Assignment 1

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Assignment 1

Multiple Choice (2pts each) 1. Who is known as the father of forensic toxicology? a) Leone Lattes b) Alphonse Bertillon c) Mathieu Orfila d) Albert Osborn 2. A lie detector is also known as a a) spectrograph b) polygraph c) odontology d) anthropo etry !. "d ond Locard fo#nded the a) Institute of Criminalistics at the University of Lyons b) $ederal B#rea# of %n&estigation c) '%A d) %nterpol (. )he cri e no&els of *********** were the first to introd#ce the idea of different forensic fields. a) Francis Galton b) "ncyclopedia Brown c) +il +risso d) ,herlock -ol es .. Which area of forensic science sol&es cri es by looking at different b#gs? a) $orensic anthropology b) $orensic odontology c) Forensic entomology d) $orensic pathology Short Answer (3pts each) /. %n yo#r own words 0 what is $orensic ,cience? 0 )he science technologies to in&estigate sit#ations after the fact1 the established what happened based on collected e&idence.

Matching (2pts each) 2atch the e&idence with the best possible #nit3ser&ice in the following list. 4ote that not e&ery #nit3ser&ice will be #sed5 The List: 6#estioned 7oc# ents 8nit1 $orensic Anthropology1 $ingerprinting 8nit1 $orensic "nto ology1 )oxicology 8nit1 Biology 8nit1 $irear s 8nit1 9hysical "&idence #nit1 $orensic 9sychology1 $orensic "ngineering1 :. Biology 8nit

;. $irear s 8nit

1<. $orensic "nto ology

11. 9hysical ,cience 8nit

12. $orensic "ngineering

1!. $orensic Anthropology

1(. 7oc# ents "xa ination 8nit

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