Make Tech Easier: Gmail Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
Make Tech Easier: Gmail Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
Make Tech Easier: Gmail Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
Function Compose email Compose Email in a new window Open email Moves to Search box Return to Conversation list Moves the selection to most recent emails / scrolls down
Move the cursor to next conversation / scroll up Mute conversation" archives conversation and all future messa#es s$ip inbox Moves to %ext Messa#e &applicable in Conversation 'iew onl() Moves cursor to previous messa#e &applicable in Conversation 'iew) Chec$s an( conversation Moves an( chec$ed conversation to archive Mar$ conversation as important Mar$ conversation as not important Report spam Save draft Move conversation to trash Move conversation to different folder 2dds a star to an( email / Starred Mail Mar$s messa#e as spam Repl( to sender Replied to messa#e in a new window Replies to all sender Replies to all senders in a new window 4orward messa#e 4orward messa#e in a new window Moves an email to trash Opens 0abel menu to label an( email Mar$s messa#e as read Mar$s messa#e as unread Property of Make Tech Easier (
Updates current conversation window if there are new messa#es Moves cursor to chat search box
Opens more menu 2dd CC recipients 2dd 9CC recipients Undo last action
/ab then Enter or C/R0 + Enter Sends email after composin# , then O ; then 2 ; then S ; then C ; then < ; then 0 ; then 6 ; then / = then 2 = then U = then R = then % = then / = then S 2rchives conversation (ou are readin# and moves to next one Open 2ll Mail folder Open Starred folder Open Contacts Open <rafts Moves cursor to search box with 0abel operator Return to 6nbox Move to Sent Mail Select 2ll Mails Select all unread mails Select all read mails <eselect all mails Select all unstarred mails Select all starred mails
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