erialis' and Intelle#t)al Drogress8 The Dresent as Histor$ o" %#ono'i# Tho)ghtK.( 0istory of 7conomics 8eview 2B248 13-BL /ine( Ben 223134 JBe#a)se $o).re -orth itK.( #ew 0umanist 125254 5 =)oted a"ter the online edition at htt 8AAne-h)'anist!org!)kA2H33A,e#a)se-$o)re--orth-it /ine( Ben 22313a4 Theories of Social Capital 8esearchers "ehaving "adly )((PP7%! Dl)to Dress8 Condon /ine( Ben and 1ilonakis( Di'itris 223384 !rom Political 7conomy to 7conomics! @o)tledge8 Condon and Ne- 0ork
/ine( Ben and 1ilonakis( Di'itris 223394 !rom 7conomic (mperialism to !reakonomics9 The shifting boundaries "etween 7conomics and :ther Social Sciences @o)tledge8 Condon and Ne- 0ork H)e,ner( T! 223354 .A ossi,le de#lining trend "or -orld-ide inno&ation.( Technological !orecasting ; Social Change 728 983598L 1o)lier-Bo)tang( 0ann 223314 J1ar+ in 6ali"ornien8 Der dritte 6a italis')s )nd die alte olitis#he Ykono'ie.( <us Politik und =eitgeschichte 252-5B48 29-B7 1)llins( 9illard A! 219724 JQn the Con#e t o" Ideolog$ in Doliti#al S#ien#e.( The <merican Political Science 8eview LL2248 H98-513 @$le( ?il,ert 219H94 The concept of -ind The *ni&ersit$ o" Chi#ago Dress8 Chi#ago Seel( 1artin 223324 Sich bestimmen lassen S)hrka' Verlag8 /rank")rt a' 1ain ;i<ek( Sla&o: 219894 The Sublime :b/ect of (deology Verso8 Condon and Ne- 0ork ;i<ek( Sla&o: 2199H4 -apping (deology! Verso8 Condon and Ne- 0ork ;i<ek( Sla&o: 219974 The Plague of !antasies Verso8 Condon and Ne- 0ork ;i<ek( Sla&o: 219994 The Ticklish Sub/ect Verso8 Condon and Ne- 0ork