Description of Positive Thinking Meditation

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Positive thinking meditation - Brahma Kumaris Guided Meditation | 1 CD Rip vbr | 40 Mins | English | ISBN 1!!

"#4$%&4 | 40MB 'ositive thin(ing )editation is a po*er+ul guided )editation *hi,h helps -ou to tap into and use the in+inite Sour,e o+ Energ-. /bundan,e. 0ealing1 It2s essential that -ou +o,us on *hat -ou *ant to in,rease or enhan,e. rather than *hat -ou do not *ant1 Sin,e this )editation ends 3uietl-. it2s appropriate +or sleep1 It ,an also be used in the )iddle o+ the da-. helping -ou to be invigorated and replenished1

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